Read Gio (5th Street) Page 9

  Gio smiled. He would’ve never guessed someone as perfect and as cheerful as Bianca had been brought up by two parents with hearing disabilities. He was beyond impressed. “So growing up must’ve been really different for you than for most kids.”

  She lifted her head slightly to look at him. “That would depend on what you call different. It was all I knew, so to me, it felt normal. And because of my grandparents being so involved and my dad only being partially deaf I never had to attend any special schools for children with deaf parents. I was speaking normally by the time I started kindergarten. Only occasionally would I sign along when I spoke, out of habit.” She smiled big suddenly. “And none of the kids made fun of me like my grandmother was afraid they might. They thought it was very cool that I knew sign language.”

  They sat in the hot tub for another forty minutes or so but it felt way shorter than that. The mixture of the wine and the soothing water massage of the hot tub was really doing a number on Gio.

  “We better get out now.” Bianca suddenly declared. “One thing is for sure. You’re going to sleep good tonight. So will I.”

  Thankful to his heavily relaxed body he wasn’t immediately at attention when she stood. That is until she turned around and started stepping out as she removed the wet sarong, giving Gio a very nice view of her glorious ass. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the movement starting up in his shorts to stop. Think of something else. Anything else!

  “Are you falling asleep?”

  He opened his eyes and she was now outside the tub pulling a bathrobe around herself. “No, I’m just gonna finish up this last glass and then I’m out.”

  “Okay, but don’t go falling asleep,” she warned. “I’m gonna go change but I’ll be back to check on you.”

  Feeling a little warmed by her concern he smiled. “You promise?”

  It was official. He was now in love with her smile. It made him feel… happy.

  “I promise,” she said softly then walked out.

  As soon as he heard her bedroom door close, he was up and out of the tub. He rushed to his room and changed. Suddenly he couldn’t wait to be back in the same room with her.

  Once dressed he practically rushed out into the game room and even though it’d been just minutes since he last seen her his heart did this weird thing when he saw she was already there looking so fresh and in her soft pajamas.

  “That was fast,” she said.

  Gio shrugged. “I just threw on my pajama pants and a t-shirt.”

  He had to remind himself where he was and who he was with because as he walked toward the corner bar in the game room where she stood pouring herself another glass of wine he had the incredible urge to wrap his arms around her and kiss her silly.

  He stopped just feet away from her and she turned to him. “You want another glass? I’m having just one more and then I’m done.”

  “Yeah, I’ll take one.”

  This was the first time he’d ever had wine and it was at her insistence that it would do wonders to relax his muscles. At first, he’d balked at her offer but now he had to admit it was good.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  That gleam he’d seen in her eye earlier when she licked her lips in the car was back. “Uh, yeah,” he said already trying to conjure up as much restraint as he could in case she said anything that might push him over the edge, especially now that he’d had a few glasses of wine.

  “What do you say to girls that show you their tongue?” The gleam was an all out smirk now.

  Their eyes locked. Did she really just go back to that? For a moment he thought it’d be better if he didn’t tell her—make something up. But the longer he looked in those eyes, the more he wanted her to know. “That if they’re going to show it to me, they better be prepared to use it.”

  Her eyes widened a little but he saw something else in them that scared him, making his heart thump—excitement. If she licked her lips again he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions because he was going for it. His breathing accelerated now and he was completely lost in her eyes.

  She blinked then her eyes pinched and she looked away as if she was trying to figure something out. “Is that…”

  Gio didn’t know what she was talking about at first then he heard it too—music. He focused on it as well. It was Spanish music and it was coming from outside. It got even louder now. Bianca walked to the window that faced the front of the cabin and Gio followed her as it became apparent that the music might actually be live.

