Read Grey Page 18

  Another fair point! And it dawns on me that this is the first time I haven't had to consider the sexual history of a partner. Well, that's one advantage of screwing a virgin.

  8: I can terminate at any time if I don't think you're sticking to the agreed limits. Okay--I like this.

  I hope it won't come to that, but it wouldn't be the first time if it did.

  9: Obey you in all things? Accept without hesitation your discipline? We need to talk about this.

  11: One-month trial period. Not three.

  Only a month? That's not long enough. How far can we go in a month?

  12: I cannot commit every weekend. I do have a life, or will have. Perhaps three out of four?

  And she'll have the opportunity to socialize with other men? She'll realize what she's missing. I'm not sure about this.

  15.2: Using my body as you see fit sexually or otherwise--please define "or otherwise."

  15.5: This whole discipline clause. I'm not sure I want to be whipped, flogged, or corporally punished. I am sure this would be in breach of clauses 2-5. And also "for any other reason." That's just mean--and you told me you weren't a sadist.

  Shit! Read on, Grey.

  15.10: Like loaning me out to someone else would ever be an option. But I'm glad it's here in black and white.

  15.14: The Rules. More on those later.

  15.19: Touching myself without your permission. What's the problem with this? You know I don't do it anyway.

  15.21: Discipline--please see clause 15.5 above.

  15.22: I can't look into your eyes? Why?

  15.24: Why can't I touch you?


  Sleep--I'll agree to six hours.

  Food--I am not eating food from a prescribed list. The food list goes or I do--deal breaker.

  Well, this is going to be an issue!

  Clothes--as long as I only have to wear your clothes when I'm with you...okay.

  Exercise--We agreed on three hours, this still says four.

  Soft Limits:

  Can we go through all of these? No fisting of any kind. What is suspension? Genital clamps--you have got to be kidding me.

  Can you please let me know the arrangements for Wednesday? I am working until five p.m. that day.

  Good night.


  Her response is a relief. Miss Steele has put some thought into this, more so than anyone else I've dealt with over this contract. She's really engaged. She seems to be taking it seriously and we'll have much to discuss on Wednesday. The uncertainty that I felt when leaving her apartment this evening recedes. There's hope for our relationship, but first--she needs to sleep.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Issues

  Date: May 24 2011 00:07

  To: Anastasia Steele

  Miss Steele,

  That's a long list. Why are you still up?

  Christian Grey

  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  A few minutes later her answer is in my inbox.

  * * *

  From: Anastasia Steele

  Subject: Burning the Midnight Oil

  Date: May 24 2011 00:10

  To: Christian Grey


  If you recall, I was going through this list when I was distracted and bedded by a passing control freak.

  Good night.


  Her e-mail makes me laugh out loud but it irritates me in equal measure. She's much more sassy in print and she has a great sense of humor, but the woman needs sleep.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Stop Burning the Midnight Oil Date: May 24 2011 00:12

  To: Anastasia Steele


  Christian Grey

  CEO & Control Freak, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  A few minutes pass and once I'm convinced she's gone to bed, persuaded by my capital letters, I head into my bedroom. I take my laptop just in case she replies again.

  Once in bed, I grab my book and read. After half an hour I give up. I can't concentrate; my mind keeps straying to Ana, how she was this evening, and her e-mail.

  I need to remind her of what I expect from our relationship. I don't want her getting the wrong idea. I've strayed too far from my goal.

  "Are you going to come and help Ana with the move?" Kavanagh's words remind me that unrealistic expectations have been set.

  Perhaps I could help them move?

  No. Stop now, Grey.

  Opening my laptop, I read through her "Issues" e-mail again. I need to manage her expectations and try to find the right words to express how I feel.

  Finally, I'm inspired.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey Subject: Your Issues

  Date: May 24 2011 01:27

  To: Anastasia Steele

  Dear Miss Steele,

  Following my more thorough examination of your issues, may I bring to your attention the definition of submissive.

  submissive [suhb-mis-iv]--adjective 1. inclined or ready to submit; unresistingly or humbly obedient: submissive servants.

  2. marked by or indicating submission: a submissive reply.

  Origin: 1580-90; submiss + -ive

  Synonyms: 1. tractable, compliant, pliant, amenable. 2. passive, resigned, patient, docile, tame, subdued. Antonyms: 1. rebellious, disobedient.

  Please bear this in mind for our meeting on Wednesday.

  Christian Grey

  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  That's it. I hope she'll find it amusing, but it gets my point across.

  With that thought, I switch off my bedside light and fall asleep and dream.

  His name is Lelliot. He's bigger than me. He laughs. And smiles. And shouts. And talks all the time. He talks all the time to Mommy and Daddy. He is my brother. Why don't you talk? Lelliot says again and again and again. Are you stupid? Lelliot says again and again and again. I jump on him and smack his face again and again and again. He cries. He cries a lot. I don't cry. I never cry. Mommy is angry with me. I have to sit on the bottom stair. I have to sit for the longest time. But Lelliot never asks me why I don't talk ever again. If I make my hand into a fist he runs away. Lelliot is scared of me. He knows I'm a monster.

