Read Graustark Page 27


  Three persons in the royal castle of Graustark, worn by the dread andanxiety of weeks, fatigued by the sleepless nights just past, slumberedthrough the long afternoon with the motionless, deathlike sleep ofthe utterly fagged. Yetive, in her darkened bed chamber, dreamed,with smiling lips, of a tall soldier and a throne on which cobwebsmultiplied. Grenfall Lorry saw in his dreams a slim soldier withtroubled face and averted, timid eyes, standing guard over him with abrave, stiff back and chin painfully uplifted. Captain Quinnox dreamednot, for his mind was tranquil in the assurance that he had beenforgiven by the Princess.

  While Lorry slept in the room set apart for him, Anguish roamed the parkwith a happy-faced, slender young lady, into whose ears he pouredthe history of a certain affection, from the tender beginning to thedistracting end. And she smiled and trembled with delight, closing nother ears against the sound of his voice nor her heart to the love thatcraved admission. They were not dreaming.

  After dinner that evening Lorry led the Princess out into the moonlitnight. The November breezes were soft and balmy and the shadows deep.

  "Let us leave the park to Dagmar and her hero, to the soldiers andthe musicians," said Yetive. "There is a broad portico here, with thetenderest of memories. Do you remember a night like this, a month ormore ago? the moon, the sentinel and some sorrows? I would again standwhere we stood on that night and again look up to the moon and thesolemn sentinel, but not as we saw them then, with heartache andevasion."

  "The balcony, then, without the old restrictions," Lorry agreed. "I wantto see that dark old monastery again, and to tell you how I looked fromits lofty windows through the chill of wind and the chill of life intothe fairest Eden that was ever denied man."

  "In an hour, then, I will meet you there."

  "I must correct you. In an hour you will find me there."

  She left him, retiring with her aunt and the Countess Dagmar. Lorryremained in the hall with Halfont, Prince Bolaroz, Mizrox and Anguish.The conversation ran once more into the ever-recurring topic of the day,Gabriel's confession. The Prince of Dawsbergen was confined in theTower with his confederate, Berrowag. Reports from Dangloss late in theafternoon conveyed the intelligence that the prisoner had fallen intomelancholia. Berrowag admitted to the police that he had stood guard atthe door while Gabriel entered the Prince's room and killed him as heslept. He described the cunning, deliberate effort to turn suspicion tothe American by leaving bloodstains. The other Dawsbergen nobles, withthe exception of two who had gone to the capital of their country withthe news of the catastrophe, remained close to the hotel. One of themconfessed that but little sympathy would be felt at home for Gabriel,who was hated by his subjects. Already there was talk among them ofPrince Dantan, his younger brother, as his successor to the throne. Theyoung Prince was a favorite with the people.

  Bolaroz was pleased with the outcome of the sensational accusationand the consequent removal of complications which had in reality beenunpleasant to him.

  One feature of the scene in the throne room was not discussed, althoughit was uppermost in the minds of all. The positive stand taken by thePrincess and her open avowal of love for the dashing American were neverto be forgotten. The serious wrinkles on the brow of Halfont and thefaraway expression that came frequently to his eyes revealed the natureof his thoughts. The greatest problem of them all was still to besolved.

  As they left the room he dropped behind and walked out beside Lorry,rather timidly detaining him until the others were some distance ahead.

  "You were closeted with the Princess this morning, Mr. Lorry, andperhaps you can give me the information I desire. She has called ameeting of the ministers and leading men of the country for to-morrowmorning. Do you know why she has issued this rather unusual call? Shedid not offer any explanation to me."

  "I am only at liberty to say, your excellency, that it concerns thewelfare of Graustark," answered the other, after a moment's thought.They walked on in silence for some distance.

  "I am her uncle, sir, but I love her as I would love my own child. Mylife has been given to her from the day that her mother, my sister,died. You will grant me the right to ask you a plain question. Have youtold her that you love her?" The Count's face was drawn and white.

  "I have, sir. I loved her before I knew she was a Princess. As herprotector, it was to you that I would have told the story of myunfortunate love long ago, but my arrest and escape prevented. It wasnot my desire or intention to say to her what I could not speak aboutto you. I do not want to be looked upon as a coward who dares not facedifficulties. My love has not been willingly clandestine, and it hasbeen in spite of her most righteous objections. We have both seen thefutility of love, however strong and pure it may be. I have hoped, yourexcellency, and always shall."

