Read Ghostly Writes Anthology 2016 Page 36


  Linzi accepted the ring with a grand show of gratitude, and showed it off for her friends, but the ‘Ruby Kisses’ kept coming. After twenty days, he had two on each wrist, three on each arm, four on each thigh, one on the back of his neck, and one on each cheek. A trip to the dermatologist proved futile; two hours after the doctor removed the lesions, they all came back. The confounded doctor referred him to a specialist after assuring him the lesions were not cancerous. If the sale of ‘The Star’ was a set-up, as Mr. Nelson had implied, then Mr. Reubens said nothing about it; he paid him the promised bonus, and approved the vacation time to take Linzi to Hawaii.

  But when Toriano surprised Linzi with two tickets for a romantic Hawaiian cruise, she was less than enthusiastic. She had been increasingly cold towards him for months unless they were in the company of friends, and they seemed to repel her completely. She offered a half-hearted explanation that she had a business trip scheduled that week. Since when do self-employed photographers take business trips? Toriano, disappointed, offered to reschedule the trip for another time that was better for her.

  Nine more ‘Ruby Kisses’ had appeared on various areas of his body when Linzi sat him down in their living room. Taking a deep breath, she delivered a blow he wasn’t ready for.

  “Tito, I’ve fallen in love with another man. I want a divorce.” Linzi went on and on about how sorry she was, how she couldn’t live a lie, how she would never keep him from their son, Ethan, but Toriano barely listened. As she wrapped up her speech, another ‘Ruby Kiss’ appeared on his forehead. He felt it pop out. “And have you seen the specialist about those growths that keep popping up on you?” she asked.

  “Why would you care what I do anymore?” he asked bitterly. “Just go start your new life with the man of your dreams.” Noticing that she wasn’t wearing the ring, he went into their bedroom and took it out of her jewelry box. He tried to hold back tears as he packed a suitcase. “You can stay in the house, so Ethan won’t have to move. Assuming your new love makes enough to take over the payments.”