Read Green Fancy Page 18



  The morning air was soft with the first real touch of spring. A quiethaze lay over the valley; the lofty hills were enjoying a peacefulsmoke, and the sky was as blue as the turquoise. Birds shrilled afresh, gay carol; the song of the anvil had a new thrill of joy inevery inspiring note; the cawing of crows travelled melodiously acrossthe fields, roosters split their throats in vociferous acclaim to thedistant sun, and hens clucked a complacent chorus. The rattle ofkitchen pans was melody to the ear instead of torture; the squeaking ofpigs in the sty beyond the stable yard took on the dignity of music;and the blue smoke that rose from chimneys near and far went dancing upto wed the smiling sky.

  Barnes was abroad early. Very greatly to his annoyance, he had sleptlong and soundly throughout the night. He was annoyed because he hadmade up his mind that as her protector he would be most negligent if hewent to sleep at all, with all those frightened varlets hovering aroundready to go to any extreme in order to save their skins.

  Indeed, he left his door slightly ajar and laid his revolver on a chairbeside the bed, in which, with the aid of a lantern, he promisedhimself to keep the vigil, stretched out in his daytime garb, preparedfor instant action, the while he enriched his mind by reading "The Manof Property." But he fell to dreaming with his eyes wide open, and fewwere the pages he turned.

  Suddenly it was broad daylight and the wick in the lantern smelledhorribly. He popped from the bed, rubbed his eyes, and then dashed outin the hall, expecting to come upon sanguinary evidence of a raidduring the night. To his amazement, there were no visible signs of anattack upon the house. It seemed incredible that his defection had notbeen attended by results too horrible to contemplate. By all the lawsof fate, she should now be either dead or at the very least,frightfully mutilated. Something like that invariably happens when asentinel sleeps at his post, or an engineer drowses in his cab. Butnothing of the sort had happened.

  Mr. Bacon, sweeping the front stairs, assured him between yawns that hehadn't heard a sound in the Tavern after half-past ten,--at which hourhe went to bed and to sleep.

  Barnes was at breakfast when Peter Ames called up. An inspirationseized him when the chauffeur mentioned the wholesale exodus: he hiredPeter forthwith and ordered him to report immediately,--with the car.He was going up to Green Fancy for Miss Cameron's "boxes."

  Whether it was the fresh, sweet smell of the earth that caused him tosaunter forth from the Tavern, and to adventure across the road to thefoot of the great old oak, or the ripening of spring in his blood, isof no immediate consequence here. He had no reason for going over thereto lean against the tree and light his after-breakfast pipe,--unless,of course, it be argued that the position afforded a fair and excellentview of the window in Miss Cameron's room. The shutters were open andthe low sash was raised.

  Presently she appeared at the window, and smiled down upon him. Thespell was at its height; the charm that had clothed the morning withenchantment was now complete.

  He waved his hand. "The top o' the morning," he cried.

  "I detect coffee," she returned, "and, oh, how good it smells. Have youhad yours?"

  "Ages ago," he replied, ecstatically.

  She placed her elbows on the sill and her chin in the palms of herhands. The loose sleeves of Miss Thackeray's bizarre dressing gown fellaway, revealing two round, smooth, white arms. The sun shot its mellowlight into the ripples of her tousled hair, and it shone like burnishedgold. Her white teeth gleamed against the red of her smiling lips. Hewas fascinated.

  The automobile driven by Peter Ames too soon came roaring and rattlingup the pike. She withdrew her head, after twice being warned by Barnesnot to reveal herself to the view of skulkers who might infest the woodbeyond,--and each time his reward was a delightfully stubborn shake ofthe head and the ruthless assertion that on such a heavenly morning asthis she didn't mind in the least if all the spies in the world weregazing at her.

  Two minutes after Peter drove up to the Tavern he was on the way backto Green Fancy again, and seated beside him was Thomas KingsburyBarnes, his new master.

  "Needn't be afraid of trespassin'," said Peter when Barnes advised himto go slow as they turned off the road into the forest. "Nobody's goingto object. You c'n yell, and shoot, and raise all the thunder you want,an' there won't be nobody runnin' out to tell you to shut up. Might aswell try to disturb a graveyard."

  There was not a sign of human life about the place. Peter, withoutcompunction, admitted his employer through the back door of the house,and accompanied him upstairs to the room recently occupied by MissCameron.

  "Course," he said, but not uneasily, "I'm not supposed to let anybodyremove anything from the house as long as I'm employed as caretaker."

  "But you are no longer employed as caretaker. You were discharged andyou are now working for me, Peter."