  "She has confessed her love to you privately?" asked Halfont.

  "Against her will, against her judgment, sir."

  "Then the worst has come to pass," groaned the old Count. Neither spokefor some time. They were near the foot of the staircase when Halfontpaused and grasped Lorry's arm. Steadily they looked into each other'seyes.

  "I admire you more than any man I have ever known," said the Count,huskily, "You are the soul of honor, of courage, of manliness. But, myGod, you cannot become the husband of a Princess of Graustark! I neednot tell you that, however. You surely must understand."

  "I do understand," said Lorry, dizzily. "I am not a prince, as youare saying over and over again to yourself. Count Halfont, every bornAmerican may become ruler of the greatest nation in the world-the UnitedStates. His home is his kingdom; his wife, his mother, his sisters arehis queens and his princesses; his fellow citizens are his admiringsubjects if he is wise and good. In my land you will find the poor manclimbing to the highest pinnacle, side by side with the rich man. Thewoman I love is a Princess. Had she been the lowliest maid in all thatgreat land of ours, still would she have been my queen, I her king. Whenfirst I loved the mistress of Graustark she was, you must not forget,Miss Guggenslocker. I have said all this to you, sir, not in egotismnor in bitterness, but to show my right to hope in the face of allobstacles. We recognize little as impossible. Until death destroys thispower to love and to hope I must say to you that I shall not considerthe Princess Yetive beyond my reach. Frankly, I cannot, sir."

  The Count heard him through, unconscious admiration mingling with thesadness in his eyes.

  "There are some obstacles that bravery and perseverance cannot overcome,my friend," he said, slowly. "One of them is fate."

  "As fate is not governed by law or custom, I have the best reason in theworld to hope," said Lorry, yet modestly.

  "I would indeed, sir, that you were a Prince of the realm," ferventlycried the Count, and Lorry was struck by the fact that he repeated, wordfor word, the wish Gaspon had uttered some hours before.

  By this time they were joined by the others, whereupon Grenfall hurriedeagerly to the balcony, conscious of being half an hour early, but gladof the chance afforded for reflection and solitude. Sitting on the broadstone railing he leaned back against a pillar and looked into thenight for his thoughts. Once more the moon was gleaming beyond St.Valentine's, throwing against the sky a jagged silhouette of frowningangles, towering gables and monstrous walls, the mountain and themonastery blending into one great misty product of the vision. Voicescame up from below, as they did on that night five weeks ago, bringingthe laughter and song of happy hearts. Music swelled through the parkfrom the band gallery; from afar off came the sounds of revelry. Thepeople of Edelweiss were rejoicing over the unexpected deliverance froma fate so certain that the escape seemed barely short of miraculous.

  Every sound, every rustle of the wind through the plants that werescattered over the balcony caused him to look toward the door throughwhich she must come to him.

  At last she appeared, and he hastened to meet her. As he took her handsin his, she said softly, dreamily, looking over his shoulder toward themountain's crest:

>   "The same fair moon," and smiled into his eyes.

  "The same fair maid and the same man," he added. "I believe the band isplaying the same air; upon my soul, I do."

  "Yes, the same air, La Paloma. It is my lullaby. Come, let us walk. Icannot sit quietly now. Talk to me. Let me listen and be happy."

  Slowly they paced the wide balcony, through the moonlight and theshadows, her hand resting on his arm, his clasping it gently. Loveobstructs the flow of speech; the heart-beats choke back the words andfill the throat.

  Lorry talked but little, she not at all. Times there were when; theycovered the full length of the balcony without a word. And yet theyunderstood each other. The mystic, the enchanting silence of love wasfraught with a conversation felt, not heard.

  "Why are you so quiet?" he asked, at last, stopping near the rail.

  "I cannot tell you why. It seems to me that I am afraid of you," sheanswered, a shy quaver in her voice.

  "Afraid of me? I don't understand."

  "Nor do I. You are not as you were before this morning. You aredifferent--yes, you make me feel that I am weak and helpless and thatyou can say to me 'come' and 'go' and I must obey. Isn't it odd thatI, who have never known submissiveness, should so suddenly find myselftyrannized?" she asked, smiling faintly.

  "Shall I tell you why you are afraid of me?" he asked.

