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Giggle Book Four

  By Bobby A. Troutt

  Copyright 2014 Bobby A. Troutt

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  Table of Contents

  Guppy’s Dream

  Tic Toc

  The Thirsty Camel

  A Loss for Words


  Two Peas in a Pod

  Inside a Sea Shell


  The Camel with the Sore Hump

  The Clock That Ran Backwards


  Giggle Book Four

  Guppy’s Dream

  There came a time, once, when a little guppy was swimming about in his fishbowl all happy and carefree. His fishbowl sat on a nightstand beside the bed of his best friend, Tommy. The fishbowl was directly in front of a window. Day after day, Guppy loved to stare out of the window. He would look up at the sky and watch the birds fly. He loved to see the morning sunrise and evening sunset. He even stayed up late so he could see the golden moon. Although those things made him happy, there was one thing in his heart he longed for and that was he wanted to be free of the fishbowl so he could swim the ocean floor with the other fish of the sea. One day as he looked out, his heart yearned for his dream to come true.

  “I wish, I wish, oh, Lord,” he said, “that I may be free one day to swim the ocean blue so I can see all of the beauty you have made. I want to swim with all kinds of fish, taste the salty waters, breathe the salty air and float about on the white-capped waters. Lord,” he said, “I pray. I pray that one day you will grant me my dream. That you will release me from these glass walls so I may live under the deep blue sea. Lord, if you do, I ask you to please watch over me because I will be so tiny in such a big body of water.”

  Not long after Guppy talked with the Lord, Tommy’s family went to the beach to relax and play.

  “Dad, may I take Guppy to the beach?” asked Tommy.

  “The beach is no place for him,” replied his dad.

  His mother stated, “Honey, Guppy could use some fresh air, too.”

  “Well, okay,” said his dad. “But he’s your responsibility, Tommy.”

  Tommy smiled and Guppy grinned from ear to ear. When they arrived at the beach, they rushed to claim a place, set up their umbrella, unfolded their chairs and spread out their beach towels. Tommy ran straight to the edge of the water and splish-splashed in the waves as his tiny feet sunk down into the sand. He held Guppy’s fishbowl above his head as he twirled about and laughed. Tommy was really enjoying himself when he heard his mother calling his name. Without thinking, Tommy sat Guppy’s fishbowl down in the wet sand and rushed off to see what his mother wanted. The waves from the ocean kept washing higher and higher upon the beach. As the waves continued to push inland, they eventually surrounded Guppy’s fishbowl. After each wave, Guppy’s fishbowl was washed closer and closer to the ocean. Tommy or his parents never realized what was happening; they were too busy doing other things. Tommy had started playing with the other children at the beach and completely forgot about Guppy. Guppy was terrified as he looked out across the ocean at all the water. It is too deep, he thought as he was washed closer and closer to the ocean. The closer he got to the ocean, the more he questioned whether he wanted his dream to come true or not.

  “Lord, oh, Lord, my wish may have been a mistake. Help me, help me,” he screamed and hollered as he tried to get someone’s attention, “anyone, anybody!”

  Everyone was so busy having fun they didn’t hear him. The waves became greater, stronger and quicker than before. The waves crashed hard upon the sandy beach and pushed Guppy’s fishbowl out into the ocean.

  “Aiyee,” he cried as his fishbowl bobbed up and down.

  As Guppy’s fishbowl bobbed up and down on the white-crusted waves, it drifted further and further out into the ocean. Guppy’s fishbowl rocked back and forth and from side to side so much that he became sick. When he swam to the top of his fishbowl and leaned over to get a little air, a huge wave washed him right out of the bowl and into the ocean. The empty fishbowl bobbed up and down and eventually disappeared over the horizon. All Guppy could do was close his eyes and pray.

  “Oh, Lord,” he prayed, “what have I done or said to deserve this. I am too tiny and meek to take on an ocean so big and deep.”

  But, the Lord did not reply. However, when Guppy opened his eyes, he forgot all his fears when he saw all the different colors of the deep blue ocean.

  “Wow! Look at it all,” he smiled and said. “Lord, thank you and bless you for allowing my dream to come true.”

  Guppy saw so many things he hadn’t even imagined or ever dreamed of. There were so many different things including all different kinds of fish and colors; it was so breathtaking.

