Read Go Fetch! Page 15

  Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I want you to do that to me.”

  She didn’t look up from her laptop. “Do what,” she mumbled around the pop.

  “Suck my cock like you’re sucking that ice pop.”

  She froze, her hands pausing over the keyboard. Slowly her eyes lifted, focusing on him. She stared at him for several moments. Then she pulled the ice pop out of her mouth, making sure to include a wet “pop” sound when she did.

  “That’s quite the request.”

  “It’s not a request.”

  Miki grinned, her teeth catching her bottom lip. “I see. A demand.” She pushed the pop past her lips, long and slow, and pulled it out just as slowly. “Interesting.”

  Miki slipped off the bed and walked toward him. Suddenly his cell phone went off. They both looked at it. Then they dived for it. But Miki was smaller and faster. She grabbed it and flipped it open.

  “Hello? Hi, Zach.”

  Conall shook his head and waved her off, his big body dropping heavily into a nearby chair. His now-painful hard-on nearly ripping through his jeans. “Bathroom! I’m in the bathroom!” he mouthed desperately.

  “No. No. He’s around. Let me grab him for you.”

  He’d kill her.

  Miki put the phone behind her, using her ass to cover the mouthpiece. She leaned in close to Conall, whispering right against his ear.

  “You’re going to talk to him. And you’re going to be like you always are. And if you can’t hold on a conversation. Or if you let him know I’m going down on you…I stop.”

  He wanted to come from that alone, especially when her tongue reached out and swiped across his ear.

  She handed him the phone and slipped the ice pop back in her mouth. He held the phone by his ear but hadn’t spoken yet as he watched her kneel in front of him. She undid his jeans and he raised his hips so she could get them off. So busy staring at her, wondering what she was going to do next, he completely forgot about Zach until she motioned to the phone with her head.

  “Hey, Zach.”

  “Hey. I just talked to Sara. You guys okay?”

  Conall nodded his answer.

  Miki pulled the pop out of her mouth. “I don’t think he can see your nodding,” she whispered.

  He tried to focus. “Yeah. We’re fine.”

  Miki ran the ice pop down the underside of his cock and he thought he would jump out of his skin. Evil bitch.

  “Good. All right. We’ve pulled about eight of our guys to send your way. That should be enough until you guys get back. Sara was ready to head up there herself, but there’s no fuckin’ way I’m letting her ass out of my sight.”

  “That sounds…fine.”

  She swiped the pop across the tip and then her tongue swiped right after it.

  “I just wish I could figure out what the hell they’re doing. Lions are their enemies, we should be allies. I’ll talk to the older wolves. See if they can help us out here. And you make sure you watch your back.”

  He pushed his bare feet into the carpeted floor. “You got it.”

  Zach paused. Then, “You sound distracted. Is she wearing on you?”

  Conall gritted his teeth as Miki’s tongue followed wherever she put the ice pop. “You have no idea.”

  “I warned you about her. You can do better anyway. She doesn’t deserve you.” Good old supportive Zach with the worst timing ever.

  “Is she at least talking to you now?”

  Conall’s head fell back as Miki sucked the tip into her mouth, her teeth lightly grazing over the ridges, her tongue swirling over it.

  “Sometimes,” he managed.

  “Well, don’t worry about it. I’ll hook you up with a sure thing when you get back.”

  “Sure,” he barely bit back a groan as she took all of him into her mouth—and hummed. “Sounds great.”

  Zach began to ramble about…something. Who the fuck knew? Conall gave some non-committal noises. Thankfully, Miki let him get away with it, probably because he kept his voice relatively steady. But he had no idea how much longer he would be able to keep that up. Especially once she tossed the ice pop, wrapped that soft hand of hers around his balls, and lightly squeezed.

  “Well, since I’ve got you why don’t we go over the stuff for the new club in Barcelona?”

  There was no way he’d be able to stay focused during that conversation. No way in hell. As it was, he was surprised he was still conscious.

