Read Guy Mannering; or, The Astrologer — Complete Page 42

  CHAPTER VI You are one of those that will not serve God if the devil bids you. Because we come to do you service, you think we are ruffians.


  When Glossin returned home he found, among other letters and papers sentto him, one of considerable importance. It was signed by Mr. Protocol, anattorney in Edinburgh, and, addressing him as the agent for GodfreyBertram, Esq., late of Ellangowan, and his representatives, acquaintedhim with the sudden death of Mrs. Margaret Bertram of Singleside,requesting him to inform his clients thereof, in case they should judgeit proper to have any person present for their interest at opening therepositories of the deceased. Mr. Glossin perceived at once that theletter-writer was unacquainted with the breach which had taken placebetween him and his late patron. The estate of the deceased lady shouldby rights, as he well knew, descend to Lucy Bertram; but it was athousand to one that the caprice of the old lady might have altered itsdestination. After running over contingencies and probabilities in hisfertile mind, to ascertain what sort of personal advantage might accrueto him from this incident, he could not perceive any mode of availinghimself of it, except in so far as it might go to assist his plan ofrecovering, or rather creating, a character, the want of which he hadalready experienced, and was likely to feel yet more deeply. 'I mustplace myself,' he thought, 'on strong ground, that, if anything goeswrong with Dirk Hatteraick's project, I may have prepossessions in myfavour at least.' Besides, to do Glossin justice, bad as he was, he mightfeel some desire to compensate to Miss Bertram in a small degree, and ina case in which his own interest did not interfere with hers, theinfinite mischief which he had occasioned to her family. He thereforeresolved early the next morning to ride over to Woodbourne.

  It was not without hesitation that he took this step, having the naturalreluctance to face Colonel Mannering which fraud and villainy have toencounter honour and probity. But he had great confidence in his ownsavoir faire. His talents were naturally acute, and by no means confinedto the line of his profession. He had at different times resided a gooddeal in England, and his address was free both from country rusticity andprofessional pedantry; so that he had considerable powers both of addressand persuasion, joined to an unshaken effrontery, which he affected todisguise under plainness of manner. Confident, therefore, in himself, heappeared at Woodbourne about ten in the morning, and was admitted as agentleman come to wait upon Miss Bertram.

  He did not announce himself until he was at the door of thebreakfast-parlour, when the servant, by his desire, said aloud--'Mr.Glossin, to wait upon Miss Bertram.' Lucy, remembering the last scene ofher father's existence, turned as pale as death, and had well-nigh fallenfrom her chair. Julia Mannering flew to her assistance, and they left theroom together. There remained Colonel Mannering, Charles Hazlewood, withhis arm in a sling, and the Dominie, whose gaunt visage and wall-eyesassumed a most hostile aspect on recognising Glossin.

  That honest gentleman, though somewhat abashed by the effect of his firstintroduction, advanced with confidence, and hoped he did not intrude uponthe ladies. Colonel Mannering, in a very upright and stately manner,observed, that he did not know to what he was to impute the honour of avisit from Mr. Glossin.

  'Hem! hem! I took the liberty to wait upon Miss Bertram, ColonelMannering, on account of a matter of business.'

  'If it can be communicated to Mr. Mac-Morlan, her agent, sir, I believeit will be more agreeable to Miss Bertram.'

  'I beg pardon, Colonel Mannering,' said Glossin, making a wretchedattempt at an easy demeanour; 'you are a man of the world; there are somecases in which it is most prudent for all parties to treat withprincipals.'

  'Then,' replied Mannering, with a repulsive air, 'if Mr. Glossin willtake the trouble to state his object in a letter, I will answer that MissBertram pays proper attention to it.'

  'Certainly,' stammered Glossin; 'but there are cases in which a viva voceconference--Hem! I perceive--I know--Colonel Mannering has adopted someprejudices which may make my visit appear intrusive; but I submit to hisgood sense, whether he ought to exclude me from a hearing without knowingthe purpose of my visit, or of how much consequence it may be to theyoung lady whom he honours with his protection.'

  'Certainly, sir, I have not the least intention to do so,' replied theColonel. 'I will learn Miss Bertram's pleasure on the subject, andacquaint Mr. Glossin, if he can spare time to wait for her answer.' Sosaying, he left the room.

  Glossin had still remained standing in the midst of the apartment.Colonel Mannering had made not the slightest motion to invite him to sit,and indeed had remained standing himself during their short interview.When he left the room, however, Glossin seized upon a chair, and threwhimself into it with an air between embarrassment and effrontery. He feltthe silence of his companions disconcerting and oppressive, and resolvedto interrupt it.

  'A fine day, Mr. Sampson.'

  The Dominie answered with something between an acquiescent grunt and anindignant groan.

  'You never come down to see your old acquaintance on the Ellangowanproperty, Mr. Sampson. You would find most of the old stagers stillstationary there. I have too much respect for the late family to disturbold residenters, even under pretence of improvement. Besides, it's not myway, I don't like it; I believe, Mr. Sampson, Scripture particularlycondemns those who oppress the poor, and remove landmarks.'

