Read Hawkyn Page 18

  Hawkyn had a heartbeat to decide if he wanted to be nice…or if he wanted to rip Rico’s lungs out of his rib cage the way Hawkyn’s shadow wings had been torn out of his.

  In the next heartbeat, he had his half-brother up against the side of the building, his forearm across his throat. Nice it was. But only because Aurora didn’t need to see any more of Hawk’s violent side.

  “You piece of shit,” he said, keeping his voice level. “You ratted me out to the Council.”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  Hawkyn had to hand it to the guy. He was a weasel, but he was pretty open about it. “I don’t need to ask why, but I want to know what you got out of it.”

  Rico’s grin was all fang. “A clean slate. All my sins gone. Sorry, man, but I had a couple of wing-shrivelers in my past. I needed something juicy to get them removed.”

  As much as Hawkyn hated the answer, he understood it. Ascension was the goal of every Memitim, and when failure meant spending an eternity in the human realm—or worse, it was every angel for himself.

  That was something else Hawkyn planned to change.

  “You’re a bastard,” Hawkyn growled as he shoved away from Rico. “Stay away me, brother. And if you fuck with anyone I care about, you’ll deal with me.” He flared his wings, sending a message of strength his brother would understand. Hawkyn hadn’t played around with his new powers yet, but he already knew that they were far more extensive and powerful than anything Rico could even begin to comprehend.

  Rico nodded, a deep dip of his head, and scurried away like the rat he was.

  “I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” Aurora said as he grasped her hand again and guided her through the mansion on the way to Azagoth’s office. “Are you okay? I can’t imagine my own brother betraying me.”

  “I’m okay.” He smiled down at her. “Really. I’ve been dealing with shithead siblings for centuries. Rico is a product of his human upbringing and Memitim rules that pit us against one another. But shit’s going to change, so that’s all that matters.”

  They stopped at the door to Azagoth’s office, and he had to tamp down butterflies as he knocked.

  A moment later, the office door swung open, and they stepped inside. Azagoth and Lilliana were sitting in the two big leather chairs near the fire. She looked curious, and Hawkyn couldn’t tell what the hell his father was thinking. His expression was a mask, his eyes utterly flat. The guy would slay it at a poker tournament.

  “I heard you got a promotion,” Azagoth said, his voice as flat as his eyes.

  Word traveled fast. Hawkyn had gone straight from the Memitim complex to Aurora’s place, where she’d been busy cleaning up after the battle had practically destroyed her house. Maddox, at least, had taken the human’s body away, the empty, broken shell left behind after the bludgolem died.

  They’d showered, made love, eaten, made love again, and now he was ready to face his father after their blowout.

  “I’m officially the liaison between Sheoul-gra and the Council,” Hawkyn said. “But I can’t do my job if I’m not welcome here.”

  Finally, there was a chink in Azagoth’s non-expressive armor. Just a slight widening of his eyes, but it was there. For a moment.

  “Why would you not be welcome here? I told you it was your choice.”

  “You didn’t try to talk me out of it,” Hawkyn pointed out. “You didn’t give a shit.”

  Azagoth laughed. “If I didn’t give a shit, I wouldn’t have given you a choice at all. Do you think I’m shy about kicking people out of my realm?”

  “He’s not. He’s really, really not.” Lilliana smiled. “Congratulations, Hawkyn. You’ll have to tell us how it happened. From what I understand, the Council created a position and a status for you. That’s...incredible.”

  It was. Made him wonder what role the child Aurora carried would play in the future, if Hawkyn was being rewarded for his own role in conceiving it.

  “I have more incredible news,” he said, barely able to contain his excitement. This was big. Bigger than a relaxing of the rules allowing them to drink. He handed Azagoth a scroll.

  Azagoth broke the seal and started to unroll it. “What is it?”

  “The first batch of names and information you need to find your sons and daughters who are still in the human world.”

