Read Gnomes don't bite...right? Page 2

  Chapter 7

  I thought for a moment it sounded like black magic or something to do with the curse. “What does she looks like?” Mel asked. “Well she looks like about 30 years old but I have a weird feeling that she isn’t as young as she seems. She has long black hair and she seems to always wear a cloak.” Sophie said. “What about her house?” I asked wanting to get more info about my new target. “Well its like witch’s home Hansel and Gretel went to but it isn’t made out of candy and the windows are all covered with black.” Sophie said blushing because she knew she sounded like a child. “I’ll do some research about it and maybe get a glance at her or the house and don’t worry I won’t get caught or anything.” I say and Mel nods. “I don’t you guys spending your summer catching a witch you should be enjoying it.” Sophie said. “We don’t mind, spending time with family is already good enough.” I say smiling. “Or spending time with a friend’s family is already good enough.” Mel said winking. As my mom walked down she raised an eyebrow assuming we said something that made her cry. “Hey mom how’s the unpacking going”?” I say enthusiastic. “Nice try Alexa.” She said. “Should we tell her?”Mel said in front of my mom. Sophie nodded and we all began to explain. “This sound like a fairytale or a horror movie even I hardly believe what happened over this year. Evil devils now an evil witch!” Mel said. As I turn around to go to the sink to wash my cup I dropped my cup and cover my mouth trying not to scream. “ALEXA are you ok!” My mom shouts jumping up. Mel knowing me turned around to look at what I was looking at. “OMG WHAT THE HELL!” she shouts bumping into the table. By then Sophie and my mom were already turning around too. We were all now staring at the gnome right in the middle of the hallway. Its eyes were red and it was grinning but still in his pose. We just stood there for minutes and no one moved. I took 10 deep breaths and I sat down. “That is so much creepier than the curse.” Mel said softly and I nod. Mel and I cleaned up the mess that I made giving time for my mom and Sophie to calm down. We didn’t even try to come close to it. Once we were done my mom was taking her deep breaths and look like she was starting to calm down. But Sophie was still in shock and was breathing shallow breaths. We sat there for another few minutes. “Anyone volunteer to get the gnome out?” I ask. “No way am I going to touch that!” Mel said. By now the eyes weren’t glowing anymore but it still looked creepy as always. Knowing if no one would want to move it, it would just say there the whole night and even if it really looked like it didn’t have any trouble breaking in she still felt better having it outside. “I’ll get that nasty thing out.” I say and Mel turned to me looking scared. Grabbing a plastic bag and slowly moved closer to it. I slowly reached for it and my mom’s eyes went big. I bent down and grabbed its tip. “It won’t hurt me it’s just a gnome. A tiny small gnome can’t hurt me.” I just repeated that a few times and opened the door and I threw it out and slammed the door fast. I returned back to the table and sighed with relief. They all hugged me and we all turned silent again. I constantly turned around to make sure it wasn’t back in again sighing with relief that it wasn’t. “Did you feel anything when you held it?” Mel suddenly said. “Um well it was actually warm. It felt like there was some energy buzzing in it but it didn’t move.” I say. Did anyone think before maybe it’s the witch controlling it?” I say. “That could be true.” Sophie said and we all turned around. “Sorry for breaking the cup.” I say. “Its ok thanks for getting rid of it.” She said and I nodded. She looked really pale and her hand was shaking. “Do you want to have a rest?” My mom said and she nodded. My mom helped Sophie up and we followed not wanting to be alone. I’ll stay in the room with Sophie I don’t think we want to be alone.” My mom said and we nod and go to our room. We sat on the bed and I pull my iPod out and start typing. “What are you doing?” Mel asked leaning to me. “I’m texting Alex.” I say turning red she just nodded. I was so lucky to find that he was online I asked him to go on Skype to chat. Once we were connected we told him everything. Once we were done he sat there thinking hard. “I think I know something of bring an object alive I’ll search it up and text you later.” He said and we end the call. The door opened and we both jumped up to find that that her husband had come back from work. We rushed down and he raised an eyebrow. “I got a feeling something was wrong.” We probably looked shocked cause he explained that his dad my uncle aka dads brother was really superstitious and he learned a few things from him. We made him promise to tell us and lead him upstairs. Getting tired of retelling the story we let my mom and Sophie tell it. “My dad has lots of books about this stuff in the attic I’ll go up to look anyone want to come?” He asked and we all say “No.” As we waited for him I told my mom that Alex is also researching info for us and she nodded smiling. We sat there looking out the window at the rain that turned into hail. John came back with a whole bunch of books and placed it on the bed. “It’s dinner time why don’t we read it at night or tomorrow?” Sophie asked and we all agreed. Bring down the books we helped Sophie make dinner. After dinner what a surprise there was a blackout. Sophie and John went to get candles and flashlights. “Oh guys when we light the candles or turn on the flashlights I have a creepy feeling that the gnome might appear.” I say warning everyone. John turned on a flash light and lit the candles I looked around looking for the gnome. Suddenly the candle went out. We all turn around and I point the flashlight at where that candle was. “Hey everyone look who joined the party.” I say. Sure enough the gnome was there. The creepy part was that the candle was gone. The lights went flooding back at full power and the gnome was gone. “Where did it go?” John said. “Well I just know it’s not like it to run.” Mel said. We were all wondering why it ran when the song Safe and sound came on. Everyone jumped a bit. “Sorry Alex is calling.” I say answering it. When it connected I said. “The gnome came back for round 2.” And he started talking fast. “Slow down Alex!” I say. “Now what happened?” I ask. “Someone broke into your house!” he said and we all froze.

