Read Global Warming Fun 4: They Taste Like Chicken Page 23

Chapter 18: The Offer

  "The bad news is this Ann: you won't be leaving Giants' Rest with your story in the immediate future," Chief Ed announced at the breakfast table the next morning.

  It's what Ann expected but the words still stunned her. "According to Mark, I'm officially under arrest." She looked out over the little group that sat with her on the topside Deck eating breakfast. With her sat Ed, Running Bear, Talking Owl, Frank Gray Wolf, Mark, and Ann's ever present canine companion Runner. Mark's father Frank had big a heavy looking briefcase with him, she noticed. Walking Stone stood silently nearby in his parka. They would all witness the confiscation of her photos and videos next, she suspected. She had some rather spectacular videos that would have stunned the world. Then what would happen? She didn't have a clue.

  "A temporary status, we hope," said Running Bear.

  "You visit us at a very opportune time, Ann," said Ed.

  "And we have a very big favor to ask of you," added Talking Owl.

  "A monumentally enormous favor," Running Bear emphasized.

  "But we'll feed you fresh strawberries while you do it," Mary added.

  "We need to go public with the Tribe and the Stone-Coats and we want you to do the story," said Ed. "And we hope that's the good news part."

  Ann's jaw dropped open.

  "A very extensive written story backed up with video documentation is needed," Ed added. "The whole story; not just some sensationalist little hack job. It will take a lot of work and time for you to get the story together, even after all the background that Mark and Walking Stone have already given you. It might require months of hard work before you are ready to release your full story, for the entire story is far more complex and important than you can imagine. The entire relationship between humans and Stone Coats is at stake, and perhaps the fate of humanity, Stone-Coats, and Jants. There should be world-wide recognition of your work, but pundits and powerful enemies will likely arise. Many will denounce your story as science fiction. Many will reject it on moral and religious grounds. Expect riots and rebellion. Chances are it won't all be fun and glory for any of us."

  "But you'll have our full cooperation and support," added Frank. "We will assign several professional staff members to you to support research and videography and whatever else you feel that you need. As data sources there are tons of journals and centuries of Tribe folklore to consider." He opened his briefcase and pulled out a thick notebook. "For example this is one of several scholarly journals written by Dr. Richard Tuttle, the first white scientist to study the Tribe and the Stone-Coats. It lays out the basic science of the Stone-Coats and their ten-thousand year history with the Tribe. The history of the Tribe interaction with whites is documented also, including steel work in New York City and the recent diamond trade to get cash. The psychic abilities of Tribe members is also documented."

  "Would Mark help?" Ann asked.

  "Extensively, we hope," said Talking Owl.

  "Along with me, of course," said Walking Stone. "All other Stone-Coats would support your efforts as well," he added. "A video taken from the shoulder of an Ice Giant as it migrates north into Canada would perhaps be both entertaining and instructive."

  "Perhaps a camera carried by an eagle would provide a footage also," added Talking Owl. "A march of the Ice Giants from an eagle perspective."

  "Well? What do you say?" Ed asked.

  "Oh! My! God!" Ann managed. "Are you kidding! Yes, of course!"

  Everyone smiled and shook hands with her as Ed exchanged jant-transmitted thoughts with Jerry Green, and Mary placed another huge dish of steaming acorn mush on the table, smothered in maple syrup and fresh strawberries. It was the fresh strawberries that probably sealed the deal, Ed figured.

  And that was the end of the beginning for Ann Richards, Tribe and Stone-Coat publicist extraordinaire.

  After the meeting, Running Bear congratulated Ed regarding his Chiefly performance for July thus far. "As always your leadership has been superlative, my skin-pigment challenged friend!"

  "Thanks Running Bear," Ed told his friend. "Mark did most of the heavy lifting. I simply used a leadership trick called 'delegation' that I learned from you. My other big trick is called 'dumb luck' but I was born with that one. I figure the rest of the month will be a snap, and then you'll be in charge again. I'll have to come up with some nifty issues for you to tackle."

  "Oh!" said Running Bear, his face suddenly grim. "That reminds me! There are a couple of new issues you should probably work on now, Ed. A-S-A-P."

  "Swell," Ed replied, not at all surprised.

  The End (For Now)


  About Other Publications by This Author

  This is the fourth story in the series Global Warming Fun; as many as ten instalments are expected. If you enjoyed this novella, you may be interested in reading the other short stories and novellas of this series as they gradually emerge. Thus far they have been primarily science fiction in nature, but some series elements with a stronger fantasy orientation are possible. The fifth story will be subtitled "It's A Dry Heat" and feature dry sunny California.

  You may also be interested in the already published full-length e-books of this author, including a diverse collection of twenty fantasy and sci-fi short stories titled There Goes The Neighborhood; Earthly Fantasy/Science Fiction Short Stories. Like my novels these short stories range from pure science fiction to pure fantasy, and most take place in contemporary Earth settings.

  If you like ancient secrets, magic and science, romance and adventure, science fiction and fantasy, parallel universes and hidden fantasy worlds, try reading the full-length novels Secrets of Goth Mountain (which like much of Global Warming Fun has a Native American setting) and its loosely coupled epic fun-packed sequel Government Men. Government Men has a bit of everything, including the book itself and its thinly disguised author. Yes, oddly enough the book includes itself, along with unicorns, psychics, space aliens, the ghost of Geronimo, impending Armageddon, and much more! For the sake of completeness a kitchen sink was included. Both of these action filled books employ a great deal of science-based fiction, as well as strong doses of fantasy and romance.

  Bird loving sci-fi fans that like strong human female heroines and stronger blue jay heroes may (if T-rex sized raptors and other deadly nuisances can be tolerated) enjoy an adventure trip to Aves the bird planet, achieved by reading the traditional science fiction thriller Blue Dawn Jay of Aves. Other than many of my short stories and much of Global Warming Fun, this is my only 'pure science fiction' work to date.

  Fantasy noir detective fans that can abide what used to be known by feminists as a 'male chauvinist pig' private detective as a hero, and can also tolerate trolls, elves, and other unexpected visitors to our world along with a talking mob cat, may enjoy The Shrinking Nuts Case. This is my only novel length 'pure fantasy' work to date.

  I try to employ some humor in most of my works, particularly in Government Men, The Shrinking Nuts Case, and some of my short stories. I also lean heavily towards positive outcomes, although just as in real life, those don't always happen.

  To learn the author's world view (accurate when the book was written and every other Thursday) including thoughts on multiverse and quantum mechanics physics concepts and how that compares with phenomena that occur in the above novels, get geeky with the brief little e-book NOW and the Weltanschauung of Government Men.

  Happy reading!

  Mechanicsville MD; June 2015


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