Read Governor's Tribute Page 2

Chapter Two

  Dirda smiled at her mother and went to get ready. She was very happy. She was marrying a man she admired immensely, liked a great deal, found extremely attractive and she wouldn't be the princess. She'd always understood the emperor helped spread the stories about "The Great Boar" for a reason, but she hadn't expected him to appoint him sector governor. No one had. Of course, no one had thought about the fact he was the first to meet all the qualifications for a Relatross sector governor in over two hundred years, either.

  She chose her favorite gown, not the one her mother had selected for her, before she found out she wasn't first. She'd been told she was first of the family. That meant second. She wondered who had been first. She felt a bit sorry for the poor girl. As bride, she was stuck with politics and ambitious politicians. She would have been a political choice, or rather the world would have been and she'd have been selected very carefully.

  She went through the fourteen worlds of the sector in her mind and tried to figure out which one the governor, after long talks with the emperor of course, would have chosen. Dereva, as closest politically, had been second. First, second and fourteenth were the most important positions, but all had duties. She set aside politics as usual and thought about Boer as governor. That got her a fast answer that stopped her with a gown half over her head.

  She slowly pulled it the rest of the way on. The sector had a governor for a reason. That reason was NuncTura and the Turon bureau directors. Rampant racism, general oppression, a misogynic, nepotistic, oligarchy who controlled more of the world's resources and industries with every year... Of course, expressing that opinion was a good way to get your assets seized for back taxes. Back regulations were written to do it. They were the most common kind. Would he have chosen NuncTura as first? Yes. Would he have told them? She suddenly grinned. The answer was not before he gave them a chance to do something stupid. She knew him even better than she'd realized.

  She forgave her mother, of course. They'd been forgiving each other for having very different opinions since she was four. She'd told her she didn't want to be a princess because they had to work at being princesses all the time. Her mother said that's why they needed those who could do the job right and she could, so she should do it.

  "Mother! Fasten me! Come on! You know he picked me specifically for the position he's sure I'm the one to hold! You know he's sure he won't get 'A' woman here!"

  "That one?"

  "He likes it. He had a great deal of difficulty looking in my eyes when I wore it to the representative's tea. They kept slipping down. We both thought it was hilarious. Mother, there's not a man I just plain like more. First of the Family is the... strategic advisory position. He's the first Relatross Treaty Sector governor in two centuries. He knows why and I'm the who he wants to help. You made sure I was the most qualified. I, personally, am second. All the others will be 'A' woman. Do you think his bride is Turon or Nunceon?"


  "Mother! We're talking about Prince Thiretess Boer Hadlain, the golden-haired hero the Imperial Combined Service Command Staff demanded the emperor let them make a general at the age of thirty-five. He said waiving regulations wasn't his prerogative and an hour later Boer was protesting he didn't have the years in service, while marine generals and navy admirals pinned crowns on his uniforms. The emperor won't play trilev with him. I quite understand. I have."

  "That's a game of luck."

  "Only for most of us. It just takes Boer longer to win if luck runs against him. What's the reason for a governor? NuncTura. 'You have a governor, me. Your move.' Can I use some of your teffis oil?"

  "Two dabs. If you use more, his eyes will water when he gets within a meter, but you can take the bottle with you. You're sure that gown?"

  "Yes, Mother. It distracted him enough I almost won a game. He'll know I understood exactly why he came here second when he sees it. No vows of fidelity, but don't break them. I'm the only woman he chose, for both reasons."

  "But not the princess."

  "The princess has a great deal of difficulty finding out what people are worrying about for the governor. She's swimming in respectful polite even when she's not stuck beside him. Fourteenth is his official representative to the imperium, more respectful polite. Basically, he's giving me a staff of eleven to help him accomplish what the emperor wishes. He wants the Treaty of Relatross enforced. If that takes marines, Boer will do it, but he'll be sure that's the only way to do it before he does. Pack that one for me for the first ball I attend at the Imperial Palace?"

  "Well, at least I'll be sure you're dressed appropriately for something."

  "Mom, the only thing we've ever really disagreed on was why, not really who, I should marry. This is the only compromise that could settle that disagreement. It's the job you were sure I could and should do, without putting me in the middle of Empire Sector politics. That's always been what I was sure I should avoid. I'll miss you."

