Read Guilt of the Brass Thieves Page 10


  Several days of inactivity followed for Penny at Shadow Island. For themost part, Jack was friendly and tried to provide entertainment. However,he was away much of the time, supervising the work of repairing andgetting the _Spindrift_ into condition for the coming trophy race.

  Sally Barker's name seldom was mentioned in the Gandiss household, thoughit was known that the girl intended to enter the competition regardlessof her disgrace at the factory. Once Penny asked Jack point-blank what hethought of the entire matter.

  "Just what I always did," he answered briefly. "Sally never took anythingfrom the factory. It wouldn't be in keeping with her character."

  "Then why isn't she cleared?"

  "Father did take the matter up with the personnel department, but hedoesn't want to go over the manager's head. The brass was found in herlocker and quite a few employes learned about it."

  "The brass was planted!"

  "Probably," agreed Jack. "But it's none of my affair. Sally wasn't a verygood factory worker and the personnel director thought he had to make anexample of someone--"

  "So Sally became the goat! I call it unfair. Did the thefts cease aftershe left?"

  "They're worse than ever."

  "Then obviously Sally had nothing to do with it!"

  "Not just one person is involved. The brass is being taken by anorganized ring of employes."

  "I suppose it's none of my affair, but in justice I think Sally should becleared. I don't know the girl well, but I like her."

  "You may as well hear the whole story," Jack said uncomfortably. "Fatherwrote her a letter, inviting her to come in for an interview. She paid noattention."

  "Perhaps she didn't get the letter."

  "She got it all right. I met her on the street yesterday, and when Itried to talk to her, she threatened to heave a can of varnish in myface! Furthermore, she gave me to understand she intends to defeat mesoundly in the race tomorrow."

  "I'll be there to watch," grinned Penny. "The contest should beinteresting."

  While Jack was out on the river practicing for the approachingcompetition, Penny accompanied her father to the mainland to mail lettersand make a few purchases Mrs. Gandiss had requested. In returning to thewaterfront, they wandered down a street within view of the Gandissfactory.

  Penny's attention was drawn to a man who came out of an alley at the rearof the plant and stood staring at a tiny junk shop which was situateddirectly opposite the Gandiss factory.

  "There's Joe the Sweeper," she observed aloud. And then an instant lateradded: "That's queer!"

  "What is?" inquired her father.

  "Why, that junk shop! I've been down this street several times, but Inever noticed it there before. I would have sworn that the building wasempty."

  Mr. Parker gave her a quick, amused look. "It was until yesterday," heinformed.

  "You seem to know all about it!" Penny suddenly became suspicious. "Whatare you keeping from me?"

  Mr. Parker did not reply, for he was watching the man who had emergedfrom the alley. Joe seemed to debate for awhile, then crossed the streetand entered the junk shop.

  "Good!" exclaimed Mr. Parker. "Our bait seems to be working."

  "What are you talking about?" Penny demanded in exasperation. "Will youkindly explain?"

  "You recall Mr. Gandiss asked me to help him solve the mystery of thosebrass thefts at the plant."

  "Why, yes, but I didn't know you had begun to do anything about it."

  "Our plan may not succeed. However, we're trying out a little idea ofmine."

  "Does it have anything to do with that junk shop?"

  "Yes, the place was opened yesterday by Heiney Growski."

  Penny's blue eyes opened wide for she knew the man well. A prominentdetective in Riverview, he had won distinction by solving a number ofdifficult cases.

  "Heiney is an expert at make-up and impersonation," Mr. Parker added. "Webrought him here and installed him as the owner of the junk store acrossthe street. His instructions are to buy brass and copper at above theprevailing market prices."

  "You expect employes who may be pilfering metals to seek the highestprice obtainable!"

  "That's our idea. It may not work."

  "It should," Penny cried jubilantly. "Sweeper Joe went in there not threeminutes ago! I've suspected him from the first!"

  "Aren't you jumping to pretty fast conclusions?"

  "From what I heard him say to the gatekeeper Clayton, I'm sure he's mixedup in some underhanded scheme."

  "You're not certain of it, Penny. Joe has been carefully investigated. Heseems too stupid a fellow to have engineered such a clever, organizedmethod of pilfering."

  "He never appeared stupid to me. Dad, let's drift over to the junk shop,and learn what is happening."

  "And give everything away? No, Heiney will report if anything ofconsequence develops. In the meantime, we must show no interest in theshop."

  To Penny's disappointment, her father refused to remain longer in thevicinity of the factory. Without glancing toward the junk shop, theywalked on to the riverfront. The motorboat they had expected to meet themhad not yet arrived. While Mr. Parker purchased a newspaper and sat downon the dock to read, Penny sauntered along the shore.

