Read Hard Core Page 1

  Hard Core

  Dirty Bad Things: Book 1

  Madison Faye


  Hard Core

  Mailing List


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Bonus Fan Story

  Also by Madison Faye

  Pretty Dirty - Sneak Peek

  About the Author


  Sugar & Spice

  Baby It’s Cold

  Mailing List

  Hard Core

  S he’s sweet , pure, and untouched , and she’s about to lose her innocence on camera. To me .

  Trust me, I’m no porn star, even if I do have the equipment of one. But when the Moretti crime family comes calling to collect on a debt I owe, they want it in trade .

  You see, there’s big money in dirty movies, and the more real, the better. Me? I’m already filthy, damaged goods from my time in Afghanistan.

  But then I meet Rose, my “co-star”, and my whole world shatters.

  She owes the Moretti’s too, but she’s too good for all of this. Too sweet, too beautiful - too innocent for this shit. And I’ll be damned if I let them steal that away from her.

  It’s wrong that she’s here, but it’s also wrong that she wants me to “teach her” things. It’s worse that I want to.

  But one taste of her lips, and I’m hooked. One touch of her soft skin, and I know Rose is going to be mine . Not the camera’s. Mine .

  The virgin with the debt, the ex-marine with the dick, and a porno for the mob.

  Welcome to Vegas, baby.

  *P lease note that while a connected storyline, each of the Dirty Bad Things books are completely standalone stories centered around one couple, with no cliffhangers or spoilers.

  D irty , filthy, and oh-so-sweet, with an utterly obsessed alpha hero, explosive insta-love, and enough kindle-melting steam to make you sweat. Get ready to get wrong in the right kind of way. HEA with NO CHEATING!

  C opyright © 2017 Madison Faye

  Cover: White Rabbit Creative

  Photography: Wander Aguiar

  Models: Gio & Jaclyn S.

  A ll rights reserved .

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used for review purposes.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, actual events or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademark status of products referred to in this book and acknowledges that trademarks have been used without permission.

  This book is intended for mature, adult audiences only. It contains extremely sexually explicit and graphic scenes and language which may be considered offensive by some readers. This book is strictly intended for those over the age of 18.

  All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older. All acts of a sexual nature are completely consensual.

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  H er moan fills my mouth , and when I swallow it down, my whole body comes alive. Blood roars through my veins — thundering in my ears and making my cock throb hard as stone against her small body. She trembles when she feels it, and I can damn well feel the shiver of heat that ripples through her body.

  There's a beast inside of me, and a war that wages with it. One part of me — the animal part — wants to tear away the flimsy lingerie she wears and feast on her body. I want to devour her innocence, and make her scream in ways no man ever has. I want to bury my cock so far inside of her that I imprint the feel of me on her soul — so deep that she never forgets this. I want to feel that tight, untouched little cunt grip my cock so tight as I claim her all for myself.

  Rose. My Rose.

  I've tasted her. I've made her come , something no man besides me has ever done. I've felt that sweet little mouth wrapped so tight around my cock as she begs me for my cum.

  But never this — never what's about to happen.

  My hands move over her skin, and I circle my arms around her, pulling her into and against me. She melts her small body against my much bigger frame, the heat of her skin searing into my bare chest, and her chestnut hair teasing against my chin. She tilts her head up, and her soft, pouty pink lips tremble as those big blue eyes meet mine. I lean down, sear my lips to hers, and I fucking drown in that kiss.

  This shouldn't be a war at all. There shouldn't be a second’s hesitation before I pull her red lacy panties to the sides, ease my dick against her slippery, pink pussy, and bury every inch inside. There's shouldn't be a single reason for me not to spread those legs as wide as they'll go, taste the honeyed cries from her lips, and plunge myself right through her innocence until I fill her womb with every fucking drop of my cum.

  But, there is a reason. And there is a hesitation. It's not her youth, or her innocence, or that a broken man like me has no business being anywhere near a sweet angel like this. No, I've made peace with those things. And it's not that I don't want to be the one to take the one thing from her she can never give twice, because no sane, red-blooded man would or could say no to this, or to her.

  "Take her bra off."

  The voice shatters the little world we've curled ourselves into. The rage sears through me like a blinding fire, and I growl as I turn towards the speaker, and the lights, and the rest of them standing there.

  Oh, and the camera.

  …Yeah, this is my hesitation. This is the reason I'm somehow holding back from claiming her with everything I have.

  "Well? What's the fucking hold-up?" Nico Moretti smiles that fucking rat-like grin of his, and it takes everything I have not to stride right over and knock his fucking teeth in. I feel Rose tremble against me, her smooth skin prickling to goosebumps against me, and the rage inside of me flares hotter.

