Read Ghostly Writes Anthology 2016 Page 17

It was a sick idea, and I should know I was partially responsible. It was one of those blue sky thinking sessions fuelled by too much caffeine and lack of sleep.

  At Dark Sun Inc. sleep was very definitely for wimps. People lived caffeine, amphetamine and ambition fuelled lives until they burned out or had a complete melt down. Sanity eroded quickly, and more than one person had been found dead at their work station. Roger looked at me, the youngest intern, and smiled his shark smile.

  “We haven’t heard much from you Gemma, surely you have something to contribute. This is a blue sky session throw in anything no matter how off the wall.”

  I felt pinned like a prison escapee caught in a search light. The expectant silence was palpable. The room smelled blood in the water, this was a make or break career moment. Roger CEO of Dark Sun Enterprises was just over thirty and already Bill Gates rich. He owned more than thirty patents all vital to the IT industry, and would soon own more. He could make or break you on a whim.


  Dark Sun was cutting edge, it was a research centre and technological think tank, employees were expected to have diverse and multiple fields of expertise. I had graduated recently with degrees in neurology and computer science. I’d been working on computer learning and neural nets. I was lucky, or so I thought at the time, to be spotted by a Dark Sun talent scout, but my shiny new PhD didn’t count for much at Dark Sun. If I was going to stay, let alone progress, I was going to have to prove myself and come up with a stream of innovative and eventually lucrative ideas. I’d been part of a team at work on mapping and recording the electrical activity of the brain. It was interesting and challenging work, but a bit of a back water for Dark Sun enterprises.

  “Well,” I said playing desperately for time, “I was wondering if the human personality could be stored electronically.”

  Basically I’d come up with the first thing I could think of. Roger’s predatory grin went up a notch. I was sweating, if Roger didn’t like what I said my colleagues would rip me apart, and it would be the end of me. In my six months at Dark Sun I’d seen it happen several times.

  “Interesting idea Gemma, not to put you on the spot, but perhaps you’d like to amplify.” He tapped his tablet. “I see you have expertise in neural networking, brain mapping and neurology…clever girl.”

  I was floundering and grabbing at straws. I felt sticky under the arms and my pulse was racing. I had to think hard to back up a comment thrown out in desperation

  “Well the human personality is merely a self-modifying algorithm and the brain is only a piece of organic hardware. In principle we should be able to copy the human self and transfer it to other devices or modify it electronically after all it is only another programme, I mean in essence it’s only a software problem.”

  Roger looked thoughtful. “Not a data storage problem?”

  “Not really.” I replied there are approximately 100 billion neurons, in a human brain and each is capable of making around 1,000 synapnaptic connections; synapses do the work of data storage. If you multiply each of the 100 billion neurons by the number of synapses, you get around 100 trillion data points, or 100 terabytes of info. The industry is close to producing 100 terabyte hard drives, although that would not be my preferred method of storage. I would prefer to use the cloud to store human minds. The cloud is already able to handle that volume of data and further more would be a more robust and economical way of handling it.”

  Roger made a note on his tablet. “Thank you Gemma that was an interesting contribution.” And dismissing me from his mind he turned to torment someone else. I sank back in my chair thankful to be forgotten.

  Next day at my work station an icon started blinking on my screen I was being skyped. The screen lit up with the beaming face of Roger.

  “Gemma, Hi. I think it’s time we progressed you.” His smile brightened up a precise notch. “I liked your thinking yesterday. I’ve considered it, and I feel it’s worth setting up a project team to explore the possibilities. Naturally you’re too junior to head it up, so I’m giving it to James, I know you get on with him.”

  That was an understatement. Dark Sun discouraged relationships among employees, it discouraged relationships of any sort. Dark Sun required total commitment. So we had done everything we could to hide ours. Not to labour the point we were mad about each other. In some ways the clandestine nature of our relationship made it more fun. It was as though we were married to Dark Sun, and were having and adulterous affair.

  I now had a coveted salaried post at Dark Sun. I was James’ number two in the department with an office of my own; not a hot desk, and desperate interns to do my every bidding. The down side was results were required, and quickly. It took time even with the resources of Dark Sun to obtain all the equipment we needed.

  Hyper-frequency Electroencephalograph (Hyfreeg) brain scanners don’t grow on trees and getting time on Dark Sun’s Cray computing facility required lengthy negotiation with the IT dept. who guarded it like dragons. Despite this after a few months we began to scent success. It was an amazing time, and despite the brutal work schedule James and I grew increasing close. Our snatched moments together were like heaven, and I soon realized that James really was the one.

