Read Handy sandy Page 3

dumamals!" sandy "ssaysss whosss?"?



  sheila froze. she began choking as she fell to the ground. everyone jumped up over her. they touched her. neki "you alright sheila?!" len poured water on her. shelia eyes opend up with rage. sheila pushed him away. neki "i got it! neki threw food on her. she sighed in pain. sheila "i have goals, im a goalie, i can't die! I have goals!". she coughed. sandy reached down her pants and searched for something. sheila eyes widen as fear shool through her. sandy pulled out her phone.?



  she looked at her emergency contacts. there was captain planet, oprah, George washington, godzilla and emergency masters. she laughed in confusion. sandy "is she crazy? wait i know that" sandy jumped onto her body. something flew out of shelias mouth. it rolled into the corner. sandy picked it up. it was the head of captain kirk. captain kirk dramatically said "oh no, what happened to me, i... don even know why im me"?


  sandy "shut up u dramatic fool! she threw it out the window. it rolled onto the streets as cars ran it over. captian kirk muttered, "I'm not dead yet! is this... the end? shelia got up. sheila "this isn't the end you hear!" she laughed manically she slammed into the door. sheila held her head. sheila made a little fake laugh as she left. dinky "what just happened?" sandy "i don't know but let's get out of here everyone!"?



  len "i don't know, i need money to support my crack habit" neki "meowsa, i need cat gold to support my mil habit!" sandy yelled with passion, "come on, it's all there free, u have to take a chance to find something better, more! take it all and leave it behind!" everyone looked at another with thought. sandy grabbed a chainsaw and lifted it in the air. everyone held the hands at her. everyone sandy no!" she cut through her cubicle. sandy "im cutting through my past, the lifeless thing that keeps me from being me!"?

  ?neki began to throw papers in the air. neki "yea, screw this place!" len began humping his desk. dinky "no len, that's not. ehh have fun. he ripped off his clothes. he ran to the window screaming "I'm a free man! feel my nakedness! he jumped out the window. everyone yelled, "dinky!" everyone ran to the window in shock. sandy yelled, "you ok dude?!" dinky raised his middle finger up. sandy smiled.?



  ?they rand downstairs towards him. sandy sat next to him. sandy "you will die soon and you are ugly" dinky looked at her in disgrace and pain. dinky "really?! sandy laughed out loud. sandy "no. I'm just showing you that lying can be good. dinky looked at her with a sarcastic serious face. sandy dragged him into his car. dinky went over bumps of grass and rocks. "ahh, watch it!" she lifted him up as he fell down again.?



  len "i'll help. sandy 'no!" she desperately helped him up and slammed him onto the car. he slowly fell down again. dinky "damn it, enough!" len lifted him up and threw him into the backseat. everyone got in as sandy drove away. dinky murmured "were dead!" neki screamed with excitement as she yelled, "lets live on the end! it's the most fun!" len "where are we going?!" sandy "i don't know, let's just drive as far away as we can!"?


  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?chapter five

  they drove for miles and miles, passing monuments and state lines. cloudy landscapes glimmering the dawning skyline reflected through the mirrors. len "is this Mississippi?" neki whispered "i think it is pissipme" len laughed sarcastically. Len "too funny neki". sandy "where is the misses?" len "that's teh name of the state, there is no magical figure" sandy "that makes no sense, it's like an old lady without a diaper or a government without a mentally disabled dictator"?



  neki "guess what? yellow pills are sunsets on Tuesdays! fiery knives are inside the mouth! they looked at her in confusion. len "what are you saying?" neki "what are you saying?! i did it! i took these acid pills for the first time!" len "oh no" their coming! dinky lowly said, spider man tripping out or a five-hundred-foot penguin zombie?" pain rushed threw him. neki "sheila!" sandy "stop it. there's no way they can get us.?



  they heard a cop siren. len "what you say attracts other things connected to it" it began to playing to a beat. it made boos and ohh sounds. sandy stopped the car. their eyes squinted in surprise. a baby voice spoke through an megaphone voice "yo were the cops, you better stop before you get popped, better not hop, watch us flop and plop, you are just a piece of crap and were too so let's do it! oh yea, good people, good people with a unfournate unlucky fate, what you going do when controlling arrogant weirdos come for your balls?!"?



