Read Greenskins: Guide an Orc to save a Goblin Page 4

behind the plate wearing human. Finding the right weak spot in his armor was easier than I thought. This dumb shit left his whole neck exposed for a perfect brainstem kill. What's the use of wearing all that armor and leaving your neck exposed? Idiotic pink skins. I could tell they felt real safe and comfortable, too safe and comfortable, just like I wanted.

  "Well you got your dagger, let's go beat on some green skinned slaves for fun. We've already missed the betting times for the gladiator events."

  "Shit! I hope we can still place late bets, let's run there!" The leather wearing pink skin who touched my blade said as he stood. When he tried to take a step forward though he fell flat on his face, I could hear Kayhill snicker from behind me in the weeds. The human rolled onto his back and let out a painful groan, "What… Is this?" He asked out loud hoping for some type of answer from his plate wearing just as dumb sadist buddy. Before he could offer any answer I sprung from my shadows, stuffing a blade quick and clean through his open, exposed brainstem, he was dead before he knew it. Probably too quick of a death for such a piece of shit. He fell forward on top of his poisoned buddy adding another couple hundred pounds to his chest, just in case he tried to get a last burst of strength through my poison. I don't take chances like these pink skins. A last burst has been known to happen, long-lived goblins are cautious survivors. I hopped on top of the plate wearing pink skins back and squatted down looking at the other immobilized rat while he lay there quivering turning bright green from the poison.

  "You can come on out fellas," I called over to Kayhill and the other Orcs hiding in the grass. There was no one else coming, these two were the only humans for miles around, unfortunately for them. The human didn't speak, well he couldn't. By this time the poison had paralyzed his throat muscles adequately, I could tell however by his wide eyes, that his fear of Orcs had reached his brain before the poison. I tapped on his forehead with the butt of my knife.

  "So you like beating on Orcs, enslaving them? That's fine pink skin, don't you worry. You see, we are the end of all those games and well, the end of humans too. Now you don't go anywhere buddy, I have to get going, places to go, humans to kill. You know how it is." I tapped him on his paralyzed forehead again and took my poisoned blade from his waist, I left his knives they were shit. I knew he would be dead within ten minutes anyway. "Kayhill the coast is clear big guy. Go do your rage eating mind control… things." I said while waving my hands in a strange pattern to mock him. He grunted something in Orcish as the four of them turned and straddled back towards the harbor.

  " You're welcome...big selfish prick, no fucking appreciation I tell you."

  I've never been big on magic or ceremony so I just sat on top of a flat rock twenty yards from the dead pink skins and waited. I sure as hell didn't need to see Kayhill mind bend all those poor slave bastards down there, I find that type of control horrifying! I didn't give a shit how it was all going to work, but I knew they would be marching to his tune soon enough. Luckily, I packed some nice four-year-old pink skin jerky in my pouch that I munched on while drinking from my only friend Mr. never fails. All I ever wanted out of life was financial freedom and to be left alone, but these fucking pink skins... they push and push. Thank the gods this is all but history now and times have changed, because the residents of North light never earned anything in this life but the end of a sword.

  I lazed in the sun munching and drinking, and most importantly ignoring the screams of battle coming from the harbor. I kept watch making sure no other pink skins came along, those two on the ground never knew what happened, I still had my speed. After some time, enough for the sun to move twice, Kayhill came back out of the harbor. I was good and sauced by this time, but I knew the Army behind him was real and no drunken hallucination.

  "Well damn Kay, you sure know how to piss people off!" I said standing naked on top of a rock looking around at the thousands of red eyed followers completely amazed and scared for their minds.

  "It doesn't take much after years of slavery Wormy," he let a small grin appear as I surveyed the Army of massive Orcs ready to follow.

  "What do we do now? Hit the first human king?"

  "Not until every enslaved green skin knows the rage eater has returned, the pink skins have made a grave mistake Wormy. Not far from this harbor, perhaps a day's march, lies the undoing of the pink skins on their very own continent."

  "Well… What is it you big tusked Orc!?" I squealed like a goblin's mother receiving the ears of her sons first kill.