  'Or who devour the substance of orphans,' subjoined the Dominie.'Anathema, Maranatha!' So saying, he rose, shouldered the folio which hehad been perusing, faced to the right about, and marched out of the roomwith the strides of a grenadier.

  Mr. Glossin, no way disconcerted, or at least feeling it necessary not toappear so, turned to young Hazlewood, who was apparently busy with thenewspaper.--' Any news, sir?' Hazlewood raised his eyes, looked at him,and pushed the paper towards him, as if to a stranger in a coffee-house,then rose, and was about to leave the room. 'I beg pardon, Mr. Hazlewood,but I can't help wishing you joy of getting so easily over that infernalaccident.' This was answered by a sort of inclination of the head, asslight and stiff as could well be imagined. Yet it encouraged our man oflaw to proceed.--' I can promise you, Mr. Hazlewood, few people havetaken the interest in that matter which I have done, both for the sake ofthe country and on account of my particular respect for your family,which has so high a stake in it; indeed, so very high a stake that, asMr. Featherhead is 'turning old now, and as there's a talk, since hislast stroke, of his taking the Chiltern Hundreds, it might be worth yourwhile to look about you. I speak as a friend, Mr. Hazlewood, and as onewho understands the roll; and if in going over it together--'

  'I beg pardon, sir, but I have no views in which your assistance could beuseful.'

  'O, very well, perhaps you are right; it's quite time enough, and I loveto see a young gentleman cautious. But I was talking of your wound. Ithink I have got a clue to that business--I think I have, and if I don'tbring the fellow to condign punishment--!'

  'I beg your pardon, sir, once more; but your zeal outruns my wishes. Ihave every reason to think the wound was accidental; certainly it was notpremeditated. Against ingratitude and premeditated treachery, should youfind any one guilty of them, my resentment will be as warm as your own.'This was Hazlewood's answer.

  'Another rebuff,' thought Glossin; 'I must try him upon the other tack.''Right, sir; very nobly said! I would have no more mercy on an ungratefulman than I would on a woodcock. And now we talk of sport (this was a sortof diverting of the conversation which Glossin had learned from hisformer patron), I see you often carry a gun, and I hope you will be soonable to take the field again. I observe you confine yourself always toyour own side of the Hazleshaws burn. I hope, my dear sir, you will makeno scruple of following your game to the Ellangowan bank; I believe it israther the best exposure of the two for woodcocks, although both arecapital.'

  As this offer only excited a cold and constrained bow, Glossin wasobliged to remain silent, and was presently afterwards somewhat relievedby the entrance of Colonel Manneri

  'I have detained you some time, I fear, sir,' said he, addressingGlossin; 'I wished to prevail upon Miss Bertram to see you, as, in myopinion, her objections ought to give way to the necessity of hearing inher own person what is stated to be of importance that she should know.But I find that circumstances of recent occurrence, and not easily to beforgotten, have rendered her so utterly repugnant to a personal interviewwith Mr. Glossin that it would be cruelty to insist upon it; and she hasdeputed me to receive his commands, or proposal, or, in short, whateverhe may wish to say to her.'

  'Hem, hem! I am sorry, sir--I am very sorry, Colonel Mannering, that MissBertram should suppose--that any prejudice, in short--or idea thatanything on my part--'

  'Sir,' said the inflexible Colonel, 'where no accusation is made, excusesor explanations are unnecessary. Have you any objection to communicate tome, as Miss Bertram's temporary guardian, the circumstances which youconceive to interest her?'

  'None, Colonel Mannering; she could not choose a more respectable friend,or one with whom I, in particular, would more anxiously wish tocommunicate frankly.'

  'Have the goodness to speak to the point, sir, if you please.'

  'Why, sir, it is not so easy all at once--but Mr. Hazlewood need notleave the room,--I mean so well to Miss Bertram that I could wish thewhole world to hear my part of the conference.'

  'My friend Mr. Charles Hazlewood will not probably be anxious, Mr.Glossin, to listen to what cannot concern him. And now, when he has leftus alone, let me pray you to be short and explicit in what you have tosay. I am a soldier, sir, somewhat impatient of forms and introductions.'So saying, he drew himself up in his chair and waited for Mr. Glossin'scommunication.

  'Be pleased to look at that letter,' said Glossin, putting Protocol'sepistle into Mannering's hand, as the shortest way of stating hisbusiness.

  The Colonel read it and returned it, after pencilling the name of thewriter in his memorandum-book. 'This, sir, does not seem to require muchdiscussion. I will see that Miss Bertram's interest is attended to.'