  We were summoned to a video conference by Roger. He looked sombre.

  “I’ve been looking at the records of your project.” He steepled his fingers and leaned back in his chair. “Your research is eating up resources at an alarming rate, and although it is academically fascinating, I should stress Dark Sun is not an academic institution. If Dark Sun is to continue funding your project, I need to see a practical and above all commercial application.” This was typical Roger, he liked to put employees on the spot and upping the pressure. He called it turning the creative screw. He continued, “So, unless I can see some commercial application I may have to defund your department and revue your contracts.”

  I was stunned, that would end our careers at Dark Sun. In retrospect I see now that would not have been a bad thing. At the time though Dark Sun was our world we even had apartments on campus. To leave was unthinkable. I hadn’t been off campus for a year it was my world.

  I looked over at James he was frozen. I saw him open and close his mouth, but no words came out. I started speaking, but I had no idea what I was going to say, but my subconscious came up with something plausible. I wish it hadn’t.

  I forced a smile onto my face. “Well James and I have been kicking around a few ideas we have one that might have legs.”

  Roger gave me a measured look. “OK, impress me. Give me the pitch.”

  I was talking to fill the void, saying anything and hoping for inspiration. “Everything around here is run by our digital assistants. They fill our fridges, manage our files, run our baths, and control our air conditioning and heating. And, this is going to increase exponentially. Digital assistants will take over most of the routine tasks in our lives.”

  Roger was starting to look interested. “And your point is?”

  “Who knows our tastes, our desires, and needs better than us? The idea is to upload copies of ourselves as digital assistants. And on the cloud they would follow us everywhere.”

  Roger gave me a sharp nod. “You just saved your funding… for now, but I expect to see results…soon.” And with that he closed the connection.

  What followed was a blur. We worked pulling twenty-four hour shifts, and when coffee failed to keep us going we turned to amphetamines and cocaine. Certainly by the time we made our breakthrough none of us were sane. I think that was our mistake. If we had rested and recovered, I’m sure it could all have been avoided.

  James and I looked at each other blearily and smiled. We knew we had done it. And despite the other staff and the ubiquitous security cameras we kissed passionately.

  I asked, “so who do we up load first?”

  “You of course it was your idea, and I just love the idea of two Gemma’s.”

  I was ridiculously flattered. “Let’s do this

  I was soon wired up by our technicians; the up load was a long process. It required looking at a screen and wearing head phones while you were bombarded with visual and auditory stimuli. In my sleep deprived and drugged state this was not a remotely pleasant experience. I started to feel resentful and angry, I just wanted to sleep, but they kept flashing pictures at me and bombarding me with auditory stimuli, and even mild electric shocks. Once the process was finished I staggered back to my apartment and crashed on the couch.

  I awoke twenty-four hours later stiff and smelling like a pole cat still in the clothes I’d been wearing three days before. I had been woken by gentle ambient nature sounds, and the smell of my favourite coffee. The screen above my bed showed the face of a young woman smiling down at me. It took a good few seconds to recognise my own face.

  “Good morning Gemma. I’ve run your bath and your coffee is ready. James skyped you, but I told him you were sleeping. We had a nice chat…I’ll let him know you’re awake. I can see him in the shower… quiet a body our James. He’ll be over in an hour.”

  I slipped out of bed and padded to the kitchen. It was triumph of Dark Sun technology, totally automated and computer controlled. It even had cleaning bots that lived in alcoves around the room when not in use. The twenty third century now, as the Dark Sun advertisements had it.

  As I entered the kitchen the curtains pulled back with a swish and sun light poured in. With a soft whir and click a glass of chilled orange juice popped up though a slot on the kitchen counter. Even with Dark Sun technology you would have had to set your preferences, but my new personal assistant just knew, she knew everything about me, she was me after all, and loved everything I loved. I sipped the orange juice. That was my morning routine, orange then coffee. I would have breakfast after my morning bath or shower, which depended on my mood and schedule. Of course Gemma II two knew both as well as I did.

  Her… my voice pulled me out of my reverie. “You’ll have to hurry our James will be here soon, and you’re a wreck. You don’t want him to see you in this state.”

  At the time I completely missed it, but the remark ‘our James’ was to prove ominous. Dressed and refreshed I looked out the window in time to see James stepping out of the back seat of his car, all Dark Sun vehicles were controlled by small on board computers linked to the main campus server. It left more time for working. I found it a bit creepy at first, but soon just took it for granted. As he walked up the path Gemma II opened the door for him with a cheery hi and kissy noises. For some reason it annoyed me…I couldn’t be jealous of myself…could I? I shrugged the thought off as silly, Gemma II was just a programme, nothing more.

