Read Goddess Legacy Page 21

  Chapter Seventeen

  Legacy couldn’t wait to see Adin. She had missed him so much already before she went to work. Now, she was aching to see him.

  The knock on the door made her heart flutter. She opened it, and Adin was standing there with roses. She didn’t even take them from him. She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him to her. He put his arms around her and held her tightly. She was where she belonged. He was where she belonged.

  “I missed you so, so much,” she breathed into his chest.

  “Me too.” He kissed the top of her head.

  She didn’t want to let go of him, but they couldn’t stand here in the doorway all night. She took a deep breath, breathing in his luscious scent, and let go.

  “These are for you,” he said, handing her the flowers.

  She took them from him and reached up and kissed him softly. Then he put his forehead on hers and stroked her face.

  “I really, really missed you,” he whispered.

  She nodded and stepped away again. “I’ll be right back.” She went into the kitchen to put the flowers up and met him again at the front door.

  Once they were in the car, she held Adin’s hand in her lap and took her other hand and held his arm. If she didn’t have her seatbelt on, she would have leaned up against him, but she still tried.

  “When did you get back?” she wondered.

  “About thirty minutes ago. I took a quick shower and came right over. I couldn’t wait to see you,” he said, gazing into her eyes.

  She reached up with her free hand and felt his hair. “Your hair’s still a little wet.” It felt so good to touch him.

  “I was in a hurry,” he said with a laugh.

  “What are we doing tonight?”

  “I was thinking we’d get some takeout and watch the sunset again. We haven’t done that since our first date.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” It sounded perfect.

  Adin was glowing. He looked even better than before he’d left. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him.

  “How was your trip this time?”

  “Better. No arguing, just a lot of unpacking.”


  Adin’s smile faded a little, and he glanced at her. He looked like he didn’t want to tell her what he meant by that, but surely he could see the concern building.

  “When I was there before, my dad had a hard time understanding why I wanted to stay here,” he said slowly.

  “What did he say?”

  “Umm, I don’t really remember all the specifics of it.” Adin looked out his side window. He had to be hiding something.

  “You can tell me,” she whispered.

  “I don’t want it to upset you.”

  “Will it upset me?”


  “Were you arguing about me?” Did his dad hate her or something?

  “Legacy,” he murmured, shaking his head.

  “Please, Adin.”

  “You came up, yes. But the arguing was directed more toward me and my life.”

  “Did you talk about me this time too?”

  “Of course.” He stroked her hand.

  “But you didn’t argue this time?”

  “No. He understands what I want, and he’s not going to press it anymore. He knew he needed to speak his mind last time, and he did that. We argued, and then he understood how strongly I felt about everything.”

  She nodded. It still felt like he was leaving a lot out, but as long as he was staying, she really didn’t care. If it took a fight with his dad to make sure he stayed here, then she was all for that. Yeah, she was being selfish.

  “How was your weekend?” Adin asked while she was mulling over his fight with his dad.

  She really didn’t want to talk about what happened while Adin was away. She had every intention of telling him everything about her weekend—just not right now. But since he’d asked, she couldn’t put it off.

  “Um, well, I went to Calli’s Saturday and helped her with her Hamlet paper.”

  “She hadn’t started it yet?” Adin asked incredulously.

  “Nope.” Legacy laughed. “But I spent the day with her, and she got it done.”

  “Good. How was everything else?”

  She sighed. She knew what he was getting at. He wanted to know about River.

  “I stayed the night with Calli.” She frowned. Time to find her big-girl panties and fess up. “When Calli went outside to feed the dogs, she noticed that one was missing. We grabbed some flashlights and started walking the neighborhood to find him. We left in a hurry, not bothering to change out of our pajamas.”

  Adin’s happy expression was changing. He knew where this story was going.

  “River was outside and he saw us. He came over, and Calli told him what happened. He suggested she contact security. She left, and I kept walking.”

  Adin sighed. “You went searching alone?”

