Read Haunted Love Page 2

  The fire. A huge fire appears in our dreams. Again and again.

  The sky is blue. Absolutely blue. There is no clouds at all. Not even a tiny string.

  I look at her, and she looks at me. We know this is our last chance. The only one that can save the people, including this family.

  I raise my hands. I look at the sky. I pray with all my heart. God, please help.

  I close my eyes. I try my best to feel. To feel the message from the god. But I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing.

  I know the god is waiting. For the last few days, I have been hoping the god may change his mind. But… he hasn’t yet. The silence is telling me he has not and will not, either.

  Now it’s the time…

  Suddenly, the sky is covered by heavy smoke. Black smoke. The dry land is covered by a huge fire.

  Sandra turns back and looks at me. I look at her but say nothing. My lips are trembling, as does my whole body. Stop, I cry in my mind but I say nothing. Absolutely nothing.


  My mind comes back into this world.

  “Sandra?” I whisper.

  “Yes.” She looks at me. Her cheeks are all pale.

  “Did you…” I swallow hard. “Did you see the fire in our dreams?”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “Every time I feel it’s coming, I wake up.” She takes a deep breath. “But I’m so scared. I’m not sure what’s going to happen.” She tries so hard to hold back her tears.

  “Nothing.” I tell her calmly.

  “Are you sure?”

  Am I sure? Absolutely not. But I nod. I don’t want Sandra to worry. “It’s only an illusion.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s a dream. Only a dream.” I close my eyes. I see the fire again. I open my eyes and look at her. “Sandra, it’s over. All over.”

  “But why do I see it come again and again in our dreams?” She sobs.

  Why? I know why. But I can’t tell you, Sandra. I really can’t.

  Chapter Three: Sandra

  Marrying Derek is so natural. Since the day we met, we feel like we are going to be together forever. The funny thing is after that day, our dreams stop completely.

  We meet, we date. He proposes. And we get married. It’s that simple.

  The unromantic part is many things happen later on that were what happened in our dreams. For example, he brings me to the creek where there are flowers everywhere. I know he is going to propose in a few minutes. But still, I’m so excited and so happy.

  Then he picks a tiny dandelion and asks me if I like it. I say yes, knowing that he’s going to present a diamond ring instead and ask me to marry him.

  Who says love is blind? Our love is so foreseeable. Still, that’s the love and romance we enjoy in every second.

  As he wanted, Derek becomes a meteorologist working for the city. I become a free-lance designer. With the clients I have had and the new referrals by word of mouth, I’m very happy with my income.

  Soon, our daughter, Dolly, comes to join us. And soon, she begins to call us Mommy and Daddy. It’s amazing. We tried so hard to teach her to talk. The moment she begins, she won’t stop unless she is asleep. What an angel.

  “Honey, look at this.” The moment Derek is in the door, he pulls out a piece of newspaper.

  “What’s so exciting?” I smile.

  “Look, we can buy a house now.”

  I shake my head.

  “Derek. Are you sure you are talking about a house, not an apartment?”

  “Positive.” He grins.

  “Do you know how much of a down payment we need just to buy a one bedroom house in Columbus?”

  He rolls his eyes.

  “Ah… no. Sorry. I don’t.”

  “See?” I give him a big kiss. “Let’s stick to our five-year plan.”

  “Hey, you have to think different.”

  “That’s ‘think differently’. Okay?” I have to teach him some basic language stuff.

  “Right. Differently.” He smiles. “Now, listen.” He put the piece of newspaper on the kitchen table.

  “Daddy, Daddy.” Dolly runs out from her room.

  “Hey, my little angel.” Derek lifts her in the air with both arms. “Tell Daddy what you did today.”

  “I want to eat candies but Mommy won’t let me.” She looks so angry.

  “Come over, Dolly.” I smile. The moment Dolly’s feet touch the floor, she runs into my arms. I look into her eyes. “Dolly, you don’t want cavity in your teeth, do you?”

  She shakes her head.

  “You don’t want black teeth, either, right?”

  She nods.

  “So having two candies a day is enough, okay?”

  She looks at me, blinking her eyes.

  “Okay?” I ask again.

  She nods.

  I sit down at the kitchen table and put Dolly on my lap. “Let’s see what Daddy has for us.”

  “See this, and this.” Derek’s eyes are shining. “And look at the prices.”

  I look. Wow… I can’t believe my eyes. These are beautiful houses. And the prices are unbelievably low.

  “Derek, is it close to Columbus?”

  “Only one hour drive. I can take I-71.” He picks up the iPad and searches for Waynesville, OH on Google Map. “See how close it is?”

  It is close.

  The neighborhood is quiet and beautiful. Located to west of Columbus, Waynesville is a dream town to raise kids and enjoy life. Dolly is going to the elementary school soon. I can literally walk with her to the school. Think about it.

  The Little Miami River runs quietly through the south side of this beautiful town. The river splits into two right in front of the town. The land in between the two river branches becomes an island, ideal for BBQ and other family activities. It’s has a funny name: Peanut Island. On the map, it really looks like a peanut. A big one, of course.

