Read Gfantis vs the Guest Monsters Page 31

The Intruder

  By Erik Glascoe

  Art By Neil Riebe

  Hello. I’m Erik Glascoe, the author of “The Intruder” which features my Kaiju bat creature. He came from a saga I’m currently writing for The first part of the Saga is called “The Awakening”. It’s about a destiny, love, revenge and a certain king of the monsters. In this saga my bat kaiju is named by the UNKCC or United Nations Kaiju Countermeasure Center as Megachiradon. I felt that I couldn’t put his name in this story because UNGCC didn’t discover him yet. This story takes place months before the saga I have been writing. When I heard about this project on Facebook, I was curious if my bat creature Megachiradon could take on Gfantis. I hope you will enjoy this story and enjoy my upcoming Saga!

  The Intruder crashed down to Earth like a huge meteorite, creating an enormous crater. It sent a massive plume of dirt and debris flying through the atmosphere. The shockwave of this impact felt like a 1,000 pound general purpose bomb detonated on Earth. As the dense cloud of dirt settled, a low rumble caused the ground to vibrate. Suddenly a winged talon appeared on the edge of the enormous crater and the gigantic creature pulled itself out of the hole it created.

  The creature shook the remaining dirt and debris off his muscular body. He resembled a fruit bat in the face. The beast had a bone crest-shaped like a ‘V’ on the top of its head. His body and chest were covered in a bristling golden fur. There were two massive tusks poking out beneath its jaws. Its bat-like wing span was at least 200 meters from wing tip to wing tip. The bat creature stretched its wings and body. It stood tall at 300 meters. He was gigantic, muscular, and deadly. He was from a planet of the Ryuuedo, which means blade of the dragon in Japanese.

  The bat creature’s mission was to scout the Earth, test the planet’s defenses, and to create chaos in preparation for the incoming invasion force. The creature was a war beast, created by the Ryuuedo scientists. Their ruler, King Mio the third, was a cold-hearted, ruthless dictator. He rose to power by invading neighboring planets and corrupting their Royal Chamber members to enforce his evil methods of rule. When his mystical advisor came to him with a frightening vision of a Terran or an Earthling ruling the Ryuuedo people, the king quickly decided that the Earth needed to be destroyed. His first act toward this end, was to unleash the bat the creature on the Earth to weaken it while he prepared his invasion force to destroy the planet.

  The bat kaiju’s head swerved from side to side as he surveyed his surroundings. The monster came to realization that he was on an isolated island formed from a volcanic mountain range somewhere in the Pacific. As far as his enhanced senses could tell, there were no humans within over thirty miles of his current location.

  While the beast was unable to sense any humans he was able to detect another lifeform on the island. This other lifeform was something huge and powerful just as he was. This other lifeform represented both a challenge and a threat to the bat creature. The kaiju’s biological programing instructed him to seek out this threat and to eliminate it. The massive bat galloped on his talon-winged knuckles in order to gain the necessary speed to launch himself into the air. As the creature galloped he could feel the wind filling his powerful wings. The creature roared and then spread the fleshy appendages allowing them to catch wind and lift him into the planet’s comfortable atmosphere. The kaiju’s home planet’s atmosphere wasn’t as rich as the Earth’s but it had few advantages such as lighter gravity. Still despite the increased gravity of the Earth, the colossal bat felt as nimble and agile as did on Ryuuedo.

  It took a few minutes of aerobatic flying to get used to the planet’s gravity. Once he felt comfortable flying on this new planet, the bat creature started to search for the presence of the possible threat. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large beam of yellowish white nearly hit him near as he flew past an empty magma flow track. The bat creature’s head swerved in the direction of the blast and instantly he spotted the threat.

  Beneath him was a bipedal creature that stood roughly 150 meters tall. The kaiju was covered with armor like skin that had the appearance of enforced magma. This creature had been named GFantis by the Earthlings. Gfantis’s skin was deep red with black stripes that were accentuated by yellow spots on his back and sides. His underbelly was a display of various shades of yellow. The deepest yellow was on the center of his chest and as it fanned out across his body it took on a lighter hue.

  Atop of Gfantis’ saurian head, sat three bone colored horns shaped like a triangle, with larger horns on the top on the skull. The larger horns curved outward from the beast’s head wreathing his face in sharp edged bones. His nose bridge, contained at third forward-facing crescent-moon shaped horn. Gfantis raging eyes were reminiscent of the dragons of legend such as Smaug and Fafnir.

  The war bat screeched at the kaiju below him, then he landed with a loud thud that shook the ground. The bat creature shook his body and stood up on his hind legs raising his body to its full height in an attempt to intimidate the dragon creature. Gfantis’ nostrils flared in wait of an attack. The Prince of the Monster’s stiffened his hind legs in preparation to either sprint forward or dodge an attack. The gigantic bat creature spread his wings expanding his body to the fullest in one last attempt to frighten Gfantis.

  The golden dragon roared in frustration at the strange monster that had dared to invade his territory. Gfantis lowered his head and charged toward the bat creature. The winged kaiju easily side stepped the charge and in one fluid motion he also slashed the Earth defender on its back with his winged talons. Although the slashing didn’t penetrated Gfantis’ magma-like skin, the force of the impact caused his knees to buckle.

