Read Hardball Page 15

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  The food at the Belfield was a significant cut above the usual fare Holly had experienced at rubber chicken banquets. In fact, the whole evening was wonderful. The Dover sole had been perfect, and the conversation witty and entertaining, no doubt lubricated by the generous amounts of wine Nate had ordered for the table. She was happy to see, though, that he kept his drinking to a level appropriate for someone driving. She liked that he was that disciplined and responsible, even while making sure that everyone else had a good time.

  More importantly, despite a lot of joking around with his friends, he’d been incredibly attentive and focused on her for most of the evening. So much for it not being an official date. He made her feel practically like a princess, and it scared her how good that felt.

  After the dessert, Maddie leaned into Nate, whispering in his ear. He nodded and rose, pulling his chair out so Maddie could slide across into his seat. Nate then took Maddie’s chair next to Jake.

  The pregnant young woman smiled and put her hand on Holly’s arm. “I hope you don’t mind that I asked Nate to move over for a little while. I really wanted to have a chance to talk to you.”

  “Not at all. I’m glad you did,” Holly said, meaning it.

  “I understand you’re a pediatric surgeon.”

  Holly nodded. “I started at PCH a few weeks ago. It’s been quite a change for me from my university job. And I’m still getting used to life in the big city.”

  “I can imagine. But practicing in a children’s hospital must bring a lot of satisfaction. Working with kids every day.”

  Suddenly, Lance Arnold’s menacing image rushed into Holly’s mind.

  Kids, yes. Parent, not always.

  She shook it off. “It’s what I’ve always wanted to do. But days like today remind me how hard it can sometimes be.”

  “Tough day?”

  “I’ve had better.” She gave a polite smile, not wanting to elaborate.

  Maddie gave a sympathetic nod. “It’s hard to see kids suffering.”

  “It sure is. There’s always much to be thankful for, and most of the work is incredibly rewarding. But, you’re right, it’s tough sometimes. We’re taught to keep a tight hold on our emotions and not get invested. But it’s impossible not to get close to your patients, Maddie. Especially ones so young and vulnerable. When you lose one of them, it’s really...”

  She let the words trail off as she reached for her wine glass, knowing how inadequate that sounded. But no doctor could explain what it felt like, and it was better not to even try.

  “Emotions at a children’s hospital must be incredibly intense,” Maddie said thoughtfully. “I can’t imagine what the parents go through. I don’t envy you having to deal with all that.”

  Holly sighed inwardly, wishing she could change the subject. “It’s not easy, but I try my best to put myself in the parents’ shoes. They’re almost all wonderful to work with, and very understanding, even at the worst of times. But occasionally we get some very difficult characters.”

  She finished the last quarter inch of wine in her glass. Nate leaned across and instantly refilled it. He gave her a wink, and Holly couldn’t hold down a blush.

  Fortunately, Maddie didn’t notice because she was staring longingly at Holly’s wine glass. Holly sympathized. The poor woman probably hadn’t had a drink in months. Their gazes met, and Maddie gave a sheepish laugh.

  “Yes, I’m that shallow. I’m thrilled that we’re having a baby, but I can’t wait to get this basketball out of me,” she said. “Anyway, tell me how you met Nate. At the hospital, I presume?”

  “Yes, last week.” Holly glanced at Nate over Maddie’s shoulder. He’d turned his back to her after filling her glass, and was now talking to Jake and Martha. His broad, strong shoulders tapered down to a waist that she could only describe as trim for a man of his height. The muscles of his right arm bulged against the fabric of his suit as he rested his elbow on the table.

  From their animated conversation, Holly could see they were a trio of best friends. Just watching them together gave her a warm but wistful feeling. She’d always been too absorbed in her work to build and nurture lasting friendships. Rebecca was her closest pal but she only saw her sporadically, and most of Holly’s other university and med school relationships had faded away.

  She brought herself back to the conversation. “Nate was there visiting patients. It was just one of those chance meetings.”

  “I want to hear more about that, Holly,” Maddie said. “But I’m going to have to excuse myself for a few minutes first. I’m afraid nature’s calling, yet again. One of the joys of late stage pregnancy.” She started to push herself up. “But don’t you dare go away.”

