Read Glow Page 3



  Amelia woke up with a pounding headache "Aghhh, I think I had too much fun last night,

  “Hey Sara,” she called, “do you have any aspirin?"

  "Already on the way rock star," Sara said as she walked over to Amelia’s bedside with aspirin and a glass of water.

  "You're a lifesaver Sara, thanks," she said as she took the glass and pills from her friend’s hand.

  "Have fun last night?" Sara asked

  "Definitely." She answered "Now I gotta get my ass moving or I'm gonna be late."

  As she dashed for the bathroom to get ready, she put her hand to her neck.

  "Oh my god" she cried, my necklace is gone." she frantically searched her bed, the floor and her clothes from the night before and came up empty.

   "Oh man, I must've lost it at the club, I'll never get it back." she moaned.

  She hustled and was out the door in ten minutes, she had never been late, or missed a day of work. She loved her job, the pay didn't suck, and she got to spend time in one of her favorite places. The library. It was a secondary on campus library, not so much for text books, more for research and reference, and it was enormous. Her home away from dorm.


  As she made her way inside the huge marble building, there were several students, but mostly professors and researcher types lounging on the various couches, at tables amongst piles of books, most of them taking notes or photocopying pages. A typical day at the Fortress, which the library had been nick named years ago by students due to its massive size and being built of marble. During Hurricane warnings, this was the evacuation/safe place that the entire campus and also locals fled to wait out the storm.

  "Good morning Mrs. Jones" she greeted the head librarian.

  "Oh good morning Amelia, how are you today?"

  "I'm well thanks," She replied

  "That's good, because I have a ton of books that need to be gone through to be retired. I know you love research, so any that you come across that you'd like to take home, you may. All others need to be scanned and cataloged into the system, then brought to research three."

  "Okay Mrs. Jones, I'm on it" she grinned


  Hours had gone by when she looked at the time and realized that she had missed her lunch break.

  Since she was working there, not for school credit, but as an actual job, she was allotted an hour lunch, so she hopped in her SUV and headed off campus for a quick bite, she was famished.

  Being in a coastal town, especially as the weather was breaking, could be kind of hectic, but she missed most of the traffic and pulled up at her favorite lunch spot, Ms Muffit's. A chicken Caesar salad was in order. She placed her order and sat at a table by the window, and pulled out her laptop. After ten minutes of browsing Face book and her email, her lunch arrived. She ate slowly as she looked out the window at the passersby, families taking pictures next to the giant lobster, kids running through the common across the street. It really was a picturesque little town. She twirled a lock of her hair between her fingers as she zoned, looking out the window.

  That's' when she saw him.

   It was the guy from the club.

   He was sitting on a bench in the common,

   looking right at her.








  After his snack in the bar parking lot, Gabriel decided to go for a walk. His mind felt too full. When he felt that way, walking usually seemed to help. He pulled into the dirt parking lot at the closest beach entrance and killed the engine. He sat for several moments staring out at the black of the ocean, then pulled the moonstone from his pocket. Staring at it in disbelief, it felt so good to have it in his hands again.

  His mind drifted back to 1540, when his mother first gave it to him, it was about five years after he had been cursed. His mother knew some very powerful people, and she had her most prized possession, this necklace, spelled. To protect her only son during his travels, which she knew would be extensive, due to his recent condition. His mother knew what he had turned into, she still loved him just the same, for he was still the same wonderful man she had raised him to be. He wasn't crazed or violent like the others. She knew he would outlive her, and probably everyone he knew, so she had the stone spelled by an ancient seer that she had befriended in her childhood.

  She prayed that someday the spell would take effect and end the misery and loneliness that she knew he would endure, but it could take his entire unfathomable life span for it to happen. She also had it spelled with her love and wisdom, to comfort and guide him always.

  He never took it off. From the day that she gave it to him, he wore it every day, all the time.

  But after being stolen from him, by his then love, Caroline, in the 1600s, he never saw it again.

  He missed it. He missed his mother. Even after 400 years. She was the most beautiful, intelligent, brave, caring person he had ever known. Still.


  He slipped it back into his pocket and got out of the car. He headed towards the sand with the intention of going for that walk he felt he so needed, but instead, he chose to sit. He sat and listened to the ocean for hours. It soothed him. The smell of the fresh salt air rejuvenated him.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, let his thoughts wander. They led him back to the club.

  Back to the girl. He couldn't seem to get this girl off his mind. It had been a long time since he had a girl on his mind. Why her? Why now?  Why did he feel as if he knew her?  But thinking about a girl, would do him no good.

  He blamed it on the curse, meant to make him suffer, and worse yet, starve. Women instinctively shied away from him. They would only ever speak to him for a few moments before their fight or flight response kicked in. Flight was the usual choice. In these modern times, they were much more polite about it, but that still did no good for his ego, or his hunger.


  The sun rose as he sat there on the beach, Teenagers began showing up, trying to catch a wave, then families with small children came, bringing their picnics and hoodies. It was nice enough to be out, but not quite. Being in the Northeast, folks tended to get cabin fever during the long, cold winters, so as soon as the temperature rose, even a bit, they were out and about trying to take full advantage. He decided to go into town and get something to eat. Actual food that is. He loved food, it just never satisfied him, it did nothing to quell his true hunger. His levels were too low, more often than not. But he craved a sandwich just the same.

  He came into town just as the lunch rush was beginning, so he decided to wait it out on a bench in the common. He took his journal from his coat pocket and began to write. Another thing he did to keep himself sane. He wrote. Not all the time, but when he had occasion to put something of interest on the pages. This was one such day. He wrote for a while then paused, and looked around. His eyes fell upon the very spot where he would get his sandwich. In the window he saw long auburn hair with a streak of pink running through it. He knew that hair. That’s when she turned her head, and looked right at him.


  She felt her face flush, her heart rate definitely rose, she didn’t understand.

  She nearly choked on her salad. “My god, he’s beautiful.” she said aloud to herself

  She put her hand to her neck, and again noticed the absence of her necklace. She missed it already.

   “Focus” she thought. “What if he comes in here?” “What if he doesn’t come in here?” “What should I do?”  She had never been bold when it came to approaching guys, but she had never seen a guy like this one. “Screw it.” she said as she began to gather her things. She left a few bills on the table and made her way outside. She stepped onto the sidewalk, slung her bag over her shoulder and raised her hand to shield her eyes from the sun.

   He was gone.