  “I don’t have the stuff with me. Can it wait?” Could Zach hear his panting? He wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. She was working him and knew it, too. She smiled around his cock when she wasn’t sucking him into oblivion.

  “Yeah. Sure. Sara just came in anyway. Hold on.” There was a muffled sound from the other end of the phone. “Uh…Conall. She has a sudden interest in my pants, so I need to go.”

  Abruptly, Zach hung up. Thank God for Sara. Unlike Zach, her timing was impeccable.

  Conall threw the phone across the room, dug his hands into Miki’s hair, and finally let out his harsh groans. So close, he growled in climax thirty seconds later.

  She sucked him clean and then looked up with a smile. “Not bad. The conversation I mean.”

  Okay. He owed the little brat. Big. Besides that talented mouth of hers had only made him hotter. Just looking at her made him hard all over again.

  Conall reached down and picked her up. He kicked his jeans out of the way and carried her to the dresser, placing them both in front of its mirror. He turned her so she faced away from him, pushing her down across the wood.

  She smirked at him in the mirror. “Dude. Nice idea, but not quite sure how this is going to work.”

  The dresser had been built for humans of normal height. Conall wasn’t that human and his height was anything but normal. Miki wiggled that tight ass at him, thinking he was stuck.

  “Again. The lack of creativity,” he teased.

  He walked to the closet, grabbed her black leather pumps, the ones with the five-inch heels. He placed them next to her. “Put ‘em on.”

  He caught her fighting that smile again. “I plan to wear those on Friday.”

  He leaned into her, his arms on either side, blocking her in. “Do as I tell you and put ‘em on.”

  Miki cleared her throat and stepped into the shoes. She looked at him in the mirror. “Well? Now what?”

  He yanked her skirt up and ripped her panties off.

  Miki gasped as she held onto the dresser. Conall grabbed a condom from a pile next to his keys and change, and slipped it on. Then he grabbed Miki by her hips and slammed into her from behind.

  “God, yes!” she bit out. She had her eyes closed, but Conall wanted her to see everything.

  He had one hand on her hip to hold her steady while he wrapped the other in her hair and pulled. “Open your eyes, Miki.”

  She looked into the mirror and their eyes locked in the reflection. “Watch me.” His voice low and rough, he barely recognized it. “Watch me fuck you.”

  She didn’t think it possible, but the man had just made her wetter. But that’s what Conall did to her. He made her wetter, hotter. With him she was daring, brave, and kind of slutty. But in a good way.

  He made her feel beautiful, hot. When she’d worn the pumps before she always felt stupid. Like a kid wearing her mom’s clothes. For the first time, she felt like she owned these shoes.

  She watched his face as he began to fuck her. It was like there was nowhere else he’d rather be. No one else he’d rather be in. That alone was an aphrodisiac.

  She picked up his rhythm quickly, like she always seemed to with him, and brought her body back as he surged forward. It boggled her mind that she made him crazy like this. “Dead below the waist” Kendrick made someone like Conall, who could have his pick of well-trained bar sluts, out of control.

  “Touch yourself, Mik.”

  She moaned as she watched him in the mirror.

  “Do it

  And what exactly was his deal with ordering her around when they were fucking? And what was her deal with not minding? And she didn’t mind. Dammit, she was a feminist! Marched on Washington to protect a woman’s right to choose, etc., etc. But damn if she didn’t love to hear him growl out orders. Although it was never orders for orders’ sake. He always made sure she got off. Always made sure he left her satisfied and smiling. The man was a fucking demon in bed.

  “Now,” he ordered.

  She reached her hand between her legs and trembled as her fingers found her clit. She began to massage the sensitive, straining nub. Her panting became louder, harsher. It didn’t help that Conall still had a good grip on her hair and every once in awhile, he’d tug.

