Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 3


  He found himself outside the premises of Mr. Bones and Sons. On entering he quickly found Mr. Bones. He was a tall man of very slight appearance in fact almost to the point of appearing frail. He sported a drooping military type moustache that wasn’t very well looked after, anyway he as far as he was concerned the ladies had long ago stopped taking any notice of him so he wore it mostly for decoration as he had never been in any of the armed services. Wizzo proceeded to inform him of the whereabouts of all the things he wanted. Mr. Bones showing some considerable surprise, he not having seen this gentleman before and was sure he didn’t know him felt the need to ask.

  “Ow comes ya knows so much about the place, may I ask?” Looking at him with some suspicion because thieves had been coming over and through the old wooden fence and stealing things.

  “A friend of mine told me,” was Wizzo’s casual reply.

  “Did he indeed, and who might this friend be, if ya don’t mind me askin?”

  Wizzo gave him one of his best mesmerizing smiles, Mr. Bones’ heart melted; the suspicion vanished from his mind, as if it had never been there.

  “Well now then Sir, the beds over there you say?”

  A magnificent carved four-poster bed lay almost hidden underneath a large pile of other beds that appeared to have been hastily stacked, Mr. Bones placed his hands on his hips leaned back and critically surveyed the jumbled pile of beds.

  “Take a bit of gettin out this will Sir.”

  “The curtains and the frills Mr. Bones do you have them?”

  “There inside Sir, and in good nick to I might add.”

  “If you sort those out then Mr. Bones, I’ll see to the bed.” Mr. Bones had some doubt about this, seeing as the bed was in amongst and at the bottom of everything else, but then as far as he was concerned if the gentleman wanted to sort it out who was he to argue.

  “Right o Sir, I’ll leave ya to it,” he then hastily disappeared off in the direction of a large antiquated shed.

  Mr. Bones after searching for some time was in the middle of sorting out the curtains and the lace trimmings for the bed, a short time later Wizzo entered the large shed and went up to him.

  “The bed is now free of all encumbrances Mr. Bones.”

  “Ya mean ya got it out Sir?”

  “Of course my good fellow, where there’s a will there’s a way.”

  Mr. Bones who only believed what he could see with his own eyes went over to the barn doors and looked across at the beds.

  He was surprise to see that they had been sorted out, and the bed in question had been neatly put to one side. He came back scratching his head in disbelief and wondered if this fellow was looking for some paid work but then looking at Wizzo decided against asking him.

  “There’s the lace curtains and the frills, and in good nick to I might add.” Said Mr. Bones repeating himself. “Now then Sir would there be anything else you’ll be wanting?”

  “Blankets, linen, feather mattress, and four good pillows Mr. Bones.”

  “We’d best get busy then adn’t we sir,” As he said this he began making his way towards another antiquated looking shed, this one had the doors hanging off its hinges. On entering it, he turned to Wizzo and proudly pointed. “Shan’t have no trouble finding four pillows” he said going over to a great pile of them and after rummaging around for a short time exclaimed. “Er we are Sir, four of the best feather pillows with good clean cases,” he was now looking at Wizzo for some sign of approval, Wizzo made a pretense of inspecting them.

  “They’ll do just fine Mr. Bones.”

  “Linens this way Sir” said Mr. Bones starting to rub his hands together at the thought of a good sale.

  “Irish linen if you have it replied Wizzo in a nonchalant way?”

  ‘Irish indeed!” said Mr. Bones with a noticeable smile on his face, at the same time displaying an air of false arrogance, “only the best for you then Sir?”

  “Indeed Mr. Bones, only the best will do, that’s if the price be not too great?” It took them a little while to find four decent Irish linen sheets as most of them were torn or had holes in them, but then having found four he put them aside. Mr. Bones turned his attention to a huge pile of blankets.

  “Blankets is what were after now Sir,” he carried on as though not having heard Wizzo’s remark about it not costing too much. “Er we are, come to the right place you ave Sir, if I ain’t got it then nobody as. I got some real nice ones, an I’ll guaranty you won’t find no better, no Sir indeed ya won’t, pure wool they are,” Then all too quickly he grabbed one and held it up as an example. “Ow many ya wont Sir,” It was then that he noticed a rather large hole right in the center of it, “eeeree! Not that one Sir” he said throwing it back down only to begin franticly searching for better ones.

