Read Golden Blood Page 12

  He kissed her again. She returned it, but he could feel her hesitation. Somehow he knew she wasn’t thinking about school anymore.


  The rumors started as a low murmur. Come Monday morning it was well spread that Harrison was dating the freak. He found it totally ironic that there was no mention of his bumping into Jordan. As far as the story went, Jordan had broken his nose playing football on the beach with his buddies, whereas Harrison had scored his black eye when he tripped over while running and landed on a rock. That was actually the story he’d used on his mother so he wasn’t worried about that one circulating.

  He kept his lips closed about Jordan and held his head high, taking each jibe with a wink and a smile. If they knew Gemma even a quarter as well as he did they would turn five shades of green.

  Clutching the strap of his bag, Harrison quietly sauntered through the library, weaving his way to the back corner.

  A smile curled his lips when he spotted Gemma, knees up to her chin, engrossed in a novel. Her nose was twitching and she kept tipping her head to the side, a sure sign she wasn’t taking in a word on the page.

  “Hey.” He snuggled in beside her, stretching his arm around her shoulders.

  Feeling completely safe in this secluded environment, she shuffled into his embrace. “I thought you were eating in the cafeteria today.”

  “I am. I just came to get you.”

  She shot away from him as if she’d been stung. “What?”

  “I want you to meet my friends.”

  “No! Forget it.” She shuffled so far out of his reach that she fell off the pillows and landed on the floor.

  He chuckled softly and reached for her hand. Hauling her back up beside him, he held her tense body tight.

  “Just because everyone now knows doesn’t mean we have to flaunt it,” said Gemma.

  “Who said anything about flaunting? I just don’t want to spend every lunchtime in the library.”

  “You don’t have to,” she mumbled into his shoulder. “You can eat with your friends and I’ll eat here.”

  “I want you to have lunch with me in the cafeteria.” He repeated the words slowly.

  “I don’t think your friends like me very much.”

  “That’s because they don’t know you.” He squeezed her shoulder. “It’s important we start getting to know each other’s friends. We don’t want to become this reclusive couple that everybody hates.”

  She leaned back to look at him. “In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t have any friends.”

  “A problem I am trying to remedy.” He stood to his feet and dragged her north.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can.” He squeezed her hand. “I won’t leave your side. It’ll be fine.”

  He pulled her out of the library. Her steps grew heavier as they inched closer to those dreaded double doors. He could feel her palms grow sweaty and he swore if she didn’t stop chewing on her lip it would start bleeding.

  Stopping outside the doors, he held her face in his hands. “Now breathe and relax. This won’t hurt a bit.”

  He pushed the door open with his butt and pulled her inside. He wasn’t sure what she had been expecting. Maybe a quiet hush and all eyes drilling into her, but it didn’t happen. The noisy buzz of the cafeteria didn’t falter. Sure, as people spotted them the buzz grew faster and louder, but only until he’d collected a tray of food and sat down next to Darren.

  Gemma had refused a tray. It took a firm tug on her hand to get her to sit next to him, but sit she did. He placed an apple in front of her. She picked it up and nibbled at the skin.

  “So.” Harrison smiled at his buddies. “This is Gemma.” He nodded toward her.

  She tried on a smile, but it came out as a weird grimace instead. He bit back his grin.

  “Hey.” Courtney beamed.

  In contrast, Dana and Chelsea looked as if they’d just shared a glass of arsenic.

  “Excuse me. I have to go.” Dana stood from the table and strutted away with Chelsea two steps behind.

  Courtney rolled her eyes and Darren fidgeted with his fork, looking awkward. Between Gemma’s apple nibbling and the sidelong glances from everyone at the table, it was a painful two minutes. Harrison was scrambling for easy conversation when he was rescued by the hulking form of Dominic Hart.

  “Hey, little sis.”

  Her lips jumped into a quick smile before she reverted her eyes to the table, perfecting a Hunchback of Notredam impersonation.