  "You know they all think it's hilarious."

  "Yes, but they know it's a compromise too. In some ways, it's a very clear statement our new governor does know us and will be a good one for us. Forgive them for being so pleased I didn't end up a princess too, Mother. They didn't want a Lady of Dereva in the imperial family. It's a nice functional democracy with a bit of the pomp of a monarchy. If I'd become a princess, that bit would have become much more important than they want it to be."

  "I know. I'll go get the teffis oil and an appropriate carry-all for the wardrobe you should pack."

  "You see, I am excited. I didn't get beyond Boer is coming for me and he likes this dress."

  "He is the one you want to marry?"

  "Always was, Mother, but he knew the reasons why we shouldn't even better than I did."

  "I don't think I'm even surprised."

  "Huge, beautiful, brilliant and I won't be working not to argue with women who have heard all about him."

  "You're saying his reputation is not deserved?"

  "Of course it is. He and a great many others, including the emperor, worked hard to make sure he had it. It worked well to keep him unmarried long enough for the emperor to appoint him governor."

  Boer saw Dirda and grinned. She'd worn the yellow gown that had made concentrating on anything else difficult for an entire afternoon. He'd been rather sure she would understand she was why Dereva was second.

  "I accept her."

  "Boer, you're supposed to wait to accept until they present me."

  "Oh, then I guess telling them I'll see them later and carrying you off is probably not a good idea. Hanus, Dereva is the world I will point to as example in my sector. You don't need a governor, but I need you."

  "You have our support, Governor. I present our selection for your family, Lady Dirda Brumerani."

  "Now can I climb on his lap, Hanus?"

  "Dirda, you're outrageous."

  "We'll make a good team. Won't we, Boer?"

  "Yes, Dirda, we will. I ask you to accept the designation First Lady Relatross."

  "Oh, my. I thought I was prepared for this."

  "I'm sorry, but I need you to carry that old title."

  "I trust your judgment on it. I accept. At least it's not princess. Where is your bride?"

  "He's being healed. It's going to take some time."

  "What?! Oh, those fools!"

  "I ask none of you mention this to anyone until my family is complete. I hadn't planned on telling you. You now understand how much I trust you to aid me."

  "I'm working my way through it, beginning with 'he.'"

  "There's nothing in the treaty that says opposite sex, Hanus."

  "They made you so mad you... "

  "Managed, Dirda, but more because of who he is."

  "Well, now I understand why the title. Hanus, he's Nunceon, poor and damaged. How badly, Boer?"

  "They were sure I wouldn't accept him, that no one would. I'm very
glad they made the mistake."

  "You love him."

  "So will you. You're the person I most anticipate introducing him to, in about a quarter standard year. Hanus, I wish I didn't have to tell you we need to go immediately."

  "We understand completely. Let's see, forward the record to the imperial court and do let us know if you need a fleet or ten."

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. Fems and gens, let's go. We're steaming up the audience chamber."

  "Do tell my mother about the title, Hanus."

  "I will. A point of agreement is too rare an opportunity to let pass."

  Dirda leaned against Boer and wept. He held her gently and told her of the two days he'd spent with his bride. She suddenly smiled and noted he wouldn't be as busy as most governors. He looked at her a few seconds, then burst into laughter and nodded. That part of having another male in his family hadn't occurred to him. He hugged her and Venida smiled as they walked out of the medical section together. She programmed the unit to prepare for surgery. She'd wanted to wait until after they'd been there, so the unit would have time to clear the blood before Boer saw it.

  It didn't surprise Dirda that Halcyon was next, but their selection did. They showed a great deal more wisdom than she'd expected. Miman was an accountant and in her early thirties. Boer was delighted and told them he hoped others gave as much thought to the selection as they had. Mim told him she hadn't planned on marrying, but they'd convinced her he needed someone who knew something about interplanetary finance in the family and she was quite pleased they had. When he took her to see his bride, she stormed out of medical and went to work. Anverd had just the files she needed.

  Micali knew fourth was usually the historian and selected a student of it for him. Loucala was shy, lovely and very surprised when Mim called her "Lou," but it was exactly what was needed. She began the history with Boer's acceptance of his bride. She was as angry as Dirda and Mim had been.

