Read H.E.R.O. - Metamorphosis Page 27

We put those items in our belts before leaving. We stayed in costume when we left, since we planned to stay active the rest of the day. Rael wanted to try to get into the hospital, to see some of the mutants currently being held. He thought we'd have a pretty good chance if we were in costume, and showed the temporary H.E.R.O. card.

  Lance agreed, as did I.

  I said, “How about you guys find out where they are being held and head there. I want to check on the teenager from the accident site to see if I can hear her thoughts. Perhaps I can even use my pheromones to help wake her up if something happened to her head, like a concussion or coma.” For now I’ll skip mentioning that I plan to try to dig into her mind to bring her out.…

  Lance said, “That's a great idea. Some positive PR will be a good thing.”

  I replied, “I don't care about the PR, I just want to see if I can help the girl. For a few minutes of my time it's worth checking on.”

  “Point taken. We'll check out the mutant angle and text you the location.”

  “Thanks guys, meet up with you in a few. I'd bring you, Tina, but it's probably smarter not to mix costume and not. Perhaps we'll have to get you a costume soon that isn't made for heroing, but would allow you to accompany us without others asking questions.”

  Tina smiled, “Like wow, thanks for thinking of me! I should get back to my plans for the day now, though; it's already almost five P.M.”

  I said, “Okay, I'll fly you back to your car now.”

  I slid my arm around her waist and drew her close; she hugged me in turn. She leaned in to smell my hair. Damn, they must like my fragrance if they keep digging into me with their noses. The thought made me smile.

  I air stepped up once, then jabbed my other knee into the air, and we shot into the air. It took us a few minutes of fast flying to reach the house and land.

  Tina said, “Thanks again for including me today. Let me know if you have time for me to hang out again, or go for a flight! And please check into the bite thing!”

  I smiled, “Will do. I have to go to school in the morning, and study group in the afternoon; it might be a few days before I can find out much.”

  She kissed me on the cheek. “Thanks. I like your costume. It's almost an offshoot of a workout outfit.”

  I studied myself through her mindview. “You're right. I'll have to try on a bunch of clothes to work out what I can wear over this without showing anything.”

  “The way you've got the two pieces, it should be pretty flexible. Good luck on it, Steph. See you soonish.”

  “You too, Tina.” I made sure she was able to start her car, and then took to the air again.

  I raised my speed to high levels to zoom to Metrocity General Hospital.

  Yes! I’m in a superhero costume, actually flying around the city! The city was an amazing sight from the air. I saw traffic flowing, easily spotted the flashing lights of a police car that had pulled someone over, and the skyscrapers of the city. For the most part, Metrocity was beautiful from the sky. Sometime soon I determined that I would have to check out some of the cooler buildings in town, such as the Tri-Towers skyscraper, the new football stadium, and the Olaread Theater.

  A professional looking photographer snapped photos of me as I slowed and floated to the ground by the entrance. He stepped closer as I walked to the entrance. “Excuse me, Miss?”

  I said, “Yes?”

  “I'm Darian McDermit. I'm a freelance photographer. Can I ask your name, and if it's not private, why you're here?”

  “My name is Psystar. I'm here to see a young lady I brought in early from a traffic accident.” I 'heard' him think to ask more questions if I stayed here. I wasn't in a rush; it would take the boys some time to find out where the mutants would be held, much less drive there. I waited for Darian to ask something next, thankfully he wasn't someone who pre-thought everything, causing that almost annoying echo to me.

  He smiled when I didn't rush away from him. He wasn't used to that. “So you are just here to check on how she's doing?”

  “Not just, if she's not conscious I'll try a few things in my disposal to try to help her.”

  “May I ask what those are?”

  “No, sorry.”

  “Is that your natural hair color?”

  What an odd question ... wait, he means it. He's interested as a photographer. “Yes it is.”

  “I've never seen you before, are you a new H.E.R.O. member?”

  “That's correct.”

  “Would you mind a few close-up shots?”

  “I don't mind. It's not like I won't have some pictures taken of me over time anyway.”

  He took some photos from about five feet away and rapidly moved in an arc around me snapping more. I smiled for the pictures.

