Read Harmony Season 1 Page 13

  “How about, we will devise a plan from my hideout and then kill them tomorrow?” Danny asked.

  “That’s a great idea. Where is your hideout?” Aaron asked.

  “It’s around here.” Danny said.

  “Then lead the way.” Johanna said.

  Danny quickly led them deeper inside the forest. After some time they reached near a small house in the middle of the forest.

  “I am impressed they didn’t found you here.” Aaron said.

  “Well, they know about this house. And my hideout is in the underground room in this house.” Danny said. “Come on, I will show you.”

  Danny led them inside the house. Then Danny led them to the kitchen where he opened a door under the carpet. The small metal door led to an underground room. The room is lot bigger than Johanna and Aaron had anticipated.

  “How long were you living in here?” Matthew asked.

  “About fifteen damn years.” Danny said.

  “Wow. Do you know anything about the aliens and the vampires?” Aaron asked.

  “Oh, I know a lot of things about them. Which is the thing you want to know?” Danny asked.

  “First, what the fuck are they two doing here? Are they in some sort of symbiotic relation?” Aaron asked.

  “Well, the interesting thing is those aliens and vampires are one species. First it was just the aliens drinking blood. Then they found out a way to create human meat suits.” Danny said.

  “I was afraid you’re gonna say that.” Johanna said.

  “First there were many human survivors. With the invention of human meat suits, aliens started to infiltrate most of the surviving human colonies. Now I am afraid that I am the only human left here, apart from you guys, of course.” Danny said.

  Outside darkness started to conquer everything.

  Danny went near the door on the ceiling near the staircase and he made sure it is dead bolted.

  “I don’t have anything to show you some light. So we need to discuss everything in the dark.” Danny said. “Usually I go to sleep at this time of hour.”

  “I have a candle!” Johanna searched her back pack and she produced two candles.

  Johanna lighted a candle using the match box and she fixed it on top of the table. The light quickly conquered the room.

  Johanna gave an apple to Danny and she too ate one. Aaron and Matthew did the same. After the four of them filled their stomach with the apples, they gathered around the table.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Danny asked.

  “Tomorrow we are going to rescue those humans and we will escape into our world. From there we will find a gun store and then we can kill all those bitches.” Johanna said.

  “But, how are we going to remove the chain in the humans’ hands. They are tied to it.” Aaron asked.

  “If you have a hairpin, I can unlock the chain.” Matthew said.

  “Take my hairpin.” Johanna removed the hairpin from her hair.

  Suddenly, all her hair fell to the side showing the long hair. She gave the hairpin to Matthew.

  “Wow. I didn’t knew you have that much hair.” Aaron said in shock.

  Johanna smiled. “You don’t know a lot of things about me.”

  Aaron chuckled. “But I will find all.”

  They all laughed.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Kevin

  2026 August 1, Tunoria


  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Kevin woke up in the morning panting. The whole room vibrated due to the aftershock of some blast. Kevin quickly got outside his wooden house and stood on the ground in the core part of the city of Tunoria.

  Walls are vibrating violently. The whole cave shook like an earthquake. Everyone had come outside their houses and all are looking at the tunnels before them with panic.

  “Kevin, what the hell was that?” Lucy came near Kevin and asked.

  “I don’t know, but I suppose it’s them. They must have broke in through the blast door in tunnel 208 where I saw them last time.” Kevin said. “Lucy, if it’s them you need to lead everyone out of here.”

  Boom! Boom!

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Explosions occurred and smoke and dust came out of tunnel 203 engulfing the whole city. So much for the great city under the ground.

  “Oh, it’s them alright. I can feel it.” Lucy said.

  “Then you know what to do.” Kevin said.

  “Everyone, exit through tunnel three zero four fast.” Lucy ran through the crowd and announced.

  Quickly everyone starts to exit the cave through the tunnel 304 which is in the north part of the city. People’s scream can be heard but much of the visibility is reduced due to the dust cloud expanding through the tunnels.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  More explosions came and this time it was from tunnel 204. The whole town ran through the tunnel 304. It was through 304 Kevin entered into the city of Tunoria for the first time.

  More people came out of the houses. Most of them have children in their hands. Kevin entered the cave as last man. Quickly Lucy closed the blast door which isolates the tunnel 304 with the city.

  “Lead everyone to the mountains and go for the bunker under the village Wolforia.” An elder said to Lucy.

  Lucy quickly began her job without any further thought. In situation like this, if you hesitate, lives will be lost.

  “Ahh ... My baby is still in her bed. I thought she came with me but it turns out to be another girl.” A woman began to cry.

  “Hey, calm down. Which one is your house?” Kevin asked.

  “It’s the house on the far left corner of the city. Number is forty five.” The woman said.

  “Okay, I will get her.” Kevin said.

  “Kevin, use the escape tunnels. Okay?” An elder said.

  “Okay.” Kevin said. “You go ahead with others. I will catch up with you.” Kevin said to the woman.