  “Oh what the hell.”  She complained. She go
t into her SUV and headed back to the library.


  She moved through the rest of her day without thinking. She was in a daze and didn’t even realize it until Mrs. Jones came to find her in research room three.

  “Amelia, she asked, “are you going to work straight through till Monday?”

  She looked up from a book to see Mrs. Jones standing in the doorway. “What do you mean?” she asked

  “What I mean is, that its five forty five on a beautiful Friday evening, and you still have your head stuck in these old musty dusties.  Isn’t it time you pack it in for the day?” she questioned

  “Wow, I guess you’re right, I didn’t even realize the time. Lost in my work I suppose.” Amelia said

  “Well you work too hard, go get lost in some fun, I’ll see you on Monday.” Mrs. Jones smiled.

  “Sure thing Mrs. J, I’m just gonna finish up these last few books, then I’m outta here.” she promised

  “Okay then, just be sure to lock up when you leave. I have a date with Professor Thomas.” she beamed.

  “That’s fantastic,” Amelia said, “have a wonderful time, and I will see you on Monday”

  Mrs. Jones said goodbye and left Amelia to finish up.


  Amelia entered the information for the last few books into the system and was jotting down a few notes when she noticed a book with a binding unlike the others, it seemed even older than the rest, if that was even possible.  She picked it up and turned it over to the front cover. Looking back at her was a beautiful woman, she looked to be from the renaissance period. Most of her jet black hair tucked up into a cap of some kind, with the rest freely falling to her waist. Her dress a reddish color, adorned with silver and gold, and at the hollow of her throat, a moonstone necklace. Not just any moonstone, HER moonstone. “That can’t be” she whispered. But there was no mistaking the size and shape of the stone, or the bed of fine silver it lay upon. She stared at the woman, at the necklace. The book had no title and seemed to be written in a language that she had not seen, even in all of her reading, cataloging and such. She decided that this book was going to be one that she kept for herself. Most definitely.


  When her amber eyes met his, he felt himself warm, his skin started to glisten, his breaths grew soft and shallow. He couldn’t look away, even though he wanted to. It was a perplexing feeling. He felt like if he didn’t look away, she would know everything, every secret his centuries old mind held, like, his very soul was showing. As soon as she looked away from him, he got up from the bench and disappeared.


  Back in his car, he got his cell phone out of the glove box and dialed Rob. His groggy voice came on the other end “Dude, it’s like two o’clock in the afternoon, what the hell?”

  “Get up, get dressed, and meet me at my place.” He said

  “Why, what’s up? Everything okay?”

  “I’m not sure. See you in twenty.”


  He got up to open the door when he heard Rob’s car pull in

  “Okay man, I’m here, what’s goin on?

  “Like I said, I’m really not sure. I’m having a real hard time here, I don’t know what’s happening.” He offered.

  “Okay, well tell me what happened.”

  “I was sitting in the common, I had been writing in my journal, when I kinda zoned out a little, and I was just looking around and I saw her.

  “Saw who?”

  “The girl from the club.”

  “What girl? What club? What the hell are you talking about?” Rob asked

  He remembered that he had kept to himself the details of the previous evening, he started,

  “Last night, I saw this girl, and I .. I um.. I feel like I know her somehow. She was so beautiful, I was watching her dance, and I got this feeling, like she knew me too, it was strange and it kind of made me curious about her.”

  “Oh my hell, has Gabriel Alexander finally found himself a co ed cutie?”

  “No.” he snapped “Must you always be such a tool? Everything isn’t about getting drunk, laid or fed you know.”

  “Woah, dude, sorry, why so touchy? Who’s the girl?”

  “I don’t know who she is, but I have seen her three times in total and two of them had

  Me practically gasping for breath” he explained

  “What do you mean, ‘gasping for breath‘?”

  “I mean, we looked at each other, and all of a sudden I started to sweat, lost focus,

  I felt something foreign come over me, something I have never experienced before.  I felt light headed, I was unsure of my own thoughts. It was beyond unnerving.” he explained

  “Wow, dude. I have no idea what to say right now.” Rob stammered

  “Maybe it was love at first sight or something.” he offered

  First of all, be reasonable Robert. I am not some pimple faced pubescent, seeing a female look at me for the first time. Secondly, I can’t get close enough to a woman to, well, to do anything actually. Then all but run screaming. She looked away when I looked at her.” he argued

  “So as I said, I have no clue what is happening to me, but it makes me feel as if I want to crawl into a hole and stay there, and just close my eyes, and stay there.” he said

  “Shit, dude, this isn’t good, this is not good. Rob worried “This is not the Gabriel Alexander I know.

  “Do you feel okay right now?”

  “Yeah, it only happened when I saw the girl.”

  “Okay, well, the way I see it, you have two options. Option one, steer clear of her. You never saw her before the other night, what’s saying you have to ever see her again, right?” Rob reasoned

  “Okay, and what’s option two?’ he asked

  “Option two my friend, is that the next time you see her, you pull yourself together, and approach her. Say hello to her, ask her name, you know, the usual.”

  “All that may be the usual for you Rob, but you know that just isn’t a scenario I can ever see happening and you know it.”

  “Well like I said, those are the only two ways I can see this playing out. As far as the whole, stuttering, sweaty, dork that seems to come out of you when you see her, I don’t know man,

  It sounds to me like you just need to get a hold of yourself.” Rob concluded

  “If it was that simple“, Gabriel snapped,” I would not be standing here discussing this with you.”



  For the next two weeks, she went to work, came home, and went to work again. She was working on the books that needed to be retired and it was never ending. She hadn’t even looked at the book with her necklace on the cover. She needed to take a break, so she called J to see if he wanted to meet up for lunch. Of course he did, they hadn’t spoken much in the last week or so.


  They met at Ms. Muffit’s, they had such a way with Caesar salads that she almost never had lunch anywhere else.

  She was already at a table when J came in.

  “Hiya, Sweets” he greeted her

  “Hi J, “she got up and kissed him on the cheek,” what’s happenin?”

  “Not too much girl, just went and got my eye brows done, am I gorgeous or what?” he batted his eyes at her.

  “Most definitely” she assured him

  “So, salads?” he asked

  “Again, most definitely” she smiled

  Over their salads, she told him about the guy from that night at the club a couple of weeks ago, and the day at the common as well.

