Read Harmonys Way Page 20

Page 20


  "I didn't think about this," he whispered as he lifted her hands to his lips and placed a kiss in the center.

  She inhaled roughly as Lance felt arousal tearing through him. Dammit, wrong place. Definitely the wrong place for this.

  "Let's get those reports written so we can head home. " He released her slowly. "We can check in on Liza and Jaime at the hospital if you want to, when we're finished. " She shook her head firmly as she ducked away from him and slid into the Raider.

  "It's better if we don't," she finally whispered. "Better for all of us. " As they drove to the department, Lance kept his window down a bare inch, allowing the winds to move through the vehicle, to whisper at his ear. Warnings. Danger. Pain. And Tommy Mason's name.

  He pulled into the parking lot of the Sheriff's Department and sighed wearily before leaving the vehicle, staying close to Harmony as they moved up the steps toward the entrance.

  Inside, a crowd milled within the reception area, which wasn't that unusual on a Friday night. The State Police cruisers were parked at the curb, which meant Steven and his partner, Lyle, were booking Mason.

  Following Harmony, he stepped into mayhem. With no warning, no whisper of the wind to guide him, he came face-to-face with Reverend H. R. Alonzo.

  "Sheriff Jacobs, your actions tonight border on the criminal. " Alonzo stood with perhaps half a dozen of his society members backing him as deputies looked on warily. Harmony tried to move to the side, to skirt the crowd and escape the coming confrontation. Until one of the larger men stepped in front of her, his hand reaching out to grip her arm.

  Harmony hissed. A furious feline sound of anger as she bared her teeth and jerked back from him.

  "Alonzo, what the hell are you doing here?" Lance grabbed Harmony's arm before it could go for her knife, and pushed her behind him.

  "You can't save her. " Righteous indignation flushed the reverend's heavy jowls as his pale blue eyes burned with fanaticism. "We saw what she did to that poor man the State Police just brought in. The brutality of her attack was uncalled for. " Lance stared back at him coldly. Brutality, his ass.

  "If you have a complaint to file, come back in the morning," he snapped. "Until then, get the hell out of my way. "

  "Do you think you can force these animals on Godfearing people. " Alonzo's voice rose, the strident question posed in a sermonizing tone that grated on Lance's nerves. Behind him, he could feel Harmony watching, waiting. The air began to hum with danger then.

  "Alonzo, it's too damned late for this," Lance growled as he gripped Harmony's arm and began to move around the crowd. They shifted with him as their voices began to rise in volume.

  "Since when do we cater to animals, Sheriff?" one woman's voice rang out. "It's bad enough we have that cousin of yours consorting with those creatures and messing up our town. "

  He swung his gaze to one of the matrons of the city, a prudish, troublemaking old busybody who protested everything under the sun. He should have known she would be here.

  "Take it up with the City Council, Matilda," he snapped. "Not here. "

  "He's as ensnared by the creature as his cousin is to her own pet," Alonzo cried out.

  "Abominations are what they are. It's time to cast them out of this God-fearing town…"

  "David, clear this place out!" Lance snarled at the deputies watching in indecision, as he began to push his way through the crowd, tugging Harmony along with him. A second later she was torn from him. Turning, Lance watched in fury as a heavyset male attempted to twist her arm, to force her to cower. Deputies were rushing to the confrontation, but before they could push through the crowd, Harmony turned, twisted and within a breath had the much larger man on his back, her gun lodged beneath his chin.

  Lance was thanking God it wasn't the knife.

  "You have just assaulted an officer of the law. " Her smile was smug, despite the edge of pain in her gaze. "It is with great personal pleasure that I inform you that you are under arrest. "

  "Get these people out of here," Lance yelled to a deputy as he turned to Alonzo's triumphant expression.

  "Your society member just assaulted one of my deputies," he informed him furiously.

  "As the leader of this little get-together, maybe I should arrest you while I'm at it. " Lance could feel the rage building inside him as he forced himself not to plant his fist in the reverend's gloating, overblown face.

  "My lawyer will be here in the morning," Alonzo assured him as the rest of the crowd began to move toward the door. "Don't worry, Sheriff, I'll make certain I do God's work, with or without your help. "

  "God's work?" Harmony was breathing roughly as she came to her feet, turning her attacker over to the deputies as she rushed for the reverend. "Let me show you—"

  "Harmony," Lance snapped, turning on her quickly. "You have reports. " She stopped in her tracks, the tone of his voice causing her to hesitate, before her eyes narrowed and her gaze focused over his shoulder.

  "Now," he reminded her firmly.

  He could see the tension shuddering through her body and knew the pain was beginning to build inside her. Two men in one night that she had been forced to protect herself or others against.

  Her lips thinned before the upper curve curled menacingly.

  "Reports," she said slowly, her eyes never leaving Alonzo. "Of course, Sheriff. Just let me get on that. I can play later. " The muttered threat wasn't lost on him or Alonzo.

  "Only animals react in such a way…"

  Before Lance could stop himself his fist was bunched in the material of the stiff shirt the reverend wore as he lifted the other man to his tiptoes.

