Read Half Moon Chronicles: Legacy Page 22

Chapter Twenty-Two: Déjà vu

  IT had all been a hallucination, she thought. A hallucination brought on by stress and lack of sleep. Maybe she needed to say something to Garcia about her cracking up, that she needed help...but another part of her was completely convinced that it hadn’t been a hallucination at all. She wasn’t sure which instinct to trust...but she was absolutely terrified at the thought of Mr. Ford returning for another round.

  But he hadn’t returned the next morning -- or this morning, for that matter -- breaking a pattern that hadn’t changed since the first time he’d visited shortly after she’d started. She was relieved, but some part of her was worried at the change.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the heavy throb of an engine as a large vehicle pulled up -- a giant Ford pickup, maybe. She signed heavily, squared her shoulders and approached the window, preparing to take her customers’ orders and earn her keep, putting on her best professional smile as she unlocked the window. She put her elbows on the counter and leaned forward, consciously arching her back slightly, “Welcome to Coffee Beach! What can I...”

  Her spiel faltered as she found herself face to face with a very astonished Daniel. They experienced another moment of time dilation, the moment stretching, seconds becoming hours. Distantly, she noted how well the uniform suited him, the light blue shirt emphasizing his broad shoulders and muscular upper body, the aviator shades folded into the V of his shirt drawing her eyes. She had a sudden impulse to cover herself with her arms and duck behind the counter, embarrassed he should see her half naked, mugging shamelessly for tips.

  Even as they froze, staring at each other through the little window, an absurd thought flitted through her mind: Don’t move! Maybe he hasn’t seen me!

  “Daniel,” she breathed, shaking off her momentary paralysis, “we have got to stop meeting like this! What brings you here?”

  Daniel smiled uncertainly, torn between checking out Nikki in her tiny yellow bikini and his sense of propriety which suggested he should be staring fixedly at her eyes (so she’ll think I’m a psychotic lunatic instead of a perv, he thought sarcastically). She was still wearing the necklace with the inner loop worn as a choker sporting the circle and triangle pendant, the outer loop supporting St. Jude.

  His eyes jerked up to meet hers as he realized that St. Jude -- at the end of his longer loop -- was pointing straight down into her cleavage, his eyes unthinkingly following the chain. For a brief second, he thought she might duck behind the counter and pretend no one was there. The black lace gauntlets covering the backs of her hands and forearms made her bikini seem more like lingerie than swimwear. He was surprised when his face heated at the realization, memories of their previous meeting intruding into his thoughts.

  He stared at her, almost as surprised and embarrassed as she was, caught between wanting to stare at her in her state of undress while simultaneously sensing her surprised desire to hide.

  From me?, he wondered, she probably stands there all day...but I doubt she’s embarrassed to be seen by other customers.

  He realized she was waiting for him, watching him struggling not to stare at her bikini...or at what her bikini barely covered. He hastily replayed the conversation, hesitantly answering, “Coffee?”

  She blushed, “Right, of course -- coffee. Because this is Coffee Beach. Which serves coffee. And I work here” please God, shut me up, “...obviously.”

  Nicolette was startled when Krishnan leaned forward, smiling. His infectious good cheer bringing an answering smile, “Green tea, small! Two bags!”

  Daniel jerked in surprise when Krishnan spoke; he had momentarily forgotten he wasn’t alone. Krishnan, annoyingly observant as ever, chimed in, “Hey! Do you guys know each other?”

  Daniel nodded blankly, then responded on autopilot as his brain struggled to catch up, “Yeah -- Krish, Krishnan, this is my friend Nicolette. Nikki, this is Krishnan -- he’s my partner. Professionally speaking. As paramedics. Not...” he let the thought trail away.

  Krishnan immediately leaned across Daniel and thrust his hand through the ambulance’s window, forcing Nikki to lean forward to reach him. Daniel's ogling reflex warred with his sense of propriety as she leaned, though clearly Krishnan had no such conflict. They shook briefly as Krishnan grinned at her, his innate boyish charm overcoming what, to Daniel at least, seemed like a blatantly pervy maneuver, “Great to meet you! I wondered why Dan wanted to come to Coffee Beach -- now I know why! Are you guys dating?”

