Read Ghost Walking Page 26

  But Coridan was small stuff compared with the federal warrants being prepared both in New Orleans and Boston.

  “Do we have the warrant for Castile yet?” Josh asked.

  “Any minute,” Jenson said. “The DA was conferring with the feds, but we’ll get the honors.” He was interrupted by the door opening, and a clerk handed him several papers. He glanced at them and grinned. “I think this is what you’ve been waiting for. Coridan can sit until you get back.” He handed the papers to Josh but looked at Maggie. “No reason an involved civilian can’t accompany an officer serving an arrest warrant.”

  * * *

  Maggie gripped the door handle, waiting for Josh to park. As soon as the engine died, she hopped out. Nice neighborhood. They’d parked a block from the Garden District house serving as Castile’s current headquarters. The surveillance team had already been alerted, and they emerged from concealment to act as backup. They grinned at Maggie and Josh before sobering for the task ahead. No one really expected a gunfight. Castile considered himself a businessman, and he thought his money, influence, and lawyers placed him above the law. And since the warrant had been obtained in a blanket of secrecy, he had no idea what was about to happen.

  With Josh and Maggie leading the way, they approached the front door. It opened before they knocked. “Detective Brandt, NOPD,” Josh announced. “I need to speak with Paul Castile.”

  “What’s your business?” A brawny man barred the entrance.

  “It’s with Mr. Castile. Get out of my way.”

  “Let them in, Louie. We wouldn’t want to interfere with law enforcement. Why Maggie York, back so soon?” Confident as ever, Castile flicked an imaginary speck from the lapel of his dark blue Italian suit and gestured them toward two easy chairs. “I’m sorry I don’t have sufficient seating for everyone. Perhaps the others could wait outside.”

  “I don’t think so. Our business is brief.” Josh took the warrant from his pocket and looked at Maggie. “Want to do the honors?”

  Momentary doubt flickered across Castile’s placid face.

  “My pleasure.” Adrenaline soared as she stepped forward. “Paul Castile, you’re under arrest for murder, criminal conspiracy, tampering with evidence, tampering with witnesses, and a host of other charges that will keep you behind bars the rest of your life. And I’m sure there are more to come.”

  “Now just wait a minute.” Castile frowned and sighed. “My lawyers—”

  Josh handed him the warrant, reading the exact list of charges. “You have the right to remain silent.” Two officers moved forward to cuff Castile’s hands behind his back. “Anything you say can—”

  “I know my rights.” Castile’s nostrils flared, but he still seemed more annoyed than concerned, as if facing a minor inconvenience. “This is a joke, Detectives. I’m filing a formal complaint for harassment. My lawyers will have me out in an hour.”

  “Not this time.” Maggie nodded for an officer to finish the interrupted Miranda warning. While he droned the familiar words, she delivered the final bad news. “You won’t be sleeping at home tonight, Castile. Your boy Coridan gave you up to save his own skin.”

  The crime boss stiffened. A flash of fear finally drained the blood from his face, and Maggie didn’t try to hide her smile of satisfaction.

  * * *

  The following forty-eight hours was a madhouse of activity as Castile’s crime network unraveled. Bo Smitty, a local thug with military sniper training, attempted to leave town after Castile’s arrest but was spotted on US-10 and died in a shootout with a dozen cops. Officers swarmed over Castile’s properties and accounts with multiple search warrants, while others hauled in every known associate they could find. More arrests would follow. The evidence mounted by the hour. Castile’s cold arrogance hadn’t engendered much loyalty, and many of his inner circle followed Coridan’s example and talked their heads off for any possible deal they could make.

  Bullet Castile followed his lawyers’ advice and remained silent. At his arraignment, local, state, and federal attorneys vied for primary jurisdiction, and he was held without bail. Since the feds and Louisiana both had the death penalty, Maggie didn’t care who won the right to try him.

  Throughout the next week, the investigation spread to Big Mike in Boston, including indictments for prior murder contracts that had been successfully executed. Coridan had proven a wealth of information. Harry Brandt became a small wheel in the cog of Big Mike’s problems, and the contract against him wasn’t renewed.

  Without giving Josh a chance to protest, Harry had Annie arrange an interview with local media, and he told his story, exonerating Josh and describing him as a hero. Although Josh tried to duck the limelight, he tolerated the good-natured teasing from the District 13 squad the morning the article appeared as a welcome sign of growing camaraderie.

  Carolyn Brandt returned to hospice care at the private facility and died a week later with both sons at her side. During those last days, Maggie saw the relief in Carolyn’s eyes that her boys were free from the legal clouds surrounding them for the last year. Probably no one dies happy, but she died content.

  The day before Thanksgiving at the precinct’s holiday potluck, Captain Jenson reinstated Maggie to active status. She’d passed her psych evaluation without a problem. There were a few things she simply didn’t mention.