  There is no traffic at all on the street. Everyone knows everyone else in the neighborhood. Soon, Dolly plays with her new friends on the street, running and yelling.

  I sit at the door and watch them play.

  “Honey, come in please.” It’s Derek.

  I walk in. “What’s up?”

  “Come and sit with me.” Derek puts a pillow on the sofa, right beside him.

  “I want to watch Dolly play.”

  “You watched already.” He smiles. “Let me get you some juice.”

  “Thank you, honey.” I sit down. After a short moment, I stand up.

  “Going to check again?” Derek smiles, shaking his head.

  “I’m worried.” I say.

  “Come on, Sandra. This is Waynesville, not Columbus.”

  Right. I know it’s safe. But as a mom, you know…


  “Mommy, Mommy, give me the camera please.” Dolly runs to me. She takes the camera and runs away immediately.

  We have been in the Exhibition Hall for over two hours. Dolly is very excited. She likes everything: The life size models of bears, eagles, turtles, deer, crocodiles, and big dinosaurs.

  She takes a few pictures quickly. Then she see a big, flashing button on the leg of a T Rex.

  “Mommy, Mommy, come over. Quick.”

  I rush over.

  “What’s this for?” She points at the button.

  “Oh, that. To make the T-Rex move.” I smile.

  “Really?” Her eyes widen. “Can I push it?”

  “Sure. Why not?” I smile. “Try it.”

  The button has built-in light. It flashes like the warning lights on the cop’s car. Dolly reaches for it and then stops. She turns back to look at me.

  “Try it.” I say softly.

  She pushes the button lightly. Nothing happens.

  “Punch it.” I say.

  She punches hard. The T-Rex lowers its head and op
ens its huge mouth. Roar

  Its eyes are flashing.

  “Ouch.” Dolly jumps back. Then she claps her hands and laughs. “Dinosaur. It talks.”


  Dolly stares at the dinosaur and roars back…

  Chapter Four: Sandra

  “Mommy, Mommy, come over.” Dolly drags me. “Quick.” she urges.

  “See, a doll.” She points.

  The doll is about one or two feet tall and very old. It’s gray all over. Her eyes, cheeks, lips, and clothes are all gray.

  Poor girl. I shake my head. She must have been as colorful as a Barbie when she was new.

  I walk around a bit to see her side and back. Suddenly, I feel like her gray eyes are following me. What? I take a deep breath and step back. My heart sinks. Gosh. This can’t be true.

  I try hard to calm down. Sandra, this is the twenty first century, okay? This is not the age of witches and ghosts. I take a quick look again. Good, those gray eyes are staring emptily far, far away.

  “Thanks, God. You did scare me.” I look at the doll and smile.

  She smiles back. I see her mouth move, I swear. It’s not a nice girl’s smile. It’s a kind of… smirk. Yes. Smirk. The corners of her mouth move up a bit but her lips turn thin. Really thin. That looks… vicious, I have to say.

  What’s going on? Didn’t I get enough sleep last night? I blink my eyes and gather my courage. I look again. There is no smile on her worn, all-gray face. Good.

  “Mommy, what’s the doll’s name?” Dolly asks.

  “Sorry, honey, I don’t know.” I’m still trying to calm down. Then I notice there is a description beside the doll. “Let me check out, honey.”

  The description is very small. I move closer and bend down to read.

  In 1888, this doll was given to Coen Argyle of New York. The doll had previously been used in no fewer than 130 exorcisms. Mr. Argyle and his friends used the doll in exorcism when mischievous spirits haunted the doll. Mr. Argyle had often commented on the doll looking at him on numerous occasions and blinking or smiling...

  Goosebumps explode on my arms right away. Is this doll really haunted? I remember her eyes followed me. And she gave a smirk, too.

  Chill craws up along my spine. Gosh. Can this haunting thing real? Come on, Sandra. This is the twenty first century, not the fourteenth. I try to calm down.

  I take a deep breath. Silly. This can’t be real. But… I feel like the doll is watching me again. Should I check it out? I know this is not the best thing to do. But I can’t say no to my curiosity. Sandra. This is in the daylight. There is sunshine everywhere. I tell myself.

  I raise my eyes a bit. I see the doll’s face. It’s all gray and dull. Absolutely motionless and lifeless. I stand up, look at the doll, and smile. Sandra. See, you are scaring yourself.

  Suddenly, I see the doll tilts her head back a little bit. She looks at me. That smirk appears at the corners of her mouth again. The eyes turn semi-transparent. I see green lights beam out from the eyes.

  Huh…? I step back right away. The doll’s face turns gray and dull again. The green beams disappear from her eyes completely.

  What’s going on? Is this illusion? Maybe I need more sleep? Maybe I’m too tired from unpacking things for our new home?

  But, the doll’s head still tilts up, facing me. I can tell for sure because I can see the wooden joints between her head and her neck now.