  Her hands went to her mouth when she reached the window. She spun around and darted past him toward the front door. Gio glanced back at her confused then looked out the window. There was an entire ensemble of mariachis out there. Standing with them—Felix. He held a huge bouquet of flowers. Gio watched until he saw Bianca who now wore her snow boots over her pajama pants fly into his arms. Felix hadn’t been blowing her off again. He’d wanted to surprise her and in a big way.

  Gio wasn’t sure what he was expecting but what he felt the moment he saw Felix kiss her, was not it. He swallowed hard, reminding himself maybe this was a good thing. Maybe Felix making such a production to surprise Bianca meant he really did care about her.

  The decision was the fastest and easiest one he’d ever made. The short amount of time he’d spend with Bianca was all he needed to know she was special—too special to have her heart torn apart. If Felix didn’t have the sense to see that Gio would make sure he did, even if he had to beat it into him.


  Focusing on the excitement of seeing Felix—feeling his arms around her—Bianca pushed aside any nagging feelings of guilt. Curiosity is all it was. She’d been curious about Gio’s comment ever since he first made it on the slopes. The wine had just given her the courage to ask. That’s all it was.

  “What happened?” she asked, pulling away from him so she could see his eyes. “I thought you said you wouldn’t make it up tonight.”

  “Babe, I was waiting for my driver when I called you.” Felix’s playful smile warmed her. It’s what she loved most about him. She always told him she could totally picture what he looked like as a little boy. Despite his rugged features, he still had such a baby face. “I was this close to just telling you but I knew how disappointed you were about me not making it up yesterday. I wanted to do something special.”

  Bianca turned to the mariachis who hadn’t stopped playing. One moment she was smiling so big she nearly laughed, then just like that the feeling was gone and her stomach dropped.

  Andy, Felix’s publicist, waved at her from where he stood near the back of the car talking on his phone. She turned back to Felix fighting the scowl that threatened to replace her happy face. “Why is he here?”

  “He’ll only be here for a couple of days. Just so you know, the media knows I’m up here and they’re already on their way. In fact there was already one van parked outside the gates when I drove up.” Felix wrapped his arms around her waist and she couldn’t help smiling and touched his lips with her finger. He kissed it then continued, “He’s here to handle the first few exchanges with the media and tomorrow morning I’m scheduled to make an appearance at some local charity thing.”

  Bianca couldn’t help feeling disappointed and apparently she was no good at hiding it either. Felix kissed her forehead and then quickly began explaining. “It’s in the morning. I’ll be back before lunch and then we’ll have the rest of the day together. I would’ve said no but Andy thinks it’s best if I voluntarily do photo shoots for all these vultures. Says they’ll be less persistent about getting that first photo of me up here if I offer it up front.”

  Bianca shivered. In her haste to get to Felix she’d run out in only her pajamas, barely stopping to put her snow boots on.

  “C’mon, let’s go get you a jacket,” Felix said.

  She wrapped her arms around his big arm leaning her head against him and for an instant had a flashback of touching and holding Gio’s arms on the slopes when sh
e was first showing him how to stand. Again, she tried shaking the thoughts away until Felix brought them right back. “So, did Gio get the hang of snowboarding?”

  “Yes,” she smiled. “He got pretty good actually. He wanted to race.”

  Felix laughed. “Aw, shit! Were you guys out there all day?” Gio stood just inside as they walked in making Felix’s smile even bigger. “Hey, brotha!” He pulled away from Bianca to reach out and clap Gio on the shoulder then shook his hand. “Sorry it took me a minute to get here but I hear you had fun on the slopes today.”

  Gio glanced at Bianca with a smile. “Yeah, she got me up there. And did she tell you what a badass I was?”

  Bianca laughed now. She was glad there was no awkwardness. She didn’t know what she was thinking. These two had been friends for years.

  “Yeah, well, just wait ‘til tomorrow. Your ass is gonna be laid up all day. Did you take some aspirin already?”

  Gio shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “Dude, take some. I’m not shitting you. You’re gonna be hurting bad tomorrow.”