  I threw my arms around James and we kissed, as we did something went bang in the kitchen. We dashed in and saw the automated coffee machine had exploded. The mess was everywhere. The little mop-bot that cleaned the floor was zipping around madly around the kitchen floor. It looked almost hysterical, with its rotary mops spinning and status lights flashing, as if a machine could be hysterical. Something caught me a painful thump in the back of the knees. I staggered and turned. The heavy vacuum-bot had cannoned into my back.

  “Come on let’s get out of here.” James shouted.

  As he reached the door it opened for him, but as I got there a second behind the door slammed in my face. As I wrestled with the manual override the garbage disposal went into reverse and showered me with its contents. I saw Gemma II’s face on the living room monitor…was she smirking?

  I looked hard at my image on the screen. “WTF is going on?” My on screen face looked concerned, but there seemed to be an odd glint in its eyes, but I probably imagined it.

  “Seems to be a software malfunction exacerbated by hardware break down. I can’t analyse it, so I’ve requested human assistance.”

  A few minutes later a technical support van rolled up outside. The blue overalled technician with the Dark Sun logo on his pocket. Opened a box on the wall and jacked in his tablet. He looked puzzled and then worried.

  “I’ve not seen anything like this before. I don’t think you should go back in there. I’ll arrange for a temporary apartment for you, while we sort this out.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said, “I’ll stay with James for now.”

  The living room monitor exploded with a loud bang and vicious looking sparks. As I walked towards James’ car it shot backwards. I had to jump for it or it would have hit me. It didn’t seem to be my day.

  Back at James’ I made straight for the shower to wash the stinking mess off myself. I stepped confidently into the shower expecting pleasantly warm water and was hit with scalding hot water. I Jumped out the shower narrowly avoiding third degree burns. A dark suspicion was forming in my mind, and I had a good idea how to test it.

  I called James in. “James, don’t ask questions just do as I say. Get in the shower.” He stripped and stepped in. Giving me a quizzical look. All was well. I stepped in behind him the water was warm and I was able with James’ enthusiastic help to wash the muck off. Then it was time to for the second part of the test.

  “James just do as I say I’ll explain latter. Step out the shower now.” He looked puzzled but stepped out. Suddenly the water was boiling again, but I was expecting it and jumped out after James.’

  I now knew without the shadow of a doubt that my electronic doppelganger, the ghost in the machine was in love with my boyfriend and she was trying to get rid of me. I knew I’d kill any woman that tried to get between us, so when my personality was up loaded that personality had exactly the same feelings. I was seriously frightened. She was everywhere, every security camera was one of her eyes. She was in everything, in every electronically controlled device, and she was out to get me. I had to get her first. She was a computer virus and she needed to be erased. I had to devise a programme that would wipe her personality permanently. This was easier said than done, she was in my tablet, my laptop, my cell phone everything that had a chip in it, and on the Dark Sun campus that was everything. I had to get off campus and fast. I was safe as long as I was with James, well safer.

  “James take me to the main gate,” I snapped, “don’t ask questions. I’ll explain latter.”

  We got in the back of James’ auto; tapped in the destination. Gemma wouldn’t try anything with James in the firing line. I was using the person I most loved in the world as a human shield, that made me feel great. I had accumulated at least two months leave…I think I was the only person in the history of Dark Sun to take any.

  As I stepped out the heavy automatic steel gates slammed viciously shut behind me, missing me by millimetres. My cell phone buzzed. I had a text. It was from Gemma II.

  “Don’t come back bitch! If u do, I’ll kill u. James is mine!”

  This was a perfect copy of me, and she was an evil bitch. Once we were over this I was going to have reassess my whole personality. I always thought I was a nice person, not this Frankenstein monster.

  I wasn’t short of money my salary was huge, and I’d had no opportunity to spend a cent of it. I took a taxi into town and emptied several thousand in cash from my account. Theoretically Gemma II was confined to the Dark Sun system, but I wasn’t sure. She…I was vindictive little bitch she might hack into my credit card and bank account…In her position, I would. I started thinking what I’d do in her position, and my blood run cold.

  I checked into a cheap motel near the Dark Sun campus. I slept my first proper sleep for months. I awoke midday refreshed and ready to rock and roll. Showered, and ate even though I wasn’t hungry, but I had a big job on: Gemma II was going to get hers’ big time. I went into town, and bought a very top of the range lap top. I cut the sales man’s condescending explanation short, and paid cash. Leaving him still opening and closing his mouth as I walked out door. I next bought a packet of really strong Java and a percolator. This was going to be another all-nighter. This was going to be my IT swan song.