  “How could you not have told me this Mel?” he exclaimed

  “It didn’t really seem that there was anything to tell” she said

  “Nothing to tell? Nothing to tell? You spot a hottie in the club, feel some weird Deja vu, You were actually about to go and speak to this man, but he mysteriously disappears, and you say there‘s nothing to tell?  Girl, we are now an official mission to find this man.” he said excitedly

, no mission J. This guy is, I don’t even know, I’m not going to try to hunt him down like a crazy stalker chick.” she said

  “This guy is what exactly?” J asked, as he crossed his legs and rested his chin on his hand, like he was ready to hear some juicy gossip.

  “He is, absolutely gorgeous, like six-two, long dark hair, intense eyes, probably new around here, as I have seen him in two of our regular spots, but have never seen him before a few weeks ago. Also a stranger, who is probably married, or crazy, or both.”

  “Wow Mel, that’s pretty harsh. All we really know is that you saw this man, and felt all topsy turvey.”

  “Which really amounts to zero.” she said

  “Okay, so let’s just say, for argument sake, that he ends up being single and sane, two of the biggest prerequisites are already out of the way. I say we track him down and she what’s the what.” he decided

  “Okay, I counter with this, next time we go to Club Gold, we scope it out. If he’s there, well, we will come up with a plan then.”

  “No, no, no, you don’t wait till the last minute for a plan. We have to decide what you’re going to do if we see him.”

  “Oh J, you’re killin me”, she complained

  “How’s this plan supposed to work, without a plan?” he questioned

  “Okay J, what’s the plan?” she conceded

  “Here’s what we’ll do, when we spot him, all you have to do, is walk over to him and say hello.”

  “Really? That’s your plan? I walk over and say hello?” she questioned

  “What else is there to do? You’re a normal girl, he’s probably a normal guy, just say hello, it’s not that hard. How do you think I have met all the hotties I know?” He smiled

  “Say hello on what premise? That I’m into just going up to random people and saying hi?”

  “Yes, that’s how it’s done. That’s how we meet people, make friends, etc. so, it’s Friday, and we’re hittin Club Gold tonight. So after work, go home, get even more gorgeous, and I will pick you up at nine.

  “Okay. I guess it’s an official plan.” she said

  They chatted some more as they finished up their lunches. She finished out the rest of her day, antsy and nervous at the prospect of having to go up to this guy if he happened to be there.

  Then on the way home after work, she decided that she shouldn’t worry, he probably won’t be there, he was more than likely just a tourist anyway. Even though tourist season was just beginning.



  Gabriel considered Rob’s two options. So far, he hadn’t needed to really do anything except stay out of the commons, and Club Gold, which was an easy task. Rob stopped asking him to go to the club after about a week, he knew he didn’t like that place anyway.

  His cell rang, he leaned across the couch to grab it, it was Rob.

  “Hey man, what’s up?” Rob asked

  “Not too much” he replied. Just relaxing, what’s up with you?”

  “Same ol’ same ol’, you know me. “Rob grinned into the receiver. “Whatchya got goin on on this fine Friday evening?”

  “Probably heading downtown at some point” he said

  “Dude, you still eating down there? You need to break that habit.”

  “Rob, I’m not having this discussion, I’m not in the mood.”

  “Okay grumpy pants, come pick me up, we’ll go to Gold.”

  “You know I’m over that place.” he said

  “I know, but it’s been weeks, let’s just drop in for a while and see what’s happening.”

  “Fine, he conceded. I’ll pick you up at nine.”

  “Okay sunshine, see you then.” Rob said


  They pulled up to Club Gold just after nine. Gabriel parked in his usual spot, on the side street next to the club.

  “Okay,” he said “let’s get this over with”

  “Now is that any kind of attitude to have?” how ‘bout some positivity?” Rob asked excitedly

  “How ‘bout that I’m positive this is going to suck?” he challenged

  “It will not suck. Trust me.” Rob persisted

  “Famous last words” Gabriel muttered as he got out of the car.

  Once inside, they made their way to the back bar. It was less crowded than the one in the front of the club. Rob ordered two beers and handed one to Gabriel.


  “So, let’s just relax, and have a few drinks, and see what kind of action is happening in here.” Rob said

  “Two hours, then I’m gone.” Gabriel said

  “Fine by me. Let’s go shoot a game of pool. Loser buys next round.” Rob challenged

  Gabriel grinned, “Oh, you’re on.”


  Once they had played down to the eight ball, it was Gabriel’s shot.

  “Okay Rob, this puppies’ goin in the left corner pocket.”

  “That’s a shot I’d like to see. “ Rob said

  “And you’re about to.” Gabriel laughed.

  He leaned down, lined it up, and drew the cue back to make the shot.

  He raised his eyes slightly, and beyond the surface of the table he saw a glorious sight.

  It was Her.

  She was with the same guy that she was with when he last saw her here.

  As the door closed behind her, the outside air came in and was pushed full force, right towards him. He closed his eyes, as amber, sunshine, and spring rain invaded his senses.


  “That was her I smelled that night. Her boy pal too, I guess he’s just a friend.”

  “Who? What? It’s her? She’s here? Where?” Rob begged

  “Yeah, that’s her, just walked in with the guy in the red shirt.” Gabriel replied “Wow. She’s really beautiful.” he realized

  “Indeed, my man. You better seal that deal, or I will. Dayum.” Rob declared

  Gabriel slammed his pool stick down on the table and turned to Rob.

  “You will not touch a hair on her head, or you will answer to Me.” he growled

  “Dude, you don’t even know this chick.”  Rob brushed it off

  “Did you not hear me the first time I spoke?” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Okay man, sorry. I won’t touch her.” Rob surrendered, hands up.

  “You’re damn right you won’t.” He confirmed

  He watched her and her friend pause by the bar for a moment, then she headed to a back table, alone.

  “There’s your chance dude, go on over.” Rob encouraged

  “Calm down Robert, I’m in no hurry to have her run screaming from the premises, besides, look at her. I wouldn’t mind just a few moments to enjoy watching her.” he said



  “Let’s just get a pitcher and head to a back table.” Amelia said,

  “Great minds.” J smiled “I’ll grab the beer, you grab the table, and I’ll be right there.” he said


  She made her way to the back of the once again, crowded club, and lucky for her, found an empty table. Most people were dancing, playing pool, or just walking around.

  She took the pony tail out of her hair and shook it out with her hands, she felt as though her long hair falling on both sides of her face was protective. Like it would shelter her if need be,

  J showed up with a pitcher and two frosted mugs.