  WHEN I RETURN FROM my run the next morning, I check my e-mail before having a shower. Nothing from Miss Steele, but then it's only 7:30. Maybe it's a little early.

  Grey, snap out of this. Get a grip.

  I glare at the gray-eyed prick who stares back at me from the mirror as I shave. No more. Forget about her for today.

  I have a job to do and a breakfast meeting to attend.

  "FREDDIE WAS SAYING BARNEY may have a prototype of the tablet for you in a couple of days," Ros tells me during our videoconference.

  "I was studying the schematics yesterday. They were impressive, but I'm not sure we're there yet. If we get this right there's no telling where the technology could go, and what it could do in developing countries."

  "Don't forget the home market," she interjects.

  "As if."

  "Christian, just how long are you going to be in Portland?" Ros sounds exasperated. "What's going on down there?" Eyeing the webcam, she then peers hard at her screen, looking for clues in my expression.

  "A merger." I try to hide my smile.

  "Does Marco know?"

  I snort. Marco Inglis is the head of my mergers and acquisitions division. "No. It's not that kind of merger."

  "Oh." Ros is silenced momentarily and, from her look, surprised.

  Yeah. It's private.

  "Well, I hope you're successful," she says, smirking.

  "Me, too," I acknowledge with a smirk of my own. "Now, can we talk about Woods?"

  Over the past year, we've acquired three tech companies. Two are booming, surpassing all targets, and one is struggling despite Marco's initial optimism. Lucas Woods heads it up; he's turned out to be an idiot--all show,
no substance. The money has gone to his head and he's lost focus and squandered the lead his company once had in fiber optics. My gut says asset-strip the company, fire Woods, and merge their technology division into GEH.

  But Ros thinks Lucas needs more time--and that we need time to plan if we're going to liquidate and rebrand his company. If we do, it will involve expensive redundancies.

  "I think Woods has had enough time to turn this around. He just won't accept reality," I say emphatically. "We need him gone, and I'd like Marco to estimate the costs of liquidating."

  "Marco wants to join us for this part of the call. I'll get him to log in."

  AT 12:30 IN THE afternoon Taylor drives me out to WSU in Vancouver for lunch with the president, the head of the environmental sciences department, and the vice president of economic development. As we approach the long driveway I can't help looking out at all the students to see if I can spy Miss Steele. Alas, I don't see her; she's probably holed up in the library reading a classic. The thought of her curled up somewhere with a book is comforting. There has been no reply to my last e-mail, but then she's been working. Perhaps there'll be something after lunch.

  As we pull up outside the administration building my phone buzzes. It's Grace. She never calls during the week.


  "Hello, darling. How are you?"

  "Fine. I'm about to go into a meeting."

  "Your PA said you were in Portland." Her voice is full of hope.

  Damn. She thinks I'm with Ana.

  "Yeah, on business."

  "How's Anastasia?" There it is!

  "Fine as far as I know, Grace. What do you want?"

  Oh, Good Lord. My mother is someone else whose expectations I have to manage.

  "Mia's coming home a week early, on Saturday. I'm on call that day and your father is away at a legal conference presenting a panel on philanthropy and aid," she says.

  "You want me to meet her?"

  "Will you?"

  "Sure. Ask her to send me her flight details."

  "Thank you, darling. Say hi to Anastasia for me."

  "I have to go. Good-bye, Mom." I hang up before she can ask any more awkward questions. Taylor opens the car door.

  "I should be out of here by three."

  "Yes, Mr. Grey."

  "Will you be able to see your daughter tomorrow, Taylor?"

  "Yes, sir." His expression is warm and full of paternal pride.


  "I'll be here at three," he confirms.

  I head into the university's administration building...This is going to be a long lunch.

  I HAVE MANAGED TO keep Anastasia Steele out of every waking thought today. Almost. During lunch there were times when I found myself imagining us in my playroom...What did she call it? The Red Room of Pain. I shake my head, smiling, and check my e-mail. That woman has a way with words, but so far there are no words from her today.

  I change from my suit to my sweats to get ready for the hotel gym. As I'm about to leave my room, I hear a ping. It's her.

  * * *

  From: Anastasia Steele

  Subject: My Issues...What about Your Issues?

  Date: May 24 2011 18:29

  To: Christian Grey


  Please note the date of origin: 1580-90. I would respectfully remind Sir that the year is 2011. We have come a long way since then.

  May I offer a definition for you to consider for our meeting: compromise [kom-pruh-mahyz]--noun 1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands. 2. the result of such a settlement. 3. something intermediate between different things: The split-level is a compromise between a ranch house and a multistoried house. 4. an endangering, esp. of reputation; exposure to danger, suspicion, etc.: a compromise of one's integrity.


  What a surprise, a provocative e-mail from Miss Steele, but our meeting is still happening. Well, that's a relief.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: What about My Issues?

  Date: May 24 2011 18:32

  To: Anastasia Steele

  Good point, well made, as ever, Miss Steele. I will collect you from your apartment at 7:00 tomorrow.