  Gfantis was surprised by the strength of this unknown intruder. He realized that needed to be smarter in planning his attacks. Gfantis threw his body to the ground where he started to dig fast, creating a tunnel. Gfantis could dig through the volcanic chambers beneath volcanoes. The kaiju’s tunneling ability gave him a unique advantage against other monsters. When Gfantis realized he was beneath the bat creature, he changed direction and began clawing his way toward the surface.

  Gfantis exploded from beneath that bat creature and attacked him with a ferocity that was befitting of his title as Prince of the Monsters. The attack was both quick and well placed as it caused the intruder to lose his balance and fall face first on to the hard volcanic earth. Gfantis shifted his body as he prepared to lunge at the creature and end its existence when he realized that his attack wasn’t nearly as effective as he had thought it was.

  In flash of fur and fangs, the bat creature stood up on his wing knuckles and shook his head. Gfantis crawled facing the intruder and aggressively roared toward the bat winged creature as his mouth began to charge up and fill with flames. Some of the balled flame spilled out of the corners of his serrated toothed mouth, instantly liquefying the rocky terrain below him. Gfantis exhaled deeply, causing the flame to grow even larger. When he released the flamed charge, it created a vacuum around the blast and with a loud swoosh, it traveled swiftly to his target. The plasma blast hit the bat creature square in the center of his chest. The impact caused the invader to fall backward to the forward face of the volcano.

  The gargantuan extraterrestrial lifted himself off the ground as he shook off the annoying creature’s fiery blast. A loud slicing sound split the air as two of the bat creature’s outer winged talons grew larger. The alien hissed at Gfantis as he unsheathed that weapons that he would use to cause chaos on this world. The bat monster then charged full speed on all fours and suddenly hopped into the air. Then the bat creature’s body began to contort as it bones and muscles bent themselves until the kaiju’s entire form took on the shape of an aerial bone drill.

  The bat creature struck Gfantis with enough downward force to shatter a mountain. The impact was brutal; the mass of the bat creature along his great speed, penetrated the left shoulder of Gfantis’ magma-like armor. Blood sprayed like Yellowstone’s Old Faithful, causing the solar
kaiju to scream in pain.

  Gfantis placed his right claw on the bat creature’s chest then he pushed the abomination away from him. Gfantis’ whole body seemed to be glowing, as it recharged itself with the power of the Earth’s sun. Within a few seconds of absorbing the sun’s power, the wound on Gfantis’ shoulder had cauterized itself. The Prince of the Monsters unleashed as ground shaking roar as he stood on his hind legs. He then lowered his head and stared at the intruder with fire in his eyes. Gfantis waited for a brief second, then charged at the bat creature and wrapped both of his claws around the intruder’s throat. In an exhibition of immeasurable strength, Gfantis lifted the bat creature off the ground and throat-slammed him so violently that the entire island shook.

  The shockwaves created by the repeated slamming of the bat creature were strong enough to trip earthquake sensors. The geologists on the nearby Hawaiian Island’s would notice the tripped sensors but they would pay them little head. They knew that the area where the shockwaves were originating from was Gfantis’ territory and that to intrude upon his island was akin to committing suicide.

  Gfantis ceased slamming the bat into the ground and he increased the choke hold on the creature’s neck as he lifted the intruder to his eye level. As they stared into each other’s eyes with hatred the intruder growled loudly in spite of Gfantis’ grip. The creature’s growl was different from the challenges that he had hurled at Gfantis before. This growl was a low growl that was growing in pitch. The slowly growing pitch signified the charging up the bat’s special oral blast. Suddenly the growl attained a subsonic pitch. Gfantis’ ear canals felt as if they were ready to burst from the pressure of the sound wave. Gfantis released his grip unwillingly, causing him to stagger backwards. The disoriented golden dragon shook his head furiously and groaned in agony.

  The bat winged creature regained its footing while continuing to attack Gfantis. Suddenly plasma particles began forming around the bat creature’s mouth. The particles appeared to be sucked into his enormous gaping jaws. As if by magic, plasma lightning appeared in the intruder’s mouth. The alien inhaled and exhaled quickly, resulting in an intense sonic beam directed toward Gfantis. The beam hit Gfantis’ chest, causing him to spin violently.

  The initial impact knocked out the valiant defender. The bat creature roared in victory as he stomped his talons like he was dancing. Victory was his. Suddenly, he felt a strange urge as if he needed to fly to far away this place, as if to say there’s a suitable mate somewhere in the galaxy.

  The bat creature looked at the unconscious Gfantis; he was going to be out cold for quite some time. He snorted as if he was satisfied with his victory, and charted his course in the direction of the land of the rising sun, Japan. Gfantis, very briefly, caught a glance of the intruder leaving and the Monster Prince solemnly vowed someday to rip the bat creature into pieces. But now, it was time to rest and let the sun heal his wounds.

  The End


  Gfantis vs Sade vs Bubbles Dawn of Pity

  Story by Aaron Rebaza and Christopher Conde