  “Pullin out all the stops tonight I see.” she joked

  “My Lady indeed, deserves a frosted mug.” he smiled, as he poured them each a drink

  They each took a sip of the ice cold beer

  “Mmm, delicious” she said

  “The colder the better.” J offered

  “Okay, so we’re here, now what?” she asked

  “Now, we wait.”

  “That’s your big plan? We wait? Wait for what exactly?” she asked

  “We wait to see if your mystery man shows up.” he explained

  “And if he does?”

we move into operation, “Say Hello”.” He said

  “Why did I let you talk me into this?”

  “Because you’re dying to know who this guy is, that’s why.” J said

  “I suppose you’re right.” she agreed

  “You know I’m right,” J corrected “and I’m dying to see the man that’s got my girl here all flustered.” J teased

  “I am not flustered.” She argued

  “Uh huh, anyway,” J said as he looked around the club. “Did you say he’s about six- two, long dark hair? Biker type dude?”

  “Yeah, well not biker dude per se, but definitely potentially biker-ish.” she corrected

  “Well in that case girlfriend, it’s time for Operation Say Hello to commence.” J said excitedly

  “Uh, what?” she asked “You see him? How do you know it’s him? Where?” she asked nervously

  “Based on your description, and the fact that we have never seen him here before, I would say that the hotness located at the third pool table, is your guy.”



  Gabriel watched her sit down at the table, she sat her purse by her side, then reached up behind her, and released her hair. She shook her hands through the auburn and pink locks, letting it hang down freely. He felt his stomach tighten, and his skin temperature change.

  Her friend joined her and poured their drinks, they looked to be chatting happily.

  It made HIM feel happy himself, regardless of the strange happenings to his body and mind at the moment.

  “Ok dude, you just gonna stare at her all night or what? Get your ass over there and see what happens.” Rob encouraged

  “I’m not ready for her to run away just yet, gimme a few minutes, damnit.”  He said

  “Okay, but remember, he who snoozes, loses.” Rob informed him

  “I already told you Robert, you will not touch her.” he warned

  “I know, dude, chill. That’s not what I meant. Some other dude, might.”

  “Like hell.’ Gabriel growled

  And with that, he walked away from Rob, and their game.

  He was headed straight for Her table.

  He would not allow some other man to, he didn’t even want to think it.

  He had a warrior’s courage, and now he would use it. If she runs, she runs, he would at the very least watch over her, protect her. But if she doesn’t run…oh my, what a different story that could be. Now or never.


  “Oh my god, he’s headed this way” J whispered to Amelia

  “Please tell me you’re kidding.” she said nervously

  “Not even a little, ETA ten seconds girl.

  “Ok Mel, just breathe, breathe, it’s just a guy.” she said


  “Please don’t get up, please don’t get up, please don’t run,” Gabriel begged her in his mind

  He made his way to her table, and very calmly, very coolly, said

  “Hello, I’m so sorry to intrude on your evening, but I simply must know the name of the girl with the beautiful hair.”

  His voice was deep, but had a smoothness to it, it was almost comforting. It was a great voice she decided.

  She turned to look at him

  “And a beautiful face as well.” he said

  “Amelia” she blushed “My name is Amelia.”

  “Well, hello Amelia, my name is Gabriel, Gabriel Alexander.” he offered

  “Oh my hell, she’s still sitting here, she hasn’t gotten up yet. I can’t believe this” he thought

  “Well it’s very nice to meet you,” she said, “This is my friend J”

  J held out his hand to Gabriel, they shook hands

  “Nice to meet you, man.” he said

   You too.” Gabriel said

  “So, as I said, your hair, is unbelievably beautiful, honestly, it’s not a line or anything”

  “Thank you,” she said “I actually get complimented on it a lot.”

  She felt her stomach flip, her hands shook just enough for her to notice.

  “But it could still be a line.” she joked

  “I assure you, it is not. Although I am curious about the pink.” he said

  The short answer is, I just love that splash of color, and it’s something most people around here don’t have, that’s all.” she offered

  “Well it really suits you.” he said

  She blushed again, “Thanks”

  “Amelia, I have to ask you, have we ever met before? I’m sure I would remember if we did, but you seem so familiar to me.” he asked

  “Now that’s a line,” she laughed “Truth be told, you look very familiar to me too. But I don’t know why.”

  “Sit down, sit down, sit down, she thought, please sit down”

  She felt butterflies swirling like mad in her stomach.

  “It does sound like a line, doesn’t it?” He smiled “But I truly feel as though we have spoken before.” he insisted

  “If we had met before, I would remember it too.” she said

  “Well, now we have.” he smiled at her.

  “We have.” she smiled back

  J gave her an asking look, she nodded slightly, almost imperceptibly

  “Well it was very nice to have met you both.” Gabriel said “but I should-

  “I’m actually about to get going” J interrupted “wanna sit? And keep my girl here company?”

  Gabriel knew that Rob was either watching this unfold, or he was chasing chicks, either way, he wouldn’t miss him.

  “I’d love to, as long as you don’t mind, Amelia.” he said

  “Oh no, not at all, have a seat” she said, as she scooted over to make room “shit, what do I do?

  is she scooting from me, or for me? Shit, I don’t know what to do.” he thought

  J hadn’t moved to leave yet, so he figured she scooted to make a spot for him to occupy. So he did. Holy hell, he was sitting next to a woman, he was sitting next to HER.

  His heart was nearly pounding from his chest, he felt that light headedness again.

  Her heart rate increased as he sat down, he could hear it.

  “Well kids, it’s been fun, but I have got to get goin, there’s a hottie at the front bar that I simply must speak to. Good to meet you Gabriel,

  “Same here” Gabriel said as they shook hands once more.

  “Mel, text me when you’re ready to go home.”

  “Will do sweets.” she promised

  They kissed and hugged goodbye, and J left them alone at the table.


  Gabriel felt the moonstone warm in his jeans pocket. “What the hell is causing that to happen?” he pondered. It had never happened before. He had to get to the bottom of this whole necklace issue, but he didn’t want it away from him, ever again. Besides, there were way more pressing issues at hand.


  “Well, she thought,” this is it. He is sitting right next to me. Now or never.”

  “So are you here on vacation?” she asked

  “No, actually I moved to the area about a year ago.” he answered

  “Oh, she said, “I’m surprised I haven’t seen you around before, small towns, ya know?” she laughed

  “Yes, I don’t get out much, except when my buddy Rob drags me along, we were just shooting some pool when I saw you, and you looked so familiar, I decided that I should come over and say hello and introduce myself.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did,” she smiled “Drink?” she offered

  “Please, he said as he held out his glass.