  Holly stood. “Wait, Maddie. Let me go with you and help.” The pregnant woman gave her a grateful smile as Holly hauled her up. Jake and Nate both jumped up, too, but she waved them back to their chairs.

  She led a waddling Maddie through the maze of tables and out through the main doors of the banquet room. The restrooms were just a few yards down the corridor. As soon as they got inside, Maddie shooed her away and went into a stall.

  Holly pulled her gloss out of her bag and freshened up her lips. She forced herself to take extra care since her vision seemed a little less than perfect and her hands were nowhere near surgical-steady. The combination of the before-dinner bourbon and two and a half glasses of white wine had probably put her over the legal limit. She rarely over-indulged, but tonight she’d needed to relax and forget about her gruesome day. And calm her edginess over Nate.

  When Maddie emerged, they made easy conversation about babies while Maddie freshened up. Then, the other woman turned around, leaned her butt up against the counter, and fixed Holly with a determined gaze. “Holly, how much do you really know about Nate?”

  Holly blinked and almost shook her fuzzy head. Had she missed a transition in the conversation?

  “Not very much, I suppose,” she said, wishing now that she hadn’t had that last glass of wine. “Though I did a little research after he asked me to this banquet. Ah, and a friend of mine offered me a little…insight, too.”

  Maddie arched a brow. “Insight?”

  Oh, crap. “Well, all right, she talked about his reputation with women,” she said with an apologetic smile. She so did not want to talk about Nate’s sexual proclivities with one of his best friends.

  Maddie snorted. “I’m not surprised. That’s exactly why I decided to bring this subject up with you.

  Holly’s neck muscles went into lockdown. Please don’t let this be anything bad.

  “If even half the stuff the tabloids and papers make up about Nate’s love life were true,” Maddie continued, “he’d have probably died of sheer exhaustion years ago.” She wrinkled her nose as if to communicate her distaste before going on. “Just don’t believe everything you read about him, that’s all I’m saying. He’s a really good man, Holly.”

  Holly finally let herself breathe out. “The press loves to make stuff up about celebrities. I’m not worried about that.” Well, not exactly true, but better to keep those misgivings to herself.

  “Good. I hardly know you yet, Holly, but I can already tell you’re a fine person. And I can see by the way Nate’s been locked onto you all evening that if he has anything to say about it, this isn’t going to be a one date thing.”

  A ripple of excitement pulsed through her. “I hope not,” she said.

  Maddie opened her mouth but before she could get out another word, Martha burst into the restroom.

  “Ha! I was right! I thought you two might be having a secret girl meeting in here. Hon, is Maddie telling you a pack of lies about Nate?

  Holly laughed. “On the contrary. She’s been giving me some useful information.”

  “Is that a fact? Well, I’ve got some information for you, too.” Martha shook out her honey-blond hair as she pulled a compact from her glittery evening bag. “I believe I know Nate Carter better than any liv
ing soul other than his mama and daddy, and I can tell you that the man is totally hot for you. Whew,” she said, pretending to fan herself, “I could feel all that glorious man-heat way across the other side of the table!”

  Holly started to laugh, partly out of amusement, but mostly out of embarrassment. “You make me laugh, Martha,” she said. “But you’re exaggerating big-time.”

  Martha shook her head sternly. “You can bet that sweet tush of yours I’m not exaggerating one tiny bit. Look, honey, trust me on this. Our boy Nate has been smitten, hasn’t he, Maddie?”

  Maddie had been chuckling all the way through Martha’s performance, but she pulled herself together. “We know him pretty well, Holly. Martha’s right, though I don’t think Nate knows quite what to do with you yet.”

  Holly suddenly felt overwhelmed. Maddie and Martha were very kind in trying to smooth the way for her, and she didn’t doubt they knew Nate Carter a whole lot better than she did. But this was not a conversation she wanted to have, not until she had a better handle on her own complicated reaction to the man.

  “You ladies are so sweet, but you’re making me blush,” she said, taking a step toward the door. “I think we’d better rejoin the gentlemen or they’ll think we’re hatching some kind of plot.”

  Martha gave her a conspiratorial wink. “Well, hell, that’s exactly what we’re doing, hon. And nothing works better to whet a man’s appetite than to keep him waiting while we do it.”

  Chapter Eleven