  Chapter 8

  My mom rushed to where I was talking to Alex and asked who. “Well it’s a middle aged women looks about 30 with long black hair wearing a cloak.” And we all stare at Sophie. “Who caught her?” I ask. “Well remember you asked me to get the mail for you? Well I went with my mom and we were in the car but I swear she didn’t even touch the door and it exploded! We called the police and got her arrested or not…” he said. “What do you mean not?” Mel said. “Well when the police came they took her to the police office and we followed. They had only like a minute chat when they came back out the police told us it was ok and she was set free! Actually the police looked like he didn’t know what he was doing himself. Not the kind when you’re new to working or something the kind when you get hypnotized or something. He was smiling and she left.” He said sounding angry. “Is the door still broken? Should I fly back right now?” My mom said frantic. “No its ok the police is going to repair it right now you’ll get new keys though.” He said reassuring her. “Well Alex congratulations surprise, surprise it’s our neighbor that’s a witch.” Mel said sarcastic. “Well how did she get here to there so fast?” I say. “Air broomstick? You get it? Air Canada but she’s a witch so it’s air broomstick!” Mel said. We all raise an eyebrow even Alex. “Ha, ha, ha. That was so funny I forgot to laugh naturally. Lack of enthusiasm here Mel” I say rolling my eyes. “Why do I bother?” Mel said. Sophie cleared her throat and we pay our attention back to Alex. “Do you need me to do anything else?” He asked. I look at my mom looking pale and she shook her head no. “No we’re good and thanks for helping us.” I say sincerely. “No problem I’ll ask my mom to drive here more often but the police are already going to guard your house and drive past until you guys come back.” He said. “Well thank you mom and I guess I’ll text you sometime tomorrow. “ I say. “Sure bye.” He said and we end the call. My mom sat on the sofa and started to sob. Comforting her we think about it all. “You know I really feel like busting into that witch’s home rig
ht now.” John said. “We all do!” Mel said and we had a group hug. “I’m really sorry I this happened to you because of us.” Sophie said sadly. “Sophie when we were planning where to go here I told Mel that I don’t really care as long as I’m with family I’m happy.” I say and everyone started to cry. “Jeez I’m trying to be comforting but that seems to only make you guys cry.” I say smiling and they smile back. “You have a plan don’t you.” Mel said pointing at me. “Yes dear Melanie I indeed do but let’s save it for tomorrow.” Well all nod and get ready to sleep. When we were on our bed I warned Mel that the gnome might be here right in the morning so she won’t freak.

