Read Guilty Bonds Page 23

left, and keeping up a constant chatter which didmuch to relieve me, as all I need do was to return a fragmentary answerwhen occasion offered.

  Presently, when we had reached a quiet corner, where conversation wasmuch easier, I said,--

  "By the way, now I think of it; where are you `hanging out'?"

  He burst into a loud laugh as he asked,--

  "Is it possible you don't know?"

  "'Pon my honour, it never occurred to me to inquire till this moment.Where are you staying?"

  "Number 171," he answered, still laughing.

  "Number 171 where--why don't you speak plainly, and not keep a fellowwaiting when he wants to get to his hotel to keep an appointment?"

  "What! another engagement!--with the lady whose photograph you werepassing to the fellows at the Junior Garrick last night, eh? I heardabout it, old fellow," he exclaimed, evidently thinking he had a finechance to chaff me. Seeing my frown at the reference, he continued:"Seriously, it is curious you did not know of my whereabouts. My roomis 171 at the Charing Cross Hotel, and yours is 172--now do you see whyI laughed?"

  "Your room next to mine!" I said in concern, the thought that perhapshe might have overheard my interview with Frank that morning suddenlyoccurring to me.

  "Well, there's nothing to be alarmed at, is there? I've not escapedfrom quarantine. By the way, I took an opportunity of calling upon youthis morning, and as you did not notice my timid rap--you know I alwaysgive a timid rap, for you've often laughed at it--I peeped in. Youwere, however, so deeply ingrossed in conversation with your friendNugent that I did not think fit to disturb you, and came away. He's anold friend of yours, isn't he?" he asked, carelessly.

  When Demetrius told me this my heart stood still; yet what was there tofear? I could have as well trusted him as Frank. Yet somehow the ideaof Demetrius knowing about this was intensely disagreeable, especiallyafter his ironical reference to the photograph, which had been utteredin a rather threatening tone.

  Hastily muttering something about being sorry he had not come in as Bobwas very good company, I looked at my watch and bade him an abruptadieu. He seemed inclined to walk back with me, but seeing hisintention I called a cab and bade the driver hurry to the hotel.

  There is an indistinct recollection in my mind of having eaten a hastydinner, but whether I really did so that eventful evening or not is amatter of speculation. At all events, I wrapped up warmly, for it was awet night and the prospect was anything but inviting.

  Determining to have a sharp walk in order to set my blood incirculation, I had started out, when it occurred to me that, having agood round sum in notes in my pocket, it would be policy to leave thembehind. Hurrying back I did this, and turned out sundry valuables frommy pocket-book. Then the seal, on its blood-stained and crumpled paper,became apparent in the depths of the wallet and the question arose,should I leave that also?

  Since the night when it was given me by the trembling hands of the manwhose room I was now about to invade, it had rested securely there, forI had been afraid to let it out of my possession on any account. Itwould perhaps be best to leave it at the hotel, under lock and key, so Iput it in a little cash-box in my portmanteau. But the next moment asuperstitious dread seized me, and I replaced it again in thepocket-book, and then once more started on my adventurous errand.

  Before long I reached the spot. It was a rather tall house, uninhabitedapparently, for its lower windows were covered with hoarding, andgenerally the structure bore a grim, uninviting appearance. On thefirst occasion, when the poor fellow had dragged me there in a kind ofmad frenzy, I had not taken particular notice of the manner in which weeffected our entrance, but, as there was no one about, I made a carefulscrutiny of a side-door.

  As I gave it a violent push the noise resounded through the empty placewith such a hollow clamour that a chill fell upon my heart, and, savefor the intense curiosity which possessed me, I should have come away,leaving the place unexplored.

  But this was rendered impossible, for, although the moment had beencarefully chosen when there was not a person in sight, my indecision,lasting for several minutes, brought other consequences in its train.The corner where the door was located was a dark one, it was true, yet,as the measured tread of a constable fell upon my strained ears, I sawimmediate action was imperative. The prospect of a bull's-eye lanternbeing suddenly flashed upon one was not at all encouraging, and was notto be faced.

