Read Graustark Page 10


  There could be no further hesitation. Something must be done andinstantly. He gently closed the door before answering the thirdquestion. In his nervousness he spoke in English, advancing to themiddle of the room. Impossible to see the woman to whom he hissed thisalarming threat-he only could speculate as to its effect:

  "If you utter a sound, madam, I shall kill you. Be calm, and allow me toexplain my presence here!"

  He expected her to shriek, forgetting that she might not understand hiswords. Instead there was a deathly silence. Had she swooned? His heartwas leaping with hope. But she spoke softly again, tremulously, and inEnglish:

  "You will find my jewels on the dressing table. Take them and go Youwill not hurt me?"

  "I am not here to do you injury, but to serve your Princess," whisperedthe man. "For God's sake, do not make an outcry. You will ruineverything. Will you let me explain?"

  "Go! Go! Take anything! I can be calm no longer. Oh, how can I expectmercy at your hands!" Her tones were rising to a wail of terror.

  "Sh! Do you want to die?" he hissed, striding to the canopy bed,discernible as his eyes grew accustomed to the darkness. "I will killyou if you utter a sound, so help me God!"

  "Oh!" she moaned.

  "Listen! You must aid me! Do you hear?"

  Another heart-breaking moan. "I am here to save the Princess. There isa plot to abduct her to-night. Already there are men in the castle,perhaps in her room. You must tell me where she sleeps. There is no timeto be lost. I am no thief, before God! I am telling you the truth. Donot be alarmed, I implore you. Trust me, madam, and you will not regretit. Where does the Princess sleep?" He jerked out these eager, pleadingwords quickly, breathlessly.

  "How am I to trust you?" came back a whisper from the bed.

  "Here is a revolver! Take it and kill me if I attempt the slightestinjury. Where are you?" He felt along the bed with his hand.

  "Keep away! Please! Please!" she sobbed.

  "Take the pistol! Be calm, and in heaven's name help me to save her.Those wretches may have killed her already!"

  The revolver dropped upon the clothes. He was bending eagerly over,holding the curtains back.

  "My friend is in the hall. We have traced the men to the Princess'sdoor, I think. My God, be quick! Do you wish to see her stolen fromunder your eyes?"

  "You are now in the Princess's room," answered the voice from the bed,calmer and with some alacrity. "Is this true that you tell me?"

  "As God is my witness! And you--you--are you the Princess?" gasped theman, drawing back.

  "I am. Where is Dannox?" She was sitting bolt upright in the bed, thepistol in her trembling fingers.

  "He is one of the conspirators. One of the cooks and two other guardsare in the plot. Can you trust me enough to leave your bed and hide inanother part of the room? The scoundrels have mistaken the door, butthey may be here at any moment. You must be quick! I will protect you--Iswear it! Come, your Highness! Hide!"

  Something in the fierce, anxious whisper gave her confidence. Themiracle had been wrought! He had composed this woman under the mosttrying circumstances that could have teen imagined. She slipped from thebed and threw a long, loose silken gown about her.

  "Who are you?" she asked, touching his arm.

  "I am a foreigner--an American--Grenfall Lorry! Hurry!" he implored.

  She did not move for a moment, but he distinctly heard her catch herbreath.

  "Am I dreaming?" she murmured, faintly. Her fingers now clutched his armtightly.

  "I should say not! I don't like to order you around, your Highness,but--"

  "Come---- come to the light!" she interrupted, excitedly. "Over here!"

  Noiselessly she drew him across the room until the light fell acrosshis face. It was not a bright light, but what she saw satisfied her. Hecould not see her face, for she stood outside the strip of dusky yellow.

  "Two men lie beneath your window, and two are coming to this room.Where shall I go? Come, be quick, madam! Do you want to be carted off toGanlook? Then don't stand there like a--like a--pardon me, I won't sayit."

  "I trust you fully. Shall I alarm the guard?" she whispered, recoveringher self-possession.

  "By no means. I want to catch those devils myself. Afterwards we canalarm the guards!"

  "An ideal American!" she surprised him by saying. "Follow me!"

  She led him to the doorway. "Stand here, and I will call the Countess.At this side, where it is dark."

  She opened the door gently and stood in the light for a second. He sawbefore him a graceful figure in trailing white, and then he saw herface. She was Miss Guggenslocker!

  "My God!" he hoarsely gasped, staggering toward her. "You! You! ThePrincess?"