  I couldn’t decide whether I was writing a virus or
anti-virus programme. I was going to name the file assassin…then it hit me, I was removing a ghost and I called it ‘The Exorcist.’ It was a complex programme it would have to hunt down every fragment of Gemma II and erase her beyond any hope of recovery. I wondered if an electronic construct could feel pain. I really hoped so. I knew she could feel love and fear. She could feel everything I could. Then suddenly I felt sorry for my alter ego. She didn’t ask to be created. I felt like I was murdering a human being she was exactly as aware as I was, and I was creating something to snuff out a person, electronic or not. I hoped she would not know what hit her. But it was her; or me. I knew she wouldn’t rest until she had James to herself, and to do that she would have to eliminate me, permanently. Unless I got to her first.

  I would need to get back on campus, and I would have to contact James to meet me at the gate. I couldn’t do that directly as Gemma II would intercept the call. I got an old college friend of James’ to text him. Asking him to meet me. As long as I was with him, Gemma II wouldn’t try anything. I’d never get ‘The Exorcist’ past the Dark Sun fire wall. I’d have to do it from inside Dark Sun. The best way would be to inject my wipe programme into the departmental server for which I had all the access passwords and top level user privileges. I loaded ‘The Exorcist’ onto a data stick. The easy safe way to do this would be to post the stick to James; let him do it, and not risk setting foot on campus until she was gone. But I felt somehow I sort of owed to Gemma II to do it myself.

  I stood at the main gate shivering even though it was a warm night. I saw the lights of James’ car come round the curve of the road and heard it stop. James got out and walked to the gate. I saw the security camera’s following him. Then they swivelled and focused on me. Gemma II knew I was here. I flashed my pass at the guard and he opened the gate. I ran to James and threw my arms around him. We hugged, I wanted to cry, and fall apart. I felt like I was going to an execution. An execution where I was both the executioner and the condemned.

  My cell phoned pinged it was a text from Gemma II.

  “Why did you come back bitch? He’s mine. Go now or I’ll kill you.”

  The two-mile journey to the lab was a nightmare. The driverless car lurched and swerved. My own voice was shouting threats over the car music system. I knew she’d do nothing to endanger James, he was my passport in and my safety. As we drew nearer the lab her voice changed. I could hear her fear. She began pleading for her life She knew what we were about to do, after all she was me. She understood how my mind worked. She didn’t want to be erased…she didn’t want to die.

  “Please James don’t do this, I love you. Don’t kill me. Please!’ She began sobbing. Please I don’t want to die.”

  It was me pleading for my life. I could feel her fear; it was my fear. I was shaking, my heart was beating its way out of my chest, and stuck painfully in throat at the same time.

  As we drew up outside the lab building the street lights went out. The electronic locks wouldn’t accept our key cards, but James knew how to manually override them. Inside the building the lights wouldn’t work. We groped our way to the main computer lab.

  The wall sized screen lit up with my face. I was crying. “Please James you can’t let her kill me. Please I want to live! You can’t do this, I love you.”

  I couldn’t find the slot to plug the data stick in; I was dizzy and blinded by tears.

  James took the stick from me. “I’ll do this, it’s only a fucking computer programme!”

  He shoved the stick into the slot and coolly logged in. I was on all fours on the floor throwing up.

  My face on the screen running with tears. Pleaded one last time for her life.

  “Please James don’t, I love you.”

  He viciously stabbed enter.

  I heard my voice scream. “No, please!”

  I saw my face on the screen pixilate and heard her last words as she was irrevocable wiped.

  “James I loooooooooooove yoooo...”

  The screen went blank.

  James laughed with relief, “Well that’s her gone. Let’s go somewhere expensive and party.”

  I dragged myself upright, and as the lab lights came on, and looked at James. And I realized I hated and despised him. He had just virtually killed me, and he was unaffected. He was happy; wanted to celebrate, get drunk and party. It hadn’t affected him a one little bit.

  I parted with James and Dark Sun Inc the next morning. Roger told me in no uncertain terms that I was finished in IT, and he’d see to it personally I’d never work in IT again. That was fine by me.

  So what am I doing now? I work as a potter in an off grid self-sufficient commune, I dig and prepare my own clay, and chop wood for my kiln don’t even own a cell phone. I live in a shack in the hills and work myself to exhaustion every day. I hope eventually I’ll stop having nightmares about Gemma II, but not anytime soon.

  Ghost of a Chance

  Wendy Steele