  Another and stronger jerk at the door proved that it was fastened, orthat something so obstructed its opening that more force, and thereforemore noise, was needed. This would not do; therefore, summoning up someof my old courage and resolution which had unaccountably deserted me oflate, I speedily clambered in by a small window, through the brokenupper panes of which it was easy to put one's hand to turn the catch.

  Having done this, and replaced, as well as possible in thecircumstances, the piece of hoarding, I allowed the constable to pass onbefore moving further. My heart beat high for a moment as the glarefrom his lantern flashed through the chinks and lighted, like thegleaming of a fire, the miserable and musty-smelling apartment; but hepassed on unheedingly, unsuspicious of the stealthy intruder near him.

  When he had gone, all was dark. Never will the memory of that miserable_contretemps_ be surpassed by a more disheartening experience. Itrequired several minutes' careful search to find the stairs, and myhands encountered all sorts of horrible recesses, as, painfully andslowly, I felt my way about.

  The only occasion like it was when, in that dreary Russian dungeon, myhands had discovered the fatal seal. My thoughts instantly reverted tothat night, then many months ago, and it felt to my excited andover-wrought nerves, that every crack my fingers found were portions ofthe occult inscription.

  As I at last ascended the stairs my memory endeavoured to recall theposition of the room in which I had left the body. It was certainly atthe top of the house, for our ascent, in his weak state, had occupiedsome time.

  Arrived at the top landing I struck a match, for it was evident that itwould not be observed at such a height. To my surprise there were onlytwo rooms, both entirely empty, one so small that it certainly could nothave been the one in which that eventful night had been spent. Theother was also small, and had not the shape that I remembered.

  Obviously there was some mistake in my calculations, and dropping theburnt match upon the carpetless boards, I resumed my search, this timein a downward direction.

  And now an event happened which added increased risk to the adventure,and which, even after the lapse of many months since its occurrence, Icannot think of without a thrill of excitement.

  In treading upon the match my face in some way became reversed, so thatmy next steps, carefully guided as I was by the wall, were in the wrongdirection. The first indication I had of this was a collision, withsome force, with the balustrades of the stairs. These appeared to bevery old and rickety, for as my heavy frame dealt them a blow they shookand rattled ominously.

  To seize them convulsively was the work of an instant; but, quick asthought, I had drawn back and thrown myself on my side.

  After swaying for a second, the heavy railing plunged forward and fellwith a sound almost like thunder down the whole height of the building,bumping from stage to stage in the most hideous manner.

  I was saved; but what next!

  For a time I lay and listened, as little pieces of plaster rolled downthe stairs and the rats scuttled restlessly about. Then, half-dazed, Ifelt for the matches, which, happily, were safe in my pocket.

  By the dim light given by one of these it was easy to see my horribleposition, perched on the edge of the landing, some part of my longulster actually hanging over the side.

  Below, all was dark.

  A dense cloud seemed rising between my eyes and the match slowly burningitself out.

  The choking sensation told me that it was a cloud of dust raised by thefall of so much plaster.

  After waiting for a short time, scarcely darin
g to breathe, I struckanother match, and again looked around.

  The cloud had disappeared, but my clothes were whitened, indicatingwhere its particles had settled.

  Then the match burnt my fingers, and as it dropped down into the Stygiandarkness I could descry its course till it became merely a faint redspeck in that great depth.

  Lighting yet another match, and making a great effort to pull myselftogether, I slowly and carefully rose and crept away from that dangerousspot.

  Why need I go into further detail? Let it suffice for me to state that,with care and eagerness, I searched every room I could find, till mypatience and my matches were exhausted--yet without avail.

  Evidently I had entered the wrong house!

  On the bottom flight I had to encounter and pass over the _debris_ whichhad fallen from above. The task was a difficult and perilous one, buteventually reaching the bottom, I stood on firm ground.

  My journey had been for naught; my clothes were covered with a