Read Hard Day's Knight Page 18

  “Go, Pepper,” CJ cheered as I stood up, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to find Walker and kiss the man into a stupor—right after I gave him a piece of my mind, of course. “You tell ’im!”

  Farrell stood as well. “There is nothing—nothing—for me to be jealous of where Walker McPhail is concerned.”

  “Oh, really?” I snapped the leash on Moth, who was happily chewing on the last of CJ’s turkey leg. “How many times have you been world jousting champion?”

  A dull, angry red flush crept over his cheeks. “I have been the United States Grand Champion for the last seven years—”

  “Oooh, does that mean you have a great big goose egg on the world-championship front?” I was starting to get really angry. No wonder Walker didn’t want to participate anymore if this was the sort of person he had to deal with. “Enough said. I can understand why you want what he’s got if it’s something you’ve never had.”

  “There’s nothing he has that I want!” Farrell all but yelled at me.

  “Not even Pepper?” a familiar voice rumbled behind me.

  Farrell gawked—there really was no other word for it; his mouth hung open and everything—when Walker slid an arm around my waist, pulling me toward him as I turned to smile. I didn’t get a chance to complete the smile before he was kissing me, really kissing me, kissing me like he hadn’t kissed me before. It wasn’t just his mouth at work; his whole body got involved in the event, his arms sweeping up behind me, one hand sliding into my hair, tugging my head backward, while the other slid down my back to clutch one side of my butt. His tongue went all pushy with mine, bossing it around as his arm tightened behind me, pulling me even tighter to his body. His legs were hard against mine, his chest like a brick wall, but all of him fit perfectly as I molded my body to his.

  It was a kiss to end all kisses, and although the taste and feel and scent of him sent my senses reeling out of control, in a tiny dark corner of my mind I couldn’t help but feel that he was kissing me that way simply to make a point. I remembered his comment about wanting to mark me so other men would know I was his, and a little of my joy faded.

  “It would appear that I owe you some form of congratulations,” Farrell said when Walker retrieved his tongue and broke off the kiss. I weaved a little as I stood clutching his arms, trying like mad to get my legs to support me again. “It seems you got the girl. However, I believe the lady is a bit confused about which man is worthy of her attentions—”

  “Nope, not confused at all,” I said.

  “—a misconception that I will happily take it upon myself to correct.” Farrell didn’t quite leer at me, but the way he eyed me definitely wasn’t polite.

  Walker almost rolled his eyes. “For Christ’s sake, man, she’s not the competition.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed, my hands on my hips. “And if I were, Walker would win.”

  “Indeed?” A tiny curl curved Farrell’s lips. He didn’t look like he believed me at all, but I wasn’t worried. No doubt his gigantic, bloated ego would insist that he make a halfhearted play for me, but I hadn’t dated unemployed geeks for nothing. I could take care of him. Farrell pointed his smug smile toward Walker. “I do hope she’s ample compensation for not winning the championship.”

  “Who are you calling ample?” I asked, leveling a really quality glare at him.

  “It may be your practice to award yourself a title before the actual competition—and if your past record is anything to go by, I assume that’s your standard operating procedure—but the rest of us like to wait until we’ve actually won a title before claiming it,” Walker said, his voice rumbling around in that big chest of his.

  It took me a few seconds to drag my mind from contemplation of just how wonderful his chest was to understand what it was he was saying. I spun around, my mouth agape. “Us? As in, you being part of a group? You’re going to joust?”

  Walker’s mouth thinned, his eyes grim and dark with unhappiness. “If I can’t find anyone else to take my place, then I have no choice, do I?”

  “Yes, you do,” I said softly, wishing I could ease the pain I knew he felt.

  “According to you, I don’t,” he replied, and tried to brush past me, but Moth threw himself at Walker just as Farrell recovered from the verbal blow he’d been dealt.

  “So the wild man of the circuit is going to make his reappearance in a desperate attempt to regain his honor and impress a wench.” Farrell’s lips were smiling, but his eyes were furious.

