Read Gummy Bears & Grenades Page 3

  During the ride, Dex would occasionally go quiet and end up observing everyone. Ash teased Letty, and Dex noted how Ash brought Captain Kirk into his circle of trust. It was easy to tell when that happened, because Ash wasn't an asshole to the guy. He was still Ash, but since James meant something to Letty, he meant something to Ash. God help the poor bastard if he hurt Letty, though Dex felt for Captain Kirk. With Letty came an entire tactical team of fierce Humans and Therians.

  Hudson seemed enthralled in a conversation about antiques with Milena while Seb and Rosa chatted about sandwiches with Ethan clearly disagreeing with his brother. Those two were adorable. Calvin just threw in the occasional comment to set a fire under Seb's or Ethan's tails. Calvin had a wicked streak, and Dex loved it.

  Zach and Austen sat side by side, but hadn't said a word to each other. Dex had a feeling those two were going to be his greatest challenge. Austen was having an animated conversation with Nina about pizza while Rafe looked on in obvious amusement. Zach listened as Taylor and Angel argued over baseball. Dom's laugh could be heard through the limo, and it made Dex chuckle. He seemed to enjoy teasing West. You know.... Dex shook his head. He really had to stop trying to set everyone up.

  Soon they'd arrived, and Dex was the last to disembark. When he got out on the sidewalk, he turned to Cael, his jaw dropping. "Peitho?" Holy crap. "How...?"

  "You're not the only one with connections," Cael said with a wink.

  Hudson took in the huge classy building. The line wrapped around the corner behind the velvet rope. "Looks posh."

  "You have no idea," Dex said, following Cael as he headed over to one of the bouncers standing at the door. "Peitho is guest-list only, and it gets booked months in advance."

  The bouncer nodded, and Cael motioned for them to follow. They were allowed in ahead of the waiting throng. Inside, they headed to the left and around a corner to a sectioned-off area of the club. The huge purple neon sign above the bar said, "Congratulations, Dex!"

  Dex wiped a tear from his eye. "Wow."

  "You like it?" Cael asked, as if Dex wouldn't have loved anything his little brother put together for him.

  "Chirpy, it's amazing." Dex hugged his brother and squeezed him tight. "Thank you."

  The place was incredible--a swanky, high-end nightclub with lavish decor in hues of purple and blue. Dazzling chandeliers sparkled above their heads. It boasted high ceilings, an impressive laser light display, and plenty of banquette seating. It had an elegant '80s vibe to it. The DJ played a combination of classic rock and electro pop, and the tables on "their side" of the club contained purple glass bowls filled with gummy bears. Their friends were already at the cocktail bar, ordering drinks. Those who didn't have a drink in their hand were on the dance floor rocking out.

  "I can't believe you're getting married," Cael said, his boyish grin wide and his eyes glassy.

  "I know, right?" Dex threw an arm around his shoulders. "Thanks for this. It's perfect."

  Cael shrugged.

  Not wanting to delve any deeper into the sappiness, Dex nudged Cael and motioned to the bar. "Simba's looking for you."

  Cael rolled his eyes, but his smile never left his face. He punched Dex's shoulder playfully before heading for the bar, crossing paths with Mr. Tall, Bright, and Cheerful.

  "Hey, Captain Kirk."

  James chuckled. "I guess it's better than Dimples."

  "Glad you could make it." The guy's schedule was so erratic, Dex hardly saw him. Though lately he seemed to be around a little more, and Dex was sure a certain feisty gal had something to do with it.

  "Are you kidding? Letty's been bouncing off the walls about this for months." James's expression softened. "You mean a lot to her."

  Dex did his best not to get all emotional. "And she means a lot to me." It was too soon for getting all choked up. As if sensing his thoughts, James gave his shoulder a pat before heading off toward the bar, where Letty was talking to Ash and now Cael.

  God, Dex was going to be such a mess when the big day finally arrived. Suddenly it all seemed so real despite all the preparations they'd been making for months now. They even had binders, which slightly terrified Sloane. They'd worked out their budget, picked their wedding party, created the guest list; then the real work started. As of a couple of months ago, the color scheme had been chosen and the venue booked, along with rooms for them and their guests. The photographer, videographer, and entertainment were booked. They'd met with the caterers and approved the menu. Dex, Sloane, and the rest of the guys in their wedding party were fitted for suits, dresses for the girls, though a suit option had been available for them as well. They set up their gift registry, sent out invites, and received an RSVP reply from all of them. All transportation was arranged, documents submitted, and the honeymoon was currently being planned.