  Hurst’s ghost hadn’t appeared since the final meeting on the rooftop. According to Dalia, he’d “crossed over” to wherever ghosts go, and so far no one had shown up to take his place. Maggie expected it would happen someday. Inherited traits don’t just go away. She’d accepted that much. She wanted to be prepared for the next appearance, especially if it might be someone less cooperative than Bobby Hurst, so she kept up her contacts with Dalia and Selena. She tried not to worry about the taints of the veil already on her soul, especially that last jolt in Harry’s apartment, but she was eager to learn ways to avoid future exposure. Josh went with her to these unusual sessions as often as he could, which seemed to mean he was around to stay.

  Maggie moved home to her own apartment. Neither she nor Josh was ready for a bigger commitment, but that didn’t stop them from spending most of their free time together. There wasn’t much opportunity to dwell on their future. At least not in the first couple of weeks.

  The day after Thanksgiving, Captain Jenson called them into his office. He leaned forward, his hands steepled over the desktop.

  “Well, how’s it feel to have the badge back on your belt, Maggie?”

  “Excellent, sir. And normal. I’m ready to get back to work.”

  Jenson gave a gruff laugh. “I don’t think you ever quit working, and you more than earned your badge back. But we do have another issue, which is why I asked Detective Brandt to join us. You no longer have a partner, and Brandt is losing his to retirement in about two months. In fact, I’ve reassigned Eddie Bishop to desk duty effective this morning.”

  Maggie forced herself to remain still. Was he really going to do this? In spite of his suspicions about their relationship?

  The captain studied both of them. “What would you think of working together?” He raised a hand in caution before they responded. “If anything is likely to interfere with your judgment, I want you to tell me. You’ve handled yourselves well during the recent investigation despite possible irregularities in your relationship. Which I still don’t want to know about, by the way, unless it creates a problem.”

  Maggie knew what he was asking. Partners involved with one another might be too distracted or too protective to work efficiently. She didn’t see that as an issue. Josh treated her as an equal. While there would be a personal side to watching out for each other, they were cops…the job came first.

  But she waited to see what Josh would say.

  “I don’t see a problem, captain. I respect Detective York’s abilities. I believe she returns that regard. I look forward to the partnership.”

  “I agree.” Maggie flashed Josh a quick smile. ??
?I bet we’ll have the highest case clearance rate on the squad.”

  Captain Jenson chuckled, stood, and shook hands with both of them. “Then it’s done. I’m assuming your comportment will continue to be professional. If anything changes, I expect you to inform me. And I’m counting on you to win that bet. Now get to work. I believe you still have witnesses to interview.”

  Maggie and Josh hurried out of the precinct, not daring to react until they were in Josh’s unmarked car.

  “Can you believe it?” Maggie turned to Josh, laughter bubbling on her lips. “I never dreamed he’d do that.”

  “He’s a smart man,” Josh said, his eyes sharing her humor. “He knows a good thing when he sees it. So do I.” He caught Maggie’s face between his hands and did a most unprofessional thing…he kissed his partner.


  ~ About the Author ~

  Ally Shields is a Midwestern writer with a love for mystery and the paranormal. Following a career in law and juvenile justice, she took up full-time writing in 2009. In 2012 her first paranormal was published, and she has two completed urban fantasy series. She loves to travel and includes many of those settings in her novels. Readers are welcome to contact her through her website or track her down on Twitter (@ShieldsAlly).

  Discover more about Ally Shields here





  ~ Also by Ally Shields ~

  Cross Keys

  An Elvenrude Novel

  Ally Shields

  Conspiracy, murder, and magic…and the death of all they hold dear.

  When the first wanderer—a common elf who isn’t authorized to use the portal—is spotted on the streets of New Orleans, the king assigns Kameo Ryndel to assist in the elf’s capture. But before she can intervene, humans with guns shoot the wanderer and steal his body. When Seth Lormarc, an Elite elf from a rival guild, appears at the scene, Kam suspects he is involved.

  Seth Lormarc is in New Orleans to find out who was behind the portal breach, and his best lead is the intriguing Kam Ryndel. When he stakes out her apartment and finds her sneaking out in the middle of the night, dressed in black and leaping to the top of the nearest building, he knows there’s something unique about the beautiful elf. That kind of feat requires magic. Ancient magic.

  As their paths cross during their investigations, they develop an irresistible attraction, although there’s little time for romance. The portal breach is tied to an illegal smuggling operation that has come to the attention of the human CIA. But the stakes are raised when Kam and Seth discover a band of conspirators and a rebellion deep in Elvenrude that promises nothing except destruction of their world.

  Buy Cross Keys here

  Cross Keys: Revelation

  Elvenrude Book II

  Ally Shields

  If everyone keeps secrets, no one will survive…

  Six months after the nightmare in Cross Keys, Kam Ryndel is enjoying her freedom in New Orleans and doesn't miss the constraints of Elven society. She's immersed herself in working missions for the CIA, even if it means less time to spend with her boyfriend, Seth. Seth's not so happy about that. Having shouldered the responsibility of his family's obligations, he's losing patience with Kam's lack of commitment to her own—and to him.