  “Four will do, Mr. Bones.”

  “Ya sure fours enough Sir, its middle of winter?” said Mr. Bones looking at him with a marked look of concerned hoping that this gentleman might purchase a few more.

  “Four will do, that’s if they’re good ones Mr. Bones,” Wizzo now making a point of taking over this situation, and making sure that they were doubles with no holes in them.

  “Four it is then, ya knows best Sir.” He sorted out the good ones from the bad and then with a false sense of pride proclaimed. “There ya go Sir, four gooduns.”

  Wizzo made a great effort to inspect them properly, he knew by listening to the thoughts of this man that he would be charged a great deal if Mr. bones ever suspected him of being to kind a man or a rich one, so taking charge he directed Mr. Bones to stack them with the rest of his goods over by the big double doors and accompanied him there to see that it was done correctly. As soon as this was accomplished Wizzo gave him a further order.

  “Now we need a cot Mr. Bones.”

  “A cot?”

  “That’s correct, a cot, a good sturdy one, I think you will find one over there, behind that wardrobe and the other furniture.”

  Mr. Bones, making his way over and though the maze of furniture, climbing over everything like a scurrying rat, finally came to the wardrobe, on looking behind it he exclaimed.

  “Blimey! Owed you know that was there, I didn’t even know me self.”

  “I have a good friend who sees everything and misses nothing.”

  Mr. Bones was now perched on top of the wardrobe scratching what was left of his long thin straggly hair.

  “I’ll say you ave, mind you, I dun ‘no ow were a going to get it out, for the life of me I don’t, it aint one of those that comes apart.” Wizzo looking over at him with that mesmerizing smile back on his face stated that he needed a mattress, pillows blankets and linen for the cot.

  “If you could sort that out, Mr. Bones, the cot you can leave to me.”

  “Suits me fine,” said Mr. Bones. He knew that it would take some time and a lot of hard work to get that cot out of there, and he wasn’t looking forward to it, anyway if the old fellow saw a way of doing it, so be it. He made off as fast as his skinny legs and the maze of furniture would allow him.

  Mr. Bones hands were now being rubbed together franticly in anticipation of a good day, and may be, enough left over for a few jugs of ale.

  He had three faults within himself. The first was that he just had to buy anything and everything that came along. The second was that he liked his ale which he used as an excuse to get away from the misses, whom he loved dearly but she happened to be a trifle over bearing at times, or be it most of the time due to her condition. The third was that if he could take advantage of someone of a good and kind nature he would go out of his way to do so.

  After a short time he called out to Wizzo.

  “Ow ya doin wiv the cot govner?”

  “Extremely well Mr. Bones, how are we progressing with those bits and pieces?” Wizzo was now standing behind him, this startled Mr. Bones who turned quickly and at the same time managed to have a smile on his face.

  “You gave up on that co
t real quick then?”

  “It’s by the door over there Mr. Bones.”

  Looking around Wizzo and over to the door that led to the yard, his jaw dropped.

  “Owed ya do that then!” he looked at Wizzo in amazement “you’re an old geezer; ya couldn’t ave done it on ya own;” Wizzo stood to his full height.

  “As I said before Mr. Bones.”

  “I knows,” said Mr. Bones “Where there’s a will there’s a way sir.”

  Mr. Bones was now looking at him again, there was suspicion written all over his face, Wizzo’s realized that his first and second mesmerisation was now wearing of so he found it necessary to repeat the smile, this had the effect of sending another warm glow right through Mr. Bones and turned him back into a submissive pussy cat,

  “Now then” said Wizzo, if we can get these few things sorted out for the cot there’s more that I shall need.”

  Blimey, es a gooden this one, wants more stuff, thought Mr. Bones his hands now rubbing together in a miserly manner, and his thoughts turning to jugs of ale, lots of them.

  “Shan’t be a jiffy we’ll avum sorted in no time at all Sir,” at this Mr. Bones went scuttling about in all directions but after a short while called out.

  “It seems we aint got no mattress small enough, ow’ about a couple of pillows, might do the job, what do ya think Sir?”

  “They will have to do, ---- best make it four, --- in case of accidents Mr. Bones.”

