Read Havoc Page 23



  Laverick, in presenting his card at the box office at Covent Gardenthat evening, did so without the slightest misconception of thereasons which had prompted Mademoiselle Idiale to beg him to becomeher guest. It was sheer curiosity which prompted him to pursue thisadventure. He was perfectly convinced that personally he had nointerest for her. In some way or other he had become connected inher mind with the murder which had taken place within a few yards ofhis office, and in some other equally mysterious manner that murderhad become a subject of interest to her. Either that, or this wasone of the whims of a spoiled and pleasure-surfeited woman.

  He found an excellent box reserved for him, and a measure ofcourtesy from the attendants not often vouchsafed to an ordinaryvisitor. The opera was Samson and Delilah, and even before herwonderful voice thrilled the house, it seemed to Laverick that noperson more lovely than the woman he had come to see had ever movedupon any stage. It appeared impossible that movement so gracefuland passionate should remain so absolutely effortless. Thereseemed to be some strange power inside the woman. Surely her willguided her feet! The necessity for physical effort never onceappeared. Notwithstanding the slight prejudice which he had feltagainst her, it was impossible to keep his admiration altogetherin check. The fascination of her wonderful presence, and then herglorious voice, moved him with the rest of the audience. Heclapped as the others did at the end of the first act, and heleaned forward just as eagerly to catch a glimpse of her when shereappeared and stood there with that marvelous smile upon her lips,accepting with faint, deprecating gratitude the homage of thepacked house.

  Just before the curtain rose upon the second act, there was a knockat his box door. One of the attendants ushered in a short man ofsomewhat remarkable personality. He was barely five feet in height,and an extremely fat neck and a corpulent body gave him almost theappearance of a hunchback. He had black, beady eyes, a blackmoustache fiercely turned up, and sallow skin. His white gloveshad curious stitchings on the back not common in England, and hissilk hat, exceedingly glossy, had wider brims than are usuallyassociated with Bond Street.

  Laverick half rose, but the little man spread out one hand andcommenced to speak. His accent was foreign, but, if not anEnglishman, he at any rate spoke the language with confidence.

  "My dear sir," he began, "I owe you many apologies. It wasMademoiselle Idiale's wish that I should make your acquaintance.My name is Lassen. I have the fortune to be Mademoiselle's businessmanager.

  "I am very glad to meet you, Mr. Lassen," said Laverick. "Willyou sit down?"

  Mr. Lassen thereupon hung his hat upon a peg, removed his overcoat,straightened his white tie with the aid of a looking-glass, brushedback his glossy black hair with the palms of his hands, and tookthe seat opposite Laverick. His first question was inevitable.

  "What do you think of the opera, sir?"

  "It is like Mademoiselle Idiale herself," Laverick answered. "Itis above criticism."

  "She is," Mr. Lassen said firmly, "the loveliest woman in Europeand her voice is the most wonderful. It is a great combination,this. I myself have managed for many stars, I have brought toEngland most of those whose names are known during the last tenyears; but there has never been another Louise Idiale,--never willbe."

  "I can believe it," Laverick admitted.

  "She has wonderful qualities, too," continued Mr. Lassen. "Youracquaintance with her, I believe, sir, is of the shortest."

  "That is so," Laverick answered, a little coldly. He was notparticularly taken with his visitor.

  "Mademoiselle has spoken to me of you," the latter proceeded."She desired that I should pay my respects during the performance."

  "It is very kind of you," Laverick answered. "As a matter of fact,it is exceedingly kind, also, of Mademoiselle Idiale to insistupon my coming here to-night. She did me the honor, as you mayknow, of paying me a visit in the city this morning."

  "So she did tell me," Mr. Lassen declared. "Mademoiselle is agreat woman of business. Most of her investments she controlsherself. She has whims, however, and it never does to contradicther. She has also, curiously enough, a preference for the men ofaffairs."

  Laverick had reached that stage when he felt indisposed to discussMademoiselle any longer with a stranger, even though that strangershould be her manager. He nodded and took up his programme. Ashe did so, the curtain rang up upon the next act. Laverick turneddeliberately towards the stage. The little man had paid his respects,as he put it. Laverick felt disinclined for further conversationwith him. Yet, though his head was turned, he knew very well thathis companion's eyes were fixed upon him. He had an uncomfortablesense that he was an object of more than ordinary interest to thisvisitor, that he had come for some specific object which as yet hehad not declared.

  "You will like to go round and see Mademoiselle," the latterremarked, some time afterwards.

  Laverick shook his head.

  "I shall find another opportunity, I hope, to congratulate her."

  "But, my dear sir, she expects to see you," Mr. Lassen protested."You are here at her invitation. It is usual, I can assure you."

  "Mademoiselle Idiale will perhaps excuse me," Laverick said. "Ihave an engagement immediately after the performance is over."

  His companion muttered something which Laverick could not catch,and made some excuse to leave the box a few minutes later. Whenhe returned, he carried a little, note which he presented toLaverick with an air of triumph.

  "It is as I said!" he exclaimed. "Mademoiselle expects you."

  Laverick read the few lines which she had written.

  I wish to see you after the performance. If you cannot come round or escort me yourself, will you come later to the restaurant of Luigi, where, as always, I shall sup. Do not fail.

  Louise Idiale.