  After he finished, I said, “You must have a good camera to take pictures so rapidly.” Then it struck me, I'd unconsciously shifted my position to match how he wanted me to stand. Huh, well, photographers would probably like me as a model. So long as they think about how I should move, I'd just do it.

  He said, “I have to, this is my full time job. My pictures are my livelihood.”

  He pulled out a card and handed it to me. “If you are interested in a photo shoot, some outdoor scene or in front of a special building or site, or if you know you'll be meeting someone special and want some pictures just give me a call.”

  I just realized from his mindview that he wasn't 'just' a photographer. He was also a paparazzi at times. That was why he was waiting by the hospital. For some reason I thought they'd be like hounds, following you around annoying you and getting in the way of your car and such.

  I said, “Thanks for the card, Darian.” I shook his hand, which surprised him a lot, then headed into the hospital.

  My steps slowed as I approached the lobby desk. I'd forgotten the last time I was near the lobby desk at Iron Cross Hospital. Mercy Hospital’s lobby had a different layout, but I nervously looked around at the number of people there. It wasn't overly crowded at the main front entrance rather than the emergency entrance.

  There isn't a line, thank goodness. I asked the receptionist, “Hi, I'm here to see Gina Woorsten. I brought her in earlier today. Her father is Todd Woorsten.”

  She punched the name into her computer. “She's in room 414. You can take the elevator right there to reach it.”

  “Thanks.” I headed toward the elevator. An older man walked up beside me, and surreptitiously looked at me from the side.

  The elevator door opened, a man about my age looked about to depart until he saw me, and then backed up to stand in the back of the elevator. He thought the extra time wasted would be worth it to be this close to a female super.

  I smiled. I guess I'll have to get used to that. I suppose the costume almost instantly makes me a notable figure. I stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor. I looked through the older man’s mindview as he stepped in, glanced at the floor button and just stood off to the side.

  They were quiet on the ride, and just watched me. Just for fun I turned, winked and grinned at the younger man as I left the elevator. The older man stepped out on the same floor; he was here to see his nephew. I ‘heard’ him wonder if superheroes dated and if he could find a way to introduce me to his nephew. I smiled at him and said, "I hope your nephew gets better." Then we changed directions, and I followed the doors to find room 414.

  The door was closed. I heard the mental voices of the mother and father inside. I knocked gently and waited. Todd Woorsten opened the door. His mouth dropped open and he just stared at me. Well, I guess the costume does add an air of mystique. He couldn't believe I stood there, right in front of him.

  I said, “Hello, Mr. Woorsten. I thought I'd check on your daughter.”

  He stammered, “Umm, wow, thanks. Yeah, come in. Honey, Psystar is here, she brought Gina to the hospital. Psystar, this is my wife, Kassie.”

p; I saw that Gina was unconscious, and I didn't hear any mental dream activity as I entered. I stepped over to Kassie and gave her a quick hug. “I'm sorry she isn't doing better.”

  Todd asked, “How did you know?”

  “I can sense her. Do you mind if I ask what the doctors said?”

  “She's unconscious, possibly in a coma. She hit her head on my seat because she wasn't wearing her seat belt. The doctors can't find any bleeding or anything that they can fix without some dangerous surgery.”

  “Would you like me to try to wake her up with my powers?”

  “What would you do?”

  “I can barely explain my powers to others, Mr. Woorsten. All I can say is that I'm willing to try two different things I believe I can do. Neither may work.”

  He looked at his wife and said, “Honey?”

  His wife said, “If you can help her, please do.”

  “All right.” I walked around to the far side of the bed, leaned over the bed so my head was close to hers, and lay my palm against her cheek.

  As when she was in the car, I felt something there, but not a normal mindview or mental voice. Todd came over and held Gina's hand from the other side of the bed. Unfortunately, getting that close made his mindview very large and distracting to me.

  I said, “Todd, this is hard to ask, but proximity to others distracts me from this. Can I ask you to wait at the least on the other side of the room?”

  He said, “Oh, sorry.” He moved to the chair in the far corner, sat down and began wringing his hands together.