  Hawkyn doubted that anyone had ever seen Azagoth as shocked as he was at that moment. The parchment shook as he stared down at it, and when Lilliana reached over to take his hand, he hauled her against him. He just held her like that for a long time, his gaze glued to the scroll, his chest heaving against Lilliana’s cheek.

  “I don’t...” He cleared his throat and looked up at Hawkyn. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “That’s a first,” Lilliana muttered, but she was smiling, and the gratitude in her eyes as she nodded her thanks at Hawkyn made this even better.

  He hadn’t known how she’d react. After all, a lot of small children, in-your-face reminders of her mate’s unions with other females, were going to be invading her territory.

  He should have known Lilliana would be happy for her mate.

  Slowly, as if emotions were weighing him down, Azagoth came over to Hawkyn.

  “Thank you,” he said roughly. “ incredible.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way,” Hawkyn said, “but I’m surprised this was so important to you. You barely acknowledge our existence most of the time. Why bring in even more of us?”

  Azagoth glanced over at Lilliana, who smiled reassuringly. When he turned back to Hawkyn, there was warmth in his gaze. Not hot flames of malevolence, but genuine, warm emotion.

  “My life was devoid of meaning for a long time,” Azagoth said. “I had a duty, but not a life. Lilliana brought life to me, and my sons and daughters have brought even more. I thought I didn’t have room for it all, but I do. I just have to remember not to fight it.”

  Hawkyn had no idea what that meant, but Lilliana did, and even through the joy in her expression, he thought he saw a flicker of worry. But maybe that was just his imagination.

  “I understand Azagoth has a new grandchild on the way?” Lilliana said, coming to her feet. “Congratulations, you two. I’m guessing there’s a lot for you to work out now.”

  Aurora nodded vehemently. They still had to figure out where they were going to live while Aurora’s house was being repaired, they had baby plans to make, and before the baby came, they had to get to know each other even more.

  He was going to enjoy every second he spent learning about her—inside and out.

  “I’m happy for you,” Azagoth said, and in a shocking move, he wrapped his arm around Hawkyn’s neck and hauled him in for a brief, powerful hug. “And I’m proud of you.”

  Hawkyn’s eyes stung. He’d never had a parent. Even after he’d moved here, Azagoth had been less a father and more a dictator. His affection had been fleeting, as intangible as a ghost. He’d felt it now and then, but in an instant it would be gone, and Hawk would wonder if it had truly been there at all.

  This time, there was no doubt.

  For the first time in his life, he had no doubts about anything. For the moment, life was perfect.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Finally something had gone his way. Azagoth was going to have all his young children here, delivered out of their human hells and raised with brothers and sisters who shared similar experiences. His kids would be happy, well cared for, and he planned to play an active role in their upbringing.

  He never would have imagined that any of this could happen. Hell, he hadn’t wanted it to happen. Not for thousands of years. Lilliana had changed him, and it was absolutely for the better. Sure, there was the downside of experiencing things like hurt and guilt, but love was worth it.

  Lilliana was worth it.

  He swept into the bedroom, prepared to sweep her into his arms and show her what she meant to him. He was going to spend a full day doing nothing but spoiling her. Feeding her the be
st food. Bathing her in a tub full of Champagne. Tending to her every want and need.

  But the second he stepped across the threshold, he knew something was wrong.

  Terror formed like a hot coal in his belly, turning to downright panic when he saw the note on his pillow.

  His hand shook as he picked it up the lavender-scented paper, and his eyes grew blurry as he read his mate’s flowing script.

  My Love,

  You are my world. You know that. I’ve never been happier than I have been since I met you, and you’ve said the same about me. But right now I think we’re both overwhelmed by the changes in our lives and the emotions those changes have unearthed. You have so many children you need to get to know and to understand, and you need to do it on your own. I can’t help anymore, not when my presence is causing confusion.

  As for myself, you know I love your sons and daughters. Well, I love many of them. Others I’m still getting to know. Still others...well, there are a few who vex me and a couple who actively despise me, and I’m not overly fond of them either. No matter what, though, I want your family around us, and I’m excited for all the little ones who will be saved from miserable lives in the human world and who will be brought to Sheoul-gra to know their siblings and father.

