Read Ghostly Writes Anthology 2016 Page 14

Chapter One

  Hypnotic Eyes

  The autumn sunlight reflected brightly despite the nipping chill of early morning. Molly Feathersby shivered slightly, clutching her thin jacket protectively around her for warmth. Her long, red curls swirled haphazardly around her face, dancing joyously with the wind. Her blue eyes released a stray smattering of teardrops caused by the wind’s constant assault.

  “What was I thinking agreeing to accompany Tanner on this morning outing? I should still be snuggled in my nice warm covers!” Molly thought regretfully.

  The sun’s rays struck the newly acquired engagement ring on Molly’s left ring finger, making it shimmer with light. Her heart suddenly leapt with happiness as she realized the significance of this particular outing. The newly engaged couple would be searching for decorations to adorn their new living space. This thought alone made dealing with the early hour bearable for Molly.

  Molly gazed lovingly up at her new fiancé Tanner Carlsen with pride. Tanner’s head was bent, fighting off the strong, October morning chill. Molly knew if Tanner were to look up, she would be met by the most enchanting pair of cornflower blue eyes.

  It was these same soulful eyes that caused Molly to fall in love with Tanner. The moment the six-foot tall, sandy-haired, stunner of a man, strolled into Finnegan’s tavern after a day’s work with several of his buddies for a drink three years prior, Molly had honed in on his baby blues immediately.

  “I have to meet this man.” Molly thought possessively.

  Unfortunately, a crowded pub didn’t give Molly the best chances to stand out she suspected. Little did she know that she was mistaken when it came to catching a man’s attention, or that meeting Tanner would be the start of her life changing forever in a way she never would have imagined.

  In the semi-darkened pub, Tanner’s piercing eyes surveyed groups of women gathered in clusters, until they finally alighted on Molly. Molly felt a surge of excitement tingle throughout her entire body as Tanner’s eyes swept approvingly over her petite form. She suppressed a blush daring her eyes to meet Tanner’s. Tanner rose to introduce himself, and before Molly realized it she was swept up in a whirlwind romance.

  Tanner and Molly fit together perfectly like two puzzle pieces. They became inseparable over the next few years. Now with their impending wedding to plan, the couple had decided it would be prudent to move in together.

  After much research and discussion amongst friends, Tanner and Molly found the perfect new starter location for their first home. It was a townhouse, located within walking distance from the heart of Soho in NYC. The perfect compromise, since Tanner would be able to walk to catch the “L” train into the heart of the business district for his job as a banker.

  Molly as a freelance journalist, found the unique vibe from the people inhabiting Soho, conducive to her creative process as a writer. She loved seeing street vendors selling handmade wares, and even took pleasure in the sound of street music intermingling with car horns. Molly could definitely picture creating a life here with Tanner.

  There was one problem that interfered with Molly’s idealistic vision. Molly and Tanner still hadn’t added any personal touches to their new home. Which is why Molly found herself out and about, battling the savage winds of early fall. Her fiancé Tanner was doubled over to form a giant human force field, blocking gusts as the couple trekked to downtown Soho. Molly and Tanner were intent on their destination, yet the wind seemed to stymie their progress, pushing them two steps back for every one step forward they achieved.