  'But, sir,--but, Colonel Mannering,' added Glossin, 'there is anothermatter which no one can explain but myself. This lady--this Mrs. MargaretBertram, to my certain knowledge, made a general settlement of heraffairs in Miss Lucy Bertram's favour while she lived with my old friendMr. Bertram at Ellangowan. The Dominie--that was the name by which mydeceased friend always called that very respectable man Mr. Sampson--heand I witnessed the deed. And she had full power at that time to makesuch a settlement, for she was in fee of the estate of Singleside eventhen, although it was life rented by an elder sister. It was a whimsicalsettlement of old Singleside's, sir; he pitted the two cats his daughtersagainst each other, ha, ha, ha!'

  'Well, sir,' said Mannering, without the slightest smile of sympathy,'but to the purpose. You say that this lady had power to settle herestate on Miss Bertram, and that she did so?'

  'Even so, Colonel,' replied Glossin. 'I think I should understand thelaw, I have followed it for many years; and, though I have given it up toretire upon a handsome competence, I did not throw away that knowledgewhich is pronounced better than house and land, and which I take to bethe knowledge of the law, since, as our common rhyme has it, 'Tis most excellent, To win the land that's gone and spent.No, no, I love the smack of the whip: I have a little, a very little lawyet, at the service of my friends.'

  Glossin ran on in this manner, thinking he had made a favourableimpression on Mannering. The Colonel, indeed, reflected that this mightbe a most important crisis for Miss Bertram's interest, and resolved thathis strong inclination to throw Glossin out at window or at door shouldnot interfere with it. He put a strong curb on his temper, and resolvedto listen with patience at least, if without complacency. He thereforelet Mr. Glossin get to the end of his self-congratulations, and thenasked him if he knew where the deed was.

  'I know--that is, I think--I believe I can recover it. In such casescustodiers have sometimes made a charge.'

  'We won't differ as to that, sir,' said the Colonel, taking out hispocket-book.

  'But, my dear sir, you take me so very short. I said SOME PERSONS MIGHTmake such a claim, I mean for payment of the expenses of the deed,trouble in the affair, etc. But I, for my own part, only wish MissBertram and her friends to be satisfied that I am acting towards her withhonour. There's the paper, sir! It would have been a satisfaction to meto have delivered it into Miss Bertram's own hands, and to have wishedher joy of the prospects which it opens. But, since her prejudices on thesubject are invincible, it only remains for me to transmit her my bestwishes through you, Colonel Mannering, and to express that I shallwillingly give my testimony in support of that deed when I shall becalled upon. I have the honour to wish you a good morning, sir.'

  This parting speech was so well got up, and had so much the tone ofconscious integrity unjustly suspected, that even Colonel Mannering wasstaggered in his bad opinion. He followed him two or three steps, andtook leave of him with more politeness (though still cold and formal)than he had paid during his visit. Glossin left the house half pleasedwith the impression he had made, half mortified by the stern caution andproud reluctance with which he had been received. 'Colonel Manneringmight have had more politeness,' he said to himself. 'It is not every manthat can bring a good chance of 400 Pounds a year to a penniless girl.Singleside must be up to 400 Pounds a year now; there's Reilageganbeg,Gillifidget, Loverless, Liealone, and the Spinster's Knowe--good 400Pounds a year. Some people might have made their own of it in my place;and yet, to own the truth, after much consideration, I don't see how thatis possible.'

  Glossin was no sooner mounted and gone than the Colonel despatched agroom for Mr. Mac-Morlan, and, putting the deed into his hand, requestedto know if it was likely to be available to his friend Lucy Bertram.Mac-Morlan perused it with eyes that sparkled with delight, snapped hisfingers repeatedly, and at length exclaimed, 'Available! it's as tight asa glove; naebody could make better wark than Glossin, when he didna letdown a steek on purpose. But (his countenance falling) the auld b---,that I should say so, might alter at pleasure!'

  'Ah! And how shall we know whether she has done so?'

  'Somebody must attend on Miss Bertram's part when the repositories of thedeceased are opened.'

  'Can you go?' said the Colonel.

  'I fear I cannot,' replied Mac-Morlan; 'I must attend a jury trial beforeour court.'

  'Then I will go myself,' said the Colonel; 'I'll set out to-morrow.Sampson shall go with me; he is witness to this settlement. But I shallwant a legal adviser.'

  'The gentleman that was lately sheriff of this county is high inreputation as a barrister; I will give you a card of introduction tohim.'

  'What I like about you, Mr. Mac-Morlan,' said the Colonel, 'is that youalways come straight to the point. Let me have it instantly. Shall wetell Miss Lucy her chance of becoming an heiress?'

  'Surely, because you must have some powers from her, which I willinstantly draw out. Besides, I will be caution for her prudence, and thatshe will consider it only in the light of a chance.'

  Mac-Morlan judged well. It could not be discerned from Miss Bertram'smanner that she founded exulting hopes upon the prospect thusunexpectedly opening before her. She did, indeed, in the course of theevening ask Mr. Mac-Morlan, as if by accident, what might be the annualincome of the Hazlewood property; but shall we therefore aver for certainthat she was considering whether an heiress of four hundred a year mightbe a suitable match for the young Laird?