  "You will say it is because I am forgetting to be a Princess."

  "No; it is because you no longer look upon me as you did in otherdays. It is because I am a possibility, an entity instead of a shadow.Yesterday you were the Princess and looked down upon the impossiblesuitor; to-day you find that you have given yourself to him and that youdo not regard the barrier as insurmountable. You were not timid untilyou found your power to resist gone. Today you admit that I may hope,and in doing so you open a gate through the walls of your pride andprejudice that can never be closed against the love within and the lovewithout. You are afraid of me because I am no longer a dream, but areality. Am I not right, Yetive?"

  She looked out over the hazy, moonlit park.

  "Yesterday I might have disputed all you say; to-day I can denynothing."

  Leaning upon the railing, they fell into a silent study of the paradeground and its strollers. Their thoughts were not of the walkers andchatterers, nor of the music, nor of the night. They were of the day tocome.

  "I shall never forget how you said 'because I love him,' this morning,sweetheart," said Lorry, betraying his reflections. "You defied thewhole world in those four words. They were worth dying for."

  "How could I help it? You must not forget that you had just leaped intothe lion's den defenseless, because you loved me. Could I deny you then?Until that moment I had been the Princess adamant; in a second's timeyou swept away every safeguard, every battlement, and I surrenderedas only a woman can. But it really sounded shocking, didn't it? Sotheatrical."

  "Don't look so distressed about it, dear. You couldn't help it,remember," he said, approvingly.

  "Ach, I dread to-morrow's ordeal!" she said, and he felt the arm thattouched his own tremble. "What will they say? What will they, do?"

  "To-morrow will tell. It means a great deal to both of us. If they willnot submit--what then?"

  "What then--what then?" she murmured, faintly.

  Across the parade, coming from the direction of the fountain, HarryAnguish and Dagmar were slowly walking. They were very close together,and his head was bent until it almost touched hers. As they drew nearer,the dreamy watchers on the balcony recognized them.

  "They are very happy," said Lorry, knowing that she was also watchingthe strollers.

  "They are so sure of each other," she replied, sadly.

  When almost directly beneath the rail, the Countess glanced upward,impelled by the strange instinct of an easily startled love, confidentthat prying eyes were upon her. She saw the dark forms leaning over therail and rather jerkily brought her companion to a standstill and to arealization of his position. Anguish turned his eyes aloft.

  "Can you, fair maid, tell me the names of those beautiful stars I see inthe dark dome above?" he asked, in a loud, happy voice. "Oh, can they beeyes?"

  "Eyes, most noble sir," replied his companion. "There are no stars sobright."

  "Methought they were diamonds in the sky at first. Eyes like those mustbelong to some divinity."

  "They do, fair student, and to a divinity well worth worshiping. I haveheard it said that men offer themselves as sacrifices upon her altars."

  "Unless my telescope deceives me, I discern a very handsome sacrifice upthere, so I suppose the altar must be somewhere in the neighborhood."

  "Not a hand's breadth beneath her eyes," laughed the Countess, as shefled precipitately up the steps, followed by the jesting student.

  "Beware of a divinity in wrath," came a sweet, clear voice from thebalcony, and Anguish called out from his safe retreat, like the boy hewas:

  "Ah, who's afraid!"

  The Princess was laughing softly, her eyes radiant as they met those ofher companion, amused yet grave.

  "Does he have a care?" she asked.

  "I fear not. He loves a Countess."

  "He has not to pay the price of ambition, then?" said she, softly.

  "Ambition is the cheapest article in the world," he said. "It concernsonly a man's self."


  Expectancy, concern, the dread of uncertainty marked the countenancesof Graustark's ministers and her chief men as they sat in the councilchamber on the day following, awaiting the appearance of their Princess,at whose call they were unexpectedly assembled. More than two score eyesglanced nervously toward the door from time to time.

  All realized an emergency. No sooner were they out of one dilemma thananother cast its prospects across their path, creating the fear thatrejoicing would be short. While none knew the nature of the businessthat called them together, each had a stubborn suspicion that it relatedto the stirring declarations of the day before. Not one in that assemblybut had heard the vivid, soulful sentence from the throne. Not one butwished in secret as Gaspon and Halfont had wished in open speech.

