Read Goody Two-Shoes Page 7

  _A Wit's a Feather, and a Chief's a Rod, An honest Man's the noblest Work of God._

  Remember this Story, and take Care whom you trust; but don't becovetous, sordid and miserable; for the Gold we have is but lent us todo Good with. We received all from the Hand of God, and every Personin Distress hath a just Title to a Portion of it.

  _A_ LETTER _from the_ PRINTER, _which he desires may be inserted_.


  I have done with your Copy, so you may return it to the_Vatican_, if you please; and pray tell Mr. _Angelo_ tobrush up the Cuts, that, in the next Edition, they may give us a goodImpression.

  The Foresight and Sagacity of Mrs. _Margery_'s Dog calls to myMind a Circumstance, which happened when I was a Boy. Some Gentlemenin the Place where I lived had been hunting, and were got under agreat Tree to shelter themselves from a Thunder Storm; when a Dog thatalways followed one of the Gentlemen leaped up his Horse severalTimes, and then ran away and barked. At last, the Gentlemen allfollowed to see what he would be at; and they were no sooner gone fromthe Tree, but it was shivered in Pieces by Lightning! 'Tis remarkable,that as soon as they came from the Tree the Dog appeared to be verywell satisfied, and barked no more. The Gentleman after this alwaysregarded the Dog as his Friend, treated him in his Old Age with greatTenderness, and fed him with Milk as long as he lived.

  My old Master _Grierson_ had also a Dog, that ought to bementioned with Regard; for he used to set him up as a Pattern ofSagacity and Prudence, not only to his Journeymen, but to the wholeNeighbours. This Dog had been taught a thousand Tricks, and amongother Feats he could dance, tumble, and drink Wine and Punch till hewas little better than mad. It happened one Day, when the Men had madehim drunk with Liquor, and he was capering about, that he fell into alarge Vessel of boiling Water. They soon got him out, and herecovered; but he was very much hurt, and being sensible, that thisAccident arose from his losing his Senses by Drinking, he would nevertaste any strong Liquor afterwards.--My old Master, on relating thisStory, and shewing the Dog, used to address us thus, _Ah, myFriends, had you but half the Sense of this poor Dog here, you wouldnever get fuddled, and be Fools._

  I am, Sir, Your's, &c. W.B.

  The BOOKS usually read by the Scholars of Mrs. TWO-SHOES, are these,and are sold at Mr. NEWBERY'S at the _Bible_ and _Sun_ inSt. _Paul's_ Church-yard.

  1. The _Christmas-Box_, Price 1d.

  2. The History of _Giles Gingerbread_, 1d.

  3. The _New-Year's-Gift_, 2d.

  4. The _Easter-Gift_, 2d.

  5. The _Whitsuntide-Gift_, 2d.

  6. The _Twelfth-Day-Gift_, 1s.

  7. The _Valentine's-Gift_, 6d.

  8. The FAIRING or _Golden Toy_, 6d.

  9. The _Royal Battledore_, 2d.

  10. The _Royal Primer_, 3d.

  11. The _Little Lottery-Book_, 3d.

  12. The _Little Pretty Pocket-Book_, 6d.

  13. The _Infant Tutor_, _or pretty Little Spelling-Book_, 6d.

  14. The _Pretty Book for Children_, 6d.

  15. _Tom Trapwit's Art of being Merry and Wife_, 6d.

  16. _Tom Trip's History of Birds and Beasts_, Price 6d.

  17. _Food for the Mind_, _or a New Riddle Book_, 6d.

  18. _Fables in Verse and Prose by AEsop, and your old Friend Woglog_, 6d.

  19. The _Holy Bible abridged_, 6d.

  20. The _History of the Creation_, 6d.

  21. _A new and noble History of England_, 6d.

  22. _Philosophy for Children_, 6d.

  23. _Philosophy of Tops and Balls_, 1s.

  24. _Pretty Poems for Children 3 Foot high_, 6d.

  25. _Pretty Poems for Children 6 Foot high_, 1s.

  26. _Lilliputian Magazine, or Golden Library_, 1s.

  27. _Short Histories for the Improvement of the Mind_, 1s.

  28. The _New Testament_, adapted to the Capacities of Children, 1s.

  29. The Life of our Blessed SAVIOUR, 1s.

  30. The Lives of the Holy _Apostles_ and _Evangelists_, 1s.

  31. The Lives of the _Fathers_ of the _Christian_ Church for the first four Centuries, 1s.

  32. A Concise _Exposition_ of the Book of _Common Prayer_, with the Lives of its _Compilers_, 1s.

  33. The _Museum_ for Youth, 1s.

  34. An Easy _Spelling Dictionary_ for those who would write correctly, 1s.

  35. A _Pocket Dictionary_ for those who would know the precise Meaning of all the Words in the _English_ Language, 3s.

  36. A Compendious History of _England_, 2s.

  37. The Present State of _Great Britain_, 2s.

  38. A Little Book of Letters and Cards, to teach young Ladies and Gentlemen how to write to their Friends in a polite, easy and elegant Manner, 1s.

  39. The Gentleman and Lady's Key to _Polite Literature_; or, A _Compendious Dictionary_ of Fabulous History, 2s.

  40. The News-Readers Pocket-Book; or, A _Military Dictionary_, 2s.

  41. A Curious Collection of Voyages, selected from the Writers of all Nations, 10 Vol. Pr. bound 1l.

  42. A Curious Collection of Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations, 10 Vol; Pr. bound 1l.

  By the KING'S Royal Patent,

  Are Sold by J. NEWBERY, at the _Bible_ and _Sun_ in _St.Paul's Church-Yard_.

  1. Dr. _James's Powders_ for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Measles, Colds, &c. 2s. 6d.

  2. Dr. _Hooper's Female Pills_, 1s.

  3. Mr. _Greenough's Tincture_ for Teeth, 1s.

  4. _Ditto_ for the Tooth-Ach, 1s.

  5. _Stomachic Lozenges_ for the Heart-burn, Cholic, Indigestion, &c. 1s. 6d.

  6. The _Balsam of Health_, or, (as it is by some called) the Balsam of Life, 1s. 6d.

  7. The _Original Daffy's Elixir_, 1s. 3d.

  8. Dr. _Anderson's Scots Pills_, 1s.

  9. The _Original British Oil_, 1s.

  10. The _Alterative Pills_, which are a safe, and certain Cure for the King's Evil, and all Scrophulous Complaints, 5s. the Box, containing 40 Doses.--_See a Dissertation on these Disorders sold at the Place above-mentioned_, Price 6d.

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