Read Go Fetch! Page 20

  “And I’m in for the delivery room.”

  “Yeah. Me, too.”

  “Me, too.”

  Miki couldn’t believe it. These women were volunteering to be in the delivery room with her. To help her without her even asking. So this was what it meant to be part of a Pack. She felt that sudden urge to cry again, but it disappeared as soon as the wolf females looked at Sara.

  She knew what her best friend was going to say before it left her mouth. Miki wasn’t wolf, but she could smell the panic and fear coming off the woman.

  “You must be fuckin’ kidding me! Sorry, Kendrick, you’re on your own once that water breaks.”

  “You know. This is bullshit.” Conall didn’t like the sound of that as Zach straightened up and headed for the door. “I’ll tell her she’s staying.”

  The males looked at each other then they charged after Zach. As Conall followed, he could see his future with Miki slipping through his hands.

  “And what about my career? Conridge offered me a teaching position.”

  Sara smirked. “First off. You hate teaching. You hate college kids. And second, Northern California has gotten really progressive and they actually have a few colleges. Some universities, too. This state is making quite a name for itself academically.”

  Miki gave Sara the finger as the females began laughing. But when Zach, Conall, and a group of Pack males walked in, all conversation stopped.

  Zach looked at Sara. “What?”

  Sara’s eyes narrowed. “Just wondering what you want.”

  “What makes you think we want anything? This is my fuckin’ kitchen, too.”


  Zach went to the fridge, and tossed each of the men a beer. Once they each had one, he headed toward the swinging kitchen door, pushed it open, then stopped. “But if I were going to say anything—”

  “I knew it!” Sara stood up. “You just can’t stay out of it, can you?”

  “Sara, wait.” Miki stood up. “I wanna hear what the brain trust has to say.”

  Zach glared. “Look, Tinker Bell, I tolerate you ‘cause I have to. But Conall, against my better judgment, loves your psychotic ass. I don’t know why. I don’t understand it. But he does. And I have to figure if he loves you, and Sara—who I trust with my life and the life of my Pack on a daily basis—loves you, then there must be something about you besides that big mouth and those tiny elf feet.”

  Miki’s eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  Kelly leaned in between the two. “Why don’t I just take this for now.” She plucked the gun and its holster off Miki’s sweats.

  Conall sighed. He’d had some big plans for his life with Miki. House. Kids. Gun shows. But his best friend was blowing that all to hell and back.

  But he’d forgotten about his Alpha Female. She was in Zach’s face so fast that everyone, even Miki, stepped back.

  “Was that supposed to be nice!”

  “She doesn’t get nice. She gets barely tolerated.”

  “You need to back the fuck off. Now!”

  “All I’m saying is if she loves him she should just fuckin’ stay!”

  “And it’s none of your business whether she loves him or not. Whether she stays or not.”

  “Sara, she’s already part of the Pack. She protected Conall. You. And now she’s carrying a Pack baby…”

  Miki cut in then. “Never call our baby that again.”

  “…But if she doesn’t want him for the love of all that’s holy, put the poor guy out of his misery.”

  Conall could still hear them going at it, but he hadn’t taken his eyes off Miki. He was waiting for her to realize what she’d just said. It took her all of thirty seconds. He knew the exact moment, too, by the look of pure panic on her face when she looked at him.

  He smiled. A big, leering, Viking smile, he was sure. And Miki was none too happy.

  “That meant nothing!” she practically screeched.

  Sara and Zach snapped out of their argument as Conall moved in front of Miki.

  “That meant everything, Miki-baby. Absolutely everything.”

  “You’re fuckin’ high. It was a slip. Nothing more. I haven’t made up my mind about shit!”

  The two stood toe-to-toe. But for once Conall didn’t crouch down to meet her gaze.

  “Just get over it. I love you. You love me. And we’ve got baby furniture to buy.”

  “You’re not railroading me, Viking.”

  “You are so in love with me, you don’t know what to do with yourself.”

  “You are delusional!”

  “Marry me, Miki Kendrick.”

  “Not on your life!”

  “We’ll have a May wedding. Or September. After the baby or before?”

  “I will kill you in your sleep.”

  “You’ll try.”

  “You are making me crazy and I am sure that’s not healthy for the demon seed I’m carrying!”

  He smiled in the face of her yelling. “Is that any way to talk about our love child?”

  Miki let out a strangled scream of pure frustration. And in response, Conall’s smile just got bigger.

  “That’s it!” Miki barked. “Move the fuck out of my way!”

  And everyone did. They watched as she stormed out, then they all looked at Conall. He was still smiling. He couldn’t help himself. Miki made him smile.

  Zach shook his head. “Are you sure you know what you’re—”

  Miki’s voice slammed into them through the swinging door. “Move your ass, Viking!”

  Conall looked at his best friend. “I do love that woman.”

  “They have treatments for that kind of mental disorder, ya know.”

  Miki stood in front of Conall’s bed and gawked at it, marveling at how big it was. He must have had it specially made so that his big feet didn’t hang over the edge.

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest and braced her legs apart. Big-footed bastard.

