Read Government Men Page 39


  Arriving at the Hospital, Melberg and Lund were told that Oscomb was dead, and that his friends had left in a bus. Lund showed the receptionist in charge his NP ID badge and told them that he and Melberg had to see the body.

  While they waited in the lobby for the receptionist to arrange an escort, Lund got a call on his mobile VISICOM. It was Kirby, his right hand man in Washington.

  "Pete, the White House has just ordered several agencies to arrest you, including this one. Court orders to that effect are on the way. If I were you right now, I'd take advantage of your current proximity to Mexico."

  Lund remained cool. He had always known that something like this would happen sooner or later. "OK, Kirby. Message understood. You clean up there and I'll meet you in two. Lund out."

  Over the next several hours, Kirby would be destroying what he thought were Lund's records. Lund had been in tight spots with Presidents before, but always had enough clout with them to wriggle out. However, with President Wright and her equally squeaky-clean stooge Ryan, he had no leverage. His investigations of them proved fruitless. They actually seemed to be honest, and so far he hadn't been able to fabricate anything solid to use against them. Much as he hated to do it, he was playing his 'Kirby card' now.

  Lund COMed Ryan. "Ryan, I've just finished investigating NP actions in Arizona and have come up with some really surprising and shocking news. I've found that someone high up in the NP organization has been paid off by Melberg. Further, I've just heard from my office in Washington that the traitor is destroying evidence right now! If you hurry, you should be able to catch him red handed. It’s my deputy, Jack Kirby."

  On the COM Ryan smiled at Lund the whole time. "That's very interesting Mr. Lund. But not surprising in the least, I'm afraid. In fact, it's exactly what I've been told you would say, isn't it, Mr. Kirby."

  Ryan moved to one side and another man stepped into view. Even on Lund's tiny ten centimeter fold-out wrist-VISICOM, Lund could easily identify Jack Kirby!

  "Hi Pete! Guess what! I discovered a month ago that you were keeping a doctored set of books with my name all through it. So I decided to turn state's evidence. I just needed the right moment to do it, and this is it! Sorry buddy!”

  Ryan moved back into view. "A short time ago I supplied him with the moment he needed, Mr. Lund. Oh, and I'm afraid you can forget about Mexico. The Hospital you are in is surrounded. And I wouldn't try any hostage stuff either, Lund. Remember, you're in Arizona, land of the braves. That's all, Mr. Lund. See you in court, if you live that long!”

  Lund's face turned white. The land of the braves! Arizona now had its first law-and-order Apache Indian Governor. Hostage taking was one of several crimes that were punishable by being staked out spread-eagled on top of a fire-ant mound at high noon! If the offender survived that, worse punishments followed. Understandably, crime was plummeting rapidly in the Grand Canyon State. The murder of Oscomb and the attempted murder of the other Bus folks would certainly be punishable by death or worse. Lund had to get out of there!

  He turned towards the main entranceway. A solid line of Arizona State Troopers carrying shotguns was marching towards the front door outside. A big red-skinned man wearing war paint and full-feathered headdress, and carrying a tomahawk, led them. It was Chief Latanna himself; the famed Law and Order Governor!

  But there had to be a way out; there always was. Glancing around desperately at the lobby that minutes ago contained a dozen other people, he suddenly realized that it was empty except for himself and Melberg! He suspected that under-cover police had been quietly spiriting people away for the last several minutes, while he was occupied with the COM call.

  "Is something wrong, Lund?" asked Melberg. Melberg, looking perfectly relaxed, had that smirky, closed-mouth smile on his face that Lund always hated.

  "Wrong? You idiot, can't you see that this place is surrounded by police? It's a set up! We'll both soon be spread-eagled on an ant mound! What the hell are we going to do?"

  Melberg casually strolled towards the elevator, still smiling. "I'm going to take the elevator Lund. What you do is entirely your own affair.”