  "That's so," said Peter, scratching his head. "Makes all the differencein the world. I never thought of that. Come to think of it, I guessMiss Cameron needs clothes as much as anybody. The rest of 'em took alltheir duds away with 'em, you c'n bet. Would you know Miss Cameron'sclothes if you was to see 'em?"

  "Perfectly," said Barnes.

  "That's good," said Peter, relieved. "Clothes seem to look purty muchalike to me, specially women's."

  They found the two small leather trunks, thickly belabelled, in theroom upstairs. Both were locked.

  "I don't see how you're going to identify 'em without seein' 'em," saidPeter dubiously.

  Barnes looked at him sternly. "Peter, be good enough to remember thatyou are working for a man of the most highly developed powers ofdivination. Do you get that?"

  "No, sir," said Peter honestly; "I don't."

  "Well, if I were to say to you that I possess the singular ability tosee a thing without actually seeing it, what would you say?"

  "I wouldn't say anything, because I don't think it helps a man any tocall his boss a liar."

  "You take this one," said Barnes, without further parley, "and I willmanage the other." He was in a hurry to get away from the house. Therewas no telling when the government agents would descend upon the place.He was at a loss to understand O'Dowd's failure to remove the trunkswhich would so surely draw the attention of the authorities to the girlhe seemed so eager to shield. "And, by the way," he added, as theydescended the stairs with the trunks on their backs, "you may as wellget your own things together, Peter. We start on a long motor tripto-night. I am afraid we shall have to steal the automobile, if youdon't mind."

  "It belongs to me, sir," said Peter. "Mr. O'Dowd gave it to meyesterday, with his compliments. It seems that he had word from hissister to reward me for long and faithful service. Special cablegramfrom London or England, I forget which."

  "Did Mr. Curtis leave with the others last night?" inquired Barnes,setting the trunk down on the brick pavement outside the door.

  "'Pears that he left a couple of days ago," said Peter, vastlyperplexed. "By gosh, I don't see how he done it, 'thout me knowin'anything about it. Derned queer, that's all I got to say, man as sickas he is."

  Barnes did not enlighten him. He helped Peter to lift the trunks intothe car and then ordered him to start at once for Hart's Tavern.

  "You can return later on for your things," he said.

  "I got 'em tied up in a bundle in the garage, Mr. Burns," he said."Won't take a second to get 'em out." He hurried around the corner ofthe house, leaving Barnes alone with the car.

  A dry, quiet chuckle fell upon Barnes's ears. He glanced about insurprise and alarm. No one was in sight.

  "Look up, young man," and the startled young man obeyed. His gazehalted at a window on the second story, almost directly over his head.

  Mr. Sprouse was looking down upon him, his sharp features fixed in asardonic grin.

  "Well, I'll be damned!" burst from Barnes's lips. He could not believehis eyes.

  "Surprised to see me, eh? If you're not in a
hurry, I'd certainlyappreciate a lift as far as the Tavern, old man. I'll be down in ajiffy."

  "Hold on! What the deuce does all this mean? How do you happen to behere, and where are the--"

  "Sh! Not so loud! Don't get excited. I dare say you know all there isto know about me by this time, so we needn't waste time over trifles.Stand aside! I'm going to drop." A moment later he swung over the sill,and dropped lightly to the ground eight feet below. Dusting his hands,he advanced and extended one of them to the bewildered Barnes. "Oh, youwon't shake, eh? Well, it doesn't matter. I don't blame you."

  "See here, Sprouse or whatever your name is,--"

  "Cool off! I'll explain in ten words. I didn't get the stuff. I cameback this morning to have a quiet, undisturbed look around. My onlyreason for revealing myself to you now, Barnes, is to ask yourassistance in--"

  "Ask my assistance, you infernal rogue!" roared Barnes. "Why,I'll--I'll--"

  "Better hear me out," broke in Sprouse calmly.

  "I could drill a hole through you so quickly you'd never know what didit," he went on. His hand was in his coat pocket, and a quick glancerevealed to Barnes a singularly impressive angle in the cloth, thepoint of which seemed to be directed squarely at his chest. "But I'mnot going to do it. I just want to set myself straight with you. In aword, I never got anywhere near the room in which the jewels werehidden. This is God's truth, Barnes. I didn't stick a knife into thatpoor devil up there the other night. Here's what actually happened. I--"

  "Wait a moment. You intended to steal the jewels, didn't you? You werenot playing fair with me then, so why should I put any faith in younow?"

  "Honest confession is good for the soul," said Sprouse easily. "Iwasn't the only one who was trying to get the baubles, my friend. Itwas a game in which only the best man could win."

  "I know the truth now about Roon and Paul," said Barnes significantly.