  "Get the hell out of my department," he snarled. "And while you're talking to your lawyers, tell them to expect a call from the county prosecutor as well. " Lance pushed him toward the door, hating the fury rising inside him. He had fought for calm all his life, fought to find that balance inside himself that Harmony had yet to learn. But there were people, such as Reverend Alonzo, who could disrupt it every time. Alonzo jerked back and straightened his shirt with a huff as his bulbous nose twitched in anger.

  "You haven't seen the last of me, Sheriff. It's my duty to make certain these creatures don't infect us all. And I will see my duty through. No matter the obstacles. I have sworn my duty to God—"

  "And I'm sure he thinks about as much of it as I do," Lance growled. "Now, get the hell out of here. "

  Turning, he waved Lenny toward the reverend.

  "Make sure he finds the door. Fast," he ordered the deputy as he stalked to his office.

  "And make certain he doesn't return. "

  Lance slammed the door behind him before stalking across the room to where Harmony was rubbing her hands together, her expression frantic.

  "My hands are freezing. " She stared up at him in distress. "Or burning. I can't make it stop. "

  Harmony didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. What had been merely uncomfortable, irritating, before was now becoming strident. The cold burn in her hands and along the front of her body felt blistering. Especially between her thighs, where she had been forced to straddle the two men.

  As Lance gripped her hands, she expected another of those tender kisses in the centers of her palms. It had helped before. Instead, he pushed her hands beneath the loose tail of his shirt as he gripped her head with his free hand.

  And he kissed her.

  He devoured her.

  His lips plundered her own with deep, drugging kisses as his tongue slipped and slid against hers. Harmony moaned in overwhelming relief and hunger as the heavy, swollen sensation of the glands beneath her tongue began to ease. The sweet taste of it fired her senses further, sensitized her flesh, but nothing could have made her need Lance more than she already did.

  Adrenaline pumped through her body; her greatest weakness was that surging excitement. Coming down from it normally filled her with depression
, with a need for the human comfort she had always denied herself. She wasn't depressed now though. She was desperate. Hungry.

  Her hand tore at the small snaps on his shirt, flipping the edges apart before her arms curled around his neck. The silk of his hair was a comfort against her palms, but the heat of his body was a fire in winter, warming all the cold lonely places inside her. And she needed more of him. Before she completely understood exactly what she was doing, she was trying to climb his body. Her thighs wrapped around his as she pressed her aching pussy into the wedge of his cock, rubbing against him, moaning in exquisite pleasure as his hands gripped the cheeks of her ass and held her to him as they ate at each other's lips.

  The kisses were intoxicating, fiery. Harmony felt the cold burn beneath her flesh retreating as they became deeper, hungrier.

  "Goddamned office isn't the place for this. " Lance tore his lips from hers as he moved, his voice husky, lusty.

  Harmony gasped as he lowered them to the small couch across the room. With her legs wrapped around his hips and his body now coming over hers, the press of his cock against her sensitive flesh was firmer, more heated.

  "Oh, I like that. " She shifted beneath him, her hips stroking over the hard, jeans-covered erection.

  "I bet you do. " The half laugh, half grunt had a small smile tugging at her lips. "We're going to keep fucking in my office, I'm going to end up fired. "

  "I'll protect you. " She panted as his head lowered, his lips moving to her neck. "Tell them I held a gun to your head… Oh God. Lance…" His hands slid beneath her top, cupping her breasts with firm, demanding fingers as his teeth raked over her neck.

  "Like that?" He nipped at her neck, then soothed the little pleasure-pain with his tongue.

  "Oh, I like," she moaned, arching closer to him, gasping as he gripped her nipples in his thumbs and forefingers and rolled them deliciously. "I like that too. " She was panting, drunk with pleasure. She had held herself back from him despite the demands of her body, and she realized then that it was only making the need grow.

  "God, you taste good. " He came back to her lips, covering them, taking them both on a mindless journey of pleasure as Harmony writhed beneath him.

  "Lance, I need more. " She pressed her hips closer as his lips moved back to her neck, then lower to her collarbone. "I need more now. "

  "In a minute. One taste at a time," he growled as she arched her back, feeling his lips moving over the upper curves of her breasts that her snug shirt revealed.

  "More. Now…"

  She tossed her head, turning it to the side as her eyes widened in shock. Jonas stepped into the office, closing the door as he stared back at them mockingly.

  "This isn't my night," she whispered as Lance paused, his head turning as well. "Do you think we could just ignore him?"

  That brought a frown to Jonas's dark face, but a chuckle from Lance.

  "He'll get testy," he told her with a sigh before moving to kiss her quickly on the lips. She caught his head, intending to hold him to her for just a second more. A second lengthened, his moan dulled her senses, and she nearly forgot that they had company of the worst sort.

  "Hellion. " Lance moved back before she could stop him, though his smile was frankly approving as he gripped her arms and pulled her to her feet. "Go get those reports written. I'll take care of this. "

  "What's there to take care of?" She straightened her shirt as she stared back at her brother.

  "I can see she hasn't changed much," Jonas stated as his lips quirked in amusement.

  "And from the report I heard from the society members outside, she hasn't gotten any slower. "

  "Actually I have," she drawled. "A week ago I wouldn't have hesitated to pull the trigger. "