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Green skins: Guide an Orc to save a Goblin



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  Green skins: Guide an Orc to save a Goblin

  Copyright © 2012 by Geltab

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  Greenskins: Guide an Orc to save a Goblin

  Ahh hell… I don't know why I took the job. I needed the money and well, Kayhill the Orc prince is not someone you say no to more than once. I did have a life before the ghost legion you know, I'm that damned old. Older than I ever let Dagger know, heh! Anyway, before I became a ghost legion brother I spent about thirty human years in my homeland of South skills living in Growlem, the goblin homeland. Of course being only half goblin I always stood out, being more purple than green. I have been known as Wormy since I punched my way out of my dear old goblin mom, pretty sure I picked up drinking right after that.

  I was taught how to be a goblin assassin before I ever learned human ways from Knight Capt. Iron, but that's another tale. Where I'm originally from as they say, "Is not a nice place to visit." There are two continents on this world, in the South is South skills. Home to the Orcs, Goblins, and Timbershaw, a strange race of green skinned elves. The Orcs live in their homeland of Orcshen, we Goblins in Growlem to the South, and the Timbershaw in their trees to the north. Kind of weird if you ask me, living in trees… Goblins eat trees, but hey "What are you going to do, you know?" All Green skins live on the southern continent except the Orc slaves taken to the north. Speaking of that, the northern continent is called North light and it is the home of the filthy pink skins, you know them as humans. They have three Kings and one Emperor, the Kings live only to fulfill the Emperor's commands. What a great life, living for someone else, doing what they tell you, earning what they tell you you will earn, being who they tell you you will be… I will never understand pink skins.

  Well here is where the shit starts flying, a new Emperor was crowned, about five of their years ago now. The humans have always had an advantage with their Navy, the damned Timbershaw won't let anyone cut down trees to make boats, even when the Orcs threatened to invade their forest to do so by force. The Orcs were bluffing, they know we green skins stick together, can't be any other way. Still, those tree hugging elves are a pain in the ass when it comes to getting those resources. The humans have always conducted secret naval raids and invasions catching the Orcs off guard along the coast. They only wanted Orc slaves to build their cities and castles, I guess Goblins aren't strong enough for what they want. Here's the problem, the Orcs have always fought against each other over tribal bullshit, they are too scattered to fight back. If they ever united and decided it was now their turn to invade, the humans would be annihilated, but the Orcs blood rage keeps them as slaves to their own minds and impulses. They can't organize properly, until Kayhill the rage eater came that is.

  Before getting into that though, let me talk about the new human leader, Emperor Dipshit as we call him here in South skills. Goblin spies in the north have spread the news back to us, no longer content with mere skirmishes, young Emperor Dipshit is building a Navy large enough to invade South skills from the sea and exterminate the green skins, guess he has no use for us after all. My guess is he'd keep a few thousand Orcs alive as slaves to build his new human paradise, but we smaller green skins might as well kiss our wrinkly asses goodbye.

  This is where I should tell you about the Orcs' a bit more. Like I said, they're all hotheads. We like to call them the big tusk dummies, because though scary and tough, they're damned easy, and fun I might add to confuse. Nine feet tall, all muscles and attitude is how the present Orcs appear on the world. In their past they worked closely with the Dwarves to defeat the humans in the first race war sending them all north to where they live today. Back then you see, the Orcs had a leader, a special leader they called the rage eater. Now, this Orc is supposed to act like a pressure valve, able to direct the rage of fellow Orcs into one unstoppable purpose and direction. The rage eater combined with Dwarven made armor and weapons turned the Orcs from a scattered mob, into a nasty and invincible army. That was long in the past, this is not where we are today, but the big dummies have a prophecy that the rage eater will return and remove the yoke of human slavery and domination. Doesn't everyone under slavery and domination? Can't come soon enough I say, if it is Kayhill then I'm right in the middle of history. Somewhere I don't want to be, would rather be in my hole, drunk and rich.

  I didn't believe a word of their shit though, I worked in Growlem alone, earning good money and rarely dealing with the Orcs. They were always too crazy for me. All their prophecy and funny voodoo was worthless to goblins, until the day I met Kayhill. I was on the border between Orcshen and Growlem just coming down the last footpath out of the lost mountains. I always hated that name, how can the mountains be lost? I walk on them, all the time! Bah! Anyway, I saw my elder at the bottom of the past waiting for his cut of my earnings, as always. Only this time he was engaged in a very animated discussion with four massive Orcs. The one in the front was even larger than the others and wore the bone armor of Orc royalty.

  "Interesting," I remember thinking to myself. "Some big dummies to fleece. Maybe even a rich one." I could almost see the coins dropping from this guy. My elder saw me coming from far off and gave me the evil eye.

  "Wormy, Wormy! Over here now!" He was waving me over frantic, he was nervous.

  "Who are you talking to old man?" One of the Orcs asked. They aren't capable of seeing through our stealthy tricks. No person is, dogs can, though they usually smell us coming since we are allergic to water. They were all looking around like idiots.

  "He's talking to me big guy," I said while instantly appearing at my elder's side. There were some grunts and growls of dissatisfaction at my appearance, "What can we help you big fellas with?" I asked taking a few swigs of my trusty flask, Mr. never fails.

  "I believe you call him, Emperor Dipshit." The bigger, fancier Orc growled suddenly in a low voice without the slightest trace of sarcasm. Well, I started to laugh so hard liquor shot out of my nose, when I caught my breath I asked. "Ahhh, what about his majesty?"

  "You know of his plans goblin?" Bone armor encrusted Orc asked me in his gravelly voice. This guy was big and scary he had been through some shit, and there was something strange about him, too much intelligence for an Orc.

  "How about your name first bone guy?" I held the flask up to him in friendship, he took it and it was empty immediately. Fast drinking son of a bitch.

  "Yes you ar
e right, I am Kayhill seventh line of rage eater prince to Orcshen." My eyes widened a little, I was still young after all. He handed the flask back down to me.

  "Well, I'm Wormy. First line of the half human bastard goblins," I said with a mock salute. Like I said, I didn't believe a word of all their rage eater shit… at first. Thinking back, maybe I didn't want to believe because I was afraid of what would happen if the Orcs united with one purpose. Would they turn on their goblin and timbershaw green skinned neighbors? Still I went along with it, I had Kayhill prove himself to me. By this time my elder had of course left me alone with these for snarling nasty brutes. Filthy elder always running off when you need them.

  "Rage eater huh? Don't believe a word of it." I said casually taking a swig of my flask, one Orc rushed towards me, Kayhill put his arm out stopping him in his place. A smirk grew on Kayhill's enormous and scarred green face.

  "No I'm sure you don't believe Wormy. Goblins must be shown something to believe it true. I admire that in