  "You do?" sneered Sprouse. "I'll bet you a thousand to one you do not.If the girl told you what she believes to be true, she didn't have itstraight at all. She was led to believe that they were a couple ofcrooks and that they fixed me in that Tavern down there. Isn't thatwhat she told you? Well, that story was cooked up for her specialbenefit. I don't mind telling you the truth about them, and you cantell it to her. Roon was the Baron Hedlund--But all this can wait.Now--"

  "Did you shoot either of those men?"

  "I did not. Baron Hedlund was shot, I firmly believe, by Prince Ugo. Imight as well go on with the story now and have it over with. Tell thatchauffeur to take a little stroll. He doesn't have to hear the story,you know. Hedlund came up here a week or so ago to keep a look-out forhis wife. The Baroness is supposed to be deeply enamoured of PrinceUgo. He found letters which seemed to indicate that she was planning tojoin the Prince up here. In any event, he came to watch. Well, shedidn't come. She had been headed off, but he didn't know that. When heheard of the arrival of a lady at Green Fancy the other afternoon, hegot busy. He went right up there with blood in his eye. I admit that Iam the gentleman who telephoned the warning up to the Prince. Theytried to head the Baron and his man off at the cross-roads, but he beatthem to it. If there was to be a fight, they didn't want it to happenanywhere near the house. Part of them, led by Ugo himself, took a shortcut up through the woods and met the two men in the road.

  "There is only one man in the world to-day who is a better shot atnight than Prince Ugo, and modesty keeps me from mentioning hisillustrious name. That's why I believe Ugo is the one who got theBaron,--or Roon, as you know him. The other fellow was halted at thecross-roads when he made a run for it. A couple of men had been sentthere for just such an emergency. Hedlund was a curiously chivalrouschap. He went to extreme measures to protect his wife's good name bywiping out all means of identification. His wife's good name! It is tolaugh! Now, that is the true story of the little affair, and if you areas much of a gentleman as I take you to be, Barnes, you will respectHedlund's desire to shield the woman he loved, and let him lie upyonder in an unmarked grave. That is what he figured on, you know, incase things went against him, and I'll stake my head that if you put itup to the Countess Therese, she will feel as I do about it. She willbeg you to keep the secret. Hedlund was a lifelong friend of herfamily. He was beloved by all of them. He married an actress in Viennathree or four years ago. On second thoughts, if I were you I'd sparethe Countess. I'd let her go on thinking that the story she has heardis true,--at least for the time being. She's a nice girl and there's nosense in giving her any unnecessary pain. But that's up to you. You cando as you please about it.

  "Now to go back to my own troubles. When I got out into the hall nightbefore last, after leaving her room, I heard voices whispering inPrince Ugo's room. Naturally I thought that some one had lamped us onthe outside, and that I was likely to be in a devil of a mess if Iwasn't careful. The last place for me to go was back into her room.They would cut me off from the outside. So I beat it up the stairwayinto the attic. Nothing happened, so I sneaked down to have a peeparound. The door to Ugo's room was open, but there was no light on theinside. He came to the door and looked up and down the hall. Then someone else came out and started to sneak away. I leave you to guess thesex.

  "Nicholas butted in at this unfortunate juncture. He made the mistakeof his life. I could see him as plain as day, standing in the hallgrinning like an ape. Ugo jumped back into his room. In less than asecond he was out again. He landed squarely on Nicholas's back as thefellow turned to escape. I saw the steel flash. Poor old Nick went downin a heap, letting out a horrible yell. Ugo dragged him into the roomand dashed back into his own. A moment later he came out again, yellingfor help. I heard him shouting that the house had been robbed,--and intwo seconds there was an uproar all over the place. I thought I wasdone for. But he had them all rushing downstairs, yelling that thethief had gone that way. There was only one thing left for me to do andthat was to get out on the roof if possible, and wait for things toquiet down. I got out through a trap door and stayed there for an houror so. They were beating the forest for the thief, and I give you myword, believe it or not, I actually sent up a prayer, Barnes, that youhad got off safely with the girl. I prayed harder than I ever dreamed aman could pray.

  "Well, to shorten the story, I finally took a chance and slid down tothe eaves where I managed to find the limb of a tree big enough tosupport me,--just as if the Lord had ordered it put there for myspecial benefit. I was soon on the ground, and that meant safety forme. I had heard Ugo tell the others that Nicholas said the man whostabbed him was yours truly. Can you beat it? And then every mother'sson of them declared it was a feat that no one else in the world couldhave pulled off but me, and as I was nowhere to be found, it was onlynatural that all of them should believe the lie that Ugo told.