  You need to handle it yourself. You’ll be fine. I know you will.

  I won’t be gone long, I don’t think, but I promise, I’ll be back.

  I love you.


  The letter slipped from Azagoth’s numb fingers. He watched it float to the floor as he sank to his knees, his legs unable to support the weight of his grief.

  Lilliana had left him. He didn’t know how she’d done it, given that she’d been all but locked inside Sheoul-gra by archangels, but somehow, she’d escaped.

  She said it was temporary, and he believed her. So as much as he wanted to scream, to throw Sheoul-gra into chaos, he had to resist. He had to justify her faith in him.

  He’d welcome his new children and make things right with the ones already living here.

  And then he’d fight like hell to get Lilliana back and to make sure she never left again.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It had been almost a month since Aurora’s house had been nearly destroyed by two Memitim angels and a bludgolem, and today was the day she and Hawkyn could finally move in. She’d loved staying with his sister Idess and her mate, Lore, and their son, Mace, while contractors put her house back together, but it was way past time to have some privacy.

  “I’ll just be happy to not hear them at all hours of the day,” Hawkyn had grumbled as they were packing. “Sex demons, man. How does Idess handle it?”

  Aurora had promptly stuck her hand down his pants. “Are you saying I could ever wear you out?”

  “Not a chance,” he’d said, returning the favor.

  Idess and Lore were probably tired of hearing them, too.

  Hawkyn dumped their bags on the new living room floor and looked around. Furniture would be there this afternoon, making the already small space even smaller. They’d discussed moving, but she loved this place, and until the baby was born, she wanted to be comfortable and stable. Hawk had agreed, understanding that she’d been through a lot, with more to come, and this was home.

  It was going to be even more of a home with Hawkyn in it.

  “I think we should check out the bedroom,” he said. “Make sure it’s up to par.”

  She frowned. “The bedroom wasn’t damaged.”

  He waggled his brow, and her knees went weak. “Wanna do some damage?”

  Oh, yes. Yes, she did. She wanted to do a lot of damage. “Are we talking wrecking ball damage, or sledgehammer to the studs kind of damage?”

  Flashing to her, he swept her up and hauled her to the bedroom. “Sledgehammer. You’re pregnant. But after the baby... I’ll get out the wrecking balls.”

  She laughed and wedged her hand between their bodies so she could cup him through his jeans. “I think I’ll be the one wrecking balls.”

  His groan vibrated every erogenous zone as he laid her out on the bed, and by the time he’d stripped her of every scrap of clothing and spread her out on the comforter, she was on fire.

  “Don’t move,” he told her in a commanding voice that she didn’t dare disobey. Hell, no. She wasn’t going to risk screwing up whatever he had planned for her.

  It was funny how she had more sexual experience than he did, and yet he had an erotic instinct that couldn’t be taught or learned. He could read her every breath, every shiver, every twitch of her muscles. He knew what she wanted and when. How fast, how hard, how dirty.

  She watched him strip, loving how his supple bronze skin rippled over powerful muscles that moved with fluid grace and machine-like efficiency. Every time he removed an article of clothing, he did something to her. His T-shirt earned her a tender peck on the lips. His boots a lingering kiss on the neck. He sucked her nipples into his mouth, laving them with attention after he tossed his socks aside.

  Soon, he was left only in jeans, no underwear, and her body grew liquid with anticipation. As he worked his fly with nimble fingers, she squirmed, whimpering when his hand went still and he shook his head.

  “I told you not to move.”


  “Nope.” He lifted his hands, holding them up so they weren’t doing what they were supposed to be doing, which was either get him naked or get her off. “Spread your legs. Wider. There you go. I want to see all of you.”

  She growled with frustration. “You’re so cruel.”

  His casual shrug would have made her laugh if her entire body wasn’t throbbing with desire right now. “I do take after my father in some ways, I guess.”

