Read Gypsy Roots Page 23

around her was definitely more than nothing so Rose decided to call it an adventure and she went to bed.

  The following days went by silently with Corinne recovering slowly and the two of them spending time outdoors: they went to the botanic garden and then to the park and nursery to buy plants. They did things quietly and spent time away from other people waiting for the time to seal Corinne’s wounds. She seemed to enjoy Rose’s presence but was a bit snappy when a male was around them even when that was her husband.

  After about a week Rose started to notice the change for the better and life was almost back to normal in no time.

  ……. .

  As the summer was approaching the temperature climbed higher and higher and during the day it reached easily above 30 degrees Celsius. Rose found herself needing the air conditioner daily. She tried to supplement with natural ventilation by keeping the doors and windows open and she kept the fans on 24/7. To her surprise Rose noticed that some people still went to the beach and lied down there. Rose went to the beach just early in the morning and then she retreated under the shadow of café walls and admired the view from there while sipping her coffee. Just meters away from the beach you could still hear the sound of waves and smell the fresh air. Rose took numerous photos and sent a few of them to her grandma. Rose knew that Letitia would have loved to be here.

  Maybe when I go back home I could take grandma to the Black Sea and spend the next summer there, Rose thought. She had a plan!

  As Rose was enjoying her coffee there she heard familiar voice and when she turned around she met Madeline’s gaze. She was just taking a seat at a table nearby and talking to her companions, two older women. ‘What would you like after this? ’ she was saying.

  They recognized each other almost at the same time but Madeline was faster to talk. ‘Hello stranger. Long time no see! Where have you been? ’ she said aloud and gaily and before Rose was able to reply: ‘Come Rose, do come and join us. I’ll introduce you to Pamela and Anne, ’ she added.

  They talked and sipped more coffee and enjoyed the fresh ocean air and the magnificent view. They were all locals and lived here all their lives and were still mesmerized by the ocean.

  ‘Something is different all the time, ’ Anne said and Pamela nodded in approval. Rose believed them. She could not see herself getting bored with such a view.

  The turquoise colored ocean was in a continuous movement changing the shades of color and the sounds. The ocean was guarded by a sandy beachfront and a row of lush and tropical palms and other native plants. Far into the distance the ocean was melting into the blue sky with the horizon line unrecognizable.

  It felt as if the time had no meaning anymore! Later that day, a few meters away, in a different coffee shop and a different drink in front of her Rose was playing bridge with Madeline and her companions. Madeline was winning again and Pamela, her mother said:

  ‘I am worried about Madeline staying single for so long. I was hoping that she would get married again after she got over her divorce’.

  ‘Nothing to worry Ma, ’ Madeline said laughing.

  ‘I hope so, ’ said the older woman with a deep sigh.

  ‘She seems to be attracted to this James, ’ continued Pamela and Rose’s heart started to beat faster. What’s that supposed to mean?

  ‘He’s a good man, ’ Madeline protested.

  ‘Maybe but is he interested in marriage? ’ Pamela said. Wow, Rose thought, my grandma would ask the same question. Aren’t there supposed to be cultural differences? Or is the women’s business similar everywhere? Rose wanted to know if Madeline was meeting James regularly, you know, if they were an item but she could not bring herself to ask the question. Her answer hinted that way however Rose was doubtful. Could I be wrong, Rose asked herself? Maybe what we had was just sex. Nothing more!

  ‘He might be, ’ Madeline had said enigmatically snapping Rose out of her reverie.

  ‘The sooner the better, you are not getting younger, ’ Pamela said.

  ‘There is always the option of scientific enhancement of natural beauty, ’ Madeline joked but Rose wondered how far would she prepared to go with that.

  ‘Of course, but I’m thinking more in terms of having children, you know? ’ Pamela explained.

  ‘There is always the choice of adoption, ’ Madeline said easily.

  ‘Yes, ’ her mother said hesitantly.

  ‘What are the views in your country about this matter? ’ Anne asked.

  ‘Various, ’ Rose said cautiously. ‘Few people go for arranged marriages these days and more people start to postpone marrying till after finishing a degree. But the majority of girls still get married around the age of 20, ’ Rose said.

  ‘Have you been married? ’ Madeline asked.