  "And now comes the maddening part of the whole business. He said thatthe crown jewels were gone! I heard him telling how he was awakened outof a sound sleep by a man with a gun, who forced him to open the safeand hand over the treasure. Then he said he was put to sleep again by acrack over the head with a slung-shot. He was only partiallystunned,--Lord, what a liar!--and came to in time to hear the struggleacross the hall. The thief was running downstairs when he staggered tothe door. It seems that the door at the bottom of the steps had notbeen closed that night.

  "Now, my dear Mr. Barnes, when I asked you to lend your assistanceawhile ago, it was only to have you tell me when it was that Mr. Loebleft this place, which way he went, and who accompanied him. If we areto find the crown jewels, my friend, we will first have to find PrinceUgo. He has them."

  Barnes had not taken his eyes from the face of this amazing rascalduring the whole of the recital. He had been deceived in him before; hewas determined not to be fooled again.

  "I don't believe a word of this yarn," he said flatly. "You have thejewels and--"

  "Don't be an ass," snapped Sprouse. "If I had them do you suppose I'dbe fiddling around here to-day? Not much. I saw the gang making theirgetaway last night, and I saw Peter depart this morni
ng. I concluded tohave a look about the place. Hope springs eternal, you know. There wasa bare possibility that he might have forgotten them!" He scowled as hegrinned, and never had Barnes looked upon a countenance so evil.

  "Why should I tell YOU anything about Prince Ugo? It would only behelping you to carry out the game--"

  "Look here, Mr. Barnes, I'm not going to double-cross you again. That'sall over. I want to get that scurvy dog who knifed poor old Nick. Nickwas a decent, square man. He wasn't a crook. He was a patriot, if sucha thing exists in this world to-day. If you can give me a lead, I'lltry to run Prince Ugo down. And if I do, we'll get the jewels."

  "We? You amuse me, Sprouse."

  "Well, I can't do any more than give my promise, my solemn oath, orsomething like that. I can't give a bond, you know. I swear to you thatif I lay hands on that stuff, I will deliver it to you. Might just aswell trust me as Ugo. You won't get them from him, that's sure; and youmay get them from me."

  "Is it revenge you're after?"

  "My God," almost shouted Sprouse in his exasperation, "didn't he giveme a black eye among my friends up here? Didn't he put me in wrong withall of them? Do you think I'm going to stand for that? Think I'm goingto let him get away with it? You don't know me, my friend. I've got areputation at stake. No one has ever double-crossed me and got awaywith it. I want to prove to the world that I didn't take those jewels.I--"

  "Just what do you mean by 'the world,' Sprouse?"

  "My world," he replied succinctly. "I'm not a piker, you know," he wenton, cocking one eye in a somewhat supercilious manner. "The stakes arealways high in my game. I don't play for pennies."

  "Get in the car," said Barnes suddenly. He had decided to take a chancewith the resourceful, indefatigable rascal. There was nothing to belost by setting him on the track of Prince Ugo, who, if the man's storywas true, had betrayed his best friends. There was something convincingabout Sprouse's version of the affair at Green Fancy. He called out toPeter.

  "I suppose you know that the whole game is up, Naismith," he said,lowering his voice. Peter was wrathfully cranking the car. "Thegovernment is going to take a hand in this business up here."

  "If you mean that as a hint to me, it's unnecessary. I'll be on my wayinside of an hour. This is no place for me. And that Tavern is no placefor--er--for her, Barnes. Just mention that you saw me and that I'mgoing after Mr. Loeb. If I get the stuff, I'll do the square thing byher. Not for sentimental reasons, bless you, but just because I like todo things that make people wonder what the hell I'll do next. Tell herthe whole story if you feel like it, but if I were you I'd wait tillshe is safe among her friends, where she won't be nervous. Hit it up abit, Peter, old boy. I'm in a hurry."

  Peter eyed him in an unfriendly manner. "Where did you come from, Mr.Perkins? Mighty queer you--"

  Sprouse spoke softly out of the corner of his mouth. "Nice old NewEngland name, isn't it, Barnes?" To Peter: "It's a long story. I'llwrite it to you. Speed up."

  Barnes told all that he knew of Prince Ugo's flight. Sprouse lookedthoughtful for a long time.

  "So O'Dowd knows that I really was after the swag, eh? He believes Igot it?"

  "I suppose so."

  "The only one who thinks I'm absolutely innocent is Ugo, ofcourse,--and Mrs. Van Dyke. That's good." Sprouse smacked his lips."Just send me on to Hornville in the car, and don't give me anotherthought till you hear from me. I've got a pretty fair idea where I canfind Mr. Loeb. It will take a little time,--a couple of days,perhaps,--but sooner or later he'll turn up in close proximity to thebeautiful baroness."