Read Happigo Bloodeye Page 5


  Honduras Whitetail looked quite powerful, even lounging idly on the couch. Maybe he didn't have the ridiculous strength of a mummy, but side-by-side he would look by far the superior specimen. Werewolf men were more often than not carved from an alpha-male mold, but seldom to the extent of such tone and masculinity as this half-baked statue, slouching in defiance of the daunting demeanor nature had dispensed in dividend to this single being. Happigo found him rather attractive, but lost interest because of his posture. The same front was very vexing for Lieutenant Lily, in whom the blood of wolves no doubt pumped a little faster at the way the mannerless man made the room his own by virtue of indifference. The territorial attitudes amplified affections by no small degree in the female of the species, and while pheremonal frustrations fell within control, wolves did not object to accusations of what other creatures considered carnal modes of relation. Pride as a portion of their animalistic hindbrain, they wore the label with honor, and even the alluring vampires, for whom the dominance of males had long since been cast off, waved white flags of forfeiture after ineffectually explaining the nature of sexism to their primal counter-race.

  Honduras was asked about the moments after the dinner, and obliged without hesitation.

  "Ms. Venetti said we could make ourselves at home, and excused herself for a drink, heading down the west corridor. I was sitting in the front hall. Mr. Ponent can really cook, so I was looking forward to dessert. I didn't notice anything strange. I saw Ms. Hatterly go down the east corridor. She waved at me. Really shy girl, but cute. Someone worth chasing, if she had a little bit of wolf in her. My sister followed her, mentioning not feeling well again. Corund sat in the dining room. He really doesn't move for much, I guess. Mr. Ponent was working in the kitchen as far as I know."

  Happigo frowned. Nothing too helpful. "You say 'again'? Was your sister not feeling well earlier?"

  "She got sick on the way here. Looked really pale, which is why we were almost late. I ran out to get her some medicine before we came, but I guess it didn't help."

  Lily tried, "You didn't see or hear anything strange? Or smell anything?"

  "I heard a glass break. I couldn't tell from where. I was relaxing in the hall, and the sound was very faint. As you know, my ears and nose are only that good when I'm wearing my other skin. But I thought that was just something from the kitchen, so I didn't worry about it."

  "Did you see anyone go upstairs to the master bedroom?" Happigo asked.

  Honduras nodded. "Mr. Harles. I was out there the whole time, until everyone returned for dessert. Maybe half an hour. Nobody else went up those stairs."

  Happigo sat back in meditation, or at least pretended to. Earlier partying had left her with an annoying migraine. She popped her eye open and said, "Thank you very much. Please have Cadm send in Talatia."

  Honduras stood sloppily. "I will."