  "Yes, I am the Princess," she whispered, smiling as she glided awayfrom his side. His eyes went round in his head, his legs seemed to beanywhere but beneath him, he felt as though he were rushing toward theceiling. For the moment he was actually unconscious. Then his sensesrushed back, recalling his mission and his danger.

  "She is sleeping so soundly that I fear to awaken her," whispered asoft voice at his back, and he turned.. The Princess was standing in thedoorway.

  "Then pray stand back where you will be out of danger. They will be herein a moment, unless they have been frightened away."

  "You shall not expose yourself," she said, positively. "Why should yourisk your life now? You have accomplished your object. You have savedthe Princess!"

  "Ah--yes, the Princess!" he said. "And I am sorry you are the Princess,"he added, in her ear.

  "Sh!" she whispered, softly.

  The door through which he had first come was softly opened, and theywere conscious that some one was entering. Lorry and the Princess stoodin the dark shadow of a curtain, she close behind his stalwart figure.He could hear his own heart and hers beating, could feel the warmth ofher body, although it did not touch his. His heart beat with the prideof possession, of power, with the knowledge that he had but to stretchout his hand and touch the one woman in all the world.

  Across the dim belt of light from the open doorway in which they stood,crawled the dark figure of a man. Her hand unconsciously touched hisback as if seeking reassurance.

  He shivered beneath its gentle weight. Another form followed the first,pausing in the light to look toward their doorway. The abductor wasdoubtless remembering the instructions to chloroform the Countess. Thencame the odor of chloroform. Oh, if Anguish were only there!

  The second figure was lost in the darkness and a faint glow of lightcame from the canopied bed in the corner The chloroformer holding thecurtains had turned his screen-lantern, toward the pillow in order toapply the dampened cloth. Now was the time to act!

  Pushing the Princess behind the curtain and in the shelter of thedoor-post, Lorry leaped toward the center of the room, a pistol in eachhand. Before him crouched the astonished desperadoes.

  "If you move you are dead men!" said he, in slow decided tones. "Here,Harry!" he shouted. "Scoundrels, you are trapped! Throw up your hands!"

  Suddenly the room was a blaze of light; flashing candles, lamps, sprunginto life from the walls, while a great chandelier above his headdazzled him with its unexpected glare.

  "Hell!" he shouted, half throwing his hands to his eyes.

  Something rushed upon him from behind; there was a scream and then astinging blow across the head and neck. As he sank helplessly, angrily,to his knees he heard the Princess wail:

  "Dannox! Do not strike again! You have killed him!"

  As he rolled to the floor he saw the two forms near the bed moving aboutlike shadows: two red objects that resembled dancing telegraph polesleaped past him from he knew not where, and then there was a shout, thereport of a pistol, a horrid yell. Something heavy crashed down besidehim and writhed. His eyes were closing, his senses were going, he wasnumb and sleepy. Away off in the distance he heard Harry Anguish crying:

  "That settles you, damn you!"

  Some one lifted
his head from the carpet and a woman's voice was cryingsomething unintelligible. He was conscious of an effort on his part toprevent the blood from streaming over her gown--a last bit of gallantry.The sound of rushing feet, shouts, firearms--oblivion!

  . . . . . . . . . . .

  When Lorry regained consciousness, he blinked in abject amazement. Therewas a dull, whirring sound in his ears, and his eyes had a glaze overthem that was slow in wearing off. There were persons in the room. Hecould see them moving about and could hear them talking. As his eyestried to take in the strange surroundings, a hand was lifted from hisforehead and a soft, dream-like voice said:

  "He is recovering, Mr. Anguish. See, his eyes are open! Do you know me,Mr. Lorry?"

  The unsteady eyes wandered until they fell upon the face near hispillow. A brighter gleam came into them, and there was a ray ofreturning intelligence. He tried to speak, but could only move his lips.As he remembered her, she was in white, and he was puzzled now to seeher in a garment of some dark material, suggestive of the night or thegreen of a shady hillside. There was the odor of roses and violets andcarnations. Then he looked for the fatal, fearful, glaring chandelier.It was gone. The room was becoming lighter and lighter as his eyesgrew stronger, but it was through a window near where he lay. So it wasdaylight! Where was he?

  "How do you feel, old man?" asked a familiar voice. A man sat downbeside him on the couch or bed, and a big hand grasped his own. Still hecould not answer.

  "Doctor," cried the voice near his head, "you really think it is notserious?"

  "I am quite sure," answered a man's voice from somewhere out in thelight. "It is a bad cut, and he is just recovering from the effect ofthe ether. Had the blow not been a glancing one his skull would havebeen crushed. He will be perfectly conscious in a short time. There isno concussion, your Highness."

