Read Havoc Page 11



  It seemed to Louise that she had scarcely been in bed an hour whenthe more confidential of her maids--Annette, the Frenchwoman--wokeher with a light touch of the arm. She sat up in bed sleepily.

  "What is it, Annette?" she asked. "Surely it is not mid-day yet?Why do you disturb me?"

  "It is barely nine o'clock, Mademoiselle, but MonsieurBellamy--Mademoiselle told me that she wished to receive him wheneverhe came. He is in the boudoir now, and very impatient."

  "Did he send any message?"

  "Only that his business was of the most urgent," the maid replied.

  Louise sighed,--she was really very sleepy. Then, as the thoughtsbegan to crowd into her brain, she began also to remember. Somepart of the excitement of a few hours ago returned.

  "My bath, Annette, and a dressing-gown," she ordered. "Tell MonsieurBellamy that I hurry. I will be with him in twenty minutes."

  To Bellamy, the twenty minutes were minutes of purgatory. She cameat last, however, fresh and eager; her hair tied up with ribbon, sheherself clad in a pink dressing-gown and pink slippers.

  "David!" she cried,--"my dear David--!"

  Then she broke off.

  "What is it?" she asked, in a different tone.

  He showed her the headlines of the newspaper he was carrying.

  "Tragedy!" he answered hoarsely. "Von Behrling was true, afterall,--at least, it seems so."

  "What has happened?" she demanded.

  Bellamy pointed once more to the newspaper.

  "He was murdered last night, within fifty yards of the place of ourrendezvous."

  A little exclamation broke from Louise's lips. She sat downsuddenly. The color called into her cheeks by the exercise of herbath was rapidly fading away.

  "David," she murmured, "is this true?"

  "It is indeed," Bellamy assured her. "Not only that, but there isno mention of his pocket-book in the account of his murder. It musthave been engineered by Streuss and the others, and they have gotaway with the pocket-book and the money."

  "What can we do?" she asked.

  "There is nothing to be done," Bellamy declared calmly. "We aredefeated. The thing is quite apparent. Von Behrling neversucceeded, after all, in shaking off the espionage of the men whowere watching him. They tracked him to our rendezvous, they waitedabout while I met him. Afterwards, he had to pass along a narrowpassage. It was there that he was found murdered."

  "But, David, I don't understand! Why did they wait until after hehad seen you? How did they know that he had not parted with thepaper in the restaurant? To all intents and purposes he ought tohave done so."

  "I cannot understand that myself," Bellamy admitted. "In fact, itis inexplicable."

  She took up the newspaper and glanced at the report. Then, "Youare sure, I suppose, that this does refer to Von Behrling? He isquite unidentified, you see."

  "There is no doubt about it," Bellamy declared. "I have been tothe Mortuary. It is certainly he. All our work has been invain--just as I thought, too, that we had made a splendid success ofit."

  She looked at him compassionately.

  "It is hard lines, dear," she admitted. "You are tired, too. Youlook as though you had been up all night."

  "Yes, I am tired," he answered, sinking into a chair. "I am worsethan tired. This has been the grossest failure of my career, and Iam afraid that it is the end of everything. I have lost twentythousand pounds of Secret Service money; I have lost the one chancewhich might have saved England. They will never trust me again."

  "You did your best," she said, coming over and sitting on the armof his chair. "You did your best, David."

  She laid her hands upon his forehead, her cheek against his--smoothand cold--exquisitely refreshing it seemed to his jaded nerves.

  "Ah, Louise!" he murmured, "life is getting a little too strenuous.Perhaps we have given too much of it up to others. What do youthink?"

  She shook her head.

  "Dear, I have felt like that sometimes, yet what can we do? Couldwe be happy, you and I, in exile, if the things which we dread werecoming to pass? Could I go away and hide while my countrymen werebeing butchered out of existence?-- And you--you are not the sortof man to be content with an ignoble peace. No, it isn't possible.Our work may not be over yet--"

  There was a knock at the door, and Annette entered with manyapologies.

  "Mademoiselle," she explained, "a thousand pardons, and to Monsieuralso, but there is a gentleman here who says that his business isof the most urgent importance, and that he must see you at once. Ihave done all that I can, but he will not go away. He knows thatMonsieur Bellamy is here, too," she added, turning to him, "andhe says his business has to do with Monsieur as well as Mademoiselle."

  Bellamy almost snatched the card from the girl's fingers. He readout the name in blank amazement.

  "Baron de Streuss!"

  There was a moment's silence. Louise and he exchanged wonderingglances.

  "What can this mean?" she asked hoarsely.

  "Heaven knows!" he answered. "Let us see him together. Afterall--after all--"

  "You can show the gentleman in, Annette," her mistress ordered.

  "If he has the papers," Bellamy continued slowly, "why does he cometo us? It is not like these men to be vindictive. Diplomacy tothem is nothing--a game of chess. I do not understand."

  The door opened. Annette announced their visitor. Streuss bowedlow to Louise--he bowed, also, to Bellamy.

  "I need not introduce myself," he said. "With Mr. Bellamy I havethe honor to be well acquainted. Madame is known to all the world."

  Louise nodded, somewhat coldly.

  "We can dispense with an introduction, I think, Monsieur le Baron,"she said. "At the same time, you will perhaps explain to what Iowe this somewhat unexpected pleasure?"

  "Mademoiselle, an explanation there must certainly be. I know thatit is an impossible hour. I know, too, that to have forced mypresence upon you in this manner may seem discourteous. Yet theurgency of the matter, I am convinced, justifies me."

  Louise motioned him to a chair, but he declined with a little bowof thanks.