  Christian Grey

  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  My phone buzzes. It's Elliot.

  "Hey, hotshot. Kate's asked me to hassle you about the move."

  "The move?"

  "Kate and Ana, help moving, you dipshit."

  I give him an exaggerated sigh. He really is a crude asshole. "I can't help. I'm meeting Mia at the airport."

  "What? Can't Mom do that, or Dad?"

  "No. Mom called me this morning."

  "Then I guess that settles it. You never told me how you got on with Ana? Did you f--"

  "Good-bye, Elliot." I hang up. It's none of his business and there's an e-mail waiting for me.

  * * *

  From: Anastasia Steele Subject: 2011--Women Can Drive

  Date: May 24 2011 18:40

  To: Christian Grey


  I have a car. I can drive.

  I would prefer to meet you somewhere.

  Where shall I meet you?

  At your hotel at 7:00?


  How irritating. I write back immediately.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Stubborn Young Women

  Date: May 24 2011 18:43

  To: Anastasia Steele

  Dear Miss Steele,

  I refer to my e-mail dated May 24, 2011, sent at 1:27, and the definition contained therein.

  Do you ever think you'll be able to do what you're told?

  Christian Grey

  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  Her response is slow, which does nothing for my mood.

  * * *

  From: Anastasia Steele

  Subject: Intractable Men

  Date: May 24 2011 18:49

  To: Christian Grey

  Mr. Grey,

  I would like to drive.



  Intractable? Me? Fuck. If our meeting goes as planned, her contrary behavior will be a thing of the past. With that in mind, I agree.

  * * *

  From: Christian Grey

  Subject: Exasperated Men

  Date: May 24 2011 18:52

  To: Anastasia Steele


  My hotel at 7:00.

  I'll meet you in the Marble Bar.

  Christian Grey

  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

  * * *

  From: Anastasia Steele Subject: Not So Intractable Men

  Date: May 24 2011 18:55

  To: Christian Grey

  Thank you.

  Ana x

  And I'm rewarded with a kiss. Ignoring how that makes me feel, I let her know that she's welcome. My mood has lifted as I head to the hotel gym.

  She sent me a kiss...

  WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011

  * * *

  I order a glass of Sancerre and stand at the bar. I've been waiting for this moment all day and look repeatedly at my watch. This feels like a first date, and in a way it is. I've never taken a prospect out to dinner. I've sat through interminable meetings today, bought a business, and fired three people. Nothing I've done today, including running--twice--and a quick circuit in the gym, has dispelled the anxiety I've wrestled with all day. That power is in the hands of Anastasia Steele. I want her submission.

  I hope she's not going to be late. I glance toward the entrance of the bar...and my mouth dries. She's standing on the threshold, and for a second I don't realize it's her. She looks exquisite: her hair falls in soft waves to her breast on one side, and on the other it's pinned back so it's easier to see her delicate jawline and the gentle curve of her slender neck. She's wearing high h
eels and a tight dark purple dress that accentuates her lithe, alluring figure.


  I step forward to meet her. "You look stunning," I whisper, and kiss her cheek. Closing my eyes, I savor her scent; she smells heavenly. "A dress, Miss Steele. I approve." Diamonds in her ears would complete the ensemble; I must buy her a pair.

  Taking her hand, I lead her to a booth. "What would you like to drink?"

  I'm rewarded with a knowing smile as she sits down. "I'll have what you're having, please."

  Ah, she's learning. "Another glass of the Sancerre," I tell the waiter, and I slide into the booth, opposite her. "They have an excellent wine cellar here," I add, and take a moment to look at her. She's wearing a little makeup. Not too much. And I remember when she first fell into my office how ordinary I thought she looked. She is anything but ordinary. With a little makeup and the right clothes, she's a goddess.

  She shifts in her seat and her eyelashes flutter.

  "Are you nervous?" I ask.


  This is it, Grey.

  Leaning forward, in a candid whisper, I tell her that I'm nervous, too. She looks at me as if I've grown three heads.

  Yeah, I'm human, too, baby...just.

  The waiter places Ana's wine and two small plates of mixed nuts and olives between us.

  Ana squares her shoulders, an indication that she means business, like she did when she first interviewed me. "So, how are we going to do this? Run through my points one by one?" she asks.

  "Impatient as ever, Miss Steele."

  "Well, I could ask you what you thought of the weather today," she retorts.

  Oh, that smart mouth.

  Let her stew for a moment, Grey.

  Keeping my eyes on hers, I pop an olive into my mouth and lick my index finger. Her eyes grow wider and darker.

  "I thought the weather was particularly unexceptional today." I try for nonchalance.

  "Are you smirking at me, Mr. Grey?"

  "I am, Miss Steele."

  She purses her lips to stifle her smile. "You know this contract is legally unenforceable."

  "I am fully aware of that, Miss Steele."

  "Were you going to tell me that at any point?"

  What? I didn't think I'd have to...and you've worked it out for yourself. "You'd think I'd coerce you into something you don't want to do, and then pretend that I have a legal hold over you?"

  "Well, yes."

  Whoa. "You don't think very highly of me, do you?"