  “So. That wasn’t a line? You really thought I looked familiar?’ she asked

  “Truly.” he replied

  He felt his breathing getting shallow, he was about to break out in a sweat, but he forced himself to reign it in. He could not blow this. She wasn’t afraid of him. She was talking, to him, smiling, with him. He could hardly believe it.

  Her hand shook as she poured the beer into his glass, reminding herself to
chill out, she quickly set the pitcher down.

  He felt the necklace in his pocket growing warm, he hoped it wouldn’t get any worse. He wanted to sit here with here her for as long as possible.

  “So Amelia, tell me, what do you enjoy?”

  “Hmm, what do I enjoy?” She mused. I enjoy the beach, of course, otherwise I wouldn’t last long in this town” she laughed. I love to read, I love books, I even work with books.” she explained

  “Oh really? What type of work do you do?” he asked

  “I work at The Fortress.” she answered

  “Fortress?” he asked, puzzled.

  “Oh, sorry, that’s what the folks around here call it. It’s an on campus library, very old, and very sturdy, it doubles as a shelter when big storms come in, hence the name.”

  “Oh, I see, makes sense. So, beach and books huh?”

  “Yup, and hanging out with my homeboy J of course, he’s my best friend, and you?” she asked

  “Well, I too, enjoy the beach. I also read quite a bit. I like to travel. And I really am somewhat of a movie buff.”

  “Me too.” she smiled “What kind of movies do you like?” she asked

  “Oh everything. My favorites are action movies though, horror, sci-fi, as long as it doesn’t suck, I’m in.” he smiled

  “Me too.” she smiled back

  “Okay, favorite action movie? He asked

  “It’s a toss-up between any of the Fast and Furious movies, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  How about you?” she replied

  “Interesting“…he mused “Favorite action movie? Easy. Terminator.

  “Yeah, Terminator is good stuff.” she agreed

  “Do you like horror as well?” he asked

  “Absolutely.” she answered

  “Favorite?’ he asked

  “Dracula. Although I don’t really consider it horror. You?”

  Good Hell, Dracula? Of all things? He thought to himself

  “I like the Scream movies. He answered, it’s never what you think, and I like that.”

  “Good choice.” she smiled “Refill?”  She asked

  “No, thank you, I’m driving tonight.” he explained

  “Responsible too,” she smiled as she poured herself another.


  “So where’s your friend?’ she asked

  “Good question.” he said as he looked around for Rob, who he found cozied up to a redhead in a corner by the pool tables.

  “That’s him, over there with the girl in the corner.” he pointed

  “They look cozy, is that his girlfriend?” she asked

  “Definitely not.” he laughed

  “What’s funny? she asked

  “Rob is definitely not a girlfriend type of guy.” he explained

  “Oh, I see, and what type of guy are you?” she challenged

  “I don’t think I have ever been asked that question,’ he replied “but let me try to answer. I am not the type of guy who canoodles with every girl he can. Actually, I don’t canoodle with anyone.

  I have been alone for a very long time. But if I am with a woman, I will be with her, and only her. My word is my bond, I like to experience new things, I’m kind of old fashioned, and I think I may also be a bit shy.”

  “So, no wife, no girlfriends?” she asked

  “No. No wife, no girlfriends.” he answered almost sadly

  “Me either.” she said “So, Responsible, Honorable, old fashioned, and single.?”

  “That’s me.”

  “How is that possible? You do like women, right?”

  “Yes, I like women.” he chuckled

  He smiled at her. He couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “I’m surprised at that” he said, “a beautiful, intelligent woman like yourself, no boyfriend, not married, or at least close to it.”

  “Well I did have a boyfriend, but that ended over nine months ago.” she said

  “Was it serious?” he asked “I’m sorry, I’m prying, you don’t have to answer that.”

  “No, it’s okay, really, you’re not prying, just friendly conversation. No, it wasn’t very serious. I just kept trying. I guess that’s what I do.”

  “How do you mean?” he asked

  “I think I always try to see the best in people, give them more chances than they will ever deserve.”

  “But that’s sounds like a good thing, gracious even.” he replied

  “Yeah, but sometimes I try too hard, give too much.”

  “I think that’s part of what makes you human, you’re saying it like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Sometimes it is.” she replied

  He pondered this for a moment as he sipped his beer. Someone must have hurt her. Used her love against her, turned her optimistic heart into something they could use to their own benefit.

  The thought of it made his blood scream for vengeance. How could anyone ever hurt this wonderful, beautiful creature? He fought to regain some of his composure. He couldn’t blow this, he had to chill. He had to spend more time with her. As much as he could before her instincts kicked in and she ran screaming from him.

  “Amelia, please forgive me for being so forward, but I would very much like to spend some time with you in the near future. A movie, perhaps?” he ventured

  Her heart wanted to leap from her chest, she knew she was doing more than just perspiring at this point.

  “That would be great.” she beamed “let me see your phone, I’ll put my number in it for you.”

  “Great, here ya go,” he handed his phone to her. As she reached for it, it seemed as though time slowed. The closer her hand got to his, the more it slowed. As she took it from his hand, her skin grazed his. There was a millisecond of what looked like a flash of pink electricity. They both jumped, looking at each other, in shock. This was more than dry air static. This was definitely something much more.

  “What the hell was that?” she stammered

  “I have no idea.” he offered “I’ve never seen anything like it, it didn’t feel like normal static either.” he said

  “Wow. I have never seen anything like that in my life.” she said in amazement “What do you think caused it?”

  “I don’t know

  They both sat in astonishment for a moment. Both breathing heavily, obviously flushed.

  “Should we see if it happens a second time?’ she asked

  “It didn’t hurt you did it?” he asked hopefully

  “No, not at all.” she confirmed

  “What the hell, why not” he replied “slowly.” he instructed

  Very slowly, they each placed a hand on the table, and ever so slowly, moved them toward one another. Their pinkies were about an inch apart, and it happened again. Pink electricity. A small arc passing between them. It didn’t hurt, so they both looked at it, and each other in amazement.


  She pulled away first, completely flustered.

  “That is the single most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life.” she stated

  “Same here” he said, “and I’ve seen a lot.”


  She picked his phone up from the table and entered her information and clicked save, placed it back on the table and said,” There ya go, all my contact info is in your phone now.”