  “Good idea Sir;” Mr. Bones rushed back to the heap of pillows and tossed four more onto the pile that was now growing larger by the minuet.

  “There ya go, four gooduns and ere’s a couple of good blankets to keep the little one warm, an over ere we ave some fine Irish linen sheets, fit for a king, they are, if I might be so bold in saying Sir.”

  “Indeed they are Mr. Bones”

  At that moment a door opened at the far end of the shed and a very loud voice called out.

  “Mr. Bones!”

  “Good ev’ens, ere comes the misses;” he exclaimed as he looked round feverishly for a place where he could possibly hide his future supply of ale monies, but it was too late, an extremely large woman came into view. With her hands on her hips, she made an imposing figure.

  “We got a customer ave we?” Mr. Bones

  “Yes dear, it’s all right, I’ll see too im, no need for ya to bover your little self, e just wants a few fings that’s all.”

  “Few fings my arse, came the curt reply, I been watching ya from the window” turning to Wizzo she asked.

  “Is e looking after ya Sir, in a proper manner I mean?”

  “Indeed he is madam, in a most proper manner, but we have reached a point where we may indeed be in need of your expertise dear lady and Mr. Bones was about to call on your services, so may we trouble you for a moment or two?” Wizzo had spoken to her in a very grand manor.

  “Corse Sir that’s what I’m ere for” she said looking sideways at Mr. Bones in disbelief.

  “Well we seem to have everything sorted out madam except some items of ladies clothing,” Wizzo said this with a large smile knowing that Mrs. Bones was even keener at making a profit than her husband. Mr. Bones who was by now not looking to well, the jugs of ale were slowly disappearing from his sight; disaster had struck, so he thought to make his escape.

  “I’ll go itch up the or’s to the cart me dear, and start loading up if ya can manage here.”

  “On your way then Mr. Bones, I’ll see to this kind gentleman, now Sir what’ll it be?” she all the time looking him over, trying to make up her mind as to whether he was rich or poor.

  “I am in need of;” Wizzo stroked his beard in a thoughtful way. “Shall we say, three skirts and blouses, if you would be so kind----- good ones that is Madam.”

  Mrs. Bones now rubbing her hands together for she could see the amount of bedding and the cot that lay in a pile near the door.

  “What size is the lady Sir?” Wizzo thought for a moment.

  “In girth” Wizzo stroked his beard, -----“Mr. Bone’s size I would think, but not as tall, -----shoulder height possibly, ---- yes I think that would do quite well.”

  Her mouth opened and out came a huge voice, one that matched the size of her so ample body.

  “Come back ere Mr. Bones, you’re needed, and make no mistake about it, right now I say Mr. Bones!”

  After a second or two Mr. Bones put his heard round the door and in a meek voice said.

  “What’s up my little dumpling,” a muffled voice answered him.

  “Come ere Mr. Bones!” She had called out from inside a large wooden crate that she was now half inside. She was making a great effort to sort through what seemed to be a vast number of skirts of all colors shapes and sizes, at last she eased herself out of the box and with a triumphant look on her now glowing red face exclaimed. “Ah this looks about right, come ere you” she said holding the red skirt up to Mr. Bones and waving it at him like a matador would to a bull.

  “I ain’t tryin no skirts on,” he said indignantly, and was now backing away from her.

  “Ya don’t ave to try it on ya duffer, come ere;” he meekly shuffled over to her and she with a great deal of fuss fitted it against him, and then turning to Wizzo with a look of achievement on her rosy red face.

  “0ws that then Sir, we got plenty this size ----- will it do?”

  Wizzo walked around making a great thing of it; the embarrassment on Mr. Bone’s face grew with each passing moment. Wizzo made the most of it, thinking that this was indeed better than any theatre that he had seen for some time, he was enjoying every moment much to the annoyance of Mr. Bones, who was also playing his part admirably. Wizzo scratching his head and stroking his beard took another walk around him just for the fun of it, finally making that all important decision.

  “Yes that will do quite well Mrs. Bones.”

  “Good then, that’s two more to find.” Giving the garment to Wizzo she turned around and again dived into the large wooden crate, after a short while she pulled out another two skirts of the same size, one green one brown, Wizzo inspected these and gave his much appreciated approval.