  The woman reluctantly wiped her tears and went away with Lucy. Kevin quickly went to the far corner of the tunnel and removed the carpet on the floor. Under the carpet lies a secret door. Kevin opened the door and entered into a whole new tunnel system. This tunnel system was built by the people for times like these as a precaution. And it turns out to be a good decision. Kevin slowly moved through the tunnel.

  There are lot of turnings and each turn is marked by a number painted in a fluorescent colour. Where did the survivors came to possess such large quantity of fluorescent paint is still a mystery. It is very cold in these tunnels and through some of the walls, water slowly oozed down.

  Kevin finally found the tunnel that leads to house 45. He entered the tunnel 45 and slowly moved forward. Before long he found the exit door. Kevin opened the exit door and entered into the kitchen of the house. He slowly moved through the house to the bedroom. And he found just what he wanted. On the bed lies a beautiful young girl. She is still sleeping without knowing what the world had become.

  Kevin took her in his arms and moved to kitchen. Suddenly a scream and screech came from outside. Kevin went near the window and peeked outside. Outside the dust had subsided and there stood an army of alien vampires. They are breaking inside houses and some of them have human prisoners in their hands but it looks like they are not going to keep any human prisoners. They sucked out blood from most of the prisoners.

  Suddenly someone saw Kevin through the glass window.

  “There. Bring that house down.” An alien shouted the command pointing at the house Kevin is in.

  “Oh, crap.” Kevin said himself.

  Kevin without further thinking jumped into the tunnel from the kitchen and he instantly closed the door on top of him and he dead bolted it. The little girl held on to his shoulders tightly, still in sleep.

  As soon as he is out of the tunnel 45 he pulled a thread in red colour which was hanging from the ceiling.


  Tunnel 45 collapsed. Kevin ran through the tunnel toward from where he got inside this tunn
el system in the first place. Before long he found the exit and as soon as he is outside he pulled another thick thread.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Multiple explosions occurred and the secret escape tunnel system collapsed. Kevin quickly ran through the tunnel towards the exit. The whole tunnel tastes dust.

  Kevin quickly found the exit. The exit door was kept open. Kevin climbed out through the ladder and panted heavily as soon as he is outside.

  In front of him lay the snow lands. Snow uncontrollably fell from the skies.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8 – Allen

  2026 August 1, Unknown Forest

  Allen and Lena spent the night in the forest. They slept inside some thick bushes. In the morning they continued their journey. They found some apples from deep inside the forest and they extinguished their hunger with them.

  Like other forests this forest also contained monkeys and birds, lots and lots of birds. Fortunately no panthers crossed their path.

  They were almost out of the forest when Lena screamed. Behind Allen, a vampire had jumped on top of Lena. Lena kept the man thing’s mouth at bay using her hands but soon he will bite her.

  “Allen, help.” Lena screamed.

  Allen rushed forward with his spear. Suddenly the man thing shifted his gaze at Allen. He jumped on top of Allen and wrestled with him. Allen extended his hands to reach the dropped spear but it was far away.

  Lena quickly stood up and took the spear from the ground but before she could swing the spear, the man thing hit at Allen’s stomach with its fist and he rushed at Lena. On the way he swung his fist and smashed her face. Lena fell down a few feet away after a short flight.

  Allen somehow got up and rushed at the man thing. He jumped on top of the man thing from his back and he started to pound at the man thing’s head hard using his fist. The man thing rolled away and kicked at Allen’s stomach.

  “Ahh ...” Allen screamed out loud.

  “Ahh ...” The man thing began to scream.

  Lena had swung the spear at the man thing and it hit him in the head.

  “Throw the spear to me.” Allen commanded.

  Lena without thinking threw the spear towards Allen. Allen quickly caught the spear firmly in his hands. Without further thought Allen swung the spear at the man thing’s head.


  Bang! Bang!

  Allen swung again and again until the man thing’s head reduced to a pulp. Then Allen drove the spear deep inside the man thing’s stomach.

  “Ahh ...” Man thing screamed for the last time and his head fell to the side never to rise again.

  “That was something.” A familiar voice came from Allen’s back.

  “Johanna?” Allen looked back panting.

  In front of him stood Johanna, Aaron, Matthew and an unfamiliar face.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Johanna

  2026 August 1, Unknown Forest

  “I thought you were dead.” Johanna said.

  “Well here I am.” Allen said.

  “Lena, it’s good to see you.” Johanna said.

  “It’s good to see you too.” Lena said.

  “So, what are you doing here?” Allen asked.

  “We are going back to Earth.” Johanna said.

  “What? How?” Allen asked surprised.

  “See that building over there?” Johann asked pointing at the building outside the forest below the hill.

  Allen went near the edge of the hill and looked below.

  “Yeah. I see now.” Allen said.

  Lena came near Allen and looked at the building.

  “There are lot of aliens down there.” Lena said.