  Gio assured him he would. Bianca walked away to grab her heavy jacket, beanie and gloves. She wasn’t sure how long the mariachis would be there, but it was freezing out there.

  They stood out on the porch having another glass of wine and listening to the musicians play a few more songs. Felix held her close whispering again and again how much he’d missed her. Then Gio joined them as promised after Felix had insisted he have a few drinks with them before going to bed.

  At first, it seemed Gio was a little uncomfortable but within a few minutes, he was laughing at Felix’s stories about the old days.

  When the mariachis wrapped it up Felix walked away and down the cabin steps toward them to pay them. He also needed to talk to the driver who was driving them back to the restaurant where he’d found them.

  Bianca glanced back at Gio and to her surprise he smirked playfully. “You happy?”

  She smiled nodding and feeling a little embarrassed about how obvious she was. Being in Felix’s arms again, hearing him tell her he missed her went beyond making her happy.

  Felix walked back up the stairs of the cabin immediately pulling Bianca to him. “So, tomorrow,” he said leaning against the railing and wrapping his arms around Bianca’s middle so that they were both facing Gio. “I figure there’s no way you’ll be up to working out and I gotta make an appearance at least once at the festivities they’ll be having all month for USASA Nationals going on.”

  “What is that?” Gio asked.

  “Snowboarding and skiing championships.” Felix paused to kiss Bianca’s temple then took a drink of his wine. Bianca was already tensing up listening to him talk about making appearances. She wondered if he’d noticed and that’s why he paused. “Anyhow, tomorrow they’re having this thing at one of the bars up here. It’s pretty cool. They have bands and shit. I’ll have to schmooze a little but Ray and Ignacio will be there. And Andy,” Felix made a clicking noise with his tongue. “Don’t worry I’ll make sure he hooks you up.”

  Bianca fought the urge to roll her eyes knowing exactly what that meant. As if Gio needed any help getting hooked up. The guy would probably have them lining up as soon as he walked in the place. To her surprise Gio’s only response was, “And Bianca?”

  “Oh, she’ll be there too, right babe?” She glanced at him smiling with a nod. “But she’ll probably be with me while I’m schmoozing. So I just meant you’ll have Ray and Iggy to hang with while I do my rounds.”

  Gio nodded taking a drink of his wine. Bianca stared at him wondering what to make of the fact that his only concern about tomorrow’s plans was whether or not she’d be there.

  They called it a night after that last drink. Andy had long ago made his exit to his own private cabin on the compound but had reminded Felix of their early morning appointment.

  The extra glasses of wine Bianca had in honor of Felix’s unexpected arrival had done just the opposite of what a few calming glasses usually do—they made her anxious. So were the butterflies in her stomach just thinking about their first night together in weeks.

  As soon as the door closed behind them in the massive room Felix called the master bedroom, he pulled her to him sinking his tongue deep in her mouth then moaned. “Damn!” he said, pulling away then looking deep in her eyes without saying anything for a moment. “I had a really long day. I need to shower but uh,” he tugged at her pajama top, “you’re not gonna need these. The heater is on and I promise I won’t let you get cold tonight.” He kissed her again, this time a little harder with his tongue exploring her mouth wildly. “Take ‘em off and I’ll meet you back in my bed in ten.” Breathlessly Bianca nodded as he walked away slowly.

  She giggled as she fumbled with the buttons on her pajama top then decided to just skip the whole process and pulled the top over her head a little too fast. With her head in a fog and feeling so heavy Bianca nearly tumbled onto the bed making her giggle even more. She managed to get her balance back and stepped out of her bottoms and panties then crawled into the gloriously comfortable bed. She slipped under the silk sheets and lay back onto the many down pillows.

  After this morning’s disappointment Felix had more than made up for it and soon he’d be making love to her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes barely able to believe how wonderful this day had turned out. Heaven… heaven is what this felt like.