  When the Princess entered with the prime minister they narrowly scannedthe face so dear to them. Determination and cowardice were blended inthe deep blue eyes, pride and dejection in the firm step, strength andweakness in the loving smile she bestowed upon the faithful counsellors.After the greetings she requested them to draw chairs about the greattable. Seating herself in her accustomed seat, she gazed over the circleof anxious faces and realized, more than at any time in her young life,that she was frail and weak beyond all comparison. How small she was torule over those strong, wise men of hers; how feeble the hand that heldthe sceptre.

  "My lords," she said, summoning all her strength of mind and heart,"I am gratified to find you so ready to respond to the call of yourwhimsical sovereign. Yesterday you came with hearts bowed down andin deepest woe. To-day I assemble you here that I may ask your adviceconcerning the events of that strange day. Bolaroz will do as he haspromised. We are to have the extension papers this afternoon, andGraustark may breathe again the strong, deep breath of hope. You wellremember my attitude on yesterday. You were shocked, horrified, amazedby my seemingly ignoble effort to preserve my preserver's life. We willpass over that, however. It is to discuss my position that I have calledyou here. To begin, I would have sacrificed my kingdom, as you know, tosave him. He was innocent and I loved him. If, on yesterday, I would notlet my kingdom stand between me and my love, I cannot do so to-day.I have called you here to tell you, my lords, that I have promised tobecome the wife of the man who would have given his life for you and forme--that I love as a woman, not as a Princess."

  The silence of death stole into the room. Every man's eyes were gluedupon the white face of the Princess and none could break the spell. Theyhad expected it, yet the shock was overwhelming; they had feared it, yetthe announcement stupefied them. She looked straight before her, afraidto meet the eyes of
her subjects, knowing that sickening disapprovaldwelt in them. Not a word was uttered for many seconds. Then oldCaspar's tense muscles relaxed and his arms dropped limply from theircrossed position on his breast.

  "My child, my child!" he cried, lifelessly. "You cannot do this thing!"

  "But the people?" cried Gaspon, his eyes gleaming. "You cannot actagainst the will of the people. Our laws, natural and otherwise.proscribe the very act you have in mind. The American cannot go upon ourthrone; no man, unless he be of royal blood, can share it with you. Ifyou marry him the laws of our land--you know them well--will prohibit usfrom recognizing the marriage."

  "Knowing that, my lords, I have come to ask you to revise our laws. Mythrone will not be disgraced by the man I would have share it withme." She spoke as calmly as if she were making the most trivial requestinstead of asking her ministers to overthrow and undo the laws andcustoms of ages and of dynasties.

  "The law of nature cannot be changed," muttered Caspar, as if tohimself.

  "In the event that the custom cannot be changed, I shall be compelled torelinquish my right to occupy the throne and to depart from amongyou. It would break my heart, my lords, to resort to this monstroussacrifice, but I love one man first, my crown and my people after him."

  "You would not leave us--you would not throw aside as despised thecrown your ancestors wore for centuries?" cried Gaspon. "Is your RoyalHighness mad?"

  The others were staring with open mouths and icy hearts.

  "Yes, as much as it would grieve me, I would do all this," she answered,firmly, not daring to look at her uncle. She knew his eyes were upon herand that condemnation lurked in their depths. Her heart ached to turn tohim with a prayer for forgiveness, but there could be no faltering now.

  "I ask you, my lords, to acknowledge the marriage of your ruler toGrenfall Lorry. I am to be his wife; but I entreat you to grant mehappiness without making me endure the misery that will come to me if Idesert my father's throne and the people who have worshipped me and towhom I am bound by a tie that cannot be broken. I do not plead so muchfor the right to rule as I do for the one who may rule after I am gone.I want my own to follow me on the throne of Graustark."

  Then followed a long, animated discussion, growing brighter and morehopeful as the speakers' willing hearts warmed to the proposition.Lorry was a favorite but he could not be their prince. Hereditarylaw prohibited. Still his children if God gave him children, might bedeclared rightful heirs to the throne of their mother, the Princess.The more they talked, the more the problem seemed to solve itself. Manytimes the Princess and her wise men met and overcame obstacles, huge atfirst, minimized in the end, all because they loved her and she lovedthem. The departure from traditionary custom, as suggested by thePrincess,--coupled with the threat to abdicate,--was the weightiest, yetthe most delicate question that had ever come before the chief men ofGraustark. It meant the beginning of a new line of princes, new life,new blood, a complete transformation of order as it had come downthrough the reigns of many Ganlooks. For the first time in the historyof the country a woman was sovereign; for the first time there had beenno direct male heir to the throne. With the death of old Prince Ganlookthe masculine side of the illustrious family ended. No matter whom hisdaughter took for a husband, the line was broken. Why not the bold,progressive, rich American? argued some. Others fell in with the viewsof the few who first surrendered to the will of Yetive, until at lastbut one remained in opposition. Count Caspar held out until all wereagainst him, giving way finally in a burst of oratory which ended intears and sobs and which made the sense of the gathering unanimous.