  “Well, according to Danny here, those aliens will take a lunch break soon. At that time we are going to go through that portal over there to Earth.” Johanna said pointing at the portal. “Also, there are human prisoners who want freedom. We are going to save them too.”

  “Where did the humans came from?” Allen asked.

  “They are from Earth. And Allen, we think that much of Earth is under the control of those aliens. They have built portals to and fro between Earth and this place.” Johanna said.

  A moment later Aliens began to thin out from near the buildings.

  “It’s time. Are you in this?” Johanna asked.

  “Yeah. I want to kick them out of here when I get my hands on a new gun.” Allen said.

  Everyone laughed.

  “Then let’s escape first and then we are gonna kick some alien butt.” Johanna said.

  They started their mission by climbing down the hill silently.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Matthew

  2026 August 1, Unknown forest, Alien building

  Within minutes they reached near the portal. Matthew spotted the human prisoners near the building and he quickly began his work.

  Within minutes he unlocked all the prisoners. There was twenty human prisoners.

  “Freedom is yours for the taking. And if you want to go back to Earth, follow us.” Matthew said.

  Suddenly an alarm went off from inside the metal building. Aliens started to pour out of the building.

  “Everyone, run this way.” Johanna showed the way by entering the portal which they surmised would get them back to Earth.

  Matthew and the new survivors joined Johanna.

  A moment later they all felt the portal’s walls. Light is everywhere. They had to shut their eyes to protect them. The portal wall was very thick and it was like a water layer having high viscosity.

  A moment later light disappeared and they all found themselves in the middle of a road. There are buildings throughout the sides of road. Most buildings are on fire. Then they saw it. There are many flying saucers flying all the way through the sky. And also there are human made fighter jets rushing through the sky.

  Sound of gun fire filled the atmosphere. A moment later a flying saucer crashed into a nearby building, throwing glass shards all around.

  A moment later a screech came from behind a building.

  “Run!” Matthew shouted.

  At some point all hell break loose!

  Survivors ran in different directions under the blue sky.

  * * * * *


  2026 August 1, Earth, Washington D.C., White House

  “Mister President, what you just saw is a video taken from planet Gamorphia by Jack Green using our omega satellite. And the aliens who are destroying our homes are the same. We need to pulverise them.” A military officer said.

  President thought for a moment.

  “I authorise air attack and ground attack. Take everything from our arsenal. Nuke them if it is necessary. I want them extinct.” President said.

  The military officer took a phone from his pocket. “Is it secured?” He asked a man in black suit.

  “Yes sir, go ahead.” The man in black suit said.

  “This is General. All attacks are a go. We are in code red mode.” The military officer said.

  An alarm ringed from the other end of the phone.

  To be continued…


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  This story continues in the book Harmony Season Two.

  Author’s Note

  On June 29 2026 the ship Harmony went missing near Bermuda triangle. People searched whole ocean floor for the ship but found nothing. Meanwhile the passengers of ship Harmony woke up in a new world where surviving is very difficult.

  At the time survivors found a way back to Earth much of Earth was lost. In the new post-apocalyptic Earth, survivors need all the guts to survive the alien vampire horde. Season two will pick up from the surviving humans of planet Gamorphia and watch how people survives the vampire race.

  There is two prelude stories to this series and they are Into the Trian
gle and Gamorphia.

  In Into the Triangle, an enthusiastic explorer named Jack Green set out on an epic journey to Bermuda triangle to find its secrets. He did found many things and in this story see the world of Gamorphia a little more.

  In Gamorphia, you can see a man named Luc who is trying hard to survive. This story take place in the year 2004 and this is the whole history of the alien vampire race on planet Gamorphia.


  * * * * *

  About the Author

  C.O. Amal lives in a small house in Wayanad district of Kerala state of the country India with his father, mother and sister. He loves to read science fiction apocalyptic books. He writes a lot. His imaginations are all about extra-terrestrial life and colonizing across the galaxy. He believes human kind will soon reach its glory in space travel and soon everyone can travel to the deep space.

  He love scientists like Stephen Hawking a lot. He can be often found watching Discovery channel. He is living in harmony with nature. His best friends are the cows in his home.

  He is now chasing his dream of becoming a great writer.

  Contact author on [email protected] for any questions regarding the work.

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  Also by this Author

  Dying Planet

  Project Mars (Dying Planet Book Zero)

  When the Darkness Returns (Dying Planet Book One)

  Planet Dead (Dying planet Book Two)


  Into the Triangle (A Prelude to Harmony)

  Gamorphia (A Prelude to Harmony)

  Harmony Season 1

  Harmony Season 2

  Harmony Season 3

  Among the Stars

  After the World Ended (Among the Stars Volume Zero)

  The Andromedan Chronicles (Among the Stars Volume One)

  The Santoran Chronicles (Among the Stars Volume Two)

  The Fourth Dimension (Among the Stars Volume Three) (Coming Soon)

  From Heaven

  From Hell (From Heaven Book Zero)

  From Heaven (From Heaven Book One)

  Zero Gravity Zero Hour


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