Read Gio (5th Street) Page 15

  Bianca was having breakfast alone when he walked into the dining room. “Morning sleepyhead,” she said smiling brightly when she glanced up and saw him. “Feel good to sleep in?”

  “I didn’t actually,” he said taking the seat across from her and already feeling his heart rate speed up just from being this close to her. “I had some phone calls I needed to make.”

  Gio knew Ignacio and Ray had both gone home yesterday to be with their families until Felix got back. Felix had flown them out first class and had offered to fly Gio to Los Angeles also but Gio passed saying he wanted to get some more snowboarding in on his days off. That’s when he and Bianca had had another one of their moments. It had obviously surprised her he wasn’t leaving like the other trainers. They’d all gone snowboarding a few times since the time he first went alone with Bianca but he hadn’t gone back with her alone since.

  Amparo poured him a glass of juice and let him know she’d be back with his breakfast.

  “So who’s snowboarding with you today?” She glanced at him then back down at her plate. “Evelyn?”

  Gio had just picked up his juice but stopped before taking a sip. He’d been in the room with her for less than five minutes and already he was getting the urge to say things he shouldn’t. Last night Bianca had mentioned she had class this morning and an online seminar she had to watch today. It was disappointing to say the least that she wouldn’t be going with him but at the time he’d thought it for the best. “Nope. I’m going alone.”

  Her eyes met his, a little surprised. “Really? Why?”

  Gio shrugged. “No one else to go with. I haven’t even called Evelyn.” He knew it didn’t matter but he wanted that clear. He hadn’t called Evelyn or responded to her texts and had no intentions to, though he’d told Felix otherwise to avoid any questions. “So I’ll be flying solo. Unless…” he smirked. That did it. She was caught in his eyes again. And though he felt a little evil and like a bad influence the thought of spending an entire day with her beat out any hankering to do the honorable thing here and not dangle the bait. “Unless you play hooky and join me.”

  The doe eyes made their appearance and Gio breathed in deeply. “I shouldn’t…” She bit her bottom lip then smiled.

  That wasn’t a no and that alone made Gio’s heart step it up a notch. “But?”

  “I guess I can skip class but I really have to watch that stupid seminar.” She smiled as brightly as she had when he first walked in the room. “I can do that tonight though.”

  The excitement Gio felt was different from any he’d ever felt because it was laced with something else. Something perilous seeped in along with the exhilaration. Something that took a little from the thrill of knowing he’d have her all to himself today. Strangely, the silent warning is what made the time he spent waiting while she got ready after breakfast that much more agonizing.

  By the time they were in the car Gio felt like a kid ready to board a rollercoaster. It was as if his body and soul were already anticipating what was to come. The whole way to the ski resort they spoke just as comfortably as they always had with the difference now being that, unlike in those first few days, they kept stopping sometimes mid-sentence to just stare in each other’s eyes.

  The only thing that kept Gio from kissing her was he had no way of knowing how close Felix was to all his staff. The driver would be witness to it with one glance in the rearview mirror. If Gio did give into the insatiable urge he had now it wouldn’t be just a soft kiss that could be construed as a friendly kiss. If he did this, he was going for it all the way.

  They reached the resort and the driver got out. Gio knew he had less than a minute before the driver opened the back door for them. He couldn’t stand it any longer; he had to at least taste what he’d been obsessing over for days now.

  He leaned into her as she undid her seatbelt and her head jerked up at the feel of his body pressed against hers. Her eyes were immediately on his lips and he leaned in licking her bottom lip softly, making her gasp. For one horrific moment, he thought she might protest and that he may have just ruined everything. Then to his surprise, she brought her hand around his neck and pulled her to him kissing him wildly, making him groan in her mouth. The door opened and they flew apart. Gio was certain this was what it felt like just before you had a heart attack, because his heart had never beat so violently. He gulped hard, trying to get it together as he got out of the car and at the same time savored the taste of her still in his mouth.

  They didn’t say too much as they made their way to the lift. Bianca mentioned the crowd not being bad and maybe trying a new, more difficult trail this time. Gio could barely think straight. He could still feel her soft lips on his, taste her tongue in his mouth. Once they were on the lift, he turned to face her. “Bianca?”

  She looked in his eyes but said nothing. Gio had considered possibly apologizing or at the very least explaining why he’d done what he’d done, but he saw her eyes on his lips again and the moment she licked her own his entire train of thought was shot. He leaned in and kissed her again only this time it wasn’t nearly as wild as in the car. She let her head fall back as he kissed her deeper, his tongue seeking out every inch of her delicious mouth.

  Knowing that getting carried away could be dangerous up on the lift he refrained from doing all the other things he wanted to do. Like suck her lips and taste her neck but just kissing her was already working him into a frenzy. Her hand was on his thigh and she kept sliding it up and down, squeezing at times. That alone was driving him insane, making him kiss her even deeper.