  He walked in and closed the door. He ambled over to her with that Viking grin plastered all over his face. “So whatcha want, baby?”

  She gritted her teeth. Could he sound any more smug? “You’re just lucky they took my gun.”

  He slid his arm around her waist and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “You wouldn’t really hurt me, would ya?” He nipped her earlobe and a delicious bolt of heat ran down her entire body. “Wouldn’t you rather fuck all night until we can’t walk?”

  His hand slid under her sweatpants and she pulled herself away from him, scrambling across the room. He took a step toward her and she held her hand out. “Stay!” He smiled at her. The most beautiful smile she’d ever seen. She loved him. She hated him. She couldn’t imagine her life without him.

  “I don’t get you, Viking. Why are you so happy?”

  “’Cause I love you, Mik.” She warmed at his statement. “And because I won.” Then she became hot.

  Miki growled. “You did not win.”

  “I so won.”

  He wanted to play that game? Fine.

  She smiled. “So you think you won?”

  “I know I did. I love you. You love me. And I get to keep ya.”

  Miki nodded. “Did I ever tell you that the FBI has a corkboard with my picture on it? Actually, it has me, Amy, Craig, Kenny Liu, and Ben. And our pictures are in this pyramid shape, but I’m at the top. I heard the agents throw darts at it.” His smile slipped a little. “The CIA still calls me every six months to ask me if I want to work at their…and I’m quoting…‘labs’. They never get very specific, but you’ve seen the kind of stuff I can create so do the math. And there are several states in this country that I’m not really allowed in for…ya know…ever. And for the next forty or fifty years you’ll be busy trying to stop me from saying something rude or inappropriate, or you’ll be trying to stop someone from killing me because of something rude or inappropriate that I said that you didn’t stop me from saying.” She grinned. “So tell me, baby
. What exactly did you win?”

  Sure. He could have gone for a nice, normal girl. Or at least a girl who could shift into something other than human. But no, he had to fall in love with Miki Kendrick. Hacker. Scientist. Nut case. Great lay.

  His mate.

  The woman who would be driving him crazy for the rest of his natural-born life—if he were lucky. She smiled at him. And he realized she was as much a Viking as he was. No wonder she saw through his bullshit. Nope, he was getting just what he deserved. Who knew the gods liked him that much?

  “Whatever. Let’s fuck.” He moved toward her and she backed away from him.

  “First some ground rules.”

  He growled. “Such as?”

  “I don’t make breakfast. I don’t clean. I don’t involve myself in any clubs or associations that use the word mommy on their letterhead. At some point I’ll actually know what I want to do career-wise which means the demon spawn I’m breeding will be pretty much yours to deal with until he or she is sixteen. By then they’re ready for the SATs and that’s when I step in. Now, of course I’ll talk to him or her before then if I must. And no, this deal does not involve breast milk. I’ll make sure to take care of that myself. Now, of course, this is all subject to change if their IQ is higher than 140. Then I’m on deck when they’re five. After the baby is born, we can discuss marriage. But I’m not changing my name and the word obey will not be used in the ceremony.”

  “Is that it?”

  She smiled. Yup. There it was. A big ol’ Viking grin. “If I stay, I want a concealed weapons permit. And good luck with that since I’m sure all my federal friends will be fighting you tooth and nail on that one.” Her smile softened. And it was a smile for him and him alone. “And I do love you, Viking. Just don’t try and use it against me.”

  Yeah. He was definitely the luckiest man in the world. “Now are you done?”


  “Good.” He proceeded to untie his boots, tug them off, and toss them across the room. She watched him for a good while before she finally said anything.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Getting naked.” He pulled his T-shirt over his head, then he moved to his jeans.

  “Why?” She backed away from him, a smile threatening to spread across her beautiful face.

  “So I can have my filthy, dirty, Viking way with you.” He kicked his jeans away. “So I can keep everybody awake all night and show ‘em how you’re a screamer.” He walked toward her, and she slammed up against the nightstand. “So I can make you come and come and come until you don’t even remember your name.”

  “That’s a hell of a plan.” Cool. She was panting again. He loved when she did that.

  “I like it.” He stood in front of her. “Now here are my ground rules.”

  Miki tore her eyes away from his cock to look him in the eye, her arms again crossing in front of her chest. “Which are?”

  “When we’re in here. You’re naked. I don’t care if we’re ninety. You’re naked.”

  “I don’t—”

  “Did I argue during your ground rules? Quiet.”

  She fell silent, but not before growling.

  “Back off Zach. He’s the Alpha Male, my best friend, and my brother. So no telling him to go fetch unless he started it.”

  “But he—”

  Conall covered her mouth with his hand. “Not. A. Word.” She rolled her eyes and glared. “I expect you to always have two pairs of those pumps you had in Seattle. The heel is to be no less than five inches. One pair red and one pair black. They’ll only be used in here. And you’ll be naked. Also, I make the bed every morning, but feel free to sniff it whenever you feel the need. And don’t get too attached to any of your clothes. Because if they’re not off when we get in here, I’m ripping them off. And I really like ripping them off. Because I like you naked.”

  She pulled his hand away from her mouth. “Anything else, Viking?”

