Read Greatheart Page 27



  Softly the strains of _Simple Aveu_ floated along the corridor. It camelike fairy music, now near, now far, haunting as a dream, woven throughand through with the gold of Romance.

  Someone was coming along the passage with the easy swing of the borndancer, and pressed against her door-post in the shadows, another borndancer awaited him with a wildly throbbing heart.

  The die was cast, and there was no going back. She heard the deep voicehumming the magic melody as he came. In a moment the superb figure cameinto sight, moving with that royal ease of carriage so characteristic andso wonderful.

  He drew near. He spied the small white figure lurking in the dimness.With a low laugh he opened his arms to her.

  And then there came to Dinah, not for the first time, a strange, whollyindefinable misgiving. It was a warning so insistent that she suddenlyand swiftly drew back, as if she would flee into the room behind her.

  But he was too quick for her. He caught her on the threshold. "Oh no,no!" he laughed. "That's not playing the game." He drew her to him,holding her two wrists. "Daphne! Daphne!" he said. "Still running away?Do you call that fair?"

  She did not resist him, for the moment she felt his touch she knewherself a captive. The magic force of his personality had caught her; butshe did not give herself wholly to him. She stood and palpitated in hishold, her head bent low.

  "I--I'm not running away," she told him breathlessly. "I was just--justcoming. But--but--shan't we be seen? Your brother--"

  "What?" He was stooping over her; she felt his breath upon her neck. "Oh,Scott! Surely you're not afraid of Scott, are you? You needn't be. I'vesent him off to write some letters. He'll be occupied for an hour atleast. Come! Come! You promised. And we're wasting time."

  There was a subtle caressing note in his voice. It thrilled her as shestood, and ever the soft music drifted on around them, pulsing with asweetness almost too intense to be borne.

  He held her with the hold of a conqueror. She was quivering from head tofoot, but all desire to free herself was gone. Still she would not raiseher face.

  Panting, she spoke. "Yes, we--we are wasting time. Let us go!"

  He laughed above her head--a low laugh of absolute assurance. "Are youtoo shy to look at me,--Daphne?"

  She laughed also very tremulously. "I think I am--just at present. Let usdance first anyway! Must we go down to the salon? Couldn't we dance inthe corridor?"

  His arm was round her. He led her down the passage. "No, no! We will godown. And afterwards--"

  "Afterwards," she broke in breathlessly, "we will just peep at themoonlight on the mountains, and then I must come back."

  "I will show you something better than the moonlight on the mountains,"said Sir Eustace.

  She did not ask him what he meant, though her whole being was strung to atense expectancy. He had brought her once more to the heights of Olympus,and each moment was full of a vivid life that had to be lived to theutmost. She lacked the strength to look forward; the present was toooverwhelming. It was almost more than she could bear.

  They reached the head of the stairs. His arm tightened about her. Shedescended as though upon wings. Passing through the vestibule, her feetdid not seem to touch the ground. And then like a golden maze theballroom received them.

  Before she knew it, they were among the dancers and the magic of herdream had merged into reality. She closed her eyes, for the glare oflight and moving figures dazzled her, and gave herself up to the raptureof that one splendid dance. Her heart was beating wildly, as though itwould choke her. A curious thirst that yet was part of her delight madeher throat burn. A weakness that exulted in the man's supporting strengthheld her bound and entranced by such an ecstasy as she had never knownbefore. She laughed, a gurgling laugh through panting lips. She wonderedwhether he realized that she was floating through the air, held up by hisarm alone above the glitter and the turmoil all around them. She wonderedtoo how soon they would find their way to the heart of that golden maze,and what nameless treasure awaited them there. For that treasure was forthem, and them alone, she never doubted. It was the gift of the gods,bestowed upon no others in all that merry crowd.

  The magic deepened and grew within her. She felt that the climax wasdrawing near. He would not dance to a finish, she knew, and already themusic was quickening. She was too giddy, too spent had she but known it,to open her eyes. Only by instinct did she know that he was bearing her,sure and swift as a swallow, to the curtained recess whither he had ledher twice before. This, she told herself, this was the heart of the maze.All things began and ended here. Her lips quivered and tingled. She wouldnever escape him now. He had her firmly in the net. Nor did she seriouslywant to escape. Only she felt desperately afraid of him. His strength,his determination, above all, his silence, sent tumultuous fear throbbingthrough her heart. And when at length the pause came, when she knew thatthey were alone in the gloom with the music dying away behind them, alast wild dread that was almost anguish made her hide her face deep, deepin his arm while her body hung powerless in his embrace.