  The elevator doors opened. Inside it were two State Troopers with six-shooters drawn. Almost casually, Melberg slashed out with incredible speed, knocked both guns away, struck both Troopers unconscious or dead, and yanked them out of the elevator. It was a stunning display of speed and strength. Melberg calmly stepped into the elevator, and Lund leapt over the sprawled Troopers and dove through the closing doors just in time. Lund noted that the elevator was headed for the top floor, number seven.

  Melberg calmly stood there watching him, still with that stupid amused smile on his face. "Something worrying you Lund? Oh, maybe you want paid again. Here, you've been a good boy, inept but obedient. Take it all.” He tossed the satchel to Lund. It was full of money! There had to be millions!

  For just a moment, Lund was elated. Then he realized this money was worthless to him! It was worse than worthless; it was hard evidence against him that the police would no doubt confiscate anyway! Even if they didn't, he couldn't spend it in jail or on an anthill! But even knowing all of that, Lund still hugged the satchel to his chest tightly anyway, powerless in the grip of its attractive force.

  The elevator stopped and Melberg walked rapidly out the elevator doors and down the hallway, with Lund running after him.

  "Is there something else you wanted, Lund?" Melberg asked.

  "Yes, damn it!” Lund screamed. "I want a way out! You have one, don't you!”

  The hospital lights went out, and a low throbbing sound filled the air. A few emergency lights flickered on and off, and some light still entered the hall through a few open doorways that led to outside windows.

  "My way out would be costly for you, Lund.” Melberg walked without hesitation through the darkened hallway, ignoring the shouts and screams of frightened patients and staff. The floor and walls vibrated rhythmically to the throbbing humming sounds that were growing in volume to impossible levels.

  "I'll pay you, Melberg, anything you want! Here, take back the money for starters.” Melberg turned into a pitch dark stairwell and started up towards the roof, and Lund scrambled to follow.

  "Money is of no use to us anymore, Lund. But I suppose that there is something else you could do for us.”

  Lund stumbled up the stairs behind Melberg, wandering how the thin scientist ahead of him could find his way so well. It was almost as though he could see in the dark. Further down the stairwell, he could hear the pounding of rapid footsteps and the voices of the police. Looking down and behind him, he saw that light from cop flashlights was already shining up the stairwell. He judged that they were only two stories down and closing rapidly! "Anything at all is yours, Melberg. Money, power, women, drugs, anything at all, you name it. Just take me with you!”

  At the top of stairs Melberg opened the door and turned towards Lund. Strange, blinding white, pulsing light flooded the stairwell through the doorway. Sound throbbed and shook the stairway so violently that Lund feared that it would collapse around him. The thin dark silhouette that was Melberg replied. "I'm sure that I could arrange that with my friends, Lund. In fact, they will be quite pleased to see you, I'm sure! And the price is so simple, a trifle really.” He reached out and grabbed Lund by the wrists in a grip so strong that Lund felt powerless as he was pulled out onto the roof.

  Lund, who expected to see a helicopter or another vertical take-off and landing craft of some sort, was stunned by the sight that met them. A pulsing flying saucer, easily as large as the big hospital, filled the sky above them! Lund’s knees buckled but Melberg kept him from falling. The satchel full of money fell unnoticed to the rooftop. Melberg pulled Lund towards a big transparent tube that hung from the bottom of the saucer and reached down to the hospital roof, and they stepped into an opening on one side of it.

  Immediately they were enclosed within an elevator-sized bubble. Inside the bubble it wa
s deathly quiet. Finally over being stunned, and well on the way to being terrified, Lund started to struggle, but it was far too late. Melberg effortlessly held him powerless as the tube rose with the bubble in it, lifting the pair towards the saucer.

  "The trifle is this, Lund: we want you to join us for dinner.” Melberg smiled, this time with his mouth open wide, showing rows of razor sharp fangs. A blood red, snake-like tongue darted over the fangs. “As the main course.”

  As the tube disappeared completely into the belly of the saucer, the big Apache Chief of Police/Law and Order Governor and his men ran out onto the roof. In their report they later wrote that through the whine of the departing flying saucer, they clearly heard the unholy sounds of hideous laughter and a man's terrified screams.