  "The slave city where all Orcs in Northlight live Wormy, an army of over thirty thousand just waiting for the right time. Currently we have only five thousand from the harbor. Once that city lies in ruins, we will be thirty-five thousand strong, then we march right to the Emperor's doorstep bypassing his three puppet Kings!" Kayhill explained to me with a look of absolute confidence and determination. This Orc was a force of nature, just by the very act of living Kayhill was dangerous. I was all in anyway, following Kayhill no matter the outcome, I had no fucking choice until I could get off this enchanted land of pink skins.

  "Sounds good to me Kayhill, let's get moving then. Tell one of your monkeys to carry me." I demanded while at the same time jumping off the rock and putting some clothes back on, Kayhill grunted at the Orc next to him who scooped me up and did what he was told like a good little Orc doggie. I laid across his arms drinking copiously as these five thousand world breaking green animals began their march to this slave city of thirty thousand Orcs in North light. I poked my head around,

  "Say Kayhill, does the city have a name?"

  "Sorrow, that's what the Orcs have named it." He said solemnly while letting his gaze drift.

  "Hmmm… Fitting I suppose." I put my head back down and tried to take a swig but I missed. "Hey jerky arms, keep those big green muscles still while you're running." I screamed at the big rat bastard carrying me, what's the use of having all those muscles if you can't control them? My second attempt at drinking was more successful, he kept still after my tongue lashing. I drank some and fell asleep after watching the clouds for a while, this was becoming quite enjoyable.

  When I woke up we were standing on a bluff overlooking this filthy hellhole of a slave city called Sorrow. There were Orcs wandering aimlessly, I could see some human guards way on the perimeter of the city, seemed like they were more as a symbol of ownership than anything else. These weren't the type of prisoners to attempt escape anymore, these Orcs had been broken. I guess the sight was too much for Kayhill to stand.

  "How do you plan to…" Before I even turned to finish speaking Kayhill let out a bloodcurdling, ear shattering roar which was followed by five thousand more screams. Like a herd of raging, stampeding green beasts they flew past me in a full sprint towards the flimsy wooden walls below on the city called Sorrow. Looking at the five thousand raging green Orcs I couldn't help but think,

  "The pink skins are going to know what the word sorrow really means after this."

  They smashed through the walls and started a riot with the thirty thousand enslaved Orcs whether they wanted to fight or not. I thought Kayhill was attempting suicide until I saw the method to his madness. As the Orcs stirred up group after group of enslaved ones, Kayhill would turn on the rage eater act and then BAM! Five thousand more soldiers, ten thousand, and that's how it went over the next hour until every single Orc slave was under Kayhill the rage eater's control. The damned pink skins supposed to be guarding the city hadn't seen a thing, in fact I couldn't even find them at their posts, I scouted and the last I saw they were drinking and gambling in the final tower of the wall which was too far off to hear the commotion, that and I think they were too drunk to care.

  I could hardly believe what I was seeing, I've been around a long time and I've seen a lot! Thirty-five thousand Orcs lined behind Kayhill in perfect marching order as if they had been doing it their whole lives. Seeing Orcs use that kind of discipline was scary, just knowing what actually lay under that façade of calm, as they stood in format
ion. I was really getting to enjoy this, not having to do anything but march along and stuff, I actually had some hope of living after seeing the newly formed Orc army of North light. Orcs are amazing how they take to warfare like a fish in water, no matter how long they've been doing something else, even living as slaves!

  They came back the opposite way they had charged the city. Only this time they were jogging not sprinting. Still, thirty-five thousand Orcs jogging together is enough to shake the ground on which you stand. I lifted my finger but before I even had to ask I was scooped up again into the massive green arms of another Orc to carry me to the Emperor's fortress.

  "Man, this is some easy money." I said to myself as I took a few drinks and settled back into this big oaf's arms for the long march. "Damn, a goblin can get used to this." The march was a long and torturous one… for the poor bastard carrying me. I had a great time, drinking, singing, making the Orc carrying me sing along, etc.

  Kayhill led the the army only at night and always along the river of humanity which came down from the North light mountains running over half the length of the continent virtually right up to the front door of the