  neki eyes lit up. she started to shake and quiver. she stuttered, its... she sheila and the ancient people of the dark!" she sniffled her tears. hide! she slips down to her seat. sandy "yea they'll never find you there" len "uh guys" neki "not now len!" len "look!" they look to see the sounds were coming from a large tv screen. they coundly believe it. neki "it's still alive!



  dinky "ok who's killing her?! i will!" sandy began driving again. sandy "stop it neki. it never happened" nekis eyes looked up with excitement and hope. sandy "the room effect" len "ahh yes, when you go through a door and forget why you did, you went into another dimension with new thoughts and plans" sandy "so with every state we passed through, we've erased what we did as it's a different dimension" neki "hmm, got it" dinky coughed blood. dinky "I need help!"?



  sandy "oh i know you do. she chuckled. they arrived at an asylum in the middle of a dirt field. it was a tall building with white nad black stone walls with a black gate in front of it. sandy slammed through it. len "sandy! their going to think were crazy!" sandy "ha, what is crazy!? just the notion of it is insane! their the one needing to be locked up" they arrived to the entrance. neki "I'm not getting out!" sandy and len got out and walked torwards the white door.?



  dinky "not this kind of help" neki screamed "open sesame!" dinky "no that doesn't open this kind of door and they can't hear you!" the door opened. dinkys eyes stare at it in shock. neki waved her hands around him. sandy "well that was easy" they walked through the door. they saw empty hallways with white walls. as they walked further in they passed paintings of clowns and demons naked. it spoke "do you mind? we're trying to have sex here!" in a mouse voice.



  sandy looked at len in a weird way. a voice spoke from a room. voice "ohh, ahh, don't come in here or you will have a great life!" sandy "what?" she opened the door. the voices screamed "i like cheese! have you been to Alaska?" its nice this time of year!" sandy and len looked at another in oddity. floating white ghosts came after them. len screamed as he ran out the room. sandy stood at them with no fear you can see.?



  she walked by them and found a projector. she turned it off as the ghosts disappeared. sandy shook her head. sandy "what a joke" a voice spoke. voice "that's the point" little papers that said fear fell onto her. the voice laughed manically" sandy said in a sarcastic tone "oh yes, I'm so scared!" neki "you feel that?" dinky "your fearful insane bouts of belligerent oblivion?" neki "no the car shaking!" dinky "it's not. the car shook.?



  dinkys eyes lit up. a spooky voice spoke. voice "how are you?!" neki jumped up and shrieked. neki "I'm fine!" ?a tape recorder fell through the window. neki screamed and threw it at the window breaking it. As she cried she yelled, I'll fucking blast you away! I am a queen and I am so beautiful!" dinky rolled his eyes. dinky "that's the thing where the voices came out of!" neki "ohh" another voice of an alien spoke. "knock knock!" dinky "well who could that be?" voice "your imagination" haha! kidding. it is I the pizza guy!"?



  neki "we didn't order pizza" dinky "this asylum wouldn't either" there no one here. the pizza guy threw
the pizza in rage. he shouted "i hate this job! i can't stand it! fucking pizza shits! took off his clothes and ran off. neki sat in fear as she shook. neki "what's going on?" dinky "this is very weird" Len was running and running. len "how far does this place go? he turned to see he was on a treadmill with a doorway in front of him. len "damn you!"?



  he saw a door with papers on them. one said, "you'll be safe in here you dead freak" another said "free food, weed and safety!" he went inside. he saw pieces of food everywhere. in paintings and on the table. he picked a apple up and bit into it. he spits it out. len "ahh, its plastic!" a chilling female voice spoke "hehe, what's the difference to you? it's just an impulsive desire to satisfy an unaware instinct!"?



  she came out from the shadows. she had a long white gown with white eyes and long silver hair. chills ran down lens spine as he looked at her eyes. she slowly came towards him. she lit up a cigarette. len slowly reached into his pocket. he pulled out a cd player. he pressed play. vanilla ices song ice ice baby played. the ghost lady screamed. ghost "no! not that song!" she covered her ears as she shook.?



  he said, "communism is good. she screamed. len "trump is a good president" she shook as she disappeared. sandy heard a noise from a music box. she approached it. suddenly a chair arose under her. she fell into it as toy straps wrapped around her. a lady's voice laughed. voice "you'll never get out!" sandy lifted up her hands with ease. the lady's face stood there in disbelief. Lady "no matter. my name is your