Read Gfantis vs the Guest Monsters Page 25


  En route to secret island facility…

  The roar of the Blackhawk’s rotors filled Will’s ears. They were approaching the island facility. He could see it off in the distance. Will shook his head. Nothing good came from island facilities. He knew from the various books and movies about secret government facilities located on islands.

  What is it they are doing here? Will wondered. Making chimeras? Bioweapons?

  Will shook the thoughts from his mind.

  Focus on what you’re here to do.

  The creature…the Kaiju.

  He looked out the side door’s window, down into the dark waves of the ocean below for any sign of the behemoth. He found no trace of it, but his stomach muscles were clenched tight. He had a feeling that the creature was the same one from his dream.

  He tore his eyes away from the dark, rolling waves and to the person beside him, hand linked in his. Ashley turned toward him with a smile that melted away his tension. She wore black armor, like him, and Angel who sat across from them. The armor worked like Kevlar, stopping bullets, but without bruising the wearer, and it also protected them from sharp objects like knives…and claws.

  The elevator descended, them having reached the island while he was distracted. The helicopter landed on a tarmac where soldiers in similar armor to what they wore waited for them. Once the chopper settled on the tarmac and the rotors began to wind down, one of the soldiers stepped forward and opened the Blackhawk’s side doors.

  Will stepped out first, sounds bringing his attention to the sky. The three Apaches circled overhead. Will didn’t know if they’d circle the island or stay in the air while they were there.

  That’s not what you should be worrying about.

  Will brought his eyes back to the ground. The soldier escorted them across the tarmac and toward the facility where a man in a lab coat waited for them.

  “Hello there, welcome,” the man said, pushing his glasses up higher on his nose. “I’m Doctor Dennion. Matthew Dennion.” He held out his hand.

  Will took the man’s hand and shook it.

  “I’m William Carver,” Will said and motioned to Ashley and Angel. “And they are-”

  “I’m well aware who you are. You did save Washington, D.C. and the world from an alien invasion after all.”

  “It wasn’t just us,” Angel said.

  “Ah, yes. Marugrah.”

  Will nodded.

  “Anyways, on to the matter at hand,” Dennion said, turning toward the entrance to the facility.

  The facility was big, but Will couldn’t determine how big as most of it was hidden behind thick foliage. The door to the facility slid open and they entered, the building’s air conditioning chasing away the outside heat of the island. They walk down a bright white hallway, Dennion leading the way. He stopped and opened a door via a car reader about six doors down from the facility’s entrance. The door clicked open and they all piled in.

  Will was surprised to find the room looking similar to the Control Room back at the CCU headquarters in Washington, D.C. Rows of computer consoles line the middle of the room. A giant screen sits on the far wall that all the consoles face. It’s unoccupied, besides Will, Angel, Ashley, and Dennion at the moment.

  Dennion stepped forward, toward the closest console, and booted it up. Once it was fully powered on, he logged into whatever system they used.

  “It showed up a few days ago,” Dennion said, his fingers working on the computer’s keyboard.

  “The creature?” Angel asked.

  The big screen at the front of the room blinked to life.

  “I believe you’d call it a Kaiju.”

  Dennion pulled up a video file and pressed play.

  The video was shaky, filmed by someone holding a camera or a phone. They were on a beach, presumably somewhere on the island. The recorder had whatever they were filming with pointed toward the ocean. It churns as if something was moving beneath it. Then it parts, revealing spiked back surrounded by lumpy, orange skin. Then, it moved farther out to sea, disappearing beneath the dark waves. The video ended there.

  Lumpy orange skin…

  “Is that all the video you have of it?” Angel asked.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” Dennion replied. “But there have been numerous more sightings since then.”

  “Any descriptions?” Will asked.

  “Nothing different from what you just saw on the video.”

  Will scratched at the stubble dotting his chin. “Where was it last seen?”

  “On the east side of the island,” Dennion replied.

  “Take us there.”