  She let go of Adin’s arm and put that hand on top of their joined hands in her lap. “Not exactly. River followed me. I asked him what he was doing, and he fed me some crap about two pairs of eyes being better than one. I didn’t buy that, so I tried to brush him off. He wasn’t going to let me walk alone, so I stormed off, ignoring him. He kept following me, and when I walked around a new house, I tripped on some lumber, and he caught me.” She looked down at her hands holding his. “Um, he let go but didn’t move. When I looked up at him, he had his eyes closed. I was already uncomfortable because I was in my pajamas, so the fact that he was right beside me made her feel extremely uncomfortable, so I stepped away. When I did, he apologized.” She looked back up at Adin, and his expression was harder. “Anyway, I started to go into the woods, and he grabbed my arm. He didn’t want me walking around in the woods. When I started to leave, he saw a snake beside me and killed it. We got back to the main road, and Calli was walking down. Security did have the dog.”

  “And?” His expression was still hard, but controlled.

  “That night, I dreamed about snakes. You know, for obvious reasons. Then this morning, I had to work. Yale called in, and River’s mom stayed home with houseguests. River and I were the only ones there, and it was really slow. He left me alone most of the morning, but he came out at lunchtime and asked me what I wanted to eat. I told him I could fend for myself, but he insisted and decided on pizza. When he asked me what kind I wanted…” She paused and glanced at Adin, his hard expression unchanged. “River stepped over and rubbed my arm. I walked away from him, but after he ordered the pizza, he walked back up to me. I was trapped up against a wall.” She looked at Adin again, and he was gripping the steering wheel as tightly as he was gritting his teeth. She let go of his hand and rubbed both her hands on her legs while Adin took the hand that she had been holding and locked it to the steering wheel like his other. She took a deep breath. “I don’t know if you want to hear the rest of this,” she muttered as she exhaled.

  “Yes, I do,” Adin said through his teeth.

  “You’re not going to like it,” she said, shaking her head.

  He laughed sarcastically. “I already don’t like it.”

  That much was obvious. “Okay. After I was trapped, he put both hands on my arms and asked why I stepped away from him. I told him I didn’t want him touching me. He said some nonsense about me actually liking him and just not knowing how to deal with it. He stepped right up against me, and I pushed him off. Then we fought. He said he was through being just my friend. He was tired of sitting back watching me grow close to you because I was supposed to be growing closer to him. He said from here on out he’s not going to deny his feelings anymore and that he’s going to be pursuing me. We were yelling at each other, and he said something that I’d heard in my dream the other night, so I freaked out and ran to the bathroom. When I came out, he was apologetic for his behavior, but he was still resolved.”

  “What did he say that you heard in your dream?” Adin asked in an eerily even tone.

; “His exact words were ‘Baby, I’m everything. I’m everywhere. You can’t stop me. You have no choice.’ All but the baby part was in my dream.”

  “He said you can’t stop him?” Adin roared. There went his carefully controlled expression.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I can stop him! I will.”

  “Adin,” she whispered, shaking her head. “He was just yelling at me because I was yelling at him. He didn’t mean it like that. He apologized.”

  “Legacy, you can’t expect me to ignore this. He has no right to talk to you like that, and he sure as hell has no right to touch you like that!”

  “What’s done is done. I was going to tell you about this, but I didn’t want to bring it up tonight. I knew you wouldn’t be happy about this—”

  “I’m pissed!”

  She sighed. “I know, but I’ve missed you. I didn’t want to spend this night talking about River. I had a horrible night and an even worse day because I had to deal with him. I want to enjoy this night with you and not think about him.”

  Adin sat quietly for several minutes, she guessed trying to calm his nerves. Then he sighed. “You’re right. We don’t need to talk about this right now. Let’s just focus on us.”

  “I’d like that,” she said softly. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  He reached over and took her hand into his. He kissed the back of it and put their hands in his lap. She watched his face to make sure he was putting this behind him. His face seemed relax, but his eyes stayed narrowed until they reached the restaurant.