  Bianca’s eyes kept going from the back of the driver’s head to the rearview mirror as Gio spread her legs. Her heart raced like she’d never felt it race before. She could hardly believe she was sitting in the backseat with him, naked from the waist down.

  She refused to pull her eyes away from the driver. Did he know what they were doing? Would he tell Felix? Feeling Gio spread her with his fingers made her breathe a little heavier and a small moan escaped her.

  “Shh,” Gio hushed her.

  She wouldn’t look, but her chest heaved up and down and she gasped as his finger began to massage that spot. The one meant for no one else but Felix; yet here Gio was touching, caressing. She bit her bottom lip as his finger sunk in her. She was so wet it was almost embarrassing but at this point she’d beg him not to stop. He worked her in a circular motion while he sunk a second finger in her and she struggled to hold in her moans.

  The uncontrollable trembling started and her eyes would open and close as she felt it building. She moaned louder and the driver’s eyes met hers in the rearview mirror but she didn’t care.

  “Come baby,” he whispered. That only made her moan louder as her body began to shudder and the incredible sensation flooded her everywhere. “That a girl,” Gio whispered. “That’s my girl.”

  She continued to moan squeezing her eyes shut as spasm after glorious spasm continued and she was sure she’d pass out from the pleasure of it. “You liked that?”

  Something was wrong. This wasn’t right. Of course, something is wrong that voice in her head screamed.

  “You like that, baby?”

  Bianca’s eyes flew open and she gasped for a moment unable to breathe. Felix was on his elbow next to her naked. She lay there spread eagle in the middle of the bed. All the blankets were gone. Her heart still beat wildly as she realized what had just happened.

  Felix smiled, kissing her softly. “I’m sorry. I was going to let you just sleep but I couldn’t help myself. You look so damn good lying there naked and once I started you were enjoying it so much there was no way I was stopping. But damn, if that wasn’t a fucking turn on watching you come in your sleep.” He moved up over her and she felt his erection graze her leg. “I promise this won’t take long at all,” he said with a soft laugh.

  Her heart was beating even more erratically now. How long had she been out? But what screamed loudest in her head was why the hell had she been dreaming that it was Gio doing this, not Felix?

  She wrapped her arms around Felix’s neck kissing him long and hard. “I love you.”

p; “I love you, too,” he said just as he entered her with a groan.

  As usual, he was incredibly gentle—always had been. It was something her mother said she should appreciate. Most young men were brusque and selfish at lovemaking. Not Felix. He said she was different from anyone else he’d ever dated—special—and he would always treat her that way.

  Even though she appreciated it, at the moment Bianca needed more. The guilt of her dream washed over her. She didn’t deserve gentle. She lifted her hips wanting him in as deep as possible. Guiltily needing to show him just how much she loved him with her body. Each thrust she lifted her hips higher. Each time he went a little harder and deeper and she loved it.

  Even though he promised it’d be over quick he made it last until she came again only this time she stifled her moans, squeezing her arms around his neck as he buried himself as deep as he could.

  He collapsed atop her breathing hard and for some reason she didn’t want to open her eyes. The memory of her climax just minutes ago hadn’t faded. Neither had the shock of realizing it was her boyfriend who’d made it happen. Most troubling was the disappointment she felt that it hadn’t been Gio. The guilt of it was too much for her to bear. What was wrong with her?

  “I love you,” she whispered anxiously as she opened her eyes.

  Felix lifted his head to look at her and smiled. “I love you, too Bianca.”

  Her eyes must’ve looked as dreary as they felt. After what just happened, and not just during the day but the evening, her body felt spent. “Time for bed, sleepy head,” he whispered before crawling off her.

  He walked away and she supposed he was going to the bathroom to grab a towel but she never found out because within seconds she was out again.


  No matter how much Gio had been warned, he did not expect to be in this much pain. The walk from the bathroom back to his bed was excruciating. There was no way he was leaving this cabin today or even tonight. He’d be lucky if he left the bed for anything but to use the bathroom.