  “Lord, I must say, you really outdid yourself. It’s another world,” he said as he darted here and there flopping this way and that. “Wee,” he cried out. “I’m free.”

  Suddenly, Guppy stopped, listened and tilted his head a slight when he heard laughing and giggling coming from nearby. Not knowing what it was, he became afraid so he stayed still and listened. He turned quickly when he noticed some tiny bubbles floating up behind some coral on the ocean floor. After the bubbles burst, he heard the laughing and giggling again.

  “Who’s there?” he asked nervously.

  But, there was no response.

  When he heard it again, three fish came out from behind the coral.

  “Who are you?” Guppy asked as the threesome just looked at him.

  “And who are you? We’ve never seen you around here before,” one of them replied.

  “My name is Guppy.”

  “Guppy,” he said. “Why are you so small and tiny?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “Who are you?” Guppy questioned again.

  “My name is Virgil Bluegill. He’s Ricky Bass and that is Bobbye Trout,” he said as he pointed to each one. “We live around here.”

  “You do,” replied Guppy with excitement. “This place is so beautiful.”

  “Well, thank you,” interrupted Ricky Bass. “I do have to say, you have such a colorful tail.”

  “Oh, thanks,” giggled Guppy.

  “May I ask,” spoke up Bobbye, “what brings you here?”

  “Well, you may not believe it,” he said, “or understand it but the Lord has granted me my dream.”

  “And what would that be?” asked Virgil.

  “To swim in the ocean and witness its beauty,” he said. “I wished for it and the Lord let it be.”

  “You’re in for a treat and an adventure,” Ricky stated. “It is definitely a wonderful, exciting and adventurous place. I have to warn you, though, it is also dangerous. With you being so tiny and all, do you believe you can make it in the deep blue?”

  “My size shouldn’t be a problem,” replied Guppy.

  “I don’t know, Guppy. You are so tiny and so meek,” Bobbye stated. “There are all kinds of giant fish everywhere in this ocean. You’re really going to have to be careful or you may get eaten. And besides, you don’t know anyone or have any friends to swim with.”

  “Yeah,” he sadly said, “I guess you’re right. I didn’t think about that.”

  “Don’t worry,” replied Virgil. “We’ll be your friends.”

  “You will,” cried out Guppy as he almost got strangled on a swallow of water. “That’s great. Thanks, guys.”

  “Come one,” said Bobbye, “we’ll show you around the coral reef. We can play there and have fun. Plus, we?
??ll be safe from Buster Shark.”

  “Who’s Buster Shark?” asked Guppy.

  “Buster Shark is the meanest of the entire ocean,” answered Virgil. “There’s no one meaner than he.”

  “Are you sure we’ll be safe behind the coral?” Guppy asked.

  “Why, sure,” said Virgil. “Come on, you’ll see.”

  As the little school of fish went forth into the ocean deep, they danced about the coral, splashed upon the rocks and blew bubbles.

  “Whoopee,” they all cried.

  “This is so much fun!” shouted Guppy. “This is a totally different world than my fishbowl.”

  “What’s a fishbowl?” Virgil, Ricky and Bobbye asked in unison.

  “Oh, it’s where I used to live,” Guppy replied. “It’s a glass bowl that has colored gravel in it and a little glass mountain with a hole that I swim back and forth through.”

  “That doesn’t sound like too much fun,” said Virgil.

  “No, not at all,” stated Ricky.

  Bobbye shook his head back and forth and said, “There’s no way I’d want to live in a fishbowl. It sounds so small and boring. What did you do for fun?”

  “I told you. I swim back and forth through the hole in the little glass mountain,” explained Guppy.

  “Really,” said Virgil. “That sounds awfully boring.”

  “Well, it’s not like that here in the ocean; there’s so much to do you’ll never get bored,” replied Ricky. “However, you will have to worry about getting caught with a hook or net or eaten by another fish. But, let’s not dwell on those things. We are here to have fun.”

  The coral reef was colorful; it was the home of many different kinds of fish, big and small. Guppy saw so many fish he couldn’t name them all. As they played, his friends showed him around and told him the do’s and don’ts of living in the ocean.

  “You guys are so smart,” he said.

