Read Great Hike; or, The Pride of the Khaki Troop Page 20


  Insects are the most abundant of the animal kingdom. They are classifiedprincipally by the nature of their wings. Dr. Sharp, an authority onEntomology, recognizes but nine orders:

  1. Aptera. 2. Orthoptera. 3. Neuroptera. 4. Hymenoptera. 5. Coleoptera. 6. Lepidoptera. 7. Diptera. 8. Thysanoptera. 9. Hemiptera.

  Many useful products are obtained from insects. From them we get oursilk, honey and cochineal, and they help to fertilize our flowers. Onthe other hand, many are detrimental to agriculture and health.


  These are primitive insects without wings. The Campodea, a small insect,belongs to this order. Another example is the "Silverfish," which isfound in receptacles holding sugar, starch, etc., in and about uncleanbakeshops and kitchens. They are known principally in houses of theSouthern States, especially in damp places.