  Sometimes she felt like the sensations were too much. His big cock inside of her, his hands on her, his mouth. Sometimes she thought she couldn’t handle one more second of it. Of him. She never wanted to feel this way about anybody. She never wanted her body to be so responsive to just one person. But Conall the Viking had come into her life and blown it completely apart. Now she had no idea what the hell she was going to do.

  Conall’s hand tightened on her waist and her muscles began to tighten around him.

  “Conall.” She always said his name when he was inside of her. Always.

  “Come for me, Miki-baby.” He coaxed her with that rough voice of his. “Come for me.”

  And she did. Another one of her screaming orgasms only Conall seemed to have the ability to force out of her. She rode that feeling, Conall following right behind her.

  They collapsed on top of the dresser, their harsh breathing filling the room.

  “So,” Miki reached back and patted that amazing ass of his. “How’s Zach doing?”

  Conall gently wrapped his big arms around her and hugged her close. “Evil bitch.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Miki opened her eyes and for a minute wondered where she was. Hotel rooms, with their big heavy curtains, were always a little too dark for her. But then she felt Conall’s big arm wrapped around her, pulling her close into his even bigger chest.

  She relaxed and glanced at the clock. Seven a.m. She’d actually slept six hours. Two days in a row she’d slept longer than three or four hours. Of course, Conall kept wearing her out. Really wearing her out.

  Was it supposed to be like this? He should’ve gotten bored by now. Started ignoring her. Plotted a way out that wouldn’t involve getting his ass kicked by Sara. She thought they’d started down that road the day before. He’d been watching television while she worked on her computer. He’d been quiet for almost an hour and she found herself debating whether he was ignoring her or giving her space to study. On a whim, she muttered something about not finishing what they’d started against the wall in the first hotel room he had. Before she knew it, he had her pinned against the wall like a butterfly in a display. After that it continued for hours. Against the wall. Against the desk. Face down on the bed. Pushed over the bathroom sink. Bent over a chair. She was pretty sure there wasn’t a stick of furniture in the room her ass hadn’t been on.

  She was so confused. He was confusing her and she didn’t know what the hell she was doing. This was not her terrain. Sara and Angelina handled the social stuff and Miki made sure they passed calculus class and didn’t get kidnapped by bikers.

  But now it was getting harder and harder to separate her body from her heart. Even though she continued to promise herself she wouldn’t go down that road. But she made the mistake of listening to those two crazy bitches. What the hell had she been thinking? She knew better. Did she learn nothing from the ninth grade lip-gloss and bloodletting incident?

  Yet, she wouldn’t trade the last few days she’d spent with Conall for anything in the world. He’d taught her sex was fun, pleasurable and freakin’ amazing.

  Just thinking about him inside of her made her want to turn over and grab that big cock of his. But then she remembered what she had to do in just a few hours. Get up in front of a bunch of uptight professors who barely tolerated her, wearing a suit she hated, defending a thesis she wasn’t sure she believed anymore. And how the hell could she defend something she didn’t believe in? Unlike Craig’s work, her thesis relied on theory as opposed to hard facts from her own lab work. Who the hell would approve that?

  Choking panic began to weigh her down, but she shook it off. She had to get her shit together. She had lists to write. She slipped out from under Conall’s arm, found her notes, and sat down to obsess over her future for the next eight-and-a-half hours.

  She thought she was being quiet, but thirty minutes into her obsessing Conall woke up. He looked at her with that one eye thing he did first thing in the morning and sighed.

  “You’re obsessing, aren’t you?” Because he’d just woken up, his grumbling voice was even more so. The sound made her wet in seconds. She shook her head and went back to her notebook. She didn’t have time for this.

  “It’s what I’m good at.”

  Conall stood up, gloriously naked, and walked into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and, within seconds, Miki heard water running. It was her turn to sigh. Let the ignoring begin!

