Read Good Neighbors (Book 1 of the Home Again Series) Page 23


  In a sane world, Brennan would not bake sugar-filled chocolate-chip cookies for a physical trainer. He considered this issue as he scooped the last of the two dozen cookies into a napkin-lined wicker basket. But it was hard to miss that Erica, though undeniably fit, had no interest in health food.

  Of course, in a sane world, Brennan wouldn't be baking cookies for Erica at all. Sighing, he whipped open another linen napkin to place over the top of the cookies. He was supposed to be seeking distance from Erica.

  He certainly hadn't sought distance from her last night, however. He'd bared his soul and then invited her to bare hers. This had obviously not been wise, but when she'd asked why he'd started drinking, he'd felt an overwhelming desire to explain.

  Brennan stood at his kitchen counter and slowly tucked the top napkin in. Hell, he could still feel the connection of that moment. It had been as if she'd looked all the way into him. But, oddly, that hadn't felt bad. Scary as all get out, but not bad.

  He wondered if she'd felt the same way.

  In fact, he wondered if her attitude toward him had softened at all. Now, why he'd want to know that was a question he didn't want to answer. Probably his support group would do it for him, though, the next time they met.

  Following a rueful tap to the top of the linen napkin, Brennan picked up the basket. The bottom line was that he did want to thank Erica for treating his injury.

  He could have paid a lot of money to a PT for that and without as much result.

  She really was good at what she did.

  Going out the kitchen side door, Brennan let the screen bang behind him. He went down his driveway and then looped out front to reach the Carmichael's front porch.

  His heart pounded unnaturally hard as he ascended the steps and, after a brief hesitation, pressed the doorbell.

  Liam answered the door.

  A wide smile came over the kid's face. "Hi, Brennan. What's up? Hey, come on in."

  Brennan would have preferred it to be Erica who invited him inside. He wasn't absolutely certain his presence was welcome. But—

  He walked in.

  "What's in the basket?" Liam seemed to have guessed the answer, though. His eyes riveted on the linen-covered wicker.

  "Cookies. I made them to thank your sister."

  "Oh? What'd she do?"

  Brennan had no idea how to explain without the kid jumping to conclusions. He was saved having to figure it out by Erica coming down the stairs.

  "Oh, Brennan." She stopped for a moment, obviously surprised. "Uh, hi."

  She was surprised, but was she dismayed? He couldn't tell.

  Feeling rather stupid now, Brennan lifted his basket. "Chocolate chip with walnut. The least I could give you for last night." Hell. That hadn't come out right. With his face blazing, Brennan added, "My leg is nearly all better now."

  "What happened to your leg?" Liam asked.

  Erica answered as she finished descending the stairs. "He pulled a quad muscle. Needed a simple stretch. Did you ice it like I told you to?"

  Brennan thought maybe her face was a little red now, too. But was it red with embarrassment or with anger? "A little bit," he said.

  "Chocolate chip, you say?" Liam reached for the basket.

  Brennan shifted it away. "It's for Erica."

  "Oh, man," Liam complained.

  Brennan dared to look straight at Erica as he handed her the basket.

  She smiled a little, her gaze lowered, as she accepted it.

  That tiny smile sent the sharpest thrill through him. She wasn't angry he'd come over, then. She wasn't angry he'd made her cookies and brought them to her.

  He felt as happy as if she'd pronounced undying love.

  "This is incredibly silly." She shook her head at the basket. "Those stretches were so I could thank you."

  "Maybe it'll turn into an infinite loop," Brennan joked and then held his breath. Would she correct him? Remind him she didn't want to have anything to do with him?

  But she only looked down at the basket with that same small smile.

  It was the best smile he'd ever seen in his life.

  Finally, she looked up.

  Their eyes met in a wordless moment of inexplicable intimacy.

  Another thrill went through Brennan.

  Her attitude toward him had most definitely softened.

  He had to wonder why that made him so happy.