  “Now then blouses” she said this more to herself than anybody else. Turning around she looked for Mr. Bones, “where’s e shot of to now, e’s gone faster than a rat up a drain pipe e as,” she opened her mouth and that huge voice bellowed out again. “Mr. Bones there’ll be no ale money for you if ya don’t get back er real quick.” Wizzo’s didn’t fail to see the fleeting smile that went across her face, “I’m telling ya now, shan’t ask again,” she turned and winked at Wizzo. With a noticeable look of excitement about him, Mr. Bones came running back in

  “Ale money, my little dumpling.” His hands vigorously rubbing together as if agitated with each other.

  “You can move real quick when ya wants to can’t ya, especially when ales mentioned, ya old bugger, come er and try this for size.” He stood obediently in front of his wife as she tried the blouse up against him and waited obediently for Wizzo’s approval.

  “Ow’s that Sir?” this time Mr. Bones was smiling, the promise of ale, a night out with the lads, suited him fine.

  “You are a wonder Mrs. Bones,” said Wizzo. Mr. Bones on hearing those words quickly disappeared.

  “Two more if you please Madam,” they came quickly, they were nice blouses. Two were cream and one white with fine handmade lace round the wrists and neck with pearl buttons down the front.

  “Well that seems to be about all at this time, what do I owe you,” said Wizzo turning on his biggest smile.

  “Well now I’ll ave to go and see Mr. Bones and tally up Sir, shan’t be a jiffy.” She came back a few minutes later.

  “I think you’ll be appy with this Sir; it comes to thirty-two shillins and a few coppers. We’ll forget about the copper Sir seeing as how your such a gentleman and all.” Wizzo looked at her with some pretense of surprise. “That’s wiv the delivery an all sir ----- and that beds got to be wor
th that on its own---- really it as Sir.”

  Pulling out his purse reluctantly, he counted out the correct monies; he sighed, because it was about all he had.

  “That concludes our business, and I thank you for your courteous service madam, and I bid you a good day.”

  “And a very good day to you Sir” she replied.”

  Walking out into the yard he found that the cart had been loaded and was ready to go with Mr. Bones sitting up on it holding the reins

  “Let’s go Mr. Bones;” Wizzo said as he climbed up onto the cart, “I hope your lady keeps her good word regarding the ale.”

  “She will Sir, she aint never broke a promise to me yet” replied the now happy Mr. Bones. As they pulled out of the yard Wizzo turned to him.

  “Head out towards Oakdale Mr. Bones.”

  “Right you are Sir.”

  They had been travelling for about half an hour with not a word spoken between them. Each had for their own reasons, their own thoughts.

  They were now negotiating the narrow Oakdale road. A high stone wall had been running alongside of them for some time, Mr. Bones had noticed the branches of the oak trees that hung over the walls, his thoughts were disturbed when Wizzo nudged him and pointed to a dirt track that led off the road.

  “Turn off here Mr. Bones;” On going through the opening in the high stonewall they entered the old Oak Forest and followed the dirt road up to the Cottage; Wizzo stepped down and opened the gate.

  “If we could just carry it down to the front door I’ll get my man to move it inside.”

  They then proceeded to unload the cart, which didn’t take too long. On completion he accompanied Mr. Bones back to his cart.

  “A good job well done my good fellow.”

  “Thank e kindly Sir, if I can be of service in the future, don’t you forget where we are now.”

  “I will not my good fellow, and I bid you a good day.” With that Mr. Bones turned his cart around and with a flick of the reins went off back through the forest and down the dirt road.

  Wizzo went into the Cottage to see Sophie; he was pleased to see that she was fast asleep; he went back out and momentarily looked at the bedding.

  “Follow me he commanded!” He walked back in and up the staircase, the bedding followed strung out obediently behind him. It was a good job Mr. Bones wasn’t here to see these things, to him it would seem as if he were seeing something out of this world, and would probably have run for his life.