  I went back to focusing on Gina's static. I mentally said 'Gina' a few times, trying to send that into her static. I'm certain I can talk to other people mind to mind now. I did it at the accident scene, though that was with a shout.

  There was a momentary mindview that appeared to me. I tried to grab at it, and had a visual of some kind of feelers, or tentacles, grabbing it and pulling it to the forefront before it could fade away. I pulled the mindview up close and decided to try to reach into it with the tentacles. They were able to go through, as if it were a window frame. I felt as though I floated, and pulled myself into the odd place. Everything felt very indistinct. I tried to sharpen the view, and it seemed to clear a bit. The monotone colors gained a slight amount of color.

  I mentally called out to Gina. I sensed, more than heard a response, and flew through her mental 'mindscape' to it. It almost felt like areas of her mind had shut down. I found an area with a group of doors in it. I selected the largest one and attempted to force it open. It resisted my efforts, so I visualized mental tentacles to grab the door and yank it open. It failed to open even then, so I bashed on it and attacked until my tentacles could grab it and rip it off its hinges. What can I say; I’m not the most subtle or patient person.

  Colors, lights, and images filled what seemed to be a vast chamber. I stepped into the room, and images of Gina’s parents, friends, home and school floated around. This had to be her memory center. I spent a moment looking at some memories. They appeared much like videos to me, with a flick of my hand I had the ability to fast forward and rewind them at will, and at the speed I desired. I could even pause a memory to study it. This was fascinating, but wasn't what I was there for. I stepped back into the main chamber.

  Several other doors blocked other exits in this central chamber, I was not sure what they all stood for, but I hoped one was her conscious mind.

  I attacked another door, but it was a strong door. That could make sense if someone hid themselves away in their own mind. I used my tentacles to bash and tear at the door. I was annoyed at being thwarted, and it wouldn’t open. Great banging sounds echoed through the air as my tentacle minions smashed and pulled at it. Finally, the door gave, and I ripped at it. I must have been a little hyped up; I ended up ripping the entire frame off the door. A flood of visions hit me. They didn't make much sense, and reminded me of Lance when he had been dreaming. Visuals and sounds both flowed from it. Creatures like faeries flew out and around the main chamber I was in. The detail was amazing, and the creatures were fantastic. This must have been her subconscious mind. Oops. My bad.

  I attacked the next door, practically flinging it off to the side once it came free. As with the memory door, nothing came out of this one. I stepped just inside and found what I visualized to be pools of something. I put my hand near one, and felt a burst of happiness. This had to be an emotional center. Interesting that it was separated from the other areas.

  I withdrew from the room, and attacked the next door. A flight of butterflies with smiley faces flew to me, around me and continued on their way. I heard a strange melody I'd never heard before. The odd beasties and sounds continued flowing around this area, they appeared to enjoy being free of their door.

  I went back to attacking the door - it resisted being opened. My tentacles came from the air all around me, bashed at it and tried to rip it off its hinges. Then, I stopped the attack. Maybe I’m using too much force. I decided on a more subtle route. The tentacles dissipated, and I walked to the door. I imagined myself to be intangible, and walked through the door.

  It worked. Well, that was dumb, brute force beating down those other doors. I’ve been hanging out with the boys too much. On the other side I found a girl who looked similar, though not exactly like Gina. She said, “Hello.”

  “Hi. I'm Psystar, are you Gina?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “You're in a coma; I'm here to wake you up.”

  “But I can't get out.”

  “How about I lead the way and you hold my hand and come along.”


  I took her hand and moved to the door – it opened from this side. Perhaps she just needed someone to know someone was there for her. We left the room.

  She stopped and looked at the strange sights and sounds flying around the main 'chamber' of her mind. “What are these?”

  “I'm not sure, I think your dreams. Come, you need to wake up.”

  I pulled myself back to the mindview 'entrance' I'd come through, pulling her with me. Once she seemed to reach the area behind the mindview 'screen' the area went from gray and barely defined to full color. It was like her mind became active again.

  I floated back through the mindview so it merely filled my vision and tried to separate myself. The mindview didn’t want to pull back from my visual space. I had to push very hard to yank myself back away.

  I gained a momentary visual of the hospital room, falling, and everything went dark.