  His and Sloane's schedules for next month were filled with cake orders, rehearsal dinners, hair appointments, and then they'd have to start looking at their schedule for the following two months, which included everything from choosing the reception playlist, finalizing everything they'd done up to that point, buying their wedding rings, practicing their vows--since Sloane wanted to go traditional--plus dealing with the hundreds of other details needing their attention. Oh, and they were on duty until the month before the wedding.


  Dex blinked. Hudson stood in front of him, his eyes filled with concern.

  "Are you all right? You look a wee bit... pale."

  "Uh, yeah. Sorry. I started thinking about all the stuff we still have to do before the big day. Remind me why I thought a big wedding would be a good idea?" With each call from Lou, the urge to grab Sloane, disappear, and elope somewhere was more and more tempting.

  Hudson chuckled. "Because you're Dexter J. Daley, and you don't do anything without leaving your mark."

  Dex was taken aback by Hudson's words. "I really do that?"

  "There's no forgetting you, Dexter. I'm certain anyone who's ever met you would agree."

  "Dude, you guys are killing me with all the feels."

  Austen slapped Dex on the back. "Well, then, I guess this means it's time to get drunk off our asses."

  Dex was handed a couple of colorful shots that he threw back before letting out a loud whoop. A collective cheer followed as he headed for the dance floor, ready to get his groove on. The open bar and his friends made sure Dex was never without a drink in his hand. Thanks to his mutated DNA, he could throw them back without the worry of getting shit-faced too quickly. A little later, he was still trying to work out if that was a blessing or a curse. He'd lost count of how many he'd had, and he was just starting to feel a nice buzz. Dex bounced around with Hudson to Billy Idol's "Dancing with Myself" while Cael, West, and Calvin danced around Seb and Hobbs. Ash was either drunk or having a good time, considering how much he was smiling and laughing tonight.

  Dex kept checking in with Calvin to make sure Hobbs was doing all right. The club was packed--and would become even busier as the night went on. It had a lot of lighting effects, loud music, and noise. When the invites had gone out, although Dex hadn't known the plan for the evening, he'd stressed to Calvin that Hobbs's comfort was what mattered most to him. His feelings would not be hurt if they couldn't make it; and if they did, they didn't need to feel obligated to stay. With Hobbs's social anxiety, it all came down to how the big guy was feeling that evening and then the situation once he got there. Calvin hadn't left Hobbs's side for a moment, and as of a couple of songs ago, Hobbs was still cheerfully bouncing around to the music with his boyfriend and their friends.

  Everyone seemed to be having a great time, including Dex. The only thing that would have made it perfect was Sloane. After dancing to a few more songs, Dex took a seat on one of the banquettes and grabbed the bowl of gummy bears. Hudson took a seat beside him.

  "Open," Dex ordered, and Hudson opened his mouth, laughing around the gummy bears Dex tossed at him. They all made it in.

  Hudson hummed in delight
as he chewed. "Ooh, cocktail flavored," he said around a mouthful, indicating he was tipsy. They both munched on gummy bears as they watched their friends and family dancing away. Hudson soon broke the silence.

  "You miss him."

  Dex shrugged. "I'm being an ass. It's not like I don't see him every day."

  "That doesn't mean you won't miss him when he's not around. Your bond with him is deep. That connection tends to intensify certain aspects of your relationship."

  True. If anyone understood the pull, the need and desire, it was Hudson. It took a hell of a lot of control on Dex's part not to get overwhelmed at times. He was getting better at controlling his impulses where Sloane was concerned, but it was a work in progress.

  "So, how's married life?" Dex asked, needing to change the subject. The wedding, TIN, his mutation, and the stress levels that came with everything on his schedule lately were throwing him off his game. Maybe he'd talk to Cael about it. His brother would no doubt jump at the chance to help out.

  Hudson's cheeks flushed. "Every morning I wake up in his arms, and when he opens his eyes, he smiles, and it takes my breath away without fail."

  "You two are adorable."

  "We have a lot of time to make up for."

  "I'm impressed the two of you left your honeymoon cabin long enough to take pictures," Dex teased, loving the way Hudson's face flushed even more. "The picture of you and Seb in your Therian forms playing in the snow is my new favorite. It's my desktop wallpaper at work." Dex went thoughtful. "Who took the picture?"