  “Just one thing.” He pulled her crossed arms apart and stepped into her body. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, her chin. Then he lifted her up. Automatically, her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck. She dug her hands into his hair and pushed her small body up against his. She stared into his eyes and smiled. A smile that was for him and him alone.

  “No matter where we are. No matter where we go. Or where we end up. That you always…and I mean always, Miki Kendrick…” he leaned in close, “…make sure our freezer has cherry ice pops.”

  Miki burst out laughing as Conall carried her to their bed.


  She forced her eyes open. Her head throbbed. Her back hurt. She felt pain in her arms and her knees. She sat up, slowly, and kept her eyes turned away from the French windows that had bright morning light streaming through them.

  She waited until she felt like she could look around without throwing up, then she took in the room. It was beautiful. Gorgeous furnishings. Hardwood floor. Soft bed with a steel frame. This room alone must have cost a pretty penny to furnish. Gold silk sheets with a frighteningly high thread count covered her naked body.

  The bedroom door stood open and she wondered whether she should make a run for it. She was pretty sure, though, that she’d start vomiting as soon as she stood up. But she wasn’t too worried. Her wounds were dressed. Her body cleaned. The last thing she remembered was something, a lot of somethings, coming out of the trees by her store and charging her. They had resembled dogs almost, but she really didn’t know. She remembered going for her gun, then something from behind…tackled her? And that was the last thing she remembered.

  She rubbed her temples and tried to piece together the last few hours. That’s when she heard it. It wasn’t a growl. Or a roar.

  It was a purr.

  Angelina Santiago looked back at the bedroom door and watched a six hundred pound tiger walk by. It stopped. She could still see its tail swinging slowly from side to side. Then it backed up, turning its majestic head to look at her. And she looked at it. She patiently waited for the fear to set in. And the pure unadulterated panic that comes with it. Then it shifted and spoke.

  “Well. Hello, sugar.”

  Angie let out a cross between a sigh and a breath. “Oh, shit…”

  About the Author

  To learn more about Shelly Laurenston, please visit Send an email to Shelly at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Shelly.

  Look for these titles

  Now Available:

  Distressing Damsel

  Pack Challenge

  Coming Soon:

  Here Kitty, Kitty

  What’s an alpha shape-shifting wolf to do when the woman pre-destined to be his mate no longer trusts men?


  © 2007 Annmarie McKenna

  After returning home from an eight-month security job, Eli Graham is ready to claim his best friend’s little sister as his mate. He’d put it off for years, thinking he was doing the right thing by waiting. Instead of the stubborn, independent, carefree girl he left behind, Eli finds a shell of the woman he once knew.

  Having lived through a near fatal attack, Nikki Taylor has hidden herself away from the world. Now the time has come to face head-on the one man who could devastate her completely, Eli Graham. She’s loved him forever, craves him, body, heart and soul, but he’s never treated her as anything but a little sister.

  When Nikki witnesses a murder, she has no choice but to rely on Eli’s expertise. While guarding her from the man bent on wiping out a witness, Eli shows Nikki that he’ll not only protect her body, but he’ll show her just what it means to be a wolf’s mate.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Checkmate:

  What was he doing to her? Her heart beat so hard he had to feel it clear through her back. His lips sent tiny electrical pulses zipping across her body. Without realizing what she was doing, N
ikki lifted her head so he had better access. They had to stop before Derek came barging in and found his best friend smothering his little sister. With kisses.

  “Stop, you have to…” She tilted her head an inch further but kept her eyes closed, afraid that if she opened them, he would disappear. “Right there. Oh God.” She bit into her already punished lip. He was killing her.

  Suddenly he was gone. His weight lifted completely off her, leaving her empty and mortified. She’d given in too easily and now he was backing off. He was probably disgusted with her.

  “Your mom sent some clothes for you, sweetheart. Do you need some help getting them on?”

  Oh right, like that’s gonna happen, her mind said. Her pussy begged just the opposite. Yes, rip off my clothes and take me.

  “I’m not a child, Eli.” That’s it, duck behind a cool demeanor like his kisses meant nothing to her. Anything to get him to leave her alone to wallow in her misery, before he saw her face.

  “No, I can see that you’re definitely not a little girl anymore.” His voice was funny, like he was choking on his words.

  Regretting that he’d ever touched her?

  “Can you leave then?”

  “I’ll be outside the door. Caelan’s here too. He’s gonna help get you out of here without being seen. But understand this. I won’t be leaving your side until this is over, so whatever freaky-deek notion you’ve got going on in that head of yours about not wanting to look at me, you better get over it pretty damn quick.”

  “Fine.” She flung herself to a sitting position and, ignoring the ripping pain that tore through her shoulder, let her legs dangle over the edge of the bed. “Is this what you want?” she demanded. “You want to see what happens to a person’s face when their car rolls over three or four times? Are you happy now?”

  Her face was hot with her anger, the slash probably glowing against her red cheeks. Eli stood about five feet away, staring at her like she’d grown another head, his jaw ticking. Served him right. Maybe now he’d get over this ridiculous idea of kissing her like she suddenly meant something more to him than just being Derek’s sister.