  He grabbed his phone and searched for her entry.

  “Top of the list.” he noted, as he smiled at her.

  He had a great smile. Wow. A great smile. The kind of smile that made you momentarily forget your own name, she decided.


  She spotted Rob on his way over to their table

  He sauntered up and said” Well, hello pretty lady who has stolen my pool partner,”

  “Hi, sorry,” she offered

  Gabriel threw him a glare and Rob’s smile softened

  “I’m so sorry to have kept you Gabriel, I’ll let you get back to your game.” she said

  “I promise you, you are keeping me from nothing.?
?? he said as he looked her in the eye

  Again, he felt the necklace warm in his pocket.

  He noticed her pupils dilate. That’s when he knew. He knew this woman would not run from him.

  He was absolutely elated.

  “I should actually get going, it’s getting late and I have work in the morning.” she said

  “Please, allow me to walk you to your car.” he offered

  “Oh crap, I don’t have my car here. J drove me.”

  “I can drive you.” he said, “no problem, I have to drop Rob off anyway.”

  “Uh, dude, no need.” Rob interjected. Gabriel looked at him with an inquiring raised eyebrow.

  “Yeah, Red over there is taking me to a party. You guys wanna come with?” he asked

  “I’d love to, but I was just telling Gabriel, that I have work in the morning.” she offered

  “On a Saturday?” Rob asked

  “Oh my god, what an airhead I am, I completely forgot that tomorrow is Saturday.” she laughed

  They all laughed then.

  “But really, It’s getting a bit late for me, I think I’ll pass on the party. Thank you so much for the offer though, it was nice of you.” she said

  “My pleasure. Any friend of Gabriel’s.” he said

  “Okay dude, I’m outta here, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow, cool?”

  “Yeah, tomorrow. Behave yourself.” Gabriel said

  “Don’t I always?” Rob waggled his eyebrows “Later, nice to meet you Amelia.”

  “Same here, have a good night.” she called after him

  “He’s a character, isn’t he?’ she said, as she watched Rob walk off.

  “You have no idea.” Gabriel replied with an exhausted sigh.

  “So, are you sure you don’t mind driving me?” she questioned

  “It will be my pleasure.” he confirmed “Ready?”

  “Sure, let’s go.” she said

  They made their way out of the crowded club out into the humid night air.

  It was as quiet outside as it was noisy inside. Almost momentarily deafening.

  The rain had stopped altogether, all that was left was a heavy fog.

  “My ride’s this way.” he motioned

  As they turned the corner around the side of the building, she saw his car.

  “This is your car?” she asked

  “Yes, why, what’s wrong?”

  “Oh, nothing at all,” she assured him. I saw it parked here once before. It’s beautiful.”

  “And she appreciates American muscle.” he smiled

  “My dad was always working on something in our garage when I was growing up, so I guess I kinda have a soft spot.” she confided

  “That must have been the night I first saw you” he confessed

  “Huh?” she mumbled, not knowing what to say

  He walked to the passenger side and opened the door for her. She stood there and just looked at him for a quick second before she slid into the leather seat. He closed her door and took his time walking around the car. She could swear she saw him talking to himself smiling. She didn’t even care if he looked crazy doing it, she was kinda doing the same thing herself.

  He got in and closed his door.

  “You drive a black SUV right?” he asked

  “Yeah, how did you know that?’ she asked

  “I saw you and J walking to your truck the night that I was here, had to be the same night you noticed my car.” he explained “You were parked directly across from where we are right now.”

  “Oh yeah, I was. Small world, she mused

  Okay, he had absolute confirmation that she was the one who dropped the necklace.

  He still had to figure out how she came by it. But again, there were more pressing issues at hand.


  “Okay, where to beautiful girl?”

  She blushed. “Just take Main to Virginia Ave.” she instructed

  “Okay, to Main Street.” he smiled as he turned the key and the engine roared to life.

  “Great car.” she smiled

  They drove off into the night.


  Once on Main Street, they drove in silence for a few minutes, passing all the small touristy shops, which were of course closed. They lined the main street like something out of a novel. Park benches lined the sidewalks, with small grassy areas with planted flowers beside each one.

  It really was a quaint little town.


  He hadn’t been in such close proximity to a female in so long, that he had almost forgotten the appropriate way to behave.

  “So, you saw me once before, huh?” she said

  “I did.”

  “Maybe that’s why you think I look familiar.” she laughed

  “You were familiar to me as soon as I Iaid eyes on you.” he replied seriously.

  “I saw you too.” she informs him. “Didn’t wanna know my name that night?” she joked

  “I did actually, but I saw you dancing with J and assumed you were a couple, and that’s not something I would ever infringe upon.” he explained

  “Where did you come from?” She laughed

  “What’s funny about that question?” he asked

  “I just mean, that most guys wouldn’t care if a girl was dancing with someone, they would approach her anyway.”

  “Well that’s just disrespectful. Actually, my friend Rob, he’s like that sometimes. He can be a real tool.”

  “I’m glad the company you keep hasn’t affected your good manners.” she grinned

  “As am I” he agreed, as he looked at her


  “Please don’t bring me straight home” she silently hoped


  “I know you said it was getting late for you, but since you don’t have to work tomorrow after all, would you maybe want to swing by the beach? We don’t have to stay long.“ he promised, hoping against hope that she would say yes.

  “It’s not enough that I let a strange man drive me from a club, but he now wants to stop off at a secondary location? Hmm, sounds fishy to me.” she teased.

  She felt safe with him. She almost trusted him. Maybe it was the electricity thing that they had shared, the familiarity, or maybe just the awesome vibe between them, but she was confident about how she felt.

  “Sure, I’ll go off to the beach with you in the middle of the night, she laughed, why not?”

  Elated, he looked at her.

  “Thank you.” he said quietly.

  She looked at him questioningly.

   “For deciding to trust me.” he said.

  They just smiled at each other. He turned his attention back to the road.

  “A little faster okay with you?” he asked

  “Most definitely.” she gave him a huge smile

  He dumped the clutch and they picked up speed.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do if she keeps smiling at me like that“, he thought

  “That smile is gonna be the death of me.” she decided to herself.



  He headed to the same spot he went to the first night he saw her.

  They pulled into the dirt lot and he killed the engine.

  “I love this spot” she told him

  “I do too.” he smiled at her again “Would you like to walk a bit?” he asked

  “Sounds good.” she said as she bent down to remove her shoes “Gotta be barefoot though.”