  Laverick placed the note in his waistcoat pocket without immediateremark. Later on he turned to his companion.

  "Will you tell Mademoiselle Idiale," he said, "that I will do myselfthe honor of coming to her at Luigi's restaurant. I have anengagement after the performance which I must keep."

  "You will certainly come?" Lassen asked anxiously.

  "Without a doubt," Laverick promised.

  Mr. Lassen took up his hat...

  "I will go and tell Mademoiselle. For some reason or other sheseemed particularly desirous of seeing you this evening. She hasher whims, and those who have most to do with her, like myself,find it well to keep them gratified. If I do not see you again,sir, permit me to wish you good evening."

  He disappeared with several bows of his pudgy little person, andLaverick was left with another puzzle to solve. He was not in theleast conceited, and he did not for a moment misinterpret thiswoman's interest in him. Her invitation, he knew very well, wasone which half London would have coveted. Yet it meant nothingpersonal, he was sure of that. It simply meant that for somemysterious reason, the same reason which had prompted her to visithim in the city he was of interest to her.

  At a few minutes before eleven Laverick left the place and droveto the stage-door of the Universal Theatre. Zoe came out among thefirst and paused upon the threshold, looking up and down the streeteagerly. When she recognized him, her smile was heavenly.

  "Oh, how nice of you!" she exclaimed, stepping at once into histaxicab. "You don't know how different it feels to hope that thereis some one waiting for you and then to find your hope come true.To-night I was not sure. You had said nothing about it, and yet Icould not help believing that you would be here."

  "I was hoping," he said, "that we might have another supper together.Unfortunately, I have an engagement."

  "An engagement?" she repeated, her face falling.

  Laverick loved the truth and he seldom hesitated to tell it.

  "It is rather an odd thing," he declared. "You remember that womanat Luigi's last night--Mademoiselle Id

  "Of course."

  "She came to my office to-day and gave me six thousand pounds toinvest for her. She made me take her out and show her where themurder was committed, and asked a great many questions about it.Then she insisted that I should go and hear her sing this evening,and I find that I was expected to take her on to supper afterwards.I excused myself for a little while, but I have promised to go toLuigi's, where she will be."

  The girl was silent for a moment.

  "Where are we going now, then?" she asked.

  "Wherever you like. I can take you home first, or I can leave youanywhere."

  She looked at him with a piteous little smile.

  "The last two nights you have spoiled me," she said. "I have somany evil thoughts and I am afraid to go home."

  "I am sorry. If I could think of anything or anywhere--"

  "No, you must take me home, please," said she. "It was selfish ofme. Only Mademoiselle Idiale is such a wonderful person. Do youthink that she will want you every night?"

  "Of course not," he laughed. "Come, I will make an engagement withyou. We will have supper together to-morrow evening."

  She brightened up at once.

  "I wonder," she asked timidly, a few minutes afterwards, "have youheard anything from Arthur? He promised to send a telegram fromQueenstown."

  Laverick shook his head. He said nothing about the marconigram hehad sent, or the answer which he had received informing him thatthere was no such person on board. It seemed scarcely worth whileto worry her.

  "I have heard nothing," he replied. "Of course, he must be half-wayto America by now."

  "There have been no more inquiries about him?" she asked.

  "No more than the usual ones from his friends, and a few creditors.The latter I am paying as they come. But there is one thing youought to do with me. I think we ought to go to his rooms and lockup his papers and letters. He never even went back, you know, afterthat night."

  She nodded thoughtfully.

  "When would you like to do this?"

  "I am so busy just now that I am afraid I can spare no time untilMonday afternoon. Would you go with me then?"

  "Of course... My time is my own. We have no matinee, and I havenothing to do except in the evening."

  They had reached her home. It looked very dark and very uninviting.She shivered as she took her latchkey from the bag which she wascarrying.

  "Come in with me, please, while I light the gas," she begged. "Itlooks so dreary, doesn't it?"

  "You ought to have some one with you," he declared, "especially ina part like this."

  "Oh, I am not really afraid," she answered. "I am only lonely."

  He stood in the passage while she felt for a box of matches and litthe gas jet. In the parlor there was a bowl of milk standing waitingfor her, and some bread.

  "Thank you so much," she said. "Now I am going to make up the fireand read for a short time. I hope that you will enjoy your supper--well,moderately," she added, with a little laugh.

  "I can promise you," he answered, "that I shall enjoy it no more thanlast night's or to-morrow night's."

  She sighed.

  "Poor little me!" she exclaimed. "It is not fair to have to competewith Mademoiselle Idiale. Good night!"

  Something he saw in her eyes moved him strangely as he turned away.

  "Would you like me," he asked hesitatingly, "supposing I get awayearly--would you like me to come in and say good night to youlater on?"

  Her face was suddenly flushed with joy.

  "Oh, do!" she begged. "Do!"

  He turned away with a smile.

  "Very well," he said. "Don't shut up just yet and I will try."

  "I shall stay here until three o'clock," she declared,--"untilfour, even. You must come. Remember, you must come. See."

  She held out to him her key.

  "I can knock at the door," he protested. "You would hear me."

  "But I might fall asleep," she answered. "I am afraid. If you havethe key, I am sure that you will come."

  He put it in his waistcoat pocket with a laugh.

  "Very well," he said, "if it is only for five minutes, I will come."