  The delegation from Baslior had to work to keep up with Aura. People usually did. She grinned and told Boer it would be interesting to dance with a man and not look down at the top of his head. He laughed and said she probably still would because he'd have trouble remembering to look in her eyes. She told him it was interesting not to just think of her "tits" as things that had to be "strapped down" when she was working out. She spent quite some time talking to Venida about what Boer's bride would need in the way of physical training when he was healed.

  O'Dona chose a young Lady of the aristocracy. Dirda yelled, "Misty!" and they met in the middle of the audience chamber in a hug. Boer said she was obviously accepted whether he planned on it or not, then grinned and told the delegation he was as pleased as First Lady Relatross. Misty looked at him, then back to Dirda. She squeezed her hand and nodded. Misty was the one who understood exactly what it meant. She was a countess and understood palace intrigue, that it was primarily well-intended and how to use it. She demonstrated a very extensive and surprising vocabulary for a Lady when she saw Boer's bride. She went to work.

  New Cander selected a young woman who'd gotten an advanced degree in child psychology by the time she was sixteen. Barri stated she planned on lots of children and for several of them to be hers. Boer noted he hadn't gotten that far on the idea of family yet. She told him that was her job and not to worry about it. The delegation was still laughing when they left. Barri spent two hours talking to Boer about his bride and headed for Anverd's records. Anverd noted sitting beside her while she pulled those she wanted made him want to check to see if the comp was overheating.

  Rinder chose a politician's daughter. Androvia knew democracies and bureaucracies and how both functioned properly. She hated the system on NuncTura before Boer escorted her to the medical section. She said, "Yell, 'Via' if you need me. I'm going to be trying to come up with something besides a bomb to blow that system apart." Anverd already had the files she needed pulled.

  Sealore's selection was an ecologist in her late twenties. The chief delegate smiled and told Boer that Minadona had "rolled over" the person with the responsibility of admitting only authorized persons to the senate chambers. She'd yelled she'd selected herself and get back to work on budgeting the plan to re-seed a shoreline with native plants. She said the completed plan to pay for the re-seeding she'd dropped on her desk had shortened that task a great deal too.

  Dona sat down at a comp in medical section, told Boer she'd find him later and asked Venida for the initial scans. She told her she could learn things from anything that helped determine his normal diet. She had everything she could get on the biota of the fourteen worlds of the sector on sixteen data store crystals in the capacious pockets of the field vest she was wearing.

  Granitine's selection was 'just' a nice girl of nineteen, but a very intelligent one. Linlola was interested in everything and could "find anything in a library. We think she's read all ours." Lola said she'd discovered there was something she wanted to know everything about after all and had work to do and walked out of medical section.

  Osmindra wasn't ready. Boer wasn't really surprised. Dirda told the fem, trying to explain why, that she wanted the best "unpaired" comp programmer they could find between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five in twenty standard minutes and Boer would prefer a woman. Boer was laughing too hard for the chair of the selection committee to have any doubts First Lady Relatross meant exactly what she said and he approved.

  Callio was barely eighteen and knew exactly who Anverd was. She almost noticed Boer on her way to his comp station. Anverd introduced Cal to Boer's bride on the screen and she yelled at him to accept her so Anverd would give her the access codes, so she didn't have to break in to get started.

  The delegate asked Dirda if she was who she had in mind. She told him the governor accepted her. He was laughing too hard to say it. He nodded and they headed for Lobora as soon as the shuttle returned from the planet.

  Angeli, Li, was a tiny thing, with a cute little girl voice, who was twenty-four, but looked seventeen. She was a "tech." She pulled a design peripheral out of her pocket and connected it to the medical section comp. She had an idea that might reduce the time needed to heal Boer's bride by several days. Venida got her the specs on the surgical unit fast. Boer smiled and left them working.

  Kime held a drawing. The winner was a girl from a farmstead on Greens, their agra and mining colony. Dinora learned she'd won when the shuttle landed beside the barn. When Boer walked out of it, she whooped, yelled for her mother and seven sisters to pack her and at her father and four brothers to fill the shuttle's cargo bay with "fresh stuff." Boer grinned at the slightly plump big girl and said she was accepted. Nora looked him up and down and asked if the shuttle had a bed. She sat down on the deck beside the surgical unit and cried for the "all the poor babies" on NuncTura.