  “That’s why we stay in school. Every day we learn something new. We have to stay on top of things or we’ll wind up bottom up on the bottom or floating upside down above,” Virgil replied.

  Suddenly, the fish sensed Buster was close by and moving in fast. Quickly, everyone but Guppy dashed about the coral and hid. All Guppy did was sit still in the water; he didn’t know why Virgil, Ricky and Bobbye were hiding. Unexpectedly to Guppy, the water stirred up and created a smoke screen of sand and mud. Guppy was engulfed by sand and mud. His friends wanted to go out to help him but it was too late. Buster was already eye to eye with him. Guppy swished his colorful tail to fan away the sand and mud so he could see. When it finally cleared, Guppy was nose to nose with Buster. Virgil, Ricky and Bobbye could not look because they were so afraid for him. They were frozen stiff with fear. All they could do was pray to the Lord for help.

  “Who do you think you are, pipsqueak?” Buster asked Guppy.

  Guppy took a long, hard swallow which nearly got caught in his throat.

  “I am Guppy,” he replied once he cleared his throat.

  “Guppy,” said Buster as he laughed loudly. “Guppy,” he repeated, “uh!”

  “And you, sir, are who?” questioned Guppy.

  “I am Buster Shark, you little tadpole, “the ruler of this part of the coral reef. You’re not from here are you?” Buster said as he eyed Guppy up and down.

  “Nope, I’m not,” he replied.

  “You are so tiny I can hardly see you,” stated Buster.

  “And you are so big,” replied Guppy. “I can’t help but see you.”

  Guppy’s friends and all the other fish who were watching in the distance were amazed when he scolded Buster for picking on them. Buster gritted his teeth while Virgil, Ricky and Bobbye giggled behind the coral. Embarrassed, Buster looked around and asked who was there. Virgil, Ricky, Bobbye and the other fish tried to hold their breaths but tiny little bubbles seeped from their mouths. Buster drew back a bit, shot forward and then snapped at Guppy. Although Guppy was small, he was quick. He was able to move faster than Buster. Snap, snap, snap went Buster as he charged toward Guppy. Fortunately, each time Guppy was able to get away. Guppy was so tiny and fast Buster couldn’t catch him. The other fish along with Virgil, Ricky and Bobbye cheered Guppy on. They admired Guppy and he won their respect for challenging Buster the shark. Overly confident, Guppy took his eyes off of Buster for just a second. That was the opportunity Buster needed. He charged and snapped at Guppy. Before Guppy realized it, he was in Buster’s mouth. All the other fish scattered except for Virgil, Ricky and Bobbye. Saddened by the loss of their friend, they each dropped their heads one by one. They were swimming away when they noticed Buster was acting funny. His face was all bent out of shape and his eyes were red and bulged out. Without warning, Buster sneezed and Guppy shot out of his mouth in a bubble of water.

  “Hooray,” the threesome cried out with joy.

  Buster sneezed so hard he not only blew Guppy out of his mouth but his teeth as well. Buster’s mouth was all sunk in and shriveled up. He quickly covered his mouth, cried out and darted across the ocean floor; he never bullied anyone again. Once Buster was out of sight, Virgil, Ricky and Bobbye all swam over to Guppy and asked him how he was able to get Buster to sneeze. Guppy just laughed and told them all he had to do was tickle Buster’s throat with his fancy tail of many colors.

  “What a fish tale I’ll have to tell my baby fishes,” laughed Guppy.

  “But will they believe it?” asked Virgil.

  “Time will tell,” replied Guppy as they all laughed.

  “Unexpectedly, the waves began to stir again.

  “What is it?” cried Virgil.

  “Is Buster coming back?” asked Ricky.

  “No, no, no,” cried Bobbye. “Look!”

  “Aiyee,” they all screamed when they saw a giant human finger wiggling in the water.

  “Guppy,” a voice said. “Guppy, are you alright?”

  Startled, Guppy realized he had fallen asleep. Swimming in the ocean was once again only a dream. But, Tommy had a surprise for him. Tommy’s mom and dad had bought a big aquarium for Guppy to live in and also bought him some new friends to share it with. Tommy named Guppy’s new friends Virgil, Ricky and Bobbye.

  “Well, Lord,” Guppy said, “you do work in mysterious ways. Bless you, Lord.”