  A short distance away on a stretch of beach, a boat had been overturned.Sally Barker, in blue overalls rolled to the knees, was painting it withdeft, sure strokes. Penny walked over to watch the work.

  Glancing up, Sally smiled, but did not speak. A smudge of blue paintstained her cheek. She had sanded the bottom of the _Cat's Paw_, and nowwas slapping on a final coat of paint.

  "Will it dry in time for the race tomorrow?" Penny inquired, makingconversation.

  "The finish won't be hard, but that's the way I want it," Sally said,dipping her brush. "It makes a faster racing bottom."

  "Then you're all ready for competition?"

  "The boat is ready." Sally hesitated, then added. "But I may not enterthe race after all."

  "Not enter? Why?"

  Having finished painting, Sally carefully cleaned her brush, and tightlyclosed the paint and varnish cans. She wiped her hands on her fadedoveralls.

  "The boy who was racing with me served notice this morning that he hadchanged his mind. I haven't asked anyone else, because I didn't want tobe turned down."

  "But I should think anyone who likes to sail would be crazy for thechance--" Penny began. Then as she met Sally's gaze, her voice trailedoff.

  "You know what I mean," said Sally quietly.

  "Not the factory episode?"

  "Yes, word traveled around."

  "Jack didn't tell?"

  "I don't think so, but I don't know," Sally replied honestly. "Anyway,everyone learned why I was discharged. Pop is furious."

  "Your mother too, I suppose?"

  "I have no mother. She died when I was ten. Since then, Pop and I havelived aboard the _Queen_. Pop always taught me to speak my mind, never tobe afraid, and above all to be honest. To be accused of something onedidn't do and to be branded as a thief is the limit!"

  Penny nodded sympathetically. "About the race," she said, reverting tothe previous subject, "you aren't really serious about not entering?"

  "It means everything to me," Sally admitted soberly. "But I can't racealone. The rules call for two persons in each boat."

  "You need an expert sailor?"

  "Not necessarily. Of course, the person would have to know how to handleropes and carry out orders. Also, not lose his head in an emergency. Tobalance the _Cat's Paw_ right I need someone about my own weight."

  "It has to be a boy?"

  "Mercy, no! I would prefer a girl if I knew whom to ask." Sally suddenlycaught the drift of Penny's conversation, and a look of amazed delightcame upon her face. "Not you!" she exclaimed. "You don't mean you wouldbe willing--"

  "If you want or could use me. I'm a long way fr
om an expert, but I doknow a little about sailboats. We have one in Riverview. However, I nevercompeted in a race."

  "I'd be tickled pink to have you!"

  "Then it's settled."

  "But what about the Gandiss family? You are their guest."

  "That part is a bit awkward," Penny admitted. "But they are all goodsports. I'm sure no one will hold it against me."

  "After I was discharged from the factory?"

  "That really wasn't Mr. Gandiss' doing, Sally. The plant is so large hescarcely knows what goes on in some departments. You were discharged bythe personnel manager."

  "I realize that."

  "Didn't Mr. Gandiss write you a letter asking you to come in for apersonal interview?"

  "Yes, he did," Sally acknowledged reluctantly. "I was angry and I tore itup."

  "Then you shouldn't blame Mr. Gandiss."

  "I'm not blaming him, Penny. I like Mr. Gandiss very much. In fact, Ilike him so well I never could bear to accept favors from him."

  "Not even to clear your name?"

  Sally washed her hands at the river's edge, and rolled down the legs ofher overalls. "The person who put that brass in my locker hasn't beencaught?" she inquired softly.

  "Not to my knowledge."

  "Then all Mr. Gandiss could do would be to offer me another chance,"Sally said bitterly. "I'll never work in the factory on that basis. If Iam cleared completely, then I am willing to go back."

  "Mr. Gandiss is trying to solve the mystery of those thefts," Pennydeclared. "I know that to be a fact. Have you any idea who the guiltyparties might be?"

  Sally straightened up, digging at paint which had lodged beneath herfingernails. She did not answer.

  "You do have a clue!" Penny cried.

  "Maybe." Sally smiled mysteriously.

  "Tell me what it is."

  "No, I intend to work by myself until I'm sure that I'm on the righttrack. I've not even told Pop."

  "Does it have anything to do with Sweeper Joe?"

  Sally's expression became blank. "I don't know much about him," shedismissed the subject. "My information concerns a certain house upriver.But don't ask me to tell you more."

  Hastily she gathered up paint cans and brush, turning to leave. "Are youreally serious about racing with me tomorrow?" she demanded.

  "Of course!"

  "Then you're elected first mate of the _Cat's Paw_! Meet me at the yachtclub dock at six in the morning for a trial workout. The preliminary raceis at two."

  "I'll be there without fail."

  "And bring a little luck with you," Sally added with a grin. "We may needit to defeat the _Spindrift_."