  He laughed a little--a laugh that thrilled her with its exultation, itspassion. And then, whether she would or not, he turned her face upwardsto meet his own.

  His kisses descended upon her hotly, suffocatingly. He held her pressedto him in such a grip as seemed to drive all the breath out of herquivering frame. His lips were like a fierce flame on face and neck--aflame that grew in intensity, possessing her, consuming her. The masteryof his hold was utterly irresistible.

  She gasped and gasped for breath as one suddenly plunged in deep waters.His violence appalled her, well-nigh quenching her rapture. She was moreterrified in those moments than she had ever been before. She almost feltas if the godlike being she had so humbly adored from afar had turnedupon her with the demand for human sacrifice. Those devouring kisses sentunimagined apprehensions through her heart. They seemed to satisfy him solittle while they sapped from her every atom of vitality, leaving herhelpless as an infant, her body drawn to his as a needle to the magnet,not of her own volition, but simply by his strength. And ever the fire ofhis passion grew hotter till she felt as one bound on the edge of amighty furnace which scorched her mercilessly from head to foot.

  She was near to fainting when she felt his arms relax, and suddenly aboveher upturned face she heard his voice, low and deep, like the growl of anangry beast.

  "What have you come here for? Go! You're not wanted."

  In a flash she realized that they were no longer alone. She would havedisengaged herself, but she was too weak to stand. She could only clingfeebly to the supporting arm.

  In that moment a great wave of humiliation burst over her, sweeping awayher last foothold. For without turning she knew who it was who stoodbehind her; she knew to whom those furious words had been addressed.

  Before her inner sight with overwhelming vividness there arose avision--the vision of Greatheart in his shining armour with a drawn swordin his hand; and in his eyes--But no, she could not look into his eyes.

  She hid her face instead, burning and quivering still from the touch ofthose passionate lips, hid it low against her lover's breast, too shamedeven for speech.

  There came a movement, the halting movement of a lame man, and she heardScott's voice. It pierced her intolerably, perfectly gentle though itwas.

  "I am sorry to intrude," he said. "But Isabel begged me to come and lookfor--Dinah." His pause before the name was scarcely perceptible, but thatalso pierced her through and through. "I don't think she is quite equalto this."

  Sir Eustace uttered his faint, contemptuous laugh. "You hear, Dinah?" hesaid. "This gallant knight has come to your rescue. Look up and tell himif you want to be rescued!"

  But she could not look up. She could, only cling to him in voicelessabasement. There was a brief silence, and then she felt his hand upon herhead. He spoke again, the sneering note gone from his voice though itstill held a faint inflection of sardonic humo

  "You needn't be anxious, most worthy Scott. Leave her to me for fiveminutes, and I will undertake to return her to Isabel in good condition!You're not wanted for the moment, man. Can't you see it?"

  That moved Dinah. She lifted her head from its shelter, and found hervoice.

  "Oh, don't send him away:" she entreated. "He--he--it was very kind ofhim to come and look for me."

  Eustace's hand caressed her dark hair for a moment. His eyes looked down,into hers, and she saw that the glowing embers of his passion stillsmouldered there.

  She caught her breath with a sob. "Tell him--not to go away!" she begged.

  He smiled a little, but electricity lingered in the pressure of his arm."I think it is time we broke up the meeting," he said. "You had betterrun back to Isabel. If you wish to keep this episode a secret, Scott is,I believe, gentleman enough to hold his peace."

  She was free, and very slowly she released herself. She turned round toScott, but still she could not--dared not--meet his eyes.

  Her limbs were trembling painfully. She felt weak and dizzy. Suddenly shebecame aware of his hand held out to her, proffering silent assistance.

  Thankfully she accepted it, feeling it close firmly, reassuringly, uponher own. "Shall we go upstairs?" he asked, in his quiet, matter-of-factway. "Isabel is a little anxious about you."

  "Oh yes," she whispered tremulously. "Let us go!"

  She tottered a little with the words, and he transferred his hold to herelbow. He supported her steadily and sustainingly.

  Eustace stepped forward, and lifted the heavy curtain for them with amask-like ceremony. She glanced up at him as she went through.

  "Good night!" he said.

  Her lips quivered in response.

  He suddenly bent to her. "Good night!" he said again.

  There was imperious insistence in his voice. His eyes compelled.

  Mutely she responded to the mastery that would not be denied. She liftedher trembling lips to his; and deliberately--in Scott's presence--hekissed her.

  "Sleep well!" he said lightly.

  She returned his kiss, because she could not do otherwise. She felt as ifhe had so merged her will into his that she was deprived of all power toresist.

  But the hand that held her arm urged her with quiet strength. It led herunfalteringly away.