Read Guy Mannering; or, The Astrologer — Complete Page 73

  NOTE 3, p. 213

  The author may here remark that the character of Dandie Dinmont was drawnfrom no individual. A dozen, at least, of stout Liddesdale yeomen withwhom he has been acquainted, and whose hospitality he has shared in hisrambles through that wild country, at a time when it was totallyinaccessible save in the manner described in the text, might lay claim tobe the prototype of the rough, but faithful, hospitable, and generousfarmer. But one circumstance occasioned the name to be fixed upon a mostrespectable individual of this class, now no more. Mr. James Davidson ofHindlee, a tenant of Lord Douglas, besides the points of blunt honesty,personal strength, and hardihood designed to be expressed in thecharacter of Dandie Dinmont, had the humour of naming a celebrated raceof terriers which he possessed by the generic names of Mustard and Pepper(according as their colour was yellow or greyish-black), without anyother individual distinction except as according to the nomenclature inthe text. Mr. Davidson resided at Hindlee, a wild farm on the very edgeof the Teviotdale mountains, and bordering close on Liddesdale, where therivers and brooks divide as they take their course to the Eastern andWestern seas. His passion for the chase in all its forms, but especiallyfor fox-hunting, as followed in the fashion described in chapter xxv, inconducting which he was skilful beyond most men in the South Highlands,was the distinguishing point in his character.

  When the tale on which these comments are written became rather popular,the name of Dandie Dinmont was generally given to him, which Mr. Davidsonreceived with great good-humour, only saying, while he distinguished theauthor by the name applied to him in the country, where his own is socommon--'that the Sheriff had not written about him mair than about otherfolk, but only about his dogs.' An English lady of high rank and fashion,being desirous to possess a brace of the celebrated Mustard and Pepperterriers, expressed her wishes in a letter which was literally addressedto Dandie Dinmont, under which very general direction it reached Mr.Davidson, who was justly proud of the application, and failed not tocomply with a request which did him and his favourite attendants so muchhonour.

  I trust I shall not be considered as offending the memory of a kind andworthy man, if I mention a little trait of character which occurred inMr. Davidson's last illness. I use the words of the excellent clergymanwho attended him, who gave the account to a reverend gentleman of thesame persuasion:--

  'I read to Mr. Davidson the very suitable and interesting truths youaddressed to him. He listened to them with great seriousness, and hasuniformly displayed a deep concern about his soul's salvation. He died onthe first Sabbath of the year (1820); an apoplectic stroke deprived himin an instant of all sensation, but happily his brother was at hisbedside, for he had detained him from the meeting-house that day to benear him, although he felt himself not much worse than usual. So you havegot the last little Mustard that the hand of Dandie Dinmont bestowed.

  'His ruling passion was strong even on the eve of death. Mr. Baillie'sfox-hounds had started a fox opposite to his window a few weeks ago, andas soon as he heard the sound of the dogs his eyes glistened; he insistedon getting out of bed, and with much difficulty got to the window andthere enjoyed the fun, as he called it. When I came down to ask for him,he said, "he had seen Reynard, but had not seen his death. If it had beenthe will of Providence," he added, "I would have liked to have been afterhim; but I am glad that I got to the window, and am thankful for what Isaw, for it has done me a great deal of good." Notwithstanding theseeccentricities (adds the sensible and liberal clergyman), I sincerelyhope and believe he has gone to a better world, and better company andenjoyments.'

  If some part of this little narrative may excite a smile, it is one whichis consistent with the most perfect respect for the simple-minded invalidand his kind and judicious religious instructor, who, we hope, will notbe displeased with our giving, we trust, a correct edition of an anecdotewhich has been pretty generally circulated. The race of Pepper andMustard are in the highest estimation at this day, not only forvermin-killing, but for intelligence and fidelity. Those who, like theauthor, possess a brace of them, consider them as very desirablecompanions.