  "Seb's taken up photography again. He set up a timer."

  "He's really good."

  Hudson beamed at him, but the smile left his face, and he went pensive, then pained.

  "What's wrong?"

  Hudson worried his bottom lip for a moment before replying, his voice low. "I'm so sorry, Dex. I'm such a terrible friend."

  Dex frowned. "What are you talking about? You're an awesome friend. You hid me from Ash when I accidentally spit my coffee in his face."

  "Yes, that was most unfortunate," Hudson said, shaking his head sadly.

  "In my defense, he's the one who decided to stand in front of me and say, 'you didn't shove it hard enough.'"

  "Poor choice of words," Hudson agreed, nodding.

  Even if Ash had been referring to Dex pushing through a street mob where his inability to move three mountain-sized bear Therians with his shield got him trapped and needing rescue from Ethan, Seb, and Ash, he really should have chosen his words better.

  "So, what's on your mind? What's got you looking so guilty, and British?"

  "I'm not entirely certain what makes me look British. Either way, I apologize."

  "For what? Being British? Stop apologizing and tell me what's going on in that overactive brain of yours."

  Hudson nodded. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about him, and... what I asked of you."

  Dex didn't need to be told which him Hudson was referring to. "Have you talked to him?"

  "No." Hudson sighed. "It's frustrating. Sometimes I think he was only placating me, and just when I believe he's gone for good, I catch his scent. I keep waiting for him to appear, but he never does."

  Dex couldn't believe he was about to delve into this, but he would. For Hudson. "He's not really your average guy. I'm sure he's got a reason for not showing up." Who the hell knew why Wolf did anything? "He doesn't seem like the type to shy away from a situation. Maybe you're the exception. You are his brother, after all." Dex thought about everything Wolf had said to Hudson and everything he'd done to protect his brother, including coming out of the shadows and exposing himself. "He cares about you."

  Hudson swallowed hard. "You think so?"

  "Why else would he risk his life to protect you?"

  Hudson shrugged. "I'm having a hard time reconciling Alfie and Wolf. There's so little of my brother left, if anything at all. I mean...." Hudson's eyes became glassy when he met Dex's gaze. "He tortured you, Dex."

  Yep. That he did.

  "And yet, I had the audacity to ask you and Sloane not to hurt him."

  Dex held up a finger. "Actually, you asked us not to kill him. Hurting is still on the table."

  Hudson's lips twitched into a small smile. "Right." His smile faded. "What you both must think of me." He averted his gaze, and Dex ducked his head so Hudson would look at him.

  "What we think is that after years of thinking your brother was dead, it turned out that he was very much alive. You have questions, and you deserve the answers to those questions. Who are we to take that from you? You're like family, Hudson. Whatever you need, you know I will do my damned best to make sure you get it."

  Hudson nodded as he clearly tried not to get emotional. His sweet smile was all Dex needed to know he'd made the right choice where Wolf was concerned. At least for the time being. Hudson needed to know, and Dex would be lying if he said he wasn't curious. How had Alfie survived? The biggest question, however, was when did Alfie become Wolf?

  Cael came bounding over, his cheeks rosy and the tip of his nose pink from the alcohol. "Hudson, it's time!"

  Hudson jumped up and faced Dex. "We have a surprise for you."

  "What kind of surprise?" Dex asked, laughing when Cael grabbed one arm and Hudson the other. They pulled him to his feet.

  "You're going to love it," Cael assured him, winking. "Believe me."

  "Well, then, bring it on."

  Chapter 3

  CAEL WHOOPED, and with a chuckle, Dex followed him and Hudson, wondering what they had planned. At the end of the club were several closed doors. Before Dex could ask what was going on, Cael opened one of the doors and shoved him into what looked like a private room with two windows, the deep curtains drawn. The door closed behind him, and he looked around. It was lavishly decorated to match the rest of the club, with tufted purple seating running along three walls.

  Dex took a seat in the middle so he was directly across from the door. He dropped his gaze to the large, gleaming, round plinth in the center of the floor. It was a small stage, and Dex had a pretty good idea what the stage was for.