  On reaching the bedroom that he had selected for Sophie, he ordered the bed to assemble itself with its head up against the wall. Next came the mattress, sheets, blankets, pillows, and the cot then sailed in through the door placing itself by the window, three pillows following close behind forming a mattress, sheets then blankets, and the last pillow. Wizzo surveyed it; pleased with what he had done he turned and was about to leave when he all most tripped over the skirts and blouses that he in the midst of his self-praise had forgotten. He scowled at the chest of drawers which was up against the wall at the end of the bed, the top drawer flew open and landed on the floor with a crash, Wizzo felt disgusted with himself. Walking over he picked it up making sure that it wasn’t damaged, he apologized and replaced it. The skirts and blouses flew up from the floor and folding themselves neatly were soon stored away, the drawer’s closing when they felt all was well.

  Wizzo went back down to the scullery to make some gruel for himself and Sophie. He was surprised to see that she was still asleep after all the noise he had made, and the cat was back in her lap, all is well he thought, as he walked past, the cat followed him with her eyes, don’t worry I’ll get something for you to.

  When he had finished, having made a large cauldron of his special gruel so as to last them for some days, he put out two bowls, added a good helping of honey, which melted when coming into contact with the hot gruel. This being like no other gruel that anybody had ever tasted, for it was made of many things other than just gruel, so it was full of goodness. He took the two bowls placing one on the small side table next to Sophie and then leaning over he gently woke her up.

  “It’s time to eat Sophie.” She opened her eyes, blinked a few times, then looked straight down at her bulge,

  “Oh! She’s gone she as,” Sophie looked disappointedly at him “she came back she did”.

  “Came back” He said more puzzled than ever.

  “The Fairy Wizzo, the Fairy. She was so beautiful, so tiny, she flew round for a while, till the cat moved is self, then she come down and went at sleep on me lump, she did,” her voice softened, “I ain’t never seen nuffing the like’s o that,” tears rolled down her cheeks. “When I think of all the bad things I done, an then seeing something so tiny and looking so elpless. I just got to ave this baby, before I weren’t much bothered, thought I was going to die I did, but now I just got to ave it.” Wizzo was now looking at her in the kindest of ways.

  “We shall do all in our power to make sure that all goes well for the little one, and you of course Sophie.”

  “Ya didn’t scare er off did ya?” Sophie looked at him with suspicion in her eyes

  “She wasn’t here when I came in Sophie, and they usually don’t mind me anyway.”

  “Course not. ‘Silly me,” he smiled at her.

  “That’s all right Sophie, there’s a lot of things that you will have to learn and get used to, by the way the cats name is Snowball, he handed her bowl to her. “Now let’s eat shall we.”

  The sun had gone down by now and having finished their meal they were both feeling warm and cozy in front of the fire with Snowball on Sophie’s lap they all fell sound asleep.

  On waking in the morning, he looked around and realized that there were no beds slept in last night, looking over at Sophie, who was breathing easily, he could see that snowball was back on the mantelshelf and the Fairy had returned, she was curled up on Sophie’s bulge.

  He had to find out what this was all about. Had the Fairy adopted her, Fairies did that at times, but it was most unusual, he really couldn’t think of any other reason. If this was the case then Sophie was indeed in safe hands, for he knew that Fairies could give their strength to others in their time of need.

  This applied mostly to the ladies when they sometimes found themselves in a desperate situation. They were at times seemingly able to find such great strength and achieve the almost impossible, this was because a fairy had for one reason or another attached itself to them, he hoped that the Fairy was indeed here for that purpose.

  He got up and went out to the scullery taking the bowls with him that had not been cleared away from the night before. He washed them, filled them with gruel, filled up several glasses with water and made his way back, putting the bowl and the two glasses of water on to the small side table for Sophie, he then went back and fetched his own and then gently woke Sophie up.

  “Careful Sophie you have a visitor,” Sophie followed his gaze and looked down, her face became radiant.

  “She’s back!” Sophie could hardly control herself,” Wizzo was also surprised at how well Sophie looked and noted that some of the colour had come back into her cheeks.

  “You’ll have to get used to it Sophie,” he whispered, Sophie didn’t move. “It’s all right, eat your food, you won’t disturb her”.

  It was in his mind that she must have spun out again and somehow couldn’t find her way back, she must have searched for some time to be so tired, from what he knew of them this was most unusual. Thoughtfully he stroked his beard because he had also noticed that the Fairy was not as bright as she should be.

  “Ya sure, she’ll be all right?” Said Sophie not knowing at that time that she was reading his thoughts

  “Yes I’m sure she’ll be alright Sophie” he now found it necessary to hide his true feelings from her.