  Chapter 9

  I was dreaming that the gnome was chasing me. Everywhere I went gnome, gnome, and gnome. Once they all surrounded me I started to scream I woke up guess what yep gnome. I actually screamed the gnome stood there beside me grinning. Mel woke up and jumped my mom, Sophie, and John all burst in our room at the same time. “The Gnome is beside me.” I say and they spotted it and John marched right beside me grabbed the gnome by the face he marched down opened the door threw it out and marched back. “Done and gone! Well for now.” He said satisfied. I thanked him and sat by Mel’s bed. “I am getting so pissed!” I said grinding my teeth. “Well guess who screamed the one who gave me a lecture to be careful that we might find the gnome in the morning.” Mel said trying to cheer me up. “Yeah I had a bad dream about the gnome.” I say. “Well its 4:00 am I’ll get some hot chocolate for you.” Sophie said. “I’m sorry for waking you guys all up.” I say. “It’s ok.” My mom said and sat beside me. Once I finished my hot chocolate I leaned back. I told all of them to go back to sleep and that I’d be ok. “You ok?” Mel said worried. “Yeah I’m just going to see if Alex is on.” I say. Mel knew I needed someone to talk to. I walked down and sat down on the sofa and got my iPod out. Are you there? I typed to Alex. Not even expecting a reply I glance outside. It was cloudy and windy. When I glanced down I almost dropped my iPod Alex had replied. He wrote Are you ok? I wrote back to him about what happened and once I got it all out I felt a bit better. He wrote I wish I was there to help. My mouth was open. It took one minute to think of what to write back. I wrote same but why are you up at 5:00 am? He wrote I couldn’t sleep and I was trying to think about all the stuff and trying to piece it all together. I wrote I’m going to go back and at least try to sleep. Alex wrote Good luck and try not to let the gnome bother you. I wrote thx bye. Bye. I went up and smiled thinking of Alex. I found Mel staring at me “How was the talk?” she asked. I handed her my iPod to read it took like two seconds for her mouth to drop open. “Looks like you got a boyfriend!” She said smiling. I just turn red and lay on my bed “I’m going to try to sleep.” I say and she nodded. “Good night.” Mel said. “You mean good morning?” I say smiling and she rolled her eyes. I turned sideways and thought about Alex falling asleep with a smile.

  Chapter 10

  “Lexi wake up. Earth to Alexa hello you there.” Mel said shaking me. I yawn and open my eyes. “What time is it?” I say. “It’s 9:30.” Mel said and I jump up. “WHAT!” I say. “You looked happy asleep so I went down about a while I told them to go wake you up. So dreaming of Alex?” She said fluttering her eyelashes. I go to the washroom and wash up. When I come out I saw Mel waiting for me she pulled me closer and whispered. “Emma and Emily are back DO NOT tell them anything ok.” She said seriously as I nod. “Sophie said that she was going to let them stay for another five days because she didn’t want them to be scared.” Mel said I nod again and head down. “Good morning!” I say and they all raise their head and said good morning too. I sat down and started eating. “The girls are staying for another five days at their friend’s house.” My mom said and I nod. It turns out they were going right after breakfast saying bye and hugging them I went back to eating. “Are you feeling better?” John asked. “Yep I feel great thanks.” I say and they all nod. After I finished we crowd the living room. “Ok here are the plans we have to face it like the curses just ignore the gnome when you see it DO NOT react just throw it out. Clear?” I say taking charge they all nod and we start reading the books John dug out for us. After we flipped through all the books none of us had found anything useful. As I went to the kitchen to get water the gnome was there on top of the kettle. “Hi gnome how’s life being threw out of the house a hundred times?” When I said gnome everyone in the living room looked up. “Look at the prize I got.” I say raising the gnome. “Let me practice my throwing!” I say and I throw the gnome HARD out I swear the gnome gave me the middle finger when I threw it! Mel smiled and clapped. “GO LEXI!” she said smiling making everyone else smile. Throughout the day everyone had saw the gnome at least once and did what I said. By the end of the day we went to the living room again. “This isn’t helping much I’m thinking of going to that witch’s house.” I say. “Well she’s a witch and no offence but she’s more powerful then you.” My mom said. “No offence taken but we have to start somehow to end this!” I say. “Well it would work if….” John said trailing off. “It would work if we had ten thousand national guards behind and in front of you, ten helicopters ready for bomb dropping on top of the house, one hundred mountain police, and one hundred ambulances and fire trucks!” Sophie said continuing her husband’s sentence and I smile. “Well we’re not going to be going to be caught or anything!” I said. “If it stays the same and that gnome keeps coming back we will have to go.” I say. Turning around I grab the gnome that had appeared behind me and threw it out. “Nice.” Mel said and I smiled. It wasn’t raining so me and Mel decided to walk around outside. “I want to see that witch’s house!’ I say and she nodded so we went in the forest sure enough when we go down there’s a house or cottage it was all dark inside but I could see something like a small candle inside. “We should go now Mel said we realized that we had been gone for sometime but I wanted to see if she was back. “’Wait!” I said louder then I intended and heard someone was coming out.