  Gosh. What’s going on? Where’s Dolly? We need to leave now.

  I turn around and look for Dolly.

  “Mommy, Mommy.” Dolly pulls my hand. “Wow, see how pretty this doll is. Can we bring her home?”

  What? I take a deep breath to calm down.

  “Dolly, this doll is for exhibition. We can’t bring her home.”

  “Mommy, Mommy, look at her blue skirt. It’s so beautiful.”

  “Oh, Dolly. That’s gray.” My voice is trembling. I want to get Dolly as far away as I can from this doll now. “Let’s go.” I pull her hand very hard.

  “Please wait, Mommy.” Dolly refuses to go.

  “Hi, my name is Dolly. What’s your name?” She talks to the doll.

  “Dolly, let’s go.” I try to get her moving.

  “Mommy, please wait. I’m talking to my new friend.”

  “Huh?” I’m totally shocked.

  Dolly struggles very hard and frees her hand from mine. She looks at the doll for a few moments.

  “Oh, Maya. Nice to meet you.”

  “Dolly, please…” I beg.

  “Mommy, Mommy, can I hug Maya?” Dolly sounds so happy.

  “Oh, no.” My head turns all blank. Gosh. Come on. Let’s leave now.

  Dolly steps ahead.

  “Stop.” I yell. I jump over and pull her body away from that doll but it’s too late. Dolly’s hand touches the doll’s gray skirt.

  “Ouch.” Dolly screams. She pulls her hand back quickly. Her eyes widen as big as they can. She looks at the doll and gasps. Her breath is short and heavy.

  After a while, Dolly says, “It’s okay, Maya. I accept your apology.”

  “Dolly, are you okay?” I hold her hand.

  “Mommy, Mommy, please meet my new friend, Maya.” She pushes me to the doll.

  I try so hard to stand still. My body is all shaking. “Dolly,” I try to keep my voice calm. “Are you seeing a girl in blue skirt?”

  “Yeah. She’s right here. Can’t you see her?” She looks at me. Then she frowns, “Mommy, why are her teeth all black?” She turns to the doll and says, “Maya, do you brush your teeth every day?”

  She waits for a short moment and then continues, “Never? Are you serious, Maya? That’s yucky.”

  She turns to me, “Mommy, can we bring Maya home and help her brush her teeth?”

  I look at the doll. I see only a lifeless, motionless, gray, old doll. Dolly must be seeing a vicious spirit I can’t see. We have to go now.

  This cursed doll. I feel so sorry for bringing Dolly to this exhibition. Suddenly, my belly tightens. I remember something. It’s an old saying that if you touch a cursed doll, you become cursed, too.

  Gosh. Dolly touched the doll’s skirt moments ago. Then she began to talk with this invisible Maya. Did this cursed doll get her hands on Dolly? Is this vicious spirit trying to hurt Dolly?

  I feel like the sky is falling down. The ground is breaking apart.

  “Dolly, let’s go.” I grab Dolly’s hand and begin to walk outside.

  Chapter Five: Dolly

  Mommy is pulling so hard. I almost fall down.

  “Mommy, Mommy, please wait.”

  Mommy stares at me. She's never looked so angry. “Let’s go.” She sounds so angry, too.

  “Mommy, I want to play with Maya.” I try to pull my hand away but I can’t.

  “No, you don’t.” Mommy stops and roars. Why is she so angry with me today?

  “She’s my best friend.” I want to play with my new best friend.

  “She’s not.” Mommy is loud. “She’s only an old, gray doll.”

  “Huh?” I look at Maya. She is smiling at me. Her hair is black. Her cheeks are pink. Her new skirt is blue. Her leather shoes are shining. She is the most beautiful doll I’ve ever seen.

  “Mommy, see how beautiful her skirt is? And see her cheeks. I want to kiss her cheeks. Can I, Mommy, can I?”

  “Dolly.” Mommy yells. I’m so scared. I want to cry. I know I shouldn’t cry but my tears come out. I don’t know why Mommy is so angry with me.


  Mommy bends down and hug me, “I’m sorry, Dolly, that I yelled at you. I’m sorry, okay?”

  “Mommy.” I smile, wiping my tears.

  “Dolly,” Mommy says. “You have Barbies and fashion dolls. Don’t you like them any more?”

  “Yes, I do.” I say. “But Ma
ya is so special.”

  “Why?” Mommy asks.

  “Because she talks. She is like a real girl.” I look at Maya. She is smiling and waving. “See, Mommy, she is smiling. And she promised to be my best, best friend for the rest of my life.”

  Mommy looks at Maya. Her eyes grow big. Very big. But she doesn’t say hi. I think she should. She should be nice to my new friend.

  “Mommy, please say hi to Maya.” I ask. “See her green eyes? See how beautiful they are?” I don’t know why Maya’s green eyes are shining. They are like the traffic light. Shining. Wow… They are absolutely beautiful. I wish I had the same eyes.

  Mommy stands up. “Let’s go.” She pulls me.