  Sophie reached for her bowl. Not really watching what she was doing she knocked over a glass of water, Wizzo sat back and chuckled, he was feeling the exuberance of th
e moment and couldn’t help himself, he put his finger to his lips.

  “Huuuush, you’ll wake her up,” Sophie feeling better pulled a face, half in fear, half in fun

  “Will she be angry?”

  “No Sophie, Fairies don’t get angry and you can’t hurt them either.”

  “Cant urt um?”

  “You could swat her Sophie, but it wouldn’t hurt her, you’d regret it mind. It would feel like a thousand needles sticking in your hand, they tell me that it’s most painful, that’s why snakes cats and other things stay out of their way, they learn at a very early age to stay well clear of Fairies.” Sophie began to eat, looking very thoughtful and then looked up at him.

  “So you can't urt the dear little things then?”

  “No, Wizard, witch or anything can hurt them,” he always said this although he knew that it wasn’t entirely true, it served its purpose at this time, because Sophie looked tremendously relieved.

  “I wouldn’t want to urt er Wizzo,”

  “You won't.” Wizzo looked puzzled.

  “Can you hear somebody humming a tune Sophie?” she listened carefully, and then pointing to the window said.

  “It’s coming from out there,” he went over and on looking out found himself staring down into the eyes of a gnome. He was a funny looking little fellow with a big round bulbous nose, it was larger than normal there again so were his podgy red cheeks. He had a beautiful full grown beard that seemed well combed and looked after, which was a little strange for a Gnome they usually didn’t bother too much about their beards.

  His little brown hat had a small hole in the brim of it so that his left ear could poke through, the other ear being quite visible and of the same large size was poking out from under the brim on the other side, this made him look quite unique.

  He had on a little green jacket; this was pulled in at the waist with a brown leather belt fastened with what looked like a bright shiny gold buckle. That again was a little odd, usually they would spend some time carving their own little designs into their buckles and they would normally be fashioned out of wood. He also looked to be a very clean and tidy Gnome, even to the point of being fastidious; there was also a great deal of pride in his eyes.

  Wizzo when he was very young had wondered about the size of their noses. It wasn’t until he actually saw one smelling a flower that he noticed how much that little bulbous nose quivered with the excitement and the pleasure that it gave them, he understood then why Gnomes worked so hard on their gardens. He also found out much later when he was able to hear and feel the thoughts of others what an extreme pleasure it was for them. When he smelt a rose, all the roses on that tree would smell the same, this was not so for a Gnome, their noses was so sensitive that even roses on the same tree would each have their own individual and entirely different smell.

  This gnome had arrogance and pride and when he looked up at Wizzo, he showed it.

  This startled Wizzo, a Gnome had never, ever looked at him like that. “Sorry!” was all he could think of saying and then smiling he turned and said to Sophie.

  “There’s a gnome out here, a cute arrogant little fellow, it looks like his fixing up the garden.”

  “Can I see im?” Asked Sophie almost pleading with him, Wizzo thought about that for a minute.

  “I’ll carry you.” Going over and picking her up gently so as not to disturb the Fairy he carried her to the window. The gnome, who was now back to his digging stopped, looked up and smiled at her.

  “He smiled at you; --- he didn’t smile at me!” said the dejected Wizzo. Sophie looked at the Gnome for some time.

  “E’s all chubby and lovely ---- and look at is funny at, one ear out and one ear in,” the Gnome bowed to Sophie in a most reverent manor, Sophie laughed; “Es got a big red conk.”

  “What’s a big red conk Sophie?” Wizzo asked. She looked reproachfully at him.

  “His nose silly,” she said teasing him by pocking his nose with her skinny finger that had a dirty nail on the end of it.

  “Oh” - it is big isn’t it - and very sensitive to, they use it for smelling flowers, that’s why they spend all their time on their gardens, they just love smelling flowers, their very life seems to depend on it.” Sophie was looking out at the large derelict garden

  “How can e do all that garden, es only tiny?” Wizzo laughed.

  “You have a good point Sophie but what’s more important is, what’s he doing here?” He looked down at the Fairy who was still asleep on her bulge, “That’s it, he must have come at the request of your Fairy, or if not your Fairy another, I see no other reason why he should be here, but then again why would she want a Gnome. Sophie and Wizzo looked at each other.