  The lid of the platform was actually two doors, and when the music in the room started to build, and the CO2 smoke began to rise around the stage, the platform doors slid open. A black cowboy hat slowly came into view, and Dex arched an eyebrow. He sat back against the cushions and crossed his arms over his chest. Was this really about to happen? Why would his brother get him a stripper? Cael knew him better than that. Dex had no interest in having some sweaty dude gyrating all over him, unless that sweaty dude was his sexy jaguar Therian soon-to-be husband.

  Tan broad shoulders came into view, followed by a muscular back. Dex allowed his gaze to travel down the sinful curve of the man's spine before he settled his eyes on a sweet rounded ass encased in black denim. Black leather chaps hugged long powerful legs, and the black cowboy boots had Dex unfolding his arms. He placed his hands on his thighs and took in every inch of sleek, solid muscle.

  Fuck. He'd never seen anything so hot.

  Dex adjusted himself, then flexed his fingers, itching to touch. God, the man's arms alone made his mouth water. "You know, I'm about to be a married man," Dex said, his voice low and husky.

  "Lucky guy." The gruff, low growl dripped with sex, and it sent a shiver through Dex. If he wasn't careful, he was going to come in his pants before the show even started, and this he had to see.

  "Yeah?" Dex sat back against the cushions and spread his knees, heat flaring through him. He fought not to launch himself at the stage and lick the man from head to toe.

  With a sinful look at Dex over his shoulder, his cowboy smiled, amber eyes blazing with lust. "Oh yeah."

  Dex swallowed hard. There was a promise in his cowboy's eyes that Dex was eager to explore. The light show kicked off, and Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me" pounded through the speakers, making Dex's heart soar. His newest wet dream slowly turned, and Dex moaned, raking his gaze from the top of the black cowboy h
at down to a chiseled jaw, then farther down to a delicious set of abs Dex was dying to run his tongue over. God, he'd never wanted anything so bad. The large silver belt buckle set dangerously below the man's navel called to Dex, but not nearly as much as the sight of the exposed skin of his cowboy's hips.

  Dex ran his tongue over his bottom lip before he raised his eyes. "You gonna give me a show, cowboy?"

  His cowboy stepped off the stage and sauntered over, then stopped between Dex's knees. He straddled Dex's lap before slipping his fingers into Dex's hair to grab fistfuls of it. He tugged Dex's head back, exposing his neck, making Dex groan and his cock strain against his dress pants.

  "Baby, I'm gonna give you a show you won't soon forget." His voice was almost a whisper, his lips hovering over Dex's.

  Just when Dex thought he was going to be kissed, his cowboy licked a trail from under Dex's chin to over his lips.

  He inhaled sharply. "Fuck."

  "That comes later," his cowboy promised.

  Dex grabbed his cowboy's hips and thrust his own hips up. His cowboy released a porn-worthy moan at the feel of Dex's hard erection, and Dex slipped his hands inside his cowboy's jeans to grip his ass tight. He leaned in, murmuring seductively, "You gonna ride me, cowboy?"

  He received a sinful smirk before his cowboy got up and stepped back onto the stage. The quirk of those wide, full lips and the knowledge Dex was going to get ridden hard had him all but vibrating with anticipation.

  And then Sloane started to move.

  Sloane wasn't just dancing for him. He'd created an entire sexual fantasy, learned a whole routine, just for Dex. Had this been planned all along, or was it a last-minute decision? Either way, Dex didn't care. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. Holy fuck. He'd never seen Sloane dance like that. Hell, he didn't even know Sloane could move like that. There was a sleek, smooth transition from one step to another, and he dropped to his knees and got up with ease. He took off his hat to reveal a sexy haircut, short on the sides and back, longer on top.

  "You cut your hair," Dex said before he caught himself. He was such a dork. Here his boyfriend had created an elaborate fantasy, and he was getting dopey over Sloane's haircut.

  Sloane winked at him before tossing his hat at Dex, who snatched it out of the air, then flipped it onto his head. He stood, smirking when Sloane crooked his finger and summoned him over. Dex happily obliged, taking Sloane's hand and stepping up onstage with him. Sloane jerked Dex up against him, his leg sliding in between Dex's. Their bodies were pressed together as Sloane started to move again. Dex wrapped his arms around Sloane's neck, smiling when Sloane lowered his head, their brows pressed together, meeting Dex's gaze. Man, he loved dancing with his sexy partner. Sloane wrapped one arm around Dex's waist, the other reaching for Dex's shirt tucked into his pants. The look of want in his eyes was going to make Dex melt.