  Then a guild worker is attacked by an invisible assailant, and everyone suspects another portal breach by rogues from Elvenrude. As Kam and Seth look for answers, a gang-related CIA mission interrupts the investigation, and Kam is taken to a place she never knew existed—beyond the Louisiana bayou.

  Angered by Kam's new mission, Seth enlists the help of his cousin Rhyden to solve the mysterious guild-worker attack. Instead of an assailant, they discover reports of ghost sightings all over town. Not that unusual for New Orleans, but these seem…different. In a mission complicated by gangsters, feuds, failing magic, and old enemies—and the uncertain loyalty of the Elven king—Seth learns something even worse. Kam is missing. And he isn't sure if she's alive or dead…

  Buy Cross Keys: Revelation here

  Cross Keys Unity

  Elvenrude Book Three

  Ally Shields

  A race to the edge of annihilation...

  Despite an ongoing rebellion in their Elven homeland, Kam and Seth have scheduled their long-awaited promise ceremony for the night of the Winter Solstice. After a deadly explosion in New Orleans has left the fate of criminal Jermon Lormarc uncertain, the rebellion quickly escalates into kidnappings and arson, and the widespread theft of ancient human artifacts forces the Elven king to reveal secrets kept for thousands of years.

  When a spirit woman predicts a catastrophic end to Jermon's quest for artifacts, Kam, Seth, and Prince Trystan of Cyrilia set out on a worldwide hunt to stop him. Back in Elvenrude, Kam's sister Esty and Seth's cousin Rhyden, having recently ended their relationship, track the rebels while fighting an attraction that won't be ignored.

  Everything is on the line. No one can hold back. The future...or nothing...awaits...

  Buy Cross Keys: Unity here

  The Guardian Witch series

  Awakening the Fire

  Guardian Witch Book One

  Ally Shields

  Arianna Calin has sworn to keep the peace in Riverdale. Most of the Otherworlders prefer to haunt the Olde Town district--partying at vampire strip clubs, dining in elegant supper clubs, and inhabiting the cliffside caverns along the Mississippi. Being a cop is a tough job, but someone's gotta do it, and Ari's got her derringer, a sharp stiletto, and a few handy charms against things that hunt in the night. She's also a fire witch--a pedigree that comes in handy, since her partner's only human.

  When a virtual reality drug hits the streets, people start to die, and an elusive pack of werewolves threatens the status quo. Ari and Ryan are drawn into a web of murder and evil that will lead sworn enemies to a confrontation. While the city simmers around them, Ari struggles to prevent an all-out supernatural war…

  Buy Awakening the Fire here

  Fire Within

  Guardian Witch Book Two

  Ally Shields

  A hidden evil stalks the city…

  Ari Calin refuses to believe her human friend Eddie murdered a vampire—in spite of his confession. Her human partner Ryan thinks the case is a slam dunk, even though there’s no weapon and no witnesses, but Ari’s not about to let her friend take the rap without finding out more.

  When Ari attends a charity event on the arm of a handsome werewolf, she finds someone she never expected to see again—Andreas De Luca, the charismatic vampire she used to date. When their eyes meet across the room, memories come rushing back. His kiss, his touch, a savage death…and a terrifying magical bond. A reconnection is the last thing she wants. Only by staying away and forgetting Andreas can she hope to avoid the Legend of Ramora.

  But when vampires keep dying, one thing becomes clear: Riverdale has a serial killer on its hands, and Andreas could be next. Ari begins to fear there’s more to it, though. Something truly evil is stalking the city, waiting to take control…

  Buy Fire Within here

  Burning Both Ends

  Guardian Witch Book Three

  Ally Shields

  Friend or lover. Life or death…

  Supernatural cop Ari Calin arrives at the hostile Toronto vampire court with an ultimatum from the Riverdale vampires: Sebastian, Toront
o’s vampire prince, must stop his unprovoked attacks—or else. Ari wasn’t expecting a fight—the “or else” was typical vampire grandstanding. But even with vampire Andreas De Luca by her side for a show of strength, things get ugly fast. Toronto’s vampire world is in crisis, and surrounded by enemies, Ari and Andreas find themselves under attack.

  That’s when Ari gets the call from the Magic Council ordering her home. Steffan, a good friend and leader of Riverdale's werewolves, has gone missing during top secret negotiations with the US government, and is believed to have been kidnapped—or killed.

  Andreas can't abandon the Toronto vampires, and Ari can’t leave him to face impossible odds alone. But neither can she disobey her orders from the Council, or leave her friend Steffan to be tortured and killed. Ari's loyalties pull her in two directions—the closest thing to love she’s ever known on one side, and friendship and duty on the other. If she can stay alive long enough for the choice to matter…

  Buy Burning Both Ends here

  Valentines Heat I

  Ally Shields, Nessie Strange, Keith Melton, CL Bledsoe