  “Don’t look at me, you’re the one oo’s supposed to know all these fing’s.”

  “It gets more mysterious by the minuet Sophie.” The Fairy woke up, yawned, stretched herself and looked up at them both. She looked to see what they were looking at, stood up and waved to the gnome. The Gnomes smile got huge, it stretched from ear to ear, his cheeks got redder, he waved back, jumping up and down full of excitement, after a short while he turned away from them and started working feverishly in the garden. The Fairy went out through the window to join him. Wizzo carried Sophie back to her chair, putting her down he could see that she although happy, was exhausted by it all.

  “Rest is what you need, young lady, all this excitements too much for you, ---- also I think that another spoon of my potion would not go amiss,” he said this with some concern.

  After giving her the potion he sank into his chair, sighed, and closed his eyes thinking that, if he rested so would she, it proved to be right, soon she was fast asleep.

  He sat there thinking that he should go to the manor to consult the great book, maybe now was not the time, too many things were happening, he would just have to wait and be patient.

  He looked over at Sophie. The poor girl hadn’t been in a tub to wash herself for too long, o well he thought the cat and the Fairy didn’t seem to mind, so why should he complain, anyway, she would be strong enough to jump in the tub, maybe tomorrow, or the next day. He then realized that there were no little things around that the ladies used in the course of their daily routine, he would ask her later. He sighed again, it would all be sorted out in good time he thought.

  He could hear in his mind that something was going on in the garden.

  He got up and went over to the window.

  He could see the gnome hard at work and much to the annoyance of the little fellow the Fairy was buzzing around him. Wizzo assumed that he would want to do it his way and no other, this would be his garden, and the men folk of the Fairies would tend it following his instructions this being the normal agreement between Gnomes and Fairies. She must want him to do something very special; she wouldn’t dare to interfere otherwise, deep in thought he unconsciously stroked his beard.

  Gnomes can be cantankerous little fellows ‘when’ interrupted in their work. This Gnome had stopped. He now stood with his hands on his hips, then he wiped his brow with a hanky, gnomes started to sweat when bothered by anybody, the trouble was that thousands of years ago they had been banned from speaking to the Fairies or anybody else for that matter, this was because the fairies could no longer listen to their foul language. Ever since then Gnomes had smiled at everyone and everything, trying in vain to win over the Fairies so that they would return their voices, it looked as though she was asking him to do something for her, he was certainly objecting to it. Gnomes could work hard all day and not break into a sweat; this Fairy would lose this gnome if she wasn’t careful. Wizzo watched with interest, knowing that the gnome would vanish in an instant if he became to perplexed.

  The Gnome took his hat of and scratched his head. It always went this way, first the hands on the hips, then they would start to sweat, off would come the hat followed by a scratch of the head, the Fairy seeing this and sensing that something was wrong flew up and kissed him on the nose, h
e went quite red, or redder than usual. The fairy then left him and came back into the house, hovering over Sophie, the cat knowing that this was not a safe place to be, reluctantly moved to make way for her, she then settling on Sophie’s lump, curled up and went back to sleep.

  Wizzo smiled to himself, he still didn’t know what it was all about. The Fairy had shielded her thoughts and that of the Gnome from him, in fact she showed no interest in him at all, she completely ignored him as if he wasn’t there, he couldn’t understand that either because Fairies had always been his friends.

  He had noticed that on first seeing her she had not been as bright and colorful as most Fairies. He would find out just what was going on in due course. He heard the tiny bell of the timepiece chime, it was time for Sophie to take the potion, he leaned over to wake her, a voice in his head said.

  “Leave her to sleep, it is my task to take care of her and the child!” somewhat surprised he looked down at the Fairy, who was now looking up at him, reluctantly he sat back in his chair.

  “So this is why you are here little one;” he asked, she closed her eyes and didn’t answer.

  “It cannot be the only reason, are you not going to tell me?” She curled up and went back to sleep.

  She’s definitely giving Sophie her energy, he thought, that’s why she sleeps all the time, well at least I know some of it, he was worried though, Sophie being in such a poor condition and carrying a child that would also be in the same condition.