  "Mademoiselle," he said, "and you, Mr. Bellamy, we need not wastewords. We have played a game of chess together. You, Mademoiselle,and Mr. Bellamy on the one side--I and my friends upon the other.The honor of Rudolph Von Behrling was the pawn for which we fought.The victory remains with you."

  Bellamy never moved a muscle. Louise, on the contrary, could nothelp a slight start.

  "Under the circumstances," the Baron continued smoothly, "thestruggle was uneven. I do myself the justice to remember that fromthe first I realized that we played a losing game. Mademoiselle,"he added, "from the days of Cleopatra--ay, and throughout thoseshadowy days which lie beyond--the diplomats of the world have beenpowerless when matched against your sex. Rudolph Von Behrling wasan honest fellow enough until he looked into your eyes. Mademoiselle,you have gifts which might, perhaps, have driven from his senses astronger man."

  Louise smiled, but there was no suggestion of mirth in the curl ofher lips. Her eyes all the time sought his questioningly. She didnot understand.

  "You flatter me, Baron," she murmured.

  "No, I do not flatter you, I speak the truth. This plain talkingis pleasant enough when the time comes that one may indulge in it.That time, I think, is now. Rudolph Von Behrling, against my advice,but because he was the Chancellor's nephew, was associated with mein a certain enterprise, the nature of which is no secret to you,Mademoiselle, or to Mr. Bellamy here. We followed a man who, bysome strange chance, was in possession of a few sheets of foolscap,the contents of which were alike priceless to my country andpriceless to yours. The subsequent history of those papers shouldhave been automatic. The first step was fulfilled readily enough.The man disappeared--the papers were ours. Von Behrling was theman who secured them, and Von Behrling it was who retained them.If m
y advice had been followed, I admit frankly that we should haveignored all possible comment and returned with them at once toVienna. The others thought differently. They ruled that we shouldcome on to London and deposit the packet with our Ambassador here.In a weak moment I consented. It was your opportunity, Mademoiselle,an opportunity of which you have splendidly availed yourself."

  This time Louise held herself with composure. Bellamy's brain wasin a whirl but he remained silent.

  "I come to you both," the Baron continued, "with my hands open. Icome--I make no secret of it--I come to make terms. But first ofall I must know whether I am in time. There is one question whichI must ask. I address it, sir, to you," he added, turning toBellamy. "Have you yet placed in the hands of your Government thepapers which you obtained from Von Behrling?"

  Bellamy shook his head.

  The Baron drew a long breath of relief. Though he had maintainedhis savoir faire perfectly, the fingers which for a moment playedwith his tie, as though to rearrange it, were trembling.

  "Well, then, I am in time. Will you see my hand?"

  "Mademoiselle and I," answered Bellamy, "are at least ready tolisten to anything you may have to say."

  "You know quite well," the Baron continued, "what it is that I havecome to say, yet I want you to remember this. I do not come tobribe you in any ordinary manner. The things which are to come willhappen; they must happen, if not this year, next,--if not next year,within half a decade of years. History is an absolute science. Thefuture as well as the past can be read by those who know the signs.The thing which has been resolved upon is certain. The knowledgeof the contents of those papers by your Government might delay thefinal catastrophe for a short while; it could do no more. In thelong run, it would be better for your country, Mr. Bellamy, in everyway, that the end come soon. Therefore, I ask you to perform notraitorous deed. I ask you to do that which is simply reasonablefor all of us, which is, indeed, for the advantage of all of us.restore those papers to me instead of handing them to your Government,and I will pay you for them the sum of one hundred thousand pounds!"

  "One hundred thousand pounds," Bellamy repeated.

  "One hundred thousand pounds!" murmured Louise.

  There was a brief, intense pause. Louise waited, warned by theexpression in Bellamy's face. Silence, she felt, was safest, and itwas Bellamy who spoke.

  "Baron," said he, "your visit and your proposal are both a littleamazing. Forgive me if I speak alone with Mademoiselle for a moment."

  "Most certainly," the Baron agreed. "I go away and leave you--outof the room, if you will."

  "It is not necessary," Bellamy replied. "Louise!" The Baronwithdrew to the window, and Bellamy led Louise into the furthestcorner of the room.

  "What can it mean?" he whispered. "What do you suppose has happened?"

  "I cannot imagine. My brain is in a whirl."

  "If they have not got the pocket-book," Bellamy muttered, "it musthave gone with Von Behrling to the Mortuary. If so, there is achance. Louise, say nothing; leave this to me."

  "As you will," she assented. "I have no wish to interfere. I onlyhope that he does not ask me any questions."

  They came once more into the middle of the room, and the Baronturned to meet them.

  "You must forgive Mademoiselle," said Bellamy, "if she is a littleupset this morning. She knows, of course, as I know and you know,that Von Behrling was playing a desperate game, and that he carriedhis life in his hands. Yet his death has been a shock--has been ashock, I may say, to both of us. From your point of view," Bellamywent on, "it was doubtless deserved, but--"

  "What, in God's name, is this that you say?" the Baron interrupted."I do not understand at all! You speak of Von Behrling's death!What do you mean?"

  Bellamy looked at him as one who listens to strange words.

  "Baron," he said, "between us who know so much there is surely noneed for you to play a part. Von Behrling knew that you werewatching him. Your spies were shadowing him as they have done me.He knew that he was running terrible risks. He was not unpreparedand he has paid. It is not for us--"

  "Now, in God's name, tell me the truth!" Baron de Streuss interruptedonce more. "What is it that you are saying about Von Behrling'sdeath?"

  Bellamy drew a little breath between his teeth. He leaned forwardwith his hands resting upon the table.

  "Do you mean to say that you do not know?"

  "Upon my soul, no!" replied the Baron.

  Bellamy threw open the newspaper before him.

  "Von Behrling was murdered last night, ten minutes after ourinterview."