  The Princess Yetive won the day, so far as her own position wasconcerned. But, there was Lorry to be considered.

  "Mr. Lorry knows that I called you together in consultation, but he doesnot know that I would have given up my crown for him. I dared not tellhim that. He knows only that I was to ask your advice on the questionof marriage, and that alone. Last night he told me he was confident youwould agree to the union. He is an American, and does not appreciate thedifficulties attending such an espousal. Over there distinction existsonly in wealth and intelligence--position, I believe they call it, butnot such as ours. He is a strange man, and we have yet to consult him asto the arrangement," she said to her lords, pursing her lips. "I fearhe will object to the plan we have agreed upon," she went on. "He issensitive, and it is possible he will not like the idea of putting ourmarriage to the popular vote of the people."

  "I insist, however, that the people be considered in the matter," saidGaspon. "In three month's time the whole nation can say whether itsanctions the revision of our laws of heredity. It would not be rightor just for us to say who shall be their future rulers, for all time tocome, without consulting them."

  "I have no hesitancy in saying that Graustark already idolizes thisbrave American," said Halfont, warmly. "He has won her affection. If thequestion is placed before the people to-morrow in proper form, I willvouch for it that the whole nation will rise and cry: 'Long live thePrincess! Long live the Prince Consort!'"

  "Goin' back, I see," said Sitzky, the guard, some months later,addressing a very busy young man, who was hurrying down the platform ofthe Edelweiss railway station toward the special train which was puffingimpatiently.

  "Hello, Sitzky! Is it you? I'm glad to see you again. Yes, we are goingback to the land of the Stars and Stripes." The speaker was Mr. Anguish.

  "You'll have fine company 's fer as Vienna, too. D' you ever see such acelebration's dey're havin' here to-day? You'd t'ink d' whole worldwas interested in d' little visit Her Royal Highness is goin' to pay toVienna. Dummed if d' whole city, soldiers an' all, ain't down here tosee 'er off. Look at d' crowd! By glory, I don't b'lieve we c'n pull d'train out of d' station. 'Quainted wid any of d' royal crowd?"

  "Slightly," answered Anguish, smiling. He was watching a trim figure ina tailor-made gown as it approached, drawing apart from the throng. Itwas Mrs. Harry Van Brugh Anguish.

  "Say, you must cut some ice wid dese people. But dat's jest like anAmerican, dough," the little guard went on. "De Princess married anAmerican an' dey say he's goin' to put d' crown away where d' mothswon't git at it an' take her over to live in Washington fer six months.Is it a sure t'ing?"

  "That's right, Sitzky. She's going back with us and then we're comingback with her."

  "Why don't he keep 'er over dere when he gits her dere? What's d'use--what's d' use?"

  "Well, she's still the Princess of Graustark, you know, Sitzky. Shecan't live always in America."

  "Got to be here to hold her job, eh?"

  "Inelegant but correct. Now, look sharp! Where do we find our--Ah!" Hiswife was with him and he forgot Sitzky.

  The guard turned to watch the procession--a file of soldiers, a cavalrytroop, carriages and then--the carriage with spirited horses and gayaccoutrements. It stopped with a jangle and a man and woman descended.

  "The Princess!" cried Sitzky.

  "Long live the Princess!" cried the crowd. "God save our Yetive!"

  Sitzky started as if shot, Raring at the tall man who approached withthe smiling Sovereign of Graustark. "Well," he gasped, "what d' yout'ink o' dat!"

  The train that was to carry them out of the East into the West puffedand snorted, the bell clanged, the people cheered, and they were off.Hours later, as the car whirled through the Hungarian plain, Yetive,looking from her window, said in that exquisite English which was hervery own:

  "Ah, the world, the dear world! I am so sorry for queens!"


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