  He knew that when a Fairy took on the task of giving its energy to someone it sometimes meant that they would give too much of themselves, this was one way that a Fairy after giving everything of herself, her mind exhausted, the pure energy gone from her body, she would disappear and never be seen again. He couldn’t let that happen, he would have to watch the Fairy closely to make sure that all was well.

  This complicated matters a little, he now had two or even three to look after if he counted the baby, it was lucky that he knew the signs to look for in regard to Fairies, if she went too far he would have to go to Shealther.

  Shealther was the Queen of the Fairies at the manor and he would have to ask for their assistance, they would come to look after their sister he was sure of it. He knew that it could be difficult as he didn’t know her name, and he also knew that for some reason she wouldn’t give it to him, she would already have done so had she wanted to. One of the laws of Fairies was! That if a name was not given, they would not come! The Queen of a group of Fairies would know the names of all other Fairies and where they came from.

  In the past they had been tricked to many times into leaving the protection of their sisters and had been captured by witches or even worse by Sorcerers, he didn’t like to think about what happened to them, it was to terrible to contemplate.

  He turned his mind to the gnome and went to see if he was still here and had not disappeared. He would have to make sure that the little fellow behaved himself and didn’t give the Fairy any trouble, if he did, a kind word in that little fellows ear should do the trick. He needn’t have worried, the little fellow was out there digging away furiously, Wizzo let out a small sigh of relief and went back and settled himself into his chair.

  It was about two hours later that Sophie woke up.

  “Careful Sophie,” Wizzo whispered. “She’s asleep on your bulge,” Sophie who was still amazed by it all looked at her Fairy and without taking her eyes from her she asked.

  “Why is she er Wizzo?”

  “She’s trying to build up your energy Sophie, ---- to give you more strength as it were.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Sometimes a Fairy will take on that task, in this case I don’t know why! Normally they don’t concern themselves with baby boys; I can only think that you or he must be of great importance to her or somebody else ---- it’s all very strange.

  Sophie looked down at the sleeping Fairy and smiled.

  “Ain’t she beautiful.” -- She sighed and was unable to take her eyes of the Fairy. They both relaxed in their chairs.

  “You’d best have your potion Sophie; we must help her all we can.” Wizzo filled the spoon leaned over and tipped it in; the procedure was followed a second time.

  “That’s for the one you missed, now I’d best go and make us something to eat, what would you like Sophie, have you any fancies?”

  “Some of them grapes would be nice;” she looked at him as if she might be asking too much.

  “Grapes it is then, -- and some bread with plenty of butter on it, cheese and a sliced apple.” Sophie cheekily licked her lips as though in anticipation of what was to come. Wizzo smiled, got up and disappeared into the scullery.

  The rest of the day past uneventfully, the Fairy stayed on Sophie’s lap and seeming quite content. Wizzo looked out of the window every now and again, just to see how the Gnome was getting on, he was progressing nicely, and seemed to have forgotten his problems. Wizzo had to smile to himself, when the Gnome threw a weed up in the air, it would disappear in a puff of smoke, so there was very little barrowing to do. Wizzo watched him with interest for some time. It was normal for a Gnome when first arriving to build themselves a small hut out of anything they could find, it wasn’t anything much because as far as a Gnome was concerned he only had to sleep in it. It was also normal and everybody knew that you don’t try to stop a Gnome when he’s working because he would get very annoyed, also when the sun went down and it became too dark to work as it was doing now, he would throw his tools down, then spend the next half hour muttering to himself in his frustration. Nobody went near him at this time, if they did he would throw things at them, Gnomes were good shots and never missed, so it was not a good idea to go anywhere near them when it was dusk. Although it has to be said that they were for the most part happy little fellows who wouldn’t hurt a fly, and would even take great care when digging not to harm the worms. Other damaging insects they just shooed away. These insects seemed to know that the gnome would only do this the one time, so didn‘t come back for fear of their lives, that’s why some people have a lot of trouble with their gardens and others who happen to have a Gnome don’t.

  He looked over at Sophie. She had eaten everything that he had prepared for her and was now fast asleep. He went over and stood close to her. He did this mainly to see if the Fairy was all right, he was not surprised to see that she had faded even more, he wondered if he should take the risk and leave her there all night without watching over her, he decided not to. He would wake every hour, this way he would be sure that no harm came to her.