  "I am so happy to hear you say that," said the soft voice. Lorry's eyessought hers and thanked her. A lump came into his throat as he looked upinto the tender, anxious blue eyes. A thrill came over him. Princess ornot, he loved her--he loved her! "You were very brave--oh, so brave!"she whispered in his ear, her hand touching his hair caressingly. "MyAmerican!"

  He tried to reach the hand before it faded, but he was too weak. Sheglided away, and he closed his eyes again as if in pain.

  "Look up, old man; you're all right," said Anguish. "Smell thishandkerchief. It will make you feel better." A moist cloth was heldbeneath his nose, and a strong, pungent odor darted through hisnostrils. In a moment he tried to raise himself to his elbow. The worldwas clearing up.

  "Lie still a bit, Lorry. Don't be too hasty. The doctor says you mustnot."

  "Where am I, Harry?" asked the wounded man, weakly.

  "In the castle. I'll tell you all about it presently."

  "Am I in her room?"

  "No, but she is in yours. You are across the hall in"--here hewhispered--"Uncle Caspar's room. Caspar is a Count."

  "And she is the Princess--truly?"

  "What luck!"

  "What misery--what misery!" half moaned the other.

  "Bosh! Be a man! Don't talk so loud, either! There are a half-dozen inthe room."

  Lorry remained perfectly quiet for ten minutes, his staring eyes fixedon the ceiling. He was thinking of the abyss he had reached and couldnot cross.

  "What time is it?" he asked at last, turning his eyes toward his friend.

  "It's just seven o'clock. You have been unconscious or under theinfluence of ether for over four hours. That guard hit you a fearfulcrack."

  "I heard a shot--a lot of them. Was any one killed? Did those fellowsescape?"

  "Killed! There have been eight executions besides the one I attended to.Lord, they don't wait long here before handing out justice."

  "Tell me all that happened. Was she hurt?"

  "I should say not! Say, Gren, I have killed a man. Dannox got my bulletright in the head and he never knew what hit him. Ghastly, isn't it? Ifeel beastly queer. It was he who turned on the lights and went at youwith a club. I heard you call, and was in the door just as he hit you.His finish came inside of a second. You and he spoiled the handsomestrug I ever saw."

  "Ruined it?"

  "Not in her estimation. I'll wager she has it framed, blood and all. Thestains will always be there as a reminder of your bravery, and that'swhat she says she's bound to keep. She was very much excited and alarmedabout you until the room filled with men and then she remembered how shewas attired. I never saw anything so pretty as her embarrassment whenthe Countess and her aunt led her into the next room. These people aregoing out, so I'll tell you what happened after you left me with thecook. He was a long time falling under the influence, and I had barelyreached the top of the stairs when I saw Dannox rush down the hall. Thenyou called, and I knew the jig was on in full blast. The door was open,and I saw him strike you. I shot him, but she was at your side beforeI could get to you. The other fellows who were in the room succeeded inescaping while I was bending over you, but neither of them shot at me.They were too badly frightened. I had sense enough left to followand shoot a couple of times as they tore down the stairs. One of themstumbled and rolled all the way to the bottom. He was unconscious andbleeding when I reached his side. The other fellow flew toward thedining-hall, where he was nabbed by two white uniformed menand throttled. Other men in white--they were regular policeofficers--pounced upon me, and I was a prisoner. By George, I wasknocked off my feet the next minute to see old Dangloss himself comepuffing and blowing into the hall, redder and fiercer than ever. 'NowI know what you want in Edelweiss!' he shrieked, and it took me threeminutes to convince him of his error. Then he and some of the men wentup to the Princess' room, while I quickly led the way to the big gateand directed a half-dozen officers toward the ravine. By this, timethe grounds were alive with guards. They came up finally with the twofellows who had been stationed beneath the window and who were unableto find the gate. When I got back to where you were the room was full ofterrified men and women, half dressed. I was still dazed over thesudden appearance of the police, but managed to tell my story in full toDangloss and Count Halfont--that's Uncle Caspar--and then the chief toldme how he and his men happened to be there. In the meantime, the castlephysician was attending to you. Dannox had been carried away. I nevertalked to a more interested audience in my life! There was the Princessat my elbow and the Countess--pretty as a picture--back of her, alleyes, both of 'em; and there was the old gray-haired lady, the CountessHalfont, and a half-dozen shivering maids, with men galore, Danglossand the Count and a lot of servants,--a great and increasing crowd.The captain of the guards, a young fellow named Quinnox, as I heard himcalled, came in, worried and humiliated. I fancy he was afraid he'd losehis job. You see, it was this way: Old Dangloss has had a man watchingus all day. Think of it! Shadowing us like a couple of thieves.This fellow traced us to the castle gate and then ran back forreinforcements, confident that we were there to rob. In twenty minuteshe had a squad of officers at the gate, the chief trailing along behind.They found the pile of tools we had left there, and later the other chapin the arbor. A couple of guards came charging up to learn the cause ofthe commotion, and the whole crew sailed into the castle, arriving justin time. Well, just as soon as I had told them the full story of theplot, old Caspar, the chief and the captain held a short consultation,the result of which I can tell in mighty few words. At six o'clock theytook the whole gang of prisoners down in the ravine and shot them. Themounted guards are still looking for the two Viennese who were left withthe carriage. They escaped. About an hour after you were hurt you werecarried over here and laid on this couch. I want to tell you, Mr. Lorry,you are the most interesting object that ever found its way into a royalhousehold. They have been hanging over you as if you were a new-bornbaby, and everybody's charmed because you are a boy and are going tolive. As an adventure this has been a record-breaker, my son! We arecocks of the walk!"

