Read Golden Disk of The Sun: Book 1 of the Star Walkers Trilogy Page 22

  "What do you mean, he wouldn't be there?" Catalina asked. Then, realization set in. "Are you saying the animals would?.?.?."

  Eric tried to find the right words, but there weren't any. All he managed to say was, "Unfortunately, this is the Amazon."


  They arrived at Cerro Negro two days later, dirty, tired, and hungry. After picking up their jeeps, they drove to the same hotel where the four of them had stayed prior to setting out for Muela Del Diablo. The clerk greeted them. "How many rooms?"

  Eric glanced at Catalina, an unasked question hanging in the air. After an awkward silence, Catalina, eyes lowered, said, "I'm such a mess, and I'm really exhausted. I'm looking forward to a warm bath and bed. I think I'll order from room service. But why don't we have breakfast together in the morning?"

  Disappointed, Eric turned his attention toward the hotel clerk. "Two rooms, please. One for the lady and one for the two of us."

  Once the clerk handed them their keys, Eric answered Catalina's question. "Breakfast will be fine. What time should we meet in the dining room?"

  "How does ten sound?"

  Eric spent a sleepless night, his time remaining with Catalina short. Was he ready to let her go so easily? She had touched him in a way that no woman had touched him in a long time. Yes. He admitted to himself, he loved her. But did he love her enough to change his lifestyle to suit her? Could they be happy, both compromising to be together? His final decision-he was willing to try, but was she? He had noticed a change in her since Phillip's death. There wasn't anything specific he could put his finger on, but she seemed to be more pensive, more distant around him.

  * * *

  The next day, after the three of them had breakfast, they drove to Confresa, returned the jeeps, and booked a flight to Manaus. When Catalina told Eric she planned on spending a few days in Brazil visiting her grandfather, Eric suggested they meet for dinner the following evening at Mundo dos Sucos, an elegant restaurant noted for its seafood.

  Eric arrived first. He was as nervous as a schoolboy out on his first date. For the past eight days, Catalina had been within arm's reach. Now that they were no longer in the Amazon, he was not really sure how he stood with her. He thought she liked him-at least she had said as much. In fact, she had told him she liked him a lot. However, the question that remained in his mind was whether she cared for him enough to make a long-term commitment. That is what he needed to find out tonight.

  When Catalina glided through the door, her striking good looks captured the eyes of the men and women at the restaurant. She walked toward his table, looking regal in a form-clinging dress and a pair of gold sequined heels, her head held high. He could tell she had been to the beauty salon. Her hair was coiffed, and although it suited her, she appeared older, more sophisticated.

  Eric stood and helped her with her chair. "You look beautiful this evening."

  She smiled. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

  Once they were seated, a waiter appeared. "Would the lady and gentleman care for a cocktail?" he asked.

  "I'll have a pear cosmopolitan, please." Catalina said.

  The waiter glanced toward Eric. "And you, sir?"

  "A bottle of beer, any kind will do." He kept waiting for the right moment to turn the conversation to their future. Ironically, in the jungle they were never at a loss for words, but here the silence between them seemed to last too long.

  "Catalina," Eric finally said, "I think you know how I feel about you."

  She took his calloused hands in hers. "I know, and I owe you so much. Have I thanked you for saving my life?"

  "Several times."

  "When I first met you, I thought you were a little rough around the edges."

  "That's a nice way of saying I'm not your type."

  Catalina wasn't sure if Eric was joking or not. She groped for the right words. "That's not what I meant. What I want to say is, back there in the wilds of the Amazon, I realized finesse doesn't count for much. Phillip had to work at being nice. You, however, are genuine. There are no double meanings to your words."

  Again, the forced smile. "Me no speak with forked tongue."

  Catalina knew Eric's attempt at humor was a way for him to diffuse the tension he was feeling. "I was drawn to you right from the very beginning?.?.?. even before we set foot into the rain forest."

  "You mean my charm is irresistible?"

  Catalina squeezed his hand. "You are so smart, so understanding. I always felt safe with you. It's obvious I have very strong feelings for you."

  Eric's brows furrowed. "Catalina, just tell me what you want to say."

  "Ever since I met Phillip, I haven't been my own person. You may find this hard to believe, but we never made love. You said you wanted me to be honest with you so I will. When I was with you in the jungle, I was drawn to you physically, intellectually. and emotionally. I still am. It would be so simple for me to jump into bed with you, but I know it would be the wrong thing to do. I care too deeply for you to love you and leave you?.?.?. and leave you, I must."

  Eric started to interrupt, but Catalina silenced him by placing a finger to his lips. "Please, let me finish what I have to say. I've lived most of my life being dependent on someone else, first my parents, then my grandfather. When the accident happened, Phillip took over, and then there was you. When we were descending Muela Del Diablo, I asked myself these questions time and time again. 'Am I infatuated with him because he saved my life, and I need him?' or 'Am I in love with him because he is a passionate and caring person?' To tell you the truth, I still don't know the answer."

  For a brief moment, Eric glanced away from Catalina. Then he looked directly into her eyes. "Earlier you said you weren't sure whether you loved me. Well, I love you, and I don't want to give up on the bond we had in the Amazon so easily. Please stay in Manaus?.?.?. at least long enough to see where our relationship goes."

  A sad expression appeared on her face. "I'm afraid I can't do that. I have to return to Los Angeles?.?.?. at least for a while. Phillip's attorneys informed me there are some pressing issues I must address."