  She went back to her notes and was halfway down the page when Conall walked back out of the bathroom and straight over to her. He reached down, took the notebook out of her hand and pulled the T-shirt she had on over her head. He tossed it aside, then picked her up and took her with him into the bathroom.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  He closed the door with his foot, and took her to the huge marble tub. The room was steamy from the hot water, the tub filled with bubbles. He sunk them both in and relaxed back. Christ, he hadn’t stormed out of the room to get away from her. He’d gone off to make her a bubble bath.



  “I should be preparing. Or panicking. Or both. Probably both.”

  “Forget panic. It’s a waste of energy. And prepare what exactly? You’ve got a freakin’ photographic memory, Mik. You’re telling me you don’t already know each and every detail from your thesis, your textbooks, and your notes?”

  Bastard. “Okay. You’ve got a point, but—”

  “No buts. You’re going to relax if it kills us both.”

  “Relax? How am I supposed to relax?”

  Conall pulled her close and began to kiss her neck, his hands sliding over her body.

  “You didn’t answer my question, Viking.”

  “Yes, I did,” he muttered against her neck.

  Bastard. “So this is your plan?”

  “Pretty much. You got a problem with that?” He slid his hands between her thighs and Miki braced her hands against the sides of the tub. God, the things this man did to her. “Miki?”

  Christ, she was panting. When did that start happening? “What?”

  She felt him smile against her flesh. “You didn’t answer my question.”


  Conall snatched the door open and three of his Pack jumped back. “What?”

  “Uh…” Billy Dunwich was the only one brave enough to speak in the face of his scowl. “We were just checking on—”

  “When we’re ready, we’ll be down. Until then just wait.” He slammed the door in Billy’s face. Zach, true to his word, had sent eight of his best wolves to escort Conall and Miki back home. They were even taking a later flight to ensure the whole group would fly together. But until then, he didn’t want anything interrupting him and Miki. And he meant anything.

  He turned and looked at the woman he loved. He didn’t even hide the smile on his face. With Miki he didn’t have to. She leaned against the desecrated dresser, wearing nothing but one of his T-shirts. It reached to the middle of her calves. “I see.”

  “You see what?”

  “You. You’re a closet Alpha.”

  “I’m a what?”

  “You heard me. You’re a closet Alpha. You don’t really wanna be in charge
, but you love to order people around and scare the shit out of them. You’re probably only friends with Zach because he doesn’t scare easy. Most likely because he’s not the brightest bulb in the batch.”

  Zach was a lot brighter than Miki would ever give him credit for, but other than that she’d hit it all right on the head. The woman absolutely amazed him.

  “Is that right?” Conall walked toward her and immediately she began to back away. He watched her nipples get hard under his T-shirt and he listened to her labored breathing. “What else have you figured out about me?”

  “You clearly like to stalk me around this hotel room.”

  “Aw, Miki-baby, don’t say that. I’d stalk you anywhere.” She laughed and he backed her up to the bed. When her knees hit the mattress, she held her hand up.


  He stopped and watched her.

  “I’ve got to get ready for…uh…ya know…that thing I’ve gotta do.”

  Well, he’d wanted her relaxed.

  “We’ve got three hours before your dissertation.” He nuzzled her outstretched hand until she gave a little moan, then he sucked her middle finger into his mouth.

  “You, Viking…” Christ, is she panting? “…are a very bad influence.”

  Miki looked up at him with those big, beautiful brown eyes of hers. “You know,” she whispered desperately, “if I start running now I can be back at Sara’s by tomorrow night. Afternoon if I don’t get stopped by the cops.”

  “You’ll never make it in those shoes.” Amazing. The woman faced down lions, hyenas, wolves. Beings that could rip her apart limb from limb. But four puffed-up professors were making her unhinged.

  She tugged on her jacket again. “I hate dressing like this. I feel like an idiot.”

  “Maybe. But you look like a total hottie.” Especially with those shoes. She ended up wearing the four-inch fuck-me pumps with her prim-and-proper business suit.

  “Where’s everybody?” she asked, probably not really caring where the Pack might be at the moment.