  “There had better have been a capital W on that word,” I said softly.

  He didn’t pay me the slightest bit of attention as Walker handed Moth to me.

  “Much as I would dearly love to stand here and listen to years of bitterness spill forth, I have work to do. I have no doubt that I will see you in the lists, Farrell.” Walker gave me a look that could have melted marble, then gestured to Butcher as he walked past.

  “No doubt,” Farrell parroted Walker’s accent. “The question is, how many men will you destroy in your attempt to grab at the glory long lost to you?”

  Walker froze for a few seconds, then continued walking as if he hadn’t heard the slam, Butcher alongside him.

  I wasn’t about to pretend any such thing. I shoved Moth into CJ’s arms and marched over to Farrell, poking him in the chest. “You really are something, aren’t you? You know, I’ve tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, even though you really didn’t deserve it, but now I see that you’re nothing more than a frightened bully. You just can’t stand the fact that Walker is better than you.”

  “He is not better than me,” Farrell snapped. “There is nothing Walker McPhail can do better than me. He is an ignorant, dirt-grubbing farrier, nothing more. You would do well to remember that when you are comparing the two of us. As for jousting, we competed against each other only three times, and twice the results were draws.”

  “And the third time he tossed you off your horse, boo-hoo-hoo. Get a grip, Farrell. Oh, and just so you know, there’s at least one thing Walker does a hundred times better than you.” I smiled sweetly and leaned in close to whisper, “Just being near him makes my knees melt, and when he kisses me? Hooo, daddy! Get out the fire hoses and wet me down, because I’m sizzling.”

  Farrell bit back something that I was sure was extremely rude, then said simply, “We shall see, won’t we?”

  “Some of us have already seen,” I answered, ever Pepper the Pithy. “But speaking of your insane jealousy, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about how to doctor a lance, would you?”

  “Doctor a lance? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Pepper, sweet Pepper, obviously spending so much time around Walker and his Dogs has weakened your wits. You must allow me to carry your favor. I, at least, can guarantee that it will be carried to glory.”

  “Not a chance. Walker has all my favors, and yes, I mean that the way you think I mean it. How do you feel about horses, Farrell? Been making any unexpected and unseen visits to other teams’ horsies? Just you and your little pocketknife, hmm?”

  His blue eyes glittered with barely disguised anger, the air between us positively humming with the restraint he was clamping down on himself. “Now you’re making absolutely no sense. Alas, I fear it is too late for you, but if you change your mind and decide you’d prefer being with a champion rather than a has-been, let me know. I, at least, will not disappoint you.”

  “Sorry. I’m taken. Literally and quite happily,” I answered, wondering how on earth I was going to find proof that he was behind Marley’s injury and the damaged lance.

  He said something under his breath before storming off with such speed that three people strolling past were shoved out of his way.

  “That was subtle,” CJ said as I snapped Moth’s leash onto his harness and set him on the ground. “I thought you had a thing for him?”

  I limped slightly as we joined the throng heading toward the big arena. “Farrell? No, but I wasn’t ready to believe him to be the villain
you guys all thought him to be until Marley and Bos were hurt. Now I have to admit that he fits the profile pretty well, and even if he’s not responsible, I wouldn’t tolerate him being so snotty to Walker. No one picks on my boyfriend and lives to tell about it!”

  “Pepper,” CJ said, her brows pulled together in a worried frown.

  I didn’t let her finish the warning. “I know, I know, he’s not for me, it’ll all end in unhappiness. I kind of figured you’d be back to the old doom-and-gloom scenario once I did what you wanted me to do. Regardless of what your gut is telling you, I’m not giving up on Walker. He needs me now more than ever. I can’t believe the stupid man doesn’t see how much he has to offer—”

  She stopped and pinched my arm. Hard!

  “Oh, I like that!” she said. “And here I was, all ready to give you guys my blessing. You think I’m the sort of person who would take back a blessing?”