  ‘No, ’ Rose said and added ‘If I was married probably I could not afford to leave my husband behind and come to Australia. Or at least the decision would have been more difficult, ’ Rose said.

  There was some silence after this as people were reflecting on the matter and then the subject was dropped and they continued their game. Women are capable of multitasking when absolutely necessary but otherwise they can appreciate a relaxing atmosphere. They left for home after enjoying the sunset!

  Inside Story

  Rose had just arrived home and was trying to decide between a bath and a shower when there was a knock at the door. It was 10:00pm and a bit late for normal visits so she armed herself with the TV remote control and went to open the door. Corinne was standing there dressed up like for going to a meeting and Rose found herself frowning.

  ‘I’m fine, ’ was Corinne’s reply to Rose’s questioning look.

  Rose nodded and Corinne came in. Rose was still wearing her beach clothes, with sand in her thongs and hair and one day ocean smelly clothes. She liked it and she was postponing showering that off. By the way Corinne’s nose moved Rose realized she could smell that too. It was not clear to Rose if she liked it. Corinne can’t be beaten at political correctness.

  ‘I am on my way to the police station, ’ Corinne announced.

  ‘Ah, ’ Rose managed to utter involuntarily then she added hastily: ‘Do you want me to come? ’

  ‘I was hoping that you could, ’ Corinne admitted with a small voice. ‘I decided to report the rape, ’ she said. ‘I am strong enough to put up with the questioning and I’m doing it to prevent this happening to others. It’s kind of getting in the way of my living, ’ she finally admitted with a big sigh.

  ‘That’s a big decision Corinne, ’ Rose said encouragingly. And then trying to be cheerful added: ‘Oky-doky, Let’s go, ’ Rose said and clutched her handbag dropped by the door. Corinne gave Rose an overall look and nodded. Probably Rose passed the minimum attire requirements for presenting in front of an officer. She was wearing a white lace crop top and a body hugging navy stripe skirt with an asymmetrical hemline above the knees.

  They arrived at the police station at a busy time. There were lots of people around and lots of noise. An intoxicated young female was particularly upset and in distress. Nobody seemed to hear her.

  ‘What is she saying? ’ Corinne asked Rose.

  ‘She wants to go to the toilet, ’ Rose said. A police officer heard them and asked Rose if she could help them communicate with the young female as apparently she was there alone.

  ‘I don’t know, ’ Rose said. ‘I’m here to support my friend, ’ and Rose looked and nodded at Corinne.

  ‘I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a bit for that till we process this lot, ’ the officer said. ‘Could take a couple of hours, ’ he added. ‘Would you like some sangers? ’ he politely asked them. Rose looked to Corinne as she had no idea what he was talking about. She smiled seeing Rose’s confusion and said ’sandwiches’. They both declined.

  ‘Great, ’ Rose heard Corinne mumbling to herself.

  ‘We could come back tomorrow, ’ Rose said to her.

  ‘I’m afraid I’ll change my mind
by then, ’ she replied. ‘You better go and help and I’ll wait here, ’ Corinne added.

  As Rose approached the younger woman she was told her name was Antonella. She was very young and very pretty but looked tired and her clothes were releasing a strong odor, a mixture of vomiting, alcohol and tobacco. And maybe something else that Rose didn’t recognize. She looked unsteady on her feet and Rose feared she would collapse soon if not seated. She was bubbling away, releasing her worries, asking questions, repeating herself and not pausing for an answer. A coffee was brought for her and she was taken to an interview room. Rose followed them.

  The room was clean and painted in neutral colors and had only a table and four chairs. Rose suspected that there was a two way mirror somewhere in the wall but she could not locate it.

  The interview lasted about 40 minutes and that included waiting for the typing of the documents and signing them. The officer appeared to be very efficient and well mannered.

  Antonella’s English was limited and she reversed many times to Italian, her native language to explain her story. She was visiting Australia with her boyfriend and they were part of an organized tourist group that was staying at the Star hotel. Earlier today the group spent time visiting the theme parks on the Coast.

  As Antonella was drunk, this being confirmed by a blood alcohol level of 0. 2, and was charged with careless driving her car was impounded. She had to pay a fine and after that she could go