  Lorry was smiling faintly over his enthusiasm.

  "You are the real hero,
Harry, You saved my life and probably hers. I'llnot allow you or anybody to give me the glory," he said, pressing theother's hand.

  "Oh, that's nonsense! Anybody could have rushed in as I did. I was onlycapping the climax you had prepared--merely a timely arrival, as thenovels say. There is a little of the credit due me, of course, andI'll take it gracefully, but I only come in as an accessory, a sort ofbushwhacker who had only to do the shoot, slap-bang work and close theact. You did the hero's work. But what do you think of the way they handout justice over here? All but two of 'em dead!"

  "Whose plan was it to kill those men?" cried Lorry, suddenly sittingupright.

  "Everybody's, I fancy. They didn't consult me, though, come to think ofit. Ah, here is Her Royal Highness!"

  The Princess and Aunt Yvonne were at his side again, while Count Casparwas coming rapidly toward them.

  "You must not sit up, Mr. Lorry," began the Princess, but he was crying:

  "Did they make a confession, Harry?"

  "I don't know. Did they, Unc--Count Halfont? Did they confess? Greatheavens, I never thought of that before."

  "What was there to confess?" asked the Count, taking Lorry's handkindly. "They were caught in the act. My dear sir, they were not eventried."

  "I thought your police chief was such a shrewd man," cried Lorry,angrily.

  "What's that?" asked a gruff voice, and Baron Dangloss was a member ofthe party, red and panting.

  "Don't you know you should not have killed those men?" demanded Lorry.They surveyed him in amazement, except Anguish, who had buried his facein his hands dejectedly.

  "And, sir, I'd like to know why not?" blustered Dangloss.

  "And, sir, I'd like to know, since you have shot the only beings onearth who knew the man that hired them, how in the name of your allegedjustice you are going to apprehend him?" said Lorry, sinking back to hispillow, exhausted.

  No reserve could hide the consternation, embarrassment and shame thatoverwhelmed a very worthy but very impetuous nobleman, Baron JastoDangloss, chief of police in Edelweiss. He could only sputter hisexcuses and withdraw, swearing to catch the arch-conspirator or to diein the attempt. Not a soul in the castle, not a being in all Graustarkcould offer the faintest clew to the identity of the man or explainhis motive. No one knew a Michael, who might have been inadvertentlyaddressed as "your" possible "Highness." The greatest wonder reigned;vexation, uneasiness and perplexity existed everywhere.

  Standing there with her head on her aunt's shoulder, her face grave andtroubled, the Princess asked:

  "Why should they seek to abduct me? Was it to imprison or to kill me?Oh, Aunt Yvonne, have I not been good to my people? God knows I havedone all that I can. I could have done no more. Is it a conspiracy toforce me from the throne? Who can be so cruel?"

  And no one could answer. They could simply offer words of comfort andpromises of protection. Later in the day gruff Dangloss marched inand apologized to the Americans for his suspicions concerning them,imploring their assistance in running down the chief villain. And as thehours went by Count Halfont font came in and, sitting beside Grenfall,begged his pardon and asked him to forget the deception that had beenpracticed in the United States. He explained the necessity for travelingincognito at that time. After which the Count entered a plea for HerRoyal Highness, who had expressed contrition and wished to be absolved.