  He shouldn't be here. None of them should be here. And that fucking camera sure as shit shouldn't be here. In a perfect world, this should be just her and me, alone. In a perfect word, I go slow, and take my time, and make this something incredible for her. In a perfect world, pulling the rest of her clothes away and baring that sweet, innocent body would be for my eyes and my eyes only.

  Not theirs. Not Nico's. Not for the fucking camera, so he can sell it to the kind of people who'll pay money for something like this. But, this sure as fuck ain't a perfect world, and the fact remains that they are here. Nico is here. And the camera is recording this.

  She doesn't deserve this. I'd say I don't either, but I know that's debatable. But whatever hell and whatever damnation I've brought on myself in this life, she doesn't deserve to be a part of it. She's too sweet, and too pure. She's too good for a man like me, and she's certainly too goo
d to have her innocence stripped away from her on camera like this.

  "I'm gonna ask you one more time, fuck-o," Nico spits, taking a long drag of his cigarette. "And don't try and tell me you can't rise to the occasion, because I can see that fuckin' horse cock from over here."

  There are snickers from the shadowy faces behind the camera, and Rose pulls tighter into me. My arms flex and tighten, my large frame curling around hers to shield her from these fucking jackals, and from the prying, poisonous lens of the camera.

  "There's no problem," I hiss over my shoulder at them, my eyes flashing as I glare daggers right through Nico's face. "Just back the fuck off ."

  Nico doesn't blink as he takes another slow drag from the cig, the smoke curling in the hot spotlight glare of the lights.

  "Take her fucking panties off, spread those pretty legs, smile for the fucking camera, and stick your big dick in her." He jabs the air between us with his cigarette. "You're gonna fuck her, right here, and right now . And if you don't, I'm gonna have to show you how it's done myself."

  I snap.

  I'm barely aware of the roar bellowing from my throat, and I'm about to charge right over and smash Nico's head through a wall, when suddenly, her soft hand stops me.


  I stop, my pulse thundering in my veins and the fire roaring behind my eyes. Her touch soothes me. Her touch sends something through me that stops me and calms the beast inside. I narrow my eyes at the grinning, smug-looking mob captain before I turn back, pulling her into me again.

  "I need you to fuck me."

  Her voice is so soft and so pure, and there's something so wrong about that word leaving those lips. So wrong that it makes my cock throb, God help me.


  "Please ," she begs quietly, her brow worrying. Her hand slips between us, and I groan as I feel her finger curl around my cock.

  I know what she's doing. I know there's no way in hell this is how she imagined her first time would be, but we both know what's at stake here. Even if every single part of me hates that this is how this will happen for her, I know the alternative is worse. They'll hurt the ones she loves. And fuck, they'd film this anyways, except it wouldn't be with me . The thought makes my blood turn to fire in my veins, but as her small hands stroke my thick length through my boxer briefs, and as her tongue darts out to wet those soft pink lips, that fire turns to lust .

  "Please fuck me. " She says it so sweetly, and with so much innocence that my goddamn cock throbs in her little hand.

  "Fuck me, Dylan,” she whispers in a husky, thick voice. She drags her teeth over her pouty bottom lip. "I want it to be you," she says softly.

  "Jesus Christ, are we good here or what?"

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, drowning out Nico's voice as Rose melts into me. Her lips brush mine, her hand strokes my thick cock, her tight, soft body presses to mine, and the last of my resolve shatters.

  I swallow, I open my eyes, and I look right into hers as I slowly nod.

  "Good." Nico claps his hands. "Now, let's make a porno, shall we?"



  "Y ou know , you really shouldna come back here, dumbass."

  I grunt as the fist sinks into my gut.

  Yeah, he's probably right, but it's not exactly like I had much of a choice. Joey's fist slams into me again, and I groan, straining against the two knuckle-draggers holding me back.

  "Aww, you know it's just that I missed you so much, Joey."

  I grin, blood trickling down from the corner of my mouth as he sits back and arches a brow at me.


  "Well damn, Joey. You sure know how to flatter a guy."

  The grin fades from his gorilla face, and suddenly, that fist is slamming into my face.

  Worth it .

  "You know what? It's that fuckin mouth of yours that got you into this shit in the first place, dipshit," Joey hisses. His knee jerks up and catches me in the abs, doubling me over as his two goons chuckle.