  “Do I have to?” he asked

  “Of course, no one wants sand in their shoes, silly” she teased

  “Okay then, shoes off it is.” he agreed

  He removed his boots and socks, and got out. She was still unlacing her sandals, when he came around to her door. He looked at her through the glass. She turned to him and smiled. He smiled back at her as he saw his own reflection. He saw both of their faces, together in the glass. It made his heart soar like he never thought it could. He grabbed the handle and opened the

  “Thank you,” she said, “do you always do that?” she questioned

  “Do what?” he asked

  “Open doors for people.”

  “For a lady, yes, always.” he replied, puzzled at the question

  “I don’t know anyone who does that, besides J.”

  “Well then, you’re obviously not keeping the right kind of company. J aside.  he concluded

  “Maybe I haven’t been.” she said as she took his outstretched hand to help her from her seat.


  The pink spark happened again, and the necklace burned in his pocket.

  He ignored his pocket as she got out of the car, their hands still touching.

  She stood in front of him, as they both looked at their hands, held up in front of their eyes.


  “What’s happening?” she asked, as they both studied the pink arc of light dance across their hands.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted, “but I think it’s amazing.” he smiled

  She looked at him, her face showing nothing, then she smiled too.

  “It is pretty amazing.” she agreed “it feels like feathers across my hand.”

  “It feels that way to me too.” he agreed

  As they stood there watching the pink light, he intertwined his fingers with hers, it wrapped around each of their fingers and then dissipated into their wrists. They looked at each other smiling.


  “Ready for that barefoot walk?” he asked

  “I am.” she smiled at him

  “Would it be okay with you if we kept our hands like this?” he inquired

  “It would be more than okay.” she said


  They walked in silence for a few minutes, as they made their way across the empty sand to the water’s edge.

  “So we both know what we enjoy, and about my work, how about yours?” she asked

  “My work? Very boring stuff.” he said

  “I somehow doubt that.” she countered

  “I deal in antiques. Mostly selling, and appraisals.” he said

  “That’s actually really interesting.” she said

  “You really think so? Or are you just being polite?” he asked

  “Yes, really. You must find it fascinating. All that history, the stories behind things.” she said dreamily.

  “Like the antiques show on TV?” he laughed

  “Yeah, kind of. Those people really just wanna know how much they can sell their pieces for. It sounds like what you do is different.” she pointed out

  “It is different, and I’m good at it. It’s been a family business, I have learned a lot through the years. Appraisals are my favorite part of it though.”

  “Why is that?

  “I just think it’s interesting. What people think they have sometimes, and other times, they have no idea what they have. I really like delivering good news to people who really need it. Like telling them that Aunt Edna’s antique hair barrette is actually over a hundred years old and worth more than they ever dreamed. That’s the cool part for me.” he explained

  “That’s really sweet.” she remarked

  “It is, it’s also fun to shut someone down when they think they’re the expert. Whether they’re just under educated on a topic, or they’re trying to run a scam.”

  “People really do that?”

  “All the time. It all comes crashing down when I point out one small forgotten detail.” he answered

  “Like what? Tell me.” she asked curiously

  “Okay, a writing desk for example. By a particular manufacturer, I might notice that it has three drawers on the left side instead of four. Three drawers means that it was manufactured in America sometime between 1840 and 1910. That particular type of desk only began having four drawers on the left hand side after 1910. Of course the older model is worth more money. People will have a carpenter forger recreate a desk to sell as an antique. But since the carpenter or his boss aren’t experts, they get details wrong, like how many drawers go on the left.” he smiled

  “How is that boring to you?” she wondered

  “It’s not really, I just thought you’d think it was.” he admitted

  “I don’t think I could find anything about you boring Gabriel.” she informed him


  “How about family? She asked

  “My family is mostly gone.” he answered “Rob is the closest thing I’ve got. We’ve been like brothers for most of our lives.”

  “I’m sorry.” she offered

  “What, about my family being gone, or that Rob is all I have?” he laughed

  She laughed too

  “You know what I mean.” she said as she nudged him with her shoulder

  “How about you? Family? Friends?” he questioned

  “Well, my parents died my freshman year, “

  “Oh. I’m so sorry Amelia.” he interrupted

  “Thanks, its ok,” she continued “I had just started ninth grade-

  He interrupted her again, “Ninth grade? When you said freshman, I just assumed you meant college. Oh my god, how awful.” he said mournfully

  “Oh it was. It was a tragic, hot, mess. But you really don’t wanna hear my sob story, it’s not exactly a tale to win people over with.” she said

  “You’ve already won me over.” he said quietly, as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  She blushed as the pink arc crossed his lips to her hand.

  “Please, continue, really. I want to hear.” he encouraged

  “Okay, if you really wanna hear it.”

  “I do.”

  “So it was the beginning of freshman year, Homecoming, actually. As I’m sure you’ve learned, the weather here can be crazy, and cold. Well that day we had a freak sleet storm. The roads were treacherous within an hour. I had been dying to streak my hair. My mother finally relented, and said she would get the pink hair color I had been wanting. The agreement was, that she would help me do it. We were always doing our hair together. So Dad left work early because of the weather, and he stopped to pick my mother up from her friend’s house, he had the four wheel drive. As they were coming home, she asked him to stop at the beauty supply store to get the pink color for me. He didn’t want to stop, it would cost them another twenty five minutes, but mom was excited to get my pink done for the Homecoming dance that night. So they stopped.”

  He was watching her and listening intently, his hand holding hers just a bit tighter than before.

  “When they left that store, they were pulling out of the parking lot onto the main road, when a plow truck smashed right into them. The plow driver didn’t have his headlights on, and with the sleet and some snow starting to come down, Dad didn’t see him. It was over in an instant, and my mom died on impact.”

  “Oh my god Amelia.”

  “It’s ok” she said, as tears threatened to overflow from her eyes.

  “I was at home, freaking out because they weren’t home yet and I only had an hour left to get ready for the dance. I was so mad. I called my mother’s cell phone, and when she didn’t pick up. I left her a message complaining that she was taking too long, and that I had to get ready etc.. As it turned out, the crash had already happened. I’m so glad she never heard that voicemail.

  So anyway, about five minutes after I left that message, the police came and knocked on my door and brought me to the hospital, where my dad was barely hanging on. They let me go in to see him. He told me about my mom. I freaked. I couldn’t process the information. My head was spinning, I felt nauseous, it was horrible. We had a brief conversation before he faded away. He told me how excited my mom was to help me with my pinks. After everything was said and done, I was given their personal affects. Hair color included.