  They ordered some pasta and breadsticks. By the time their dinner was ready, Adin seemed more at ease. He was trying to be calm for her, and she knew it wasn’t easy for him. As they drove up the winding hill to their picnic spot, Adin had seemed to put the River conversation behind him—for now.

  They reached the place where Adin used to go to think and watch the sunset alone. Now he liked sharing this with her. It was their spot, and she hadn’t realized how much she’d missed it until now.

  “It is so nice up here,” she said as Adin helped her out of his car.

  “It’s peaceful,” he murmured.

  She put her arms around his back and pulled him to her. He wrapped his arms around her, put his head in her hair, and kissed her head. They stood there for several minutes, holding each other.

  “Our dinner is going to get cold,” Adin said with a small laugh.

  “Okay.” She groaned, and he chuckled.

  Adin brought a blanket, and they spread it over the grass where they’d eaten that first night. While they enjoyed their dinner, they talked some, but not much. They were both so happy to be with each other that they mostly stared and smiled while they ate.

  When they finished, she shifted her position so that she was sitting between Adin’s legs with her back leaning against his chest, hands resting on his legs. Adin had his arms wrapped around her stomach and put his chin on her shoulder. They sat like this while they watched the sunset, which was magnificent. The sky was a rainbow of colors cascading off the horizon.

  While she gently caressed Adin’s legs with her fingers, he lifted one of his hands and brushed her hair around to her opposite shoulder. He put his chin back down, but continued to stroke her hair on the other side. His touch was so soothing.

  “Legacy,” he whispered in her ear.


  “I love you,” he said so gingerly.

  Her heart swelled, and she could feel it beating harder. It was radiating throughout her body. She reached her hand up and stroked the side of his face. He told her that he loved her!

  “I love you too,” she murmured.

  And she did. She knew she was in love with Adin. There was no doubt in her mind or in her heart. Her heart would always belong to him. Before, she had a very hard time believing that this magnificent creature wanted her…that he was hers. But now she knew he loved her too, and that feeling was overwhelming. He belonged to her. His heart, his soul.

  Adin held her a little tighter and pressed his lips into her neck while she ran her fingers through his hair. After he kissed her neck, he rested his chin on her shoulder and kept stroking her hair.

  In this moment, there wasn’t anything else to say. She knew if she tried to say something, she would cry. She felt a lump in her throat just thinking about the words he’d just said to her. The words that changed everything for her. Even though she already knew she loved him, his love for her meant more than anything else.

  They sat unmoving until it started to get dark. Adin loosened his arm that was around her and leaned back. She twisted to the side to watch him.

  “We should probably leave before the mosquitoes eat us alive.” He chuckled.

  “You’re probably right,” she said, leaning to the side so she could get up.

  Adin got up first and helped her to her feet. Once she was upright, she stretched, and Adin laughed again.


  “You’re just very beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “I know so,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  She stretched up on her toes and put her hands on his face, stroking it lightly while she stared into his eyes. He was incredibly handsome, but he was so much more than good-looking. He was beautiful inside and out. She stared at him in awe.

  As her fingers caressed his face, he reached up and put his hand on top of her right hand, holding it to his face.

  “Your hand is cold,” he said as he shut his eyes.

  “It doesn’t feel that way to me. Right now, it just feels right against you,” she murmured.

  Adin sighed and opened his eyes, staring into the depths of hers. “I love you so much,” he breathed. “I’ve loved you for a very long time. I wanted to wait until the end of summer to confess my feelings since we were taking things slowly, but after the last time we were together—when there was a brief moment that I thought you were breaking up with me—I realized I wasn’t going to make it until the end of summer. I almost told you that night, but I wanted the first time to be special, so I decided to bring you back here, to where we had our first date.”

  He didn’t give her an opportunity to respond. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers instead. While he was kissing her, her breathing was jagged. It was only then that she realized the lump in her throat was no longer contained. She was crying.

  She would always need Adin as he would always need her. She knew that after tonight, she would never be the same. She had changed.