  Dom grinned and leaned over the table. “You look so scared you might puke. Need a bucket?” he whispered.

  Her look was as dry as the salt flats, but her lips did twitch.

  “Dominic, move your big behind so I can sit down, please.” Ruby’s petite hand shoved his shoulder to the side. She squeezed in beside him and a junior who was scared off after a pointed eyebrow raise. “That’s better.” She gave Harrison a broad grin.

  He felt Gemma jerk beside him.

  “Ow.” She rubbed her shin and shot her sister a black look.

  “Well, are you going to introduce me to your friends?”

  Gemma cleared her throat and shuffled in her seat as she made the quick intros.

  It was easy to see that the presence of these two popular seniors had everyone a little in awe. Courtney giggled as Dom commented on the grossness of his chicken sub, yet ate it anyway. Darren sat goo-goo eyed as he watched Ruby pick at her salad. Gemma kept nibbling her food, but Harrison could sense she felt a bit more confident with her siblings beside her.

  The twins rambled on in easy conversation, trying to draw Gemma out of her shell. She said a few small words, but remained pretty quiet as he engaged in an animated discussion about Jackie Chan movies with Dom.

  Harrison put his hand under the table and squeezed Gemma’s knee. Her tight-lipped smile was starting to relax. He kept his hand in place, hoping to ease the rest of the tension from her body.

  “Oh, there’s Felicity.” Dom straightened his shoulders.

  “Going to make your move, Mr. Stallion?” Ruby smirked.

  “No, I’m just going to ease my way in. A nice casual hello. I’ll be subtle.”

  “Oh please, you’re about as subtle as a fireworks display.”

  Gemma chuckled. It was a sweet sound that floated across the table and everyone who didn’t know her suddenly paused to watch. Harrison saw Darren and Courtney both look at each other and grin. So the freak knew how to smile.

  As Dom left the table, with Ruby following in his wake seconds later, Courtney shuffled down so she was sitting opposite Gemma. Darren slid his tray along and started mumbling about the latest action movie to hit the screen. Before Gemma knew what she was doing, she entered into the conversation and by the end of lunch the four of them had agreed to see it on Friday night.

  Harrison couldn't help a triumphant grin as Gemma munched her apple to the core. Leaning forward, he wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered, “Hey, you’re still alive. Well done.”

  She pinched his hand with a grin.

  “Think you can do this again sometime?”

  She nodded then looked at him. Her eyes shone with gratitude. She blinked a couple of times then grabbed her lip with her teeth. Squeezing her middle, he pecked her cheek and stood as the bell rang. She let him hold her hand all the way to class.

  Chapter Sixteen

  St. Augustine, Florida - 2011 AD

  Gemma fidgeted with her locker handle as she inconspicuously studied Courtney’s curls. They bobbed erratically as she threw her head back and laughed.

  Gemma’s lips toyed with a smile. According to her mother they were really good friends. Gemma wondered if she should try striking up a friendship in an attempt to make things just a little more legit. It would definitely help ease the guilt.

  The idea of using Courtney felt wrong though.

  But was she really using her?

  The Friday night movie thing seemed to be real
enough. She didn’t even want to think about how nervous she was. Yesterday’s lunch did prove that nerves could be eased though. At least Courtney smiled at her.

  The small girl was talking to Darren right now. She smiled up at him as she danced lightly from one foot to the other. Darren’s hand ran up and down his bag strap. His smile was crooked as he dipped his head then flicked his hand up with a casual wave.

  Courtney watched him leave then completed two playful twirls on the spot. She looked to the ceiling then down to the floor with a blush before heading in Gemma’s direction. Instantly shy, Gemma hid her head back inside her locker and kept busy organizing her books for next period.

  “Hey, Gemma.”

  “Oh, hi, Courtney.” A nervous smile twittered over Gemma’s features as she turned to greet the girl.

  Courtney stopped at her locker a couple along and turned the dial. Gemma watched her for a moment trying to think of something interesting to say.