  Catalina reached out again for Eric's hand, but he jerked it away. "Please try to understand. I am not rejecting you. What I'm trying to tell you is I need some time to find out who I am. I've lived in Phillip's shadow far too long. He had dominated and manipulated me to the point where I didn't know who I was. Give me some time to find myself."

  Catalina repeated what she had said earlier, "Did you hear what I said, Eric? Can you understand?"

  "I understand." He fought to keep his voice steady. "I'm a lot more certain of the way I feel toward you than I care to admit, but I have no choice other than to go along with your decision, whatever that may be. You see, unlike you, I live for the moment. I guess the Amazon has taught me that. When you live with danger day in and day out, the future is tomorrow and the past is yesterday."

  Eric paused. As difficult as it was to do, he somehow managed to control his emotions. "I love you. My feelings for you are every bit as genuine as the Golden Disk of the Sun we found. I care for you so much that I'm going to put my own happiness aside and let you go. I know I am no bargain for a young, beautiful, and now a rich woman such as you. For the first time in my life, for the short time I've been with you, I've known real happiness. For years my only passion has been to live for adventure, but that was before I met you."

  Catalina was so touched by Eric's words that tears welled up in her eyes. She, too, found it difficult to respond. "Thank you for your understanding," was all she could say.

  They walked in silence out of the restaurant. The taxi Eric had called was already waiting. He opened the door for Catalina and leaned forward to kiss her. She turned her head to avert a kiss on the lips, but wrapped her arms around him, holding on to him for a few seconds.

  Eric was the first to back off. "You may not think so right now, but I know you are your own woman. You always have been, Catalina."

  Sliding int
o the taxi, she said, "My grandfather said he would take me to the airport tomorrow."

  "Call me and let me know what time the plane leaves. I'll come meet you there to say goodbye."

  * * *

  When Catalina saw Eric the next day, her heart went out to him. She knew he was putting on a brave front because of the dark circles under his eyes. When she greeted him, he gave her a peck on the cheek. "I'll send you the precious stones you took when we found the Golden Disk of the Sun. I'll wrap them in several packages, insure them, and send them to you by priority mail."

  Catalina reached into her purse and handed Eric a bank draft. "Would you please give this to Chris? Tell him I said he earned every penny of it."

  "You don't have to honor Phillip's debt. I don't want you using your money to-"

  "It's not my money," Catalina interrruped. "It's Phillip's. Before we came to Manaus, Phillip contacted his attorney and made me the sole beneficiary of his estate. He also willed a portion of his collected works to the Getty Museum and appointed me as the sole administrator over the rest of his antiquities. I will be making all the decisions regarding the dispensation of his large and very valuable collection." Catalina handed Eric a legal-looking document. "I want you to know this has been notarized."

  Eric folded the paper without looking at it. "What does it say?"

  "You are to get whatever finder's fee the government of Brazil gives you."

  "But what about you?"

  "I have more money than I'll ever need." She paused for a moment. "There's my flight. I have to go." She kissed him on the cheek and whispered, "Promise to call me?"

  Eric smiled. "Of course. We still have some unfinished business, you and I."

  She was about to turn away when he grabbed her and kissed her full on the mouth. His voice was huskier than usual. "You'd better leave while I still have the will to let you go."

  She gave him one last look and disappeared inside the terminal gate.

  * * *

  Once Catalina was airborne, she touched the emerald necklace that Eric had given her, fondly remembering his words. This necklace is meant to be worn by a woman of beauty. Closing her eyes, she wondered if the myth was true. Could it have belonged to Atahualpa's wife? Catalina knew that regardless of how much money it would bring, she would never part with it.

  She opened her eyes and stared out the plane's window. When she spotted Muela Del Diablo's crater far below her, the mountain looked as menacing as ever. She thought of Eric Shade. That's your world, Eric. You know it like the back of your hand. I can only hope I'll be able to find mine.

  * * *

  Eric watched Catalina's plane as it gained altitude. He knew he would never call or write. She had left to live a different life, a life he didn't much care for. She was rich now. The wealth she had acquired upon Phillip's death had catapulted her into a world he would never fully understand. He wondered whether things would have turned out differently if Phillip were still alive. Would Catalina be going back to Los Angeles if the bastard hadn't died? He didn't think so. The irony of it all. While he was alive, Phillip had tried to poison him with scorpions. He had even contemplated shooting him, but only in death had Phillip managed to get his revenge.

  He left the airport burdened with the reality that he would never see her again. His gut was tied in a knot. Had he given up too easily? Should he have gone with her? Forcing Catalina out of his mind, Eric thought about the Golden Disk of the Sun and the man who had tried to take the priceless antiquity out of the country. If riches fostered the kind of person Phillip had become, he would rather be poor. But now that was not the case. He had money, more money than he ever imagined possible. The problem facing him was what should he do? Teach? Earn another degree? Continue to search for his father? Or dedicate himself to solving the mystery of the Star Walkers.

  He said a silent prayer. Let me choose wisely.

  ~ ~ ~

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  Other titles by Michael Cole

  The Star Walkers Trilogy

  Tunnels of the Deep - Book 2

  Strands of Life - Book 3

  The Papyrus Document

  Secrets of El Tovar Canyon


  Room of Dark Secrets

  Well of Souls

  Antiquated Astronaut

  Ghost Ship of the Desert


  Alien Strain

  Not of This Earth

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters or events to real persons or actual events is coincidental.

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