  I cocked the Eyebrow of Disbelief at her.

  “Well, all right, so I do happen to think you and Walker are all wrong for each other, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to continue to tell you over and over again, ad nauseam, what sort of a miserable, horrible life you’ll have if you insist on continuing this ill-favored fling. I have some dignity, you know.”

  “That is debatable, and oh, joy of joys, look who’s waiting for us.” I smiled a smile I didn’t truly feel and raised my hand in greeting to the woman standing at the entrance of the arena.

  “I doubt if she’s waiting to talk to me. It’s you she has the hots for,” CJ said, but she smiled and waved as well.

  “The hots?” I stopped, grabbing CJ’s arm and stopping her as well. “You think Veronica wants me?”

  “Not sexually, you dolt!” CJ pulled away with a frown at me. “Honestly, just because one man likes you enough to kiss you in front of an audience, you think everyone is lusting after you.”

  “You are so good for my ego,” I said dryly, but before I could ask her more about what she meant, Veronica was putting out her cigarette and walking toward us.

  “I wondered if I would see you here. Your cat has sprouted some horns, I see.”

  Moth didn’t mind walking alongside me, but there were so many people converging on the arena I was worried someone would step on him. I hoisted him up in my arms, ignoring the nasty look he gave me as I settled him on my hip. “It’s the devil in him. Yes, we’re here, ready to watch the last bit of qualifiers. CJ tells me it’s the most dangerous style. Will you be participating?”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise. Pepper, if you have a few moments, I’d like to talk to you about a subject of mutual interest.”

  She wanted to talk about Walker; I just knew it. By now the news about Walker and me was bound to be all over the Faire, given the gossipy, tight nature of the Faire folk. Veronica probably wanted to give me advice about what sorts of things drove him wild, or tell me about her marriage to him, or other intimate details that I didn’t want to hear from her.

  CJ made her excuses and went to claim a section of the bleachers for the various members and supporters of the Three Dog Knights. I allowed Veronica to steer me toward a little grassy swath that ran alongside the front edge of the building.

  I decided to forestall what I could of her advice. “You know, I appreciate the fact that you take such an interest in me, but honestly, there’s nothing you can say that is going to sway me.”

  She frowned slightly. “I’m sorry to hear that. I had hoped to persuade you into joining us. I believe the experience would do much to open your mind.”

  Good God above, was she talking about a threesome with her, Walker, and me? Holy cow! No, she couldn’t be. I didn’t have the menage à trois look about me, surely! I must have mistaken what she said.

  “I realize it must all be new to you, but I can assure you that I can do things for you that Walker could never imagine.” If her lazily drawling voice didn’t get the message across, the sidelong looks she was giving me did.

  Oh, my god! She was talking about a threesome! I stared in horror at her for a few seconds before I realized my mouth was hanging open.

  She must have seen the shock on my face, because she quickly continued. “I know you don’t have much experience, but it will give me pleasure to teach you what you need to know.”

  How lovely—she was willing to take on a learner. The conversation held such a bizarre fascination that I had a hard time focusing my thoughts. “Well . . . as to that, I do actually have some experience. Not great big tons of it, but enough to get by in life.”

  “Surely not enough to achieve your goals.”

  I straightened my shoulders. “Well, since you’re asking, yes. I certainly haven’t heard any complaints.”


  “Not a single one,” I said a bit righteously, two seconds before I realized I was defending my sexual experience to a woman who lusted after me. “Veronica, I’m . . . I’m . . . I’m sorry, but there’s no way I could even think of saying yes to your proposition. It’s flattering, but out of the question. It’s not that I’m a prude or anything, but I never was one to share my toys, and where men are concerned, I’m positively territorial—”

  Her frown turned puzzled. “What are you talking about?”

  I gestured with my free hand, Moth taking the opportunity to dig his claws into my wrist in protest for being squished up against my side. “Ow. The . . . uh . . . what you suggested with you and me and Walker. I’m sorry, but it’s just not going to happen.”