  The mouth hasn't exactly helped things, but technically speaking , losing two million dollars of Gino Moretti's money that I was supposed to protect is what's gotten me into this shit. That and being the guy still standing when Gino's other guard is lying in a fucking morgue. Yep, if I were a betting man, I'd say those are most likely the reasons I'm in the basement of The Venetian restaurant in downtown Las Vegas getting the shit knocked out of me by this fucking douchebag.

  Except, taking some of Joey Luco's pussy-assed punches isn't exactly my biggest worry right now. Gino might be a rich fucking guy, but no one loses two mil and is happy about it. In a fair world, these guys would get that shit happens , especially when you're hauling illegal cash around in a town like this, two other families vying for control of The Strip.

  In a fair world, my entirely true story about Vinny — the other guard — turning his gun on me as soon as the heist started to go down would explain why it was one of my bullets that put him in that morgue. In a fair world, my explaining that Vinny was most likely in on the theft would be listened to.

  But then this is not a fair world. And Vinny was a made guy. And on top of all of that, the Moretti crime family isn't exactly known for being rational.

  So here we are.

  "Yep, that fuckin mouth of yours," Joey spits, sinking his fist into my stomach.

  Somehow, through the pain, I force myself to grin at him.

  "The fuck is so goddamn funny."

  I chuckle. "I was just thinking it was ironic that you put it like that."

  Joey's thick, gorilla like brow furrows even deeper. "Yeah? Why's that, funny guy?"

  I know pushing the buttons of a guy like this is a stupid move, but really, I can't help it.

  "Because your mom was just saying the same thing to me last night, but I really think she mean it in a different—"

  Joey's fists rain down on me, but I'm still laughing even as he splits my lip and doubles me over all over again with a huge punch to my mid-section.

  "Hang on."

  Joey hits me in the mouth again before the voice from somewhere behind him booms a little louder.

  "Jesus fuck, Joey, I said hang the fuck on !"

  The fists stop, and I groan, sagging against the two guys holding me up. Yep, that was dumb. Still worth it though.

  “Dylan, Dylan, Dylan.”

  I know the voice, and when I look up, it's exactly who I knew it'd be.

  Nico Moretti, Gino's dipshit nephew and second in command of the Moretti family out here in Vegas. In a weird twist, I actually went to high school with Nico, back before I enlisted in the Marines, back before he grew into his uncle's second in command, and obviously back before all this shit went down.

  I thought he was a fucking prick back then. Now, he's even worse.

  "Well well well, Dylan,” he snickers, shaking his head at me. "You fucked up pretty hard this time."

  I could go through the whole explanation again — about the other truck pulling up alongside ours outside the warehouse that was supposed to be secure. Or about Vinny pulling his Glock out and leveling it at me before I dodged and put a bullet in his chest. But I know it won't make a difference. Whoever stole their cash is long gone at this point, and since I'm the only guy left, with a made guy dead, I might as well be the guy to blame, right? Mob logic for you.

  "You know, that money was my uncle's, but it was earmarked for a special project of mine."

  I say nothing. Joey might be a knuckle-dragging gorilla who’s fun to antagonize. But Nico is something different. Nico's a special kind of evil.

  "You know what though, asshole?” He smiles his evil little rat-like grin. "I'm gonna do you a favor. Anyone else in your shoes? Yeah
, I'd let Joey here beat the ever-loving shit out of you before we dumped your ass in the desert. But..." He grins wider. "Seems there are some rumors about you."

  I raise a brow.


  "Oh yeah," he chuckles. "Rumors that catch my and my uncle's interest, especially with this new project of mine I've got goin on."

  My frown only deepens.

  "And this rumor is…?"

  Nico grins.

  "I heard you got a big cock."

  Joey and his two goons snort. I just arch a brow at him.

  Okay, he's not wrong , it's just a fucking weird ass direction for this conversation to take.

  "Excuse me?"

  Nico chuckles as he pulls a pack of cigarettes out his jacket pocket.

  "Your dick , douchebag. I heard you've got a big one."

  "And that has your interest?"

  Nico shrugs and nods at Joey's henchmen. "Let him loose."

  Joey starts to protest, but Nico shoots him a glare. "Relax, he's not off the hook. My uncle just has other plans for him." He turns and gives me an evil smile.

  "He's gonna pay us back in trade ."

  I very quickly do not like the direction this is taking.

  "Look, Nico, no offense man, but I don't swing that wa—"

  "Oh fuck off, that's not what I fuckin' meant," he growls, his face darkening before he glares at me. "You a fan of the porno's, Dylan?”


  "Porn, dipshit. Jerk-off flicks. You a fan?"

  "I prefer an actual woman."

  He rolls his eyes. "Yeah no shit. But a man's gotta snack between meals, right?"