  They kissed the entire way up, the only times he’d pulled away at all was to look deep in her eyes. He wanted to make absolutely sure she wasn’t regretting this. Gio had no idea how this was going to work or how far this would go. Was this the only time she’d allow this? He didn’t even want to consider that. There’d be no way he’d be able to fight this anymore. Not knowing what he knew now. That she was just as hungry for him as he was for her. Not once since he’d started kissing her had she so much as slowed it down. Her tongue kept up with his, matching every swirl, even sucking on his tongue like he did hers.

  When they reached the top, Gio was thankful for the thick ski pants. But if anyone was looking closely they’d see the evidence of their ravished marathon kiss the whole way up.

  As soon as they got off Gio took her hand. Just like that first day when he held it for just a moment, he felt the current-like blaze that shot through him from simply touching her. It was insanity. This after just kissing her nonstop all the way up the mountain.

  Bianca shivered. “You cold?” It dawned on him just then these were the first words either of them had spoken since he said her name at the bottom of the lift.

  She shook her head. “No.” She smiled and he was relieved that she wasn’t having second thoughts yet about what was happening.

  That was just it though. What was happening? Did he dare ask and ruin it or should he just go with it and enjoy it as long as it lasted?

  She turned to him her beautiful eyes bigger than ever. “You’re not gonna tell Felix, are you?”

  “Of course not.” Okay, maybe they were going to talk about it.

  “I’ve never wanted to kiss someone so badly in my life,” she explained, stopping in front of him. This was just one of the things that had Gio falling for her fast. The way she just said what was on her mind regardless of the circumstances. “No matter what happens, I just want you to know kissing you will probably be one of, if not the most gratifying experiences of my life.”

  As nice as that sounded Gio obsessed over every one of her words searching deep into her eyes. “No matter what happens? What do you think is gonna happen?”

  She shook her head unable to break the hold he had on her. He could feel it just like all the other times she was locked in his gaze and he loved it. It meant something but he didn’t know what. “We can’t…” she started to say then she whispered, “Felix.”

  Bianca di
dn’t even have to say it. Gio knew all too well. He’d thought of it before and he was still thinking it now. He couldn’t—shouldn’t do this to Felix. Only now, there was something even more profound he was feeling. There was no way he’d be able to keep this from happening again. In fact, he could hardly stand it now. He leaned in and did what he had to do and kissed her again. To his relief just like the first two times, she didn’t protest, kissing him back eagerly.

  “Gio,” she finally spoke breathlessly in between kisses.

  He wanted to shush her—tell her they shouldn’t talk about it. Just go with it. Whatever it was. Then just like she had so often done in the past couple of weeks, she surprised him with her next question. “You really wanna snowboard today?”

  Gulping back excitement along with the anxiety of what she might possibly have in mind he stared at her. “What would you rather do?”

  She laughed softly her face turning a slight shade of crimson. “No, please don’t think… I’m just saying. I have no idea what’s happening here…Why this is happening.” The last part she said almost to herself as she glanced around. “We should talk. But this is making me so nervous. Maybe we should go somewhere else. Somewhere where the paparazzi won’t get any pictures of us that might get back to Felix.”

  Gio glanced around, stepping away from her immediately. He hadn’t even thought of that. Thankfully, they were too high up now for any paparazzi to be following them. Then he thought of their ski lift kiss and remembered they’d been pretty low when they first started but he hadn’t spotted any of the vultures earlier. Not that his mind was thinking very clearly when they exited the car. After the first week they now had plenty of photos of Bianca. So the paparazzi’s interest in her and Felix had died down significantly.

  Bianca moved a stray strand of hair away from her face. Gio watched her mesmerized. “I mean if all we do is snowboard we could stay here—”

  “Let’s get out of here,” Gio said bending over to strap his free foot onto his snowboard. He hoped she was saying what he thought she was saying; that she wanted to go somewhere more intimate where they could continue what they started. He’d leave the rationalizing and thinking this through for later. Right now, he could think of nothing better he’d rather be doing.

  They made their way down the slope at an even pace, glancing at each other every now and again with knowing smiles. Gio pushed away any negative thoughts. This already felt like a betrayal on his part. How much further would he take this? How far would Bianca allow him too? Would he even try? Should he?

  This was already far more than he had ever hoped for—even let himself consider. And leaving the slopes to possibly do more was her idea. That thought alone had his insides detonating. Gio breathed in deeply as they reached the bottom of the slope. He glanced around as they stopped looking out for any possibly paparazzi. There didn’t appear to be any but as much as he was dying to kiss her again, he couldn’t chance it.

  The moment they were in the car and the driver closed the door Gio turned to her. “We could—” she started to say but Gio’s lips were already on hers, devouring the taste of her mouth then it hit him and he stopped, pulling away to look in her eyes.

  “We could what?”

  She smiled, her face once again tingeing with color. “I was gonna say we could go to the movies. It’s nice and dark in there.”

  Not exactly what Gio had been envisioning but he’d take it. “Sounds good to me,” he said, sitting back with a frown at the sound of the front door opening and the driver getting in.

  Bianca had already instructed the driver to take them back to the cabin so they could change, explaining to him briefly that they’d decided to call it a day early after she’d pulled something she was afraid would get worse if they continued.