  Courtney saved her the trouble. “Do you think Darren’s cute?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Darren Kidman. Do you think he’s good looking?” Courtney leaned against the closed locker next to her and twirled a strand of her hair.

  “Um.” Gemma glanced back to where he had departed. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Hmmm.” Courtney’s lips bunched then broke into a smile. “I think he likes me.” She turned back to her locker and began shuffling through her books.

  This would have been the perfect chance for Gemma to slip away with a polite nod, but it was also the perfect opportunity to start something that could potentially make future discussions with her mother much easier.

  She took a twitchy step toward Courtney. “Really? Why do you say that?”

  Completely oblivious to Gemma’s shaking limbs, Courtney gathered up her books and closed her locker with her elbow. “Oh. Well yesterday, I dropped my phone when I was leaving school and I didn’t notice. He found it and drove to my house to drop it off.”

  “Oh.” Gemma nodded with a slight frown.

  Courtney nudged Gemma’s shoulder and grinned. “So, guys don’t go to that effort if they’re not interested, right?”

  “Of course they don’t.” Gemma smiled, pretending she totally got it.

  “I thought he was going to ask me on a date just before, but I think he chickened out.”

  “He did look nervous.” Gemma bit her cheek then shrugged. “Why don’t you ask him?”

  “Call me old fashioned, but I like the guy to make the first move.”

  “He did drive to your house.”

  “True.” Courtney nodded with a grin. “I actually invited him in and showed him around. We sat in my room talking for nearly an hour.” Her cheeks glowed. “My dad wasn’t home. He doesn’t like boys being in our bedrooms, but…” She looked down the hall to where Darren had been standing. “Some guys are worth breaking the rules for.”

  Her eyes were dreamy.

  Gemma smiled as she watched her. She thought of Harrison and the impact of first seeing him. She’d known within a second that he spelled trouble for her. All that time she’d spent fighting a battle she knew she would ultimately lose. Gemma ran her hand down her ponytail. This was only the beginning. Somehow she knew that she would bend or break whatever rules she had to if it meant staying with him. The rebellious thought was terrifying…and thrilling.

  “I know what you mean.”

  Courtney shot her a wink as she shoved the last book in her bag and zipped it closed.

  “I hope Darren asks you soon.”

  “Me too.” Courtney giggled. “Although who knows what might happen on Friday night.” Her eyes were dancing and Gemma couldn’t help feeling a small spurt of excitement. “Nice talking to you, Gem.”

  “Oh,” Gemma blushed. “Yeah, you, um…you too.”

  She grinned. “See you around.”

  “Bye… See ya, Courtney.”

  Gemma watched the girl bounce away and covered her face in self-loathing. She must come across as such a blithering idiot. She hated how nervous she got. One simple conversation and she was ready to go into cardiac arrest. She didn’t understand how she was capable of fighting off basically any foe, but couldn’t hold a casual conversation with a high school student!

  “Hey, beautiful.” Harrison grabbed her hand as he walked passed. He sauntered forward with a triumphant grin. She knew he was loving the whole reveal. “Can I walk you to class?”

  She smiled, surprised by how divine it felt to hold his hand at school. Gemma felt the effects of his presence immediately. Her nervous jitters were chased away and within moments she felt lighter.

  “Where were you two minutes ago?” she mumbled.

  “Why? What happened?”

  “I just spoke to Courtney and I was so nervous and stupid.”

  Harrison grinned. “I’m sure you were fine. What did you talk about?”

  “Darren. I think they like each other. She’s pretty sure he likes her anyway. He went to her house to drop something off.”

  “He definitely likes her then.” Harrison nodded. “Guys don’t go the extra mile if they’re not interested.”

  “That’s what she said.”

  The couple slowed as they approached Gemma’s class. She glanced at her watch, feeling bad that Harrison would probably be late for his class now.

  “You’re worth it.” He grinned.

  Her insides tingled. Since the hallway was empty she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you in History.”

  “I’d like to see your house.”