  I went home that night and had a glass of wine with J and put the pinks in my hair. I’ve had them ever since.”

  “That’s amazing.” he said

  “What is?’ she as

  “Your strength, your love for your parents, especially your mother, your commitment to your pinks, as you call them.” he smiled at her

  “Told you it was tragic, and a hot mess.” she said

  “Maybe your emotions about it are, but you, beautiful girl, are far from it. Thank you so very much for sharing that with me, I feel honored.” he said

  “Thanks for listening. It’s not a story I’ve told many times, maybe twice.”

  “Now I really feel special.” he beamed

  “Maybe you are.” she teased


  They continued to walk, and made their way to the water’s edge


  “Yikes, the water is definitely still too cold for a dip.” she laughed

  “Maybe we’ll have to come back again once it warms up.“ he said hopefully

  “Maybe.” she smiled

  “Do you spend a lot of time here?” he asked

  “Not nearly as much as I’d like, but I try to get down here at least once a week.”

  “That’s not a lot?” he asked

  “Not to me. “she said “There’s just something about the ocean. It’s restorative, healing power, the ebb and flow.  The calmness of it, the hidden strength within, the constant dance it does with the moon. It all just resonates with me for some reason. Know what I mean?” she asked

  “Actually, I do.” he said “Although I don’t think I have ever heard it put so simply, and yet so eloquently.” he said

  “Well thank you kind sir.” she laughed “but it’s just the truth.”

  “Umm, I have a question for you.” he hesitated


  “Well, I was wondering.. How about we come out here on the next full moon?”

  “That’s tomorrow night.” she informed him

  “How do you know that? It’s too overcast tonight to see the moon.”

  “I love the moon too.” she laughed “I don’t go out of my way to know, but I just always seem to know the moon’s cycles. I could be at home, studying, reading, whatever, then I get this urge to go outside and stand beneath the night sky, and every time, there she is. Full and as beautiful as ever. Bathing everything beneath her in a heavenly glow” she said

  He stopped walking, turned and looked her right in the eye. His stomach must have had bats in it. He had never felt so nervous. His heart was banging the inside of his chest. She stopped and looked back at him, he could sense that she was feeling just as overwhelmed as he was.

  “Oh my god, he’s gonna kiss me,” she thought

  He stepped into her ever so slightly, and reached to touch her cheek with his fingertips. The pink glow reached from her skin and jumped to each of his fingertips. They both jumped, startled.

  The light continued to glow between them. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand.

  His heart felt as if it were going to burst from his chest as he stared at her in disbelief.

  She opened her eyes and looked up at him.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked

  He brought his other hand to her face, the arc danced across her skin onto his fingers.

  “I just can’t believe that this is real.”

  “I know what you mean, it’s amazing. I wonder if we’ll ever figure out what’s causing it.”

  “I agree, but I wasn’t talking about the glow.”

  Her eyes widened as she looked at him, and he noticed her pupils dilate once again. Much to his surprise, he knew that if he kissed her right now, she would kiss him back. As much as he wanted that, he chose to save it. He didn’t want to scare her off. If this could really be something, he wanted to wait, wanted to be sure it was as real for her, as it was beginning to be for him.

  He had already waited hundreds of years. He could wait just a little longer

  .”So, tomorrow night then?” he asked

  “Without a doubt.” she breathed

  “Fantastic.” he smiled “and as much as I’d like to stand here on this beach with you until then, we should probably get you home so you can get some rest.”

  “Agreed.” she sighed


  “Race you to the car!” she squealed as she took off running.

  He laughed, this girl was amazing. He let her get a good head start, then he took off after her.

  He could have easily been to the car before she was even half way across the sand, but this was much more fun.

  They both reached the car at about the same time.

  “I so beat you!” she exclaimed laughing like crazy

  “By a second at best.” he told her

  They stood at the passenger side door laughing, catching their breath.

  He came to stand in front of her, pushing her hair from her face, as pink electricity spread across her skin, jumping to his. They both stopped laughing, and just stood there breathing heavily, looking into each other’s eyes. He wanted so badly to end his waiting. He could hear her heart racing, even though her breathing had slowed. He could feel his own heart racing.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips, ever so gently, to her cheek.

  He looked at her and said, “I am so glad I met you Amelia.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.” she said

  “The sooner we get to sleep. The sooner tomorrow will be here.” he said

  He opened her door, and helped her into the car. He took his time walking to his side.

  She buckled herself in. “What in the hell is happening?” she smiled to herself

  He got in and started the engine as he turned to smile at her.

  “Virginia Avenue?’ he asked

  “Virginia Avenue” she confirmed

  The ride was quiet, save the sound of the motor, which she loved listening to.

  They both seemed to be in their own heads a bit.

  “I am so glad that I went up to your table.” he said finally

  “So am I.” she agreed

  “I have very much enjoyed the time we’ve spent together this evening.” he told her “I look forward to tomorrow.”

  “Me too.” she smiled


  They pulled up in front of her dorm.

  “So why do you still live on campus? Just curious,” he asked

  “It’s cheaper and has better security than off-campus. Plus, I rent out my parents’ house for extra money” she explained

  “Security? You mean that guy sitting at the desk there?” he nodded toward the entry way

  “Yeah, it’s more than I could afford for security living elsewhere.”

  “Why the need?” I mean security systems are great and all, but why such a concern?”

  “Well,” she started “the short version is, that ex-boyfriend I mentioned, was an asshole who liked to smack me around, and a locked door never helped me.”

  He stared at her for a moment, swallowing the anger that was building up inside him.

  “Amelia, I have to tell you something.” he said seriously

  “What is it?” she asked

  “I will never. Ever. Allow anyone to hurt you. Do you understand?”

  She studied his face for a quick moment, surprised by his clear concern for her safety. She knew he was sincere.

  “I do. Thank you. But I don’t want my shitty past to ever be your problem.” she said

  “Never.” he repeated

  He reached out and took her hand in his. The pink glow moving across their knuckles,

  He leaned down and kissed the top of her hand.

  “May I call you tomorrow?” he asked

  “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” she replied smiling

  “Until then” he said

  “Goodnight, and thank you.” she said

  “No,” he corrected “thank you.”

  He waited for her to get safely inside the building before he drove away.