  Gio had been torn between being impressed by how quickly she’d come up with an excuse or being disturbed by it. He never would’ve pegged her for a being a good liar but he supposed after today they both would have to be or this could blow up in their faces in a very bad way.

  He played with her fingers on their drive back as they sat in comfortable silence. An automatic insta-smile was plastered on his face the moment their eyes would meet and she matched it each time. It was everything Gio could do to keep from kissing her right there. Take her face in his hands and just claim her, even in front of the driver. Claim her—because even if it was only for today she was his and he was going to make the most of it. But he knew they’d have to be careful.

  The car pulled up to the front door of the cabin and Gio once again took advantage of the seconds it took the driver to walk to the back of the car to kiss Bianca like it was their last kiss ever.

  Warily he pulled away when he heard the door handle pulled. They exited the car and made their way to the front door of the cabin. Bianca turned to him suddenly her worried doe-eyes at full attention.

  “What?” he asked, anxious to get inside where he might sneak in a few more kisses.

  “The entire compound is full of security cameras.” She glanced back at the car. “I have no idea if he has cameras in the cars.”

  The thought was not one that panicked Gio immediately. Felix had talked to him about the security measures he’d taken when they’d spoken of the paparazzi last week but he didn’t mention cameras in the car. He did, however, mention the amount of cameras on the property and he was glad Bianca had reminded him of it because he was already having visions of taking her in his arms the moment they got inside.

  He frowned, knowing that any thoughts of cozying up with her anywhere on the compound were now all shot to hell. There was no way without it instantly getting back to Felix, Gio did worry that their kiss in the car might have been captured by one of the cameras on the property. Felix had told him he could check the video even when he wasn’t there. “We talked about the security system last week and he never mentioned cameras in the car.” This was going to be tough and he wondered again, why on earth he was taking such a gamble. Was doing this worth the risk of getting caught and possibly losing a friendship he’d had since he was a kid—losing the respect from his friends and Jack when the news got back to them?

  Their hands caressed as they reached the door and instinctively he took her hand instantly, feeling the fire scorch through him from just her touch. He dropped her hand remembering the cameras and their eyes met again.

  Gio had wondered about something for days. There was something he saw in those eyes during moments like these when Bianca seemed caught in his and he’d finally figured it out. It was as if he was seeing himself in her eyes. Because she was feeling that same unexplainable fixation that he was feeling. It was plain as day now.

  The wait to get her somewhere where he could hold her was going to be excruciating and just like that, he had his answer. Maybe if it was anyone else. Someone he didn’t have this strange yet fascinating connection with it wouldn’t be worth taking such a risk.

  He smiled as he observed the very moment she was finally able to pull away from his gaze. Yep, the answer was as palpable as the blood thrumming in his ears now in anticipation to the rest of this day. Bianca was hands down abso-fucking-lutely worth the risk.


  The angora scarf Bianca wrapped around her neck should have brought on a little guilt. She’d purchased it just a few weeks ago with thoughts of Felix caressing the soft fabric. Now all she could think of was that she’d soon be snuggling up next to Gio in it.

  She’d been tempted to call Toni while she was in the bedroom changing. A very small voice in her head wanted Toni to talk her out of this. Tell her she was making a huge mistake. But the much louder, more compelling voice all but snuffed out the little one. It screamed what she really wanted to do and that was to be with Gio all day. Have him hold her and kiss her like he had on the lift when she’d nearly melted into one huge puddle. As dangerous as she knew this could be, Bianca could hardly wait for it to happen again.

  On the ride to the movies, Bianca
struggled to concentrate on what she was saying as she looked into Gio’s eyes. “There’s this really nice hiking trail we can check out after the movies. It’s well kept for wintertime hikers and on the easy side.” She lifted her fingers to air quote. “Kid friendly,” she smiled, feeling her insides warm as Gio’s eyes traveled down to her lips again. “It um…,” she licked her lips noticing his eyes widen and hoped he didn’t think she’d done that on purpose, “leads into a meadow where families with young kids can take them for snowball fights and build snowmen.”

  Bianca paused to inhale deeply. She had to. The way he was looking at her did something to her that left her in need of catching her breath. “It’s really beautiful but the best thing is it’s kind of a local secret. So it’s never crowded and the times I’ve gone out there during the week I usually have the whole place to myself.”

  “Why do you go by yourself?”

  Her eyes were immediately on his lips at the sight of them moving. “I um… just love the trail. You’ll have to see it to understand. Even when it’s not wintertime. I went up there a lot when I was deciding whether I was going to stay up here or move back down to Los Angeles. It’s a great place to think.”

  She licked her lips again. “Stop doing that,” he whispered, closing his eyes.

  They reached the theater and the driver got out. Just like all the other times Gio’s lips were instantly on hers. She loved the way he kissed her with such need. A need she could barely fathom. This guy could have any girl he wanted. Evelyn had obviously been ready and willing to do it in the men’s bathroom with him after knowing him for only an hour and he’d passed it up—passed her up. He’d never even called her. If all he needed was one thing, Evelyn was a phone call away. Yet here he was needing Bianca as if she were his last fighting breath. She’d never felt anything like it but it completely captivated her.