  Harrison’s random comment brought Gemma to a screeching halt. “What?”

  “Your house. I’d like to go there sometime.”


  He reached for her hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles. “So I can picture you in it.”

  The tingling grew to a warm glow. “I guess I have seen yours.” She grinned then bit her cheek and looked to the floor. “My dad’s away and Mom’s working this afternoon. If we leave straight after school…”

  Harrison kissed her.

  “You two have thirty seconds to get to class or I’m issuing detentions.” The stern voice of Mr. Clark pulled them apart and had them scooting in opposite directions. Gemma glanced back at Harrison’s quickly retreating form. The idea of showing him around her place was a little scary, but…

  He wants to picture me there!

  Holding in her giddy sigh, she glided to her seat and sat down with a dreamy smile.


  Harrison parked his car three blocks from Gemma’s house then jumped on the back of her bike. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to see her house so badly. It’s not like he was expecting time spirit memorabilia—if there was such a thing—to be openly displayed. He was just intrigued. The more he learned about Gemma, the more he liked her. The idea of picturing exactly where she was when she was sneaking him a text message was somewhat tantalizing.

  A few minutes later, they were passing through two huge gates. Gemma pulled the bike around the circular driveway and parked alongside the ornate water feature. Harrison had been expecting nice, but he was almost intimidated gazing up at the palatial home.

  “I know. It’s ridiculous.” Gemma half-grinned as she took Harrison’s hand and pulled him through the stunning Japanese-style gardens around to the back door of the garage. She unlocked the door and paused just inside to listen for any noise. Harrison noticed the four-car garage was empty and figured they were alone, but Gemma still treaded cautiously as they crept through the internal access door.

  They padded down the tiled hall and stopped in the archway of the modern kitchen. It was twice the size of his kitchen. The island in the middle was the same size as their dining room table.

  “Do you want a drink?” Gemma shoved her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and rolled onto the sides of her feet.

  Harrison smiled and shook his head. “Just a tour’s fine.”

p; “Okay.” She grinned. “Well, this is the kitchen and the dining room is through here.” She pointed and led him through the adjacent archway and into an elegant dining room with a beautifully carved ten-seater table. Everything looked expensive. It was a far cry from the mish mash of furniture he had at his place.

  They continued the tour, through the front entranceway with the chandelier and up the sweeping staircase to the bedrooms. The first room she showed him housed a mammoth TV and enough equipment to fulfill every entertainment need. His mouth dropped open as he eyed the two walls of DVDs.

  “Dom, the movie buff.”

  Harrison nodded mutely before being dragged into the biggest bathroom he’d ever seen. As he went from one astonishment to another, he noticed Gemma’s agitation grow. The tour became quicker and it wasn’t until he forced her to stop outside the next door that he found out what she was thinking.

  “You think this place is really ostentatious, don’t you?”

  “No.” Harrison rubbed the base of Gemma’s back. “Just different.”

  “They like nice stuff. It’s always got to be the best, you know?”

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “This house is amazing, Gem. I think it’s great.”

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t have the same cozy home feel as your place, does it?”

  Harrison swallowed down the resounding yes and cleared his throat with a grin. “It’s yours and I can picture you here. Thanks for showing me around.”

  Gemma nodded with a nervous smile and pointed at the next door.

  “My room.” She turned the handle and led him inside.

  A slow smile worked across his face as he studied the finely crafted furniture. The walls were a soft mauve, her bed cover deep purple. The pictures on the walls were ornately framed. He inspected the various fun-filled shots of Ruby and Dom along with the formal family photo. He deduced Gemma must have been around twelve in the photo. She was beautiful then too. He shone her a smile, which made her promptly blush.

  “Your skin is a lot darker than the rest of your family.”

  “I know, apparently there’s some Navajo in our history. Managed to skip all of them and land on me.”

  Harrison wondered why she sounded disappointed. She had the look of a super model and she didn’t even know it.

  She watched him slowly peruse her room, biting her cheek and fidgeting with her fingers.