Read Glimmer of Hope (Book 1 of the Land of Tomorrow Post-Apocalyptic Series) Page 13


  About a half hour later, they lay motionless in the cold snow. The going was tedious in the night. Luckily the snow dampened their sound and the half moon rose fully so they could see somewhat better. David had not returned from his reconnaissance, but Nathan could see the glow of a fire ahead and hear soft voices occasionally. It was not long before David glided out of the woods ahead, as silent and sure-footed as a wraith. He slid gracefully down beside Nathan and put his mouth to his father’s ear.

  “Seven women, eight small girls, no men or boys. Oh yeah, one German Shepherd.” David stopped and when Nathan looked at him questioningly he answered the obvious question. “No weapons, no sign of a trap. Also, they look like they’ve been mistreated. Some are obviously ill and they're all eating now, but in a frantic sort of way as if they haven’t had food in a while.”

  “Maybe they aren’t with the others,” whispered Bethany, who moved up near them. “Or maybe they were taken prisoner and…” She stopped and looked at David and Nathan before continuing, “…taken advantage of...” She finished while flicking her eyes at her boys.

  She's still trying to protect them from the worst of everything, Nathan thought and although he believed her effort were futile, her loved her for trying. “Maybe…maybe not. We don’t know yet. Could still be a trap,” he said.

  “Yes, but we know we can now go around them, or maybe even try to talk to them.” Bethany pleaded.

  Nathan sensed she was right, but inwardly cringed. He had just been through this situation that morning.

  Bethany grasped his arm forcefully, “There will be less chance of bloodshed if I approach this time, instead of you.” She felt Nathan’s resistance, but continued on anyway. “If it’s a bunch of women and their children who have been captured and hurt, they’ll be less alarmed by a woman than you. Also, in case you haven’t noticed, you look like a damn butcher covered with all that blood from today. You would scare the living crap out of them right now.”

  "Maybe we should just go around them," mumbled Nathan uncertain.

  Bethany chuckled lightly, "Oh, now that we might be able to help someone and not just kill them, you're not interested in meeting new people?"

  Nathan cursed under his breath. She was right and wouldn't be dissuaded at this point; but he didn’t like putting Bethany in a dangerous position if he could help it. “Okay, but if anything goes wrong, you just hit the ground and stay there. We’ll be watching and we’ll come for you.”

  Bethany nodded, and handed David her rifle and Nathan her pistol. She rolled out of her backpack and left it there on the ground while the others did the same.

  “You stay here until I signal for you,” said Nathan to Bethany. “We’ll crawl up into our positions and when we’re there, you stand up and walk down the trail.” Nathan paused again, “And don’t take any chances you don’t have to.”

  Bethany smiled, nodded, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Nathan motioned Joshua to crawl over and he quietly briefed them on the plan. Once everyone understood, the three began to slowly and carefully crawl forward in the snow toward the sounds of strangers.