  There was an uncomfortable pause as Nicolette and Daniel studiously avoided each other’s gaze, then responded simultaneously.

  “No, not really--“ “We used to, but--“

  They both stopped, waiting for the other. Krishnan, never one to let awkwardness interfere with his sociability, chuckled and nodded, “Ah, okay. That clarifies things!”

  Daniel, suddenly annoyed at having his partner’s ear practically pressed into his chin, surreptitiously jabbed Krishnan in the ribs with his thumb, eliciting an amused grunt as he withdrew.

  Nicolette paused for a moment, waiting, then finally interjected, “Is there a size to that coffee?”

  Daniel laughed, the cobwebs covering his thoughts finally clearing, “A small decaf.”

  She hesitated as she realized she liked the way he was looking at her despite her embarrassment, his approval sending a wave of warmth washing through her.

  She looks even better than I remembered, he thought, surprised she could top that black cocktail dress.

  He smiled back, then turned to Krishnan, frowning as he realized his partner was unabashedly studying her as she worked. Their eyes briefly met, but Daniel's glare only increased the wattage of Krishnan’s smile, though he did ease off his unabashed study of Nicolette’s back.

  “She’s cute. You said she’s single?”

  Daniel growled, but Krishnan raised his hands in mock surrender to forestall Daniel’s sharp riposte, “Just asking.”

  Daniel looked away, shaking his head, “It’s complicated.”

  Krishnan, still grinning, nodded, “Okay,” though he loaded that one word with cheerful doubt.

  Daniel glared at Krishnan, “And for the record, you were the one that suggested we visit Coffee Beach.”

  Krishnan grinned like a cat that got the cream but didn’t bother to respond to the accusation. Daniel swore under her breath as he turned back to the coffee shack, taking a moment to appreciate how her bikini flattered her hips.

  Jesus, Daniel, he chided himself, you’re almost as bad as Krishnan!

  A moment later, Nikki returned with their drinks, handing them through the window one by one. He glanced at his partner, knowing Krishnan was paying rapt attention to their conversation despite his apparent interest in his green tea.

  “Nikki...” he hesitated, suddenly unsure what he wanted to ask, “what happened?”

  Her smile faded, her countenance becoming serious, “I’m not sure. I remember...” her voice faltered as her eyes flicked to Krishnan then back. Something in her expression suggested that something strange had happened that night. He breathed a sigh of relief when he realized she was worried, perhaps even frightened -- but not obviously accusatory or remonstrative.

  So I probably didn’t vomit on her shoes and climb out the back window. That’s something, at least.

  Daniel nodded, “We should meet up. When’s your shift end?”

  She leaned back to check the wall clock, “About half an hour from now. I have short break, for lunch but I'm doing a double today.”

  “We need to get ole’ Bessie here back to the motor pool, then take care of some paperwork up at BAMM.”


  “Bay Area Mobile Medical. Why don’t we meet after that?”

  Nikki shook her head, “I have to get to Harry's almost straight from here, but I'll have a little time before that...”

  It was Daniel's turn to shake his head, “We go back on shift at four. Just enough time to eat, sleep, and return for another shift.??

  “We’re really understaffed right now! We’re lucky they let us have a break!” Krishnan added, reminding Daniel that they still had an audience.

  “How about tomorrow?”

  She shook her head, “Same schedule as today— and I have other plans after Harry's.”

  He was surprised at the sudden stab of jealousy as he wondered who these plans were with.

  A thoughtful look crossed her face, “You know...Dane is going to a club up in the city tomorrow night -- I think he wanted to check on the competition or maybe check out a band that they liked -- I’m not sure what. Shelly invited me to go with them, but I can’t imagine they’d object if you joined us. We could talk afterward, if you want.”

  “Netflix and chill?”

  They both glared at Krishnan, eliciting a laugh along with his mischievous grin.

  “Nikki -- give me your number so we can work something out.”

  This time it was Nikki’s turn to favor him with a mischievous grin, “It’s already on the cup.”

  Opening Gambit