  “Walker? Why would you want Walker to join us?”

  She wanted me all to herself? I looked down at the breast shelf flowing over the top of my bodice. “I had no idea this bodice would make me so irresistible to everyone! The power of really good boning is simply amazing. Veronica . . . I don’t know what to say. Other than no, that is. I’m flattered and humbled and I appreciate what it must have cost you to approach me, but to be completely honest, I’m not . . . er . . . into girls. That way. So thank you, but no.”

  She stared at me in silence for a few moments, then raised both eyebrows. “Do you believe I just asked you to join me in bed?”

  She wanted to have sex with me somewhere else? Somewhere nonbed? I was obviously way out of my league. “Well, usually it’s done in bed, so I assumed . . . er . . . you weren’t?”

  She shook her head for a moment, as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “No, I wasn’t asking if you’d like to sleep with me. I was asking you again if you wanted to join my company as an alternate.”

  “Oh,” I said, and prayed for the earth to open up and swallow me whole. “Sorry. Just a little confused here.”

  “Obviously,” she said.

  Chapter Eleven

  Once I got over the mortification of believing Veronica wanted to have a lesbian fling with me (not to mention the little pang of disappointment that I wasn’t as seductive in my bodice as I had surmised I was), our conversation settled down to something a little less out of Pepper and Veronica’s Amazing Crosstalk Show.

  “What I said before is still true, Veronica. I’m not practicing to joust professionally.”

  “You also said that you had no intention of learning how to joust, and yet I’ve heard that you spent an hour and a half today learning how to do just that.” She picked a tiny bit of dried leaf out of my hair as proof of my perfidy.

  I raised my free hand in a gesture of denial. “I didn’t intend to learn anything, but I sort of got myself railroaded into it. Bliss is difficult to say no to when she’s got a lance in her hand and she’s galloping toward you. Besides, I did kind of throw a challenge to Farrell, and I’ll be damned if I give him anything more to gloat about. That man’s ego badly needs to be taken in hand.”

  “Granted, but there is no reason why you cannot do so under my auspices. Pepper”—she smiled a persuasive smile—“a little bird told me that you and Walker have found pleasure in each other’s company, something else I believe you decried
. Your relationship with Walker aside, do you really think his troupe offers you the best opportunity for instruction?”

  I prepared to bristle on behalf of everyone in the troupe. “Well, as a matter of fact, Bliss is very good—”

  “Yes, she is,” Veronica interrupted me smoothly, taking the sting out of it with another friendly smile. “But she is also relatively new to the sport, and has never taught anyone, whereas I have jousted professionally for almost eight years, and was taught by the best.”

  She waited a couple of beats until I couldn’t help asking, “Walker?”

  Her smile put Moth’s smug look to shame. “I believe you will agree with me that he is a very talented man . . . in many ways.”

  Ding, ding, ding! We were stepping into relationship territory, somewhere I definitely didn’t want to go. “Mmm. I’m afraid I’m just not dedicated enough to do your team proud. If Farrell wasn’t acting like such a butthead, I wouldn’t be learning to joust at all, so it really wouldn’t be fair to the rest of your team to have me hanging around their necks as an alternate when everyone knows I’m a rank novice at the sport.”

  “You underestimate your natural ability,” she said, clearly wanting to talk about it some more, but I hoisted Moth higher on my hip, ignoring his growl of unhappiness as I scooted around Veronica toward the door.

  “And I think you’re overestimating it. Thanks for the invite, but I just can’t do it. Good luck with your runs today. I’ll be rooting for your team.”

  I escaped without further argument, but I couldn’t help mulling over Veronica’s strange request as CJ, Fenice, Geoff, and a newly released Bos watched the last of the jousting qualifiers.

  “Why on earth would someone with a professional team want an untrained know-nothing like me hanging around? It just doesn’t make sense.”