  Man, she loved that he was able to speak about Azagoth with easy affection now. Hawkyn’s job required him to work closely with his father, and Azagoth had been making real efforts to include not only Hawkyn, but all of his children, in Gra business. Before, the Memitim had only lived there, and Azagoth had been their landlord. Now Azagoth was trying to make Sheoul-gra a home.

  Of course, it wasn’t easy. Azagoth was famous for not being one to share, for making bargains that overwhelmingly benefitted him, and for being extremely distrustful. With Lilliana “on vacation,” he’d been moody, but Hawkyn said the moods were more often good ones than bad ones now.

  But even on the bad days that made Hawkyn moody as well, he’d come to her, and she’d taken it all away. Sometimes she’d knead away his tension with a massage that always turned hot, and other times he’d feed from her. Gently. Tenderly. Taking just enough from her to energize them both.

  “Can we not talk about your father and instead talk about how you’re going to take your pants off?” she asked as she gripped the mattress hard to keep her hands from ripping the rest of his clothes off herself.

  “You want me to talk about taking off my pants?” He reached down and popped a button, revealing the plum-ripe head of his erection. “Wouldn’t you rather I talk about what I’m going to do to you after I take them off?”

  “Oh, yes,” she breathed. “Tell me.”

  He freed another button, exposing a mouthwatering length of his dusky shaft. “I’m going to lick you everywhere, but I’m not going to tease you.” Another button. More shaft and more mouth watering. “I’m going to dive right between your legs and fill you with my tongue. I’m going to do that thing you like, you know, when I curl my tongue when it’s deep inside and hit you in that place that makes you come over and over.”

  Oh, God, she was practically there already. Anticipation made her core clench and her breasts ache. She couldn’t keep her body still, her hips grinding on the mattress, her pelvis tilting up, inviting him to hurry.

  “That’s it,” he murmured in a taut, husky voice. “Lift your knees. Dig your heels into the mattress so I can see all of you.”

  Cheeks burning with both lust and a bit of shy inhibition, she did what he wanted, loving how his eyes went half-
lidded and hotly possessive, and his chest heaved with a shuddering breath.

  “That’s it, baby.” He popped the last button, freeing his straining erection.

  He didn’t even wait to shove down his pants. He did exactly what he’d said he’d do and dove between her legs, thrusting his tongue inside her. A shout of ecstasy tore from her throat as he pressed the tip of his tongue against that spot he’d spoken of, sending her instantly, wildly, into her first orgasm.

  He gripped her hips as he worked her through it, licking and sucking, and before the first one ended, another queued up right behind it.

  “You taste so good,” he moaned against her, and the vibrations triggered yet another blinding climax.

  She felt as though she were drowning in pleasure, like there was nothing around her except Hawkyn. Never had she been so happy. Never had she felt so cherished. And when he reared up and entered her in one smooth, almost violent motion, she realized she’d never been so freaking alive.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he purred before his mouth found hers in a hot, urgent kiss.

  He ground against her, his hips churning between her legs, and she lost herself to the passion he so easily brought out in her. Electric strikes of sensation sizzled at the tip of every nerve ending, making her lose control. She arched upward, spreading her legs even wider, demanding every inch he could give her.

  A rumble of approval echoed in his chest and throat as he kissed a path across her cheek and changed up the rhythm of his thrusts, keeping her off balance, forcing her to concentrate on every delicious stroke. Good Lord, she burned for him, couldn’t get enough. She quivered with the need to come, but he kept her right on the edge with his incredible ability to adjust and adapt his touch, his thrusts, his hot breath as it fanned over her ear.

  Dragging her hands down his back, she caressed every muscle, massaging with her fingers as she worked her way to his buttocks. She gripped him firmly, digging in as she locked her legs around his and met his thrusts with eager ones of her own. When her nails scored him, he went crazy, pumping into her in a frenzy. The slick, hot friction became too much, and she screamed his name as she finally went over the edge.