  Chapter 11

  I was about to run when I heard a voice.”Freeze!” and we turn around. “Oh shit!” I say. “You could say that again. Now come in.” The witch said smiling. Following her in we went to the kitchen and she told us to sit. “Now why are you here?” She said. “Why were you at Sophie’s house?” Mel said. My phone rang and I picked it up. “You’re at her house right? I’m coming now!” my mom said sounding angry but as I started to say not to come and get killed by the witch she grabbed it from my hand. “My look at what a caring mom you have that’s also going to fall in my trap saving you.” She said. We start edging to the door and I grab the handle and turn shit it was locked. “Do you really think I would be so stupid?!” The witch yelled shouting. At that moment my mom came in breathless. “Look at who joined the party!” The witch said taking her cloak off and my mom gasped. “You remember me now?” she said laughing. My and Mel both were confused. “Who is she?” I ask my mom and she just shook her head. “I’m Pandora you see long ago you’re dad was with me but when you mom came he fell in love with her I didn’t deserve that at all! He ignored my calls and all day she was with your mom. So I planed payback.” She said smiling. “It’s the curse!” Mel said and Pandora smiled. “Such a smart young lady to bad you’re going to soon be dead.” She said and we all became silent. “I cursed you guys to make it a lesson never to mess with me again but you Alexa had to break it! Oh well at least I get to destroy you all now happily.” She said smiling her creepy smile. “But wasn’t the curse….” I say trailing off. “Started long ago? HA look at your mother she can’t even know the facts right.” She said sounding happy. “Now what ending do you want? Burning on a stake? Being suffocated” Being eat by that lovely gnome? All of them I can do but I like the last one the best.” She said leaning close to us. I bit too close. “Gnome it’s dinner time!” She yelled and the gnome came out. “So you were controlling it the whole time?!” I say outraged. “Why shouldn’t I? Now hurry!” she said snapping at the gnome. I took m
y chance. “You really are going to let that witch push you around!” I say. “NOW I’M WAITING.” She said glaring at me. “What kind of gnome let’s a witch push it around.” I say and Mel joins in. “Only a dork gnome!” she said. “I can kill you as fast as I made you KILL THEM NOW!” She said shouting. “You weren’t made to be charged around were you?” I say trying my hardest to be persuasive. The gnome just looked back and forth not sure what to do. “I’ll kill if you won’t!” She said grabbing the gnome and throwing it. Now that got the gnome angry! The gnome bit the witch and she screamed. She set the gnome on fire but it didn’t hurt it at all. The gnome said something I didn’t catch but the witch was dodging to close the gnome’s mouth but then the witch started to dissolve and the gnome started to turn into stone. My poor mom fainted and yet we still didn’t understand what happened. I tried opening the door again and it worked I picked up the phone and called Sophie to come. We helped my mom to a chair when Sophie burst into the room. What happened when she saw the gnome in stone and the witch as ash and helped my mom. You better have a good explanation she said and we nod. We explain to her and her expression went from mad to curiosity to a frown to worry. Once we return home my mom was feeling much better and we sat on the sofa explaining to John. “It might be a spell that the gnome was saying to kill the witch but the witch made the gnome so the gnome turned back to stone as well.” He said and we nodded. “Did you know Pandora mom?” I ask. “Well… I only saw her a few times with your dad but I never knew she was with him….” She said. Well the gnome won’t be coming back, the witch is dead so she can’t break into our house again or have revenge so I think everything’s good and we can get back to our vacation.” I say smiling the sun